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I post because I care


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I post because I care. I wanted this game to do well and be good, I really did. It's why I criticize the game, because the devs have made a lot of bad decisions and should be told they messed up. I'm tired of so many people giving them passes on everything and ignoring the issues.


This is super critical and essential for Devs to really understand also... If I never gave two cents about the success or failure of a game I would just pack it in and leave... And for me that is a big deal, because I post a ton everywhere regarding what I am passionate about.


I also bought Rift and TERA and not sure if I made one post on either forum. In each of those games I never played more than three days; I knew both were not for me and not what I wanted to commit a TON of time to.


Just like any other relationship, sport, project, hobby, etc, when things start not to go one's way, people can get hurt and tend to lash out. It's because they care and because they want things to improve.


When players say "There is a problem here; this needs to be fixed," the correct responce should not be /closethread, the correct response by the devs should be "There is a problem here; this needs to be fixed."

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Actually, BioWare has promised that there is NO content coming in 1.3. So, if you think they did, you can put it with the rest of the so-called "broken promises".


I have yet to see an actual promise, but whatever. Even with Ranked Warzones they said it's implementation was dependent on testing results. Hard to call that some kind of imagined "promise", but I digress...


Semantics aside you clearly understand the spirit of my post. I stand by my assessment at the top of page 5. BW failed to deliver on quite a few things they have said they would. I have nothing against people who still like this game, my issue is with BW and doesn't require you to agree with me. Your perception is obviously different of the state of the game than mine.

Edited by Xannis
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Semantics aside you clearly understand the spirit of my post. I stand by my assessment at the top of page 5. BW failed to deliver on quite a few things they have said they would. I have nothing against people who still like this game, my issue is with BW and doesn't require you to agree with me. Your perception is obviously different of the state of the game then mine.


Did this dissatisfaction and inability to appreciate the plethora of things that ARE in the game come before or after servers died? I'm curious.

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Did this dissatisfaction and inability to appreciate the plethora of things that ARE in the game come before or after servers died? I'm curious.


My dislike of the game started when I leveled my first character to 50 and experienced end game. He was geared within 2 weeks with all content cleared. I then leveled alts and participated in low-level pvp to keep interested, which was great fun. I stopped playing just a few days before patch 1.2 was released and have logged in only twice since then for a combined total of 20 minutes of playtime.


I have many issues with this game and the general design was just not what I expected or desired. The game mechanics that BW chose to implement were just not appealing to me. I have no issue with others that like/enjoy it, but it's not for me.

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My dislike of the game started when I leveled my first character to 50 and experienced end game. He was geared within 2 weeks with all content cleared. I then leveled alts and participated in low-level pvp to keep interested, which was great fun. I stopped playing just a few days before patch 1.2 was released and have logged in only twice since then for a combined total of 20 minutes of playtime.


I have many issues with this game and the general design was just not what I expected or desired. The game mechanics that BW chose to implement were just not appealing to me. I have no issue with others that like/enjoy it, but it's not for me.


Ok, thanks. So you'd be in the group of the few I mentioned that just don't like the game. Nothing wrong with that, it's expected. Even BW has said that their game is not for everyone.


Hope you find something you enjoy! :)

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That's where we'll have to agree to disagree. I've played MMOs for over a decade now, and I think TOR is very well designed and has plenty going for it. Sure, there's plenty wrong with it, the bugs, the lack of some regular features (which really aren't coming any later than the typical MMO introduces them).


This game has plenty good about it, too. Enough that it should be maintaining a population at least. I'm willing to bet real money that if every server "felt" full, we wouldn't be seeing a drop in subs.


Meh, the only thing the game has going for it is Bioware's writers - the storytelling is AAA.


The gameplay, however, is painfully linear and then the endgame is literally a black hole of void. In other words, the MMO part of the game is terribad - almost as if it was artificially grafted on at the last minute.


The truth is this game reminds me a lot of KOTOR 2 - the development cycle became too bloated and then they eventually just slashed and hacked and did whatever to ship something on time. Of course, the difference is that KOTOR 2 was still pretty good.


I wonder how anyone could continue with this game after they've run through a couple of stories - I've got two 50 Imperials (had to finish the Agent storyline, which was excellent) and when I finish my Jedi Knight I'll be happy to shelve this game.


Every time I walk into those dead NPC towns and the ridiculously-designed fleet (what dev in their right mind wouldn't design their population hub to be wide open and entertaining instead of cramped and set up like a bunch of tunnels?) it's a little depressing.

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Meh, the only thing the game has going for it is Bioware's writers - the storytelling is AAA.


The gameplay, however, is painfully linear and then the endgame is literally a black hole of void. In other words, the MMO part of the game is terribad - almost as if it was artificially grafted on at the last minute.


The truth is this game reminds me a lot of KOTOR 2 - the development cycle became too bloated and then they eventually just slashed and hacked and did whatever to ship something on time. Of course, the difference is that KOTOR 2 was still pretty good.


I wonder how anyone could continue with this game after they've run through a couple of stories - I've got one 50 Imperial and when I finish my Jedi Knight I'll be happy to shelve this game.


Every time I walk into those dead NPC towns and the ridiculously-designed fleet (what dev in their right mind wouldn't design their population hub to be wide open and entertaining instead of cramped and set up like a bunch of tunnels?) it's a little depressing.


Notice I didn't say "we'd see an increase in subs". I said we probably wouldn't see a decrease if every server felt full.


I know this game isn't for everyone, especially the crowd that needs a carrot to follow at endgame. The gear disparity is too shallow for them (even though I think that's a very good thing, hated WoW's gear disparity). Many players just don't care about the journey. And this game will not keep those players for long.


