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Tomb of Freedom Nadd - Home for competitive PvP (EU/English)


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TOFN is now home for the pre launch initiative to gather like minded guilds together to create the largest, most competitive and at the same time friendly European English speaking PvP community.


TOFN has a tons of PvP-focused guilds from different games such as WAR, WoW, DAoC, Aion, Ultima Online, Eve and so on and we all share the same goal of making our server the best there is for people who are interested in PvP.


The initiative was not created by sending mass invites to the largest zerg guilds you could find on the guild search option - but the gathering process was more selective. We wanted solely guilds who would contribute to the cause - competitive PvP.



Check out #tofn.pvp on Quakenet if you want more information about the guilds/server, or anything else. Welcome! :)

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The Spanish community has decided to play in the ToFN. We are not going to go to another server. We have decided via a democratic way that we'll go to that server and respect the official language. We invite everyone who wants to play alongside with us. Of course, there are always trolls and people who don't know how to respect other people. This kind of people don't represent the Spanish community.


Sorry for the poor grammar.

Edited by Lazarast
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Im affraid you wont stay on this server for long. Spanish Community as a whole already made this server their unofficial home.


Get out while you still can


I dont see any problem in playing alongside the spanish community if they are willing to respect the "rules" (aka, english in general channel etc)

You cant ask a whole community to just to elsewhere so you can play with english/american people only


And by the way, theres more good news for you... the italian community have chosen this server too.


Btw I AM spanish and as you can see there is no problem at all in understanding what im trying to say

Surprised?! if so, you need to be more open minded

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We have decided via a democratic way that we'll go to that server and respect the official language[...] there are always trolls and people who don't know how to respect other people. This kind of people don't represent the Spanish community.

Sorry for the poor grammar.


Point 1: you dont really thing everybody will respect official language, do you? history in MMO´s says so


Point 2: Nobody represents the spanish inquisition


Point 3: your grammar is ok, most of europeans have bad grammar as well. Its not like a "spanish signature"


Most of Spanish community is angered that german is considerer over the 3rd most used language in the world (being the order english>chinese>spanish), and there are communities plotting to spam the chats with spanish until Bioware bends over and consider game translation.


Spaniards are here to stay

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Btw I AM spanish and as you can see there is no problem at all in understanding what im trying to say

Surprised?! if so, you need to be more open minded


Im not talking about myself on this matter, just stating facts and the shape of things to come


Im spanish also, and i dont have problems with english, im a MMO veteran long before WoW


Italians? awesome :D. I´d prefer russians tho, they are like the best pvpers ever.

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and there are communities plotting to spam the chats with spanish until Bioware bends over and consider game translation.


That's fake and there is no evidence about that. If there is, then show it.


We are encouraging spanish people to respect the rules and almost begging to avoid to speak in spanish in general and public chats. We can't know what will happen, but there is not anyone plotting as you say.


Also I'd like english community to stay in the server, since I like to improve my english. Italians are welcome too if they respect rules and language.

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I have no problem with the server being the home to Spanish players - most of them probably speak better English than i do :)


Besides it doesn't matter too much where everyone is from or what languages they can or cant understand - we all share a common interest in the game and no one really want to ruin the experience for other people in any way. More people on the server is a good thing, it means that we wont have to worry about barren PvP areas which would be my biggest concern from previous games.


Id rather have to queue to get on than face the prospect of migrating away from a barren server after a few months.

Edited by AgrippAA
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Im not talking about myself on this matter, just stating facts and the shape of things to come


Im spanish also, and i dont have problems with english, im a MMO veteran long before WoW


Italians? awesome :D. I´d prefer russians tho, they are like the best pvpers ever.


I'm pretty sure the Italians were re-evaluating where to go to. Seriously though, just admit it, you're here on this thread because you're on a different pvp server and just trying to deter pvpers from wanting to come on TOFN.

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I don't think that those who criticise the "Spanish Invasion" really care about the use of language in public channels. I am sure that report-ignore will work like a charm, and frankly reporting a post written in a language which cannot be understood is fair game..It could be spam/advertising for all I know.


The problem that some ppl have is that this server was selected for the PVP EU initiative and they don't feel comfortable having large national blocks as they believe it may compromise the initial effort.


But, there is nothing they can do about it. Given the way that the initiative was publicly advertised I don't think they / we are in a position to prevent other communities from joining. The interested communities should consider entering a cut-throat, swashbuckling environment. If they don't mind doing so I don't care and I welcome them. Although the first time I see a "Morientes98" complaining about being ganked in public chat I ll giggle (a bit :p).

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This server will become an awesome server.


I welcome our Spaniard friends who have decided to join us. All the more people for pvp and to make this server awesome.


This is a European server, there's going to be every nationality and language on EVERY server. Trying to find a server without these communties is impossible.


The only people posting negative comments in this thread are people from LOL server, who are desperately trying to get people to join their server, which is basically empty.


The PvP server initiative already has a huge amount of dedicated pvpers joining this server (over 4.5k), so join TOFN or LOL, it doesn't matter, it won't effect the awesome pvp community that will be on TOFN regardless.


TOFN isn't a PvP Inititative server, or a spaniard community server anymore. It's TOFN community server and i'm sure we will all work to make it the best server we can, because it will be our home!

Edited by xBuzz
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The Spanish community has decided to play in the ToFN. We are not going to go to another server. We have decided via a democratic way that we'll go to that server and respect the official language. We invite everyone who wants to play alongside with us. Of course, there are always trolls and people who don't know how to respect other people. This kind of people don't represent the Spanish community.


Sorry for the poor grammar.


As much as I'd like to believe your nice words, I don't. Spanish/Italian/Swedish/Russian/etc. only guilds don't care much for English, why should they? All they need is their mother tongue to communicate. Especially in a game that has already been translated into their mother tongue.


Previous MMO's have shown that 'unofficial <insert linguistic community>' servers are a cesspit of different languages in the public chat channels, making it absolutely horrible for those who do make the effort to speak English, despite it not being their mother tongue (Like the Dutch, we're so doomed Belgians and Keeskoppen).


I loved the idea of making ToFN the focal point for EU PvP minded people, but if it's going to be dominated by people refusing to speak English...With pain in my heart, I'll have to choose another server.


It's all about respect.

Edited by Dekadez
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