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Why is my loading screen times so long?


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I don't know if this is just me but...


I went back to wow the other day (They gave me 7 days free so I decided to pop back in). WoW's loading screen, no addons is about 5 to 10 seconds. With dozens of addons, it's about 2 minutes. Other MMOs that I've played are about the same lengh.


SWTOR's loading screen is a whopping 5 to 10 MINUTES or longer. My PC is moderately powerful (Core i7, Windows 7, 6 GB ram, 1GB dedicated video memory, plenty of harddrive space).


Am the only one suffering these extended loading times? If not, anyone know what I can do about it?

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Am the only one suffering these extended loading times? If not, anyone know what I can do about it?


You are definitely not the only one. I'm one of those players who really enjoys SWTOR, and the long loading screen is probably my only real frustration. Some people report somewhat better loading times with SSDs. I have a tired SATA II drive. I don't know that there is even real conensus on whether the loading time is because the client is loading form the server or from the disk. Check in the Customer Service forum.

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I'm running on an incredible system.. core i7 16gb ram, 2 6970s in crossfire.


Windows is on an SSD raid 0 array, tor is on a completely seperate SSD drive.


some planets still take 3-4 min. (not exaggerating) to load... taris is a good example.

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It's not an exaggeration. My loading times can actually come in at 10 minutes.


Then I sincerely feel bad for you. I have an i5 with 8 ram and the largest planets take no more then 1.5-2 mins. And those are planets like Tatoonie. Something's a miss.

Edited by MrSchmo
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10 mins? I'm sure that's an exaggeration. They shouldn't take more then a minute. 2 tops.


My wife and I have similar laptops although mine has SSD, a little more ram, slightly faster CPU, etc... Mine was New this February, hers was new last February, but the difference is night and day. I load into planets in a couple of minutes tops, she is often loading in the 7-8 minute range. It's not like her computer is that old.


Why is my loading screen times so long?


I think they need to get new hamsters to power the hero engine or something ;)

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I don't remember ssd as a game requirement.


Also wow crushes this game's load times and is just as big and has fewer loads so in some sense is loading bigger areas. The people who are defending TOR please give me your computer.

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1.2 did something to load times on my setup, and it's most noticeable when the progress bar reaches about 20% then it stalls for a while. Although no where near 10 minutes, but there's still something 'wrong'.

Plus when it loads, it does very little system wise , so I'm inclined to think it's either a request which times out or something similar.


Plenty of RAM, plenty of CPU, fast enough HDD etc. It's definitely not system issue but client issue.

Edited by xandax
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I rarely have a loading time take longer than 30 seconds and never more than a minute on my single character on a server. I don't see how you can blame a particular machines hardware with an internet issue. The loading time is verifying software setups, mobs. other players, your previous missions that have been accepted/completed and setting them up locally on your machine. Notice how much longer it takes to load the higher levels you become over your very first character? And don't say it happens on a new character now. Because of the legacy system it also verifies everything with all of your characters.


Maybe this is the issue developers need to look at. The more stuff you have the loner it takes to check and render it. Most of the people complaining have systems far beyond the spec requirements.

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You are definitely not the only one. I'm one of those players who really enjoys SWTOR, and the long loading screen is probably my only real frustration. Some people report somewhat better loading times with SSDs. I have a tired SATA II drive. I don't know that there is even real conensus on whether the loading time is because the client is loading form the server or from the disk. Check in the Customer Service forum.


Even on my SSD it can still be painful ... but its obviously just our poor low end PC's not the game performance itself according to BW... so we will have to suck it up.. well for me its only another 23 days to suck it up... even moving to a populated server only brings the old perfomance issues back thro the cracks... and my i7 system is more than moderate.. tho strangely my old HP laptop seems to cope marginally better....

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I rarely have a loading time take longer than 30 seconds and never more than a minute on my single character on a server. I don't see how you can blame a particular machines hardware with an internet issue. The loading time is verifying software setups, mobs. other players, your previous missions that have been accepted/completed and setting them up locally on your machine. Notice how much longer it takes to load the higher levels you become over your very first character? And don't say it happens on a new character now. Because of the legacy system it also verifies everything with all of your characters.


Maybe this is the issue developers need to look at. The more stuff you have the loner it takes to check and render it. Most of the people complaining have systems far beyond the spec requirements.


I can get behind this notion -

Just opening my crafting panel can be a mare tbh.. the more recipes I aquire or re-eningger the worse the delays get.. something is definately amiss and we all know about the inventory lag, the FPS spiking in populated area... the busier the server the more evident it becomes at far as I and a few mates are concerned.

I dread to think what its gunna be like wif the server transfers do actually have a positive effect on server pops.. cos I see some of those performance issues threads being re-ignited and more players geeting fed-up.. although of course with no Illum train wrecks to complain about they might just be able to paint the cracks over a while longer...

Edited by Bloodstealer
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10 minutes loading screen time, seriously?! haha

Maybe if your PC is on par with a refrigerator from the 80's...


Gee you add alot to the discussion.. you must be AAA grad from one of the big ones with that kinda of intellectual response.. are you able to form whole sentences yet...

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What a lot of people don't realize with an MMO is that the gaming world is not just on one server. Instances can be spread over several different servers that take time to connect with. On the other hand there are several different MMO games that can have several complete worlds on a single server and the lag connecting to one world can also effect a few more. The footprint of these games is not so big that it requires a single machine per world. It's setting up all of the simultaneous connections that cause most of the in game issues.
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Gee you add alot to the discussion.. you must be AAA grad from one of the big ones with that kinda of intellectual response.. are you able to form whole sentences yet...


To what discussion?

Discussion about your 10 minutes loading time which in my humble opinion is a flat out out lie considering that my OLD Intel C2D E7200 @ 3.16ghz with 4GB RAM and Radeon 6850 takes less than a minute to bypass any loading screen.

If you really wanted to discuss this you should have made this topic in the customer support section where it belongs.

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