Aside from that, this game actually has more endgame content than even Rift did at 5 months old. I think the issue is that the content that is here isn't difficult enough to keep people trying to beat it for weeks on end.

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Notice I didn't say "we'd see an increase in subs". I said we probably wouldn't see a decrease if every server felt full.


I know this game isn't for everyone, especially the crowd that needs a carrot to follow at endgame. The gear disparity is too shallow for them (even though I think that's a very good thing, hated WoW's gear disparity). Many players just don't care about the journey. And this game will not keep those players for long.


Aside from that, this game actually has more endgame content than even Rift did at 5 months old. I think the issue is that the content that is here isn't difficult enough to keep people trying to beat it for weeks on end.


Fair enough - although Rift cost either half or one fourth or maybe an eighth of KOTOR 3 to develop, depending on whether you believe $100, 200, or 300 million was spent.


You seem reasonable, and I'm sure you're right about the potential to staunch the bleeding - but I wonder if the EA brass has the same confidence?

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Fair enough - although Rift cost either half or one fourth or maybe an eighth of KOTOR 3 to develop, depending on whether you believe $100, 200, or 300 million was spent.


You seem reasonable, and I'm sure you're right about the potential to staunch the bleeding - but I wonder if the EA brass has the same confidence?


I use Rift as an example because, up until now, it has been hailed as an MMO that cranks out content faster than other MMOs before it.


As far as EA brass...pfft, who knows what they base their whims on?

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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I use Rift as an example because, up until now, it has been hailed as an MMO that cranks out content faster than other MMOs before it.


As far as EA brass...pfft, who knows what they base their whims on?




Like I said above, EA is in cut their losses mode. They are not a patient company, and may even be the reason BW refuses to merge servers. In their eagerness to avoid a day of bad PR that would come from mergers, they will have a game with more servers than players.

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Like I said above, EA is in cut their losses mode. They are not a patient company, and may even be the reason BW refuses to merge servers. In their eagerness to avoid a day of bad PR that would come from mergers, they will have a game with more servers than players.


That remains to be seen. I think they refuse to merge servers because it's too buggy and convoluted (especially with this engine and Legacy), so they're going to transfer/shut-down servers instead.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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@OP. You need to re-assess your life. You're seriously buying time cards for "friends"? Stop buying friendship.

Second of all, you are way too passionate for a game. It's unhealthy.

Third. We don't even have a community manager anymore. Rockjaw was that guy, and he got laid off the other day. The higher ups that run this game don't care about you or your online social life.


Sorry to be so rude, but sometimes the blunt truth helps.


I buy game cards *not this game* for my friends, such as those in college who can't afford it, but still want to enjoy a game... nothing is wrong with showing them courtesy!


You can't buy friendship, I'm guessing you don't actually have friends, or you would know this to be true...


Too passionate about a game? It's not harming anyone, not even themselves, so how is it unhealthy? Being passionate about a game has nothing to do with mental health or well-being...


Sorry to be rude, but the blunt truth helps, especially if you know what that truth and the facts are =)

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Recently I read some opinion that suggested that the recent 25% player loss was being attributed to the “poor community” of SWTOR.


It's not that at all, the low morale here is a symptom, not the disease.


I came here with ~30 players, all were long-term MMORPG players, most were pretty serious SW fans, all of them have now left.


Most of them left without ever visiting the forums, but all of them stated things that kept (and keep) coming up time and time again ON the forums.


It's the flaws in the game that are the problem, and it's those that NEED to be fixed!




SWTOR is a good game, but without the main flaws being fixed it's never going to be the GREAT game it could be and subs will show this. :(

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That remains to be seen. I think they refuse to merge servers because it's too buggy and convoluted (especially with this engine and Legacy), so they're going to transfer/shut-down servers instead.


Transfer and shut down is how they did WAR (under Mythic and under pure Bioware), it's the best option, and I can't actually remember the last MMORPG I saw a proper server merge.


Although I'd rather have actual merges than wait another 6 months for tranfers, it has to be said (I don't see the problem with visually duplicate Legacy names myself if that's being a problem).

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Transfer and shut down is how they did WAR (under Mythic and under pure Bioware), it's the best option, and I can't actually remember the last MMORPG I saw a proper server merge.


Although I'd rather have actual merges than wait another 6 months for tranfers, it has to be said (I don't see the problem with visually duplicate Legacy names myself if that's being a problem).




Unfortunately, they opened instant unrestricted server transfers straight after the mergers and as it was a a full on R v R game this caused ridiculous imbalances and it all blew up in their faces.

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This is very true as well.


Some of the reason I had guildies leaving early was:


-Broken chat (hard to group) or be social.

-Ability Delay - People want a fluid smooth working game.

-Static/un-modable UI - people want to be able to customize their experience.

-Linear questing - for a game that encourages alts, the linear questing hurts replay

-Poor game performance - my brother was not able to play (after trying) because the game did not work on his computer


There were many other reasons as well, but those were the top ones. Still there is room and time to continue to improve the game. And I will continue to be supportive to that cause.



1. Chat box does suck no lie

2. At release yes the abiility delay was awful, tis fine now

3. Hopefully we'll be able to get a modable UI but not that big of a game changer for me

4. As far as I know every MMO to date has had more or less linear questing.

5. Game runs fine for me and a lot of other people.


I canceled my sub yesterday for different reasons... Diablo 3 is eating my soul no time for the tor. I'll be back for server merges though

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Honeslty? In game the community is fantastic in this game. Very respectable and helpfull people.


I've been very pleased with my server and the people there. Nothing but good things to say from day one, and I was there minutes after the server popped.

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