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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

BW must start to 3 days ban ppl that macro to stay in game


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enough of those stupids 2500 queues that last 7h cuz nobody quit out of game, BW u need to do like ncsoft with aion and start ban macroers now!! Not tomorrow, Now!! A good 3 days ban would be fair, since there would be no queue at all if u start clean servers of those frikin nerds that lefts their pc on 24/7 with easymacro in background


thusday will be a really bad bad day for u, bw, if u dont begin to clean servers today, i told u that

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enough of those stupids 2500 queues that last 7h cuz nobody quit out of game, BW u need to do like ncsoft with aion and start ban macroers now!! Not tomorrow, Now!! A good 3 days ban would be fair, since there would be no queue at all if u start clean servers of those frikin nerds that lefts their pc on 24/7 with easymacro in background


thusday will be a really bad bad day for u, bw, if u dont begin to clean servers today, i told u that


What Macros?

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you dont need macro's people are just auto running and going afk , it stupid auto running wont log u out!!!



i constantly get kicked from ques with errors , tried to get online all yesterday & did not get to play due to error 1003 , same again today . Good******ame

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you dont need macro's people are just auto running and going afk , it stupid auto running wont log u out!!!



i constantly get kicked from ques with errors , tried to get online all yesterday & did not get to play due to error 1003 , same again today . Good******ame



Auto running does log you out, they may use it in a vain hope to stay in game but they will still be kicked if not back in time.

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Not sure if the afk debuff comes on for idling in the combat areas of warzones but I hit numlock in huttball while stealthed last night outside the spawn area to run for a pizza I order(5th floor apt I live in) and when I got back approx 6mins later I was still in.


PS: I do not condone afking, we were losing 4-0 at the time and I just wanted end game credit for the work I put in before needing to leave keyboard.

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That would be splitting hair as there already is a Razer MMO mouse with TOR design, and Razer does provide macro capabilities as standard due to the key mapping layout of the mouse it self.


Edit: But I realize... You are probably talking about something else then using macros in game play.

Edited by Xesha
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The game doesnt need macros for you to have them.

Buy yourself a keyboard or keypad with programable keys such as the Logitech G13.

However i think this practice is dispicable, and anyone using it to remain logged in should be perma banned, we dont want that sort of person in this game thank you.

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The game doesnt need macros for you to have them.

Buy yourself a keyboard or keypad with programable keys such as the Logitech G13.

However i think this practice is dispicable, and anyone using it to remain logged in should be perma banned, we dont want that sort of person in this game thank you.


But at the same time it's a symptom of a bigger problem, that there actually is too long queues on too many servers to begin with.

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They aren't macros. I wake up and start playing at 8 and log off when I go to bed at 1 AM.


This, For SCIENCE! On a side note, he is referring to using G15/G19/Razer Nostromo timed chat macros if I understand him correctly. I reported some tool on The Swiftsure yesterday for it. We'll see what happens... :mad: Also, IP Ban Red Zoners who are clogging Swiftsure.

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But at the same time it's a symptom of a bigger problem, that there actually is too long queues on too many servers to begin with.


True but its only a temporary problem.

Remember they stated that in an effort to stop starting areas being to over crowded and reduce the number of times a player is in a heavily camped quest area with everyone scrambling for the same mob, that they where going to run on servers with a low population cap.


They also stated that once the population spreads out a bit they would up the cap limit on the servers.


Now im not saying this is the right choice, i myself have had to queue every night for at least 20 mins, the max being 45, some claim to have queued for double that. I hate queues and im seriously considering not registering my game code (which im still waiting too arrive) until the cap limits have been increased. Im not paying my sub to sit in queues!!!

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I know people are upset about being in a queue, but where is there evidence there is an epidemic of people avoid the AFK logout?


To a certain degree I suppose. If I had to wait for up to 2 hours to get on to my server I'd set a 10-12 minute timer on repeat to go and poke them game when I'm doing other stuff, so I guess it's very hard to prove as well if the supposed macro only does one key stroke every 10-14 minutes.

Edited by Xesha
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True but its only a temporary problem. Now im not saying this is the right choice, i myself have had to queue every night for at least 20 mins, the max being 45, some claim to have queued for double that. I hate queues and im seriously considering not registering my game code (which im still waiting too arrive) until the cap limits have been increased. Im not paying my sub to sit in queues!!!


Queues on The Swiftsure can reach 3+ Hours!! There was a 1700 person queue at 2am... (CST)

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...Also, IP Ban Red Zoners....


If this actually happens im going to hunt you down and kill you! :p


According the EA/BW the Isle of Man (A little island between England and Ireland and part of the British Isles) is a Red Zone!?!?! As such i had to order my game from Amazon.com.

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Queues on The Swiftsure can reach 3+ Hours!! There was a 1700 person queue at 2am... (CST)


Was there a dev post about the EU PvP servers?


EDIT: Hmm cant find it now, coulda swore i saw a dev post or blog regarding EU PvP servers......maybe my brain made it up to fool me.

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