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Everything posted by JohnScott

  1. No. My free 30 days ends on June 9 and I don't plan to resub. The only way I will consider coming back is if I will still get a free character transfer and some free game time to see if the game is worth coming back to. I've looked forward to this game coming out for a number of years and regularly checked the website for any little update on the game. With this post, I realize that I'm truely over this game and will be moving on (haven't logged on in some time). I was really looking forward to getting addicted to this game, but it just never happened.
  2. It seems as though the owners (EA), are being realistic about this game and see that the problem with the game is in the basic design/model of the game itself. Voice over is a great idea on paper, but it's not enough to replace other aspects that make a game fun to play, and unfortuenately BW put all their eggs into one basket (voice over). The game doesn't have a viable future that is worth dedicating the neccessary resources to it, as made obvious with the lost 400,000 subscriptions. This is why there are layoffs. I wonder what if feels like to think you have a truly amazing and groundbreaking game that you've been working on for the past 8 years of your life only to see it fail within the first 6 months. In my opinion, the top staff should have been fired before now for delivering such a poor job with the amount of resources they were given.
  3. The worlds are amazingly dead. One of my biggest disappointments with the game is the lack of imp/pub interaction and how static the worlds were. The very first part of the trooper/smuggler opening area was deceptively fun and exciting. Everything else was dull.
  4. I'm sure BW would rather us post our rants here (relatively unknown swtor forums) than on other social media outlets. The damage that a single unsatisfied customer can do online is enormus.
  5. I also wanted this game to be a success. Once my sub runs out, I hope to be done with these types of games.
  6. The only major problem I saw with it was all the people that were standing around on the fleet. This event made it harder to find a group because a large amount of people were on the fleet but they weren't doing anything except dying. I wish the devs would have been trying to be this innovative when they were originally designing the game. Voice over is nice and it was a huge undertaking but I don't feel it's a major inovation (just an obvious improvement).
  7. You hit the nail on the head. 100% agree. Except patch 1.2 fixed everything (sarcasm). I still can't believe that I went from level 1 to 50 and only saw one enemy. I think the flaw with this game is in the original design, for all the reasons you stated. The problem, for me, is at the core of what this game is and as a result, I don't think the game can be saved. At this point, they have such a bad reputation and I don't think they will be able to change people's perception of the game (you only have one chance to make a first impression). The only thing this game really has to offer is the voice over and althought it was a huge undertaking, it really isn't that big of a deal. I also looked forward to this game being something special.
  8. I don't see the point in a server only LFG option. There's not that many people on my server so it would still take forever to find a group.
  9. I'd like to see the Cross Server LFG. The worlds are dead, in large part due to all of the individual instances that come with having a class story. So I don't see how that can be fixed with a single server. No real player interaction in the worlds was probably my biggest dissappointment with the game (only saw 1 republic on my entire way to 50). There's a large portion of players in this game who would rather spend their limited time playing the game versus spamming LFG in the chat. Merging servers seems like the only real way to increase everything (community, world interaction, and grouping) but it probably won't happen. So Cross Server LFG is it. Crosser Server LFG is probably the only thing that will get me to resub at the end of this month.
  10. No combat logs! It takes the fun out of raiding for those of us who play games for fun.
  11. I hate to be the doom and gloom type, but I agree that there is a problem with declining populations. Not long ago, during prime time, the server I'm on regularly had just over 200 population on the fleet. Now it barely peaks over 100. Finding a group is rediculously hard. I've put my account on hold for a bit and will come back in the future (more than likely) and will hopefully find the game in better health.
  12. This is a really great idea! I also like the idea of legacy banks. I hope Bioware sees our posts and decides to implement this idea!
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