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More info needed NOW (very important)


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It's been some time since we started to ask for character transfers, you told us early summer and we replied early summer was too late, sadly we were right, after 1.2 Tomb of Freedom Nad (most populated server in EU) had at peak time 2 instances of Republic Fleet at more than 200 players each instance, since Diablo 3 release i have never seen again a second instance of the Republic Fleet. My guild has not been able to raid again since D3 release, all our tanks left the game, now we have some DPSs rerollng tank, but thats hardly a solution, we are working on recruiting but the sad truth is most of the experienced palyers out there have already left game, and since we are an spanish guild, we have to stick to the small spanish population present at our server.


What is done, is done. Now its time to fix what is left of our comunities, character transfers are announced as coming SOON, but we (the community) need to start working NOW to have things settled for the day transfers are available, some times, looks like we have more interest on game success than Bioware itself.


English, French and Deutch comunities are easier to "fix" since they have their own specific servers, but here in Europe we have many more comunities tied to our native languages (Spanish, Italian, Russian, ..... etc) at launch we tried to organice ourselves, but low server caps and guilds being randomly preasigned didnt help a lot.


Now, the ones that have kept playing and want to keep doing it, need to do some hard work to rejoin the remmants of our comminities, so we need some basic questions answered YESTERDAY, details might be kept for later, but theese need to be answered now.


1- There will be a time window for character transfers? how long (days, weeks, ...)?


2- Will we be able to transfer only once during that time window or more than once?


3- Will all servers be available as transfer destinations or only some of them?


This easy questions, that im 100% sure you already have the answer, can allow us to start working and fix this .... situation.


Please help us to help you.

Edited by recsa
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So true :D

Anyway all those people who left to check out Diablo will be back soon in my opinion, one month tops.


I would hope you are right, but after talking with my guild mates that left ... thats not happening any soon, most have said they will come back when the game becomes f2p, and i really hope that never happens

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My brother is having a heart attack!!! We need to know if guild banks can transfer over STAT! :p


I believe it was already stated once that guild names won't be transferred because of possible names already taken. So with that said, no, guild banks will most likely NOT be transferred over as well. I'm not sure if items are being transferred though.


Again, this is all going on what I though was said once. Don't quote me on it. If it turns out that no on had said that (yet), then it still makes sense.

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I would hope you are right, but after talking with my guild mates that left ... thats not happening any soon, most have said they will come back when the game becomes f2p, and i really hope that never happens


Yeah i am also pretty sure f2p will never happen and it's a good thing as far as i am concerned.

People tend to change their minds all the time when it comes to things such as this one so i wouldn't worry too much.

Besides Diablo has its own fair share of problems plus the game is really short and it doesn't require sub to play, it was expected for a huge number of people to drop their other games, MMO's in order to play some Diablo but the majority of them will soon go back to their previous, or some other games.

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So you want to them to reply, "Too bad" ?

it isn't ready.:rolleyes:


I know it isnt ready yet, im not asking for it to be implemented tomorrow, here i'm writing as the voice of a solid group of players that have taken the decission to help organize the spanish community, and im sure other communities are in same position, we need those easy questions answered so we can start our work to let players spread across many servers know what to do.

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The OP does actually have a fair point. He is'nt asking for 'TRANSFERS NIAAAOOOW!!' He is simply asking for information to be provided so that the Spanish community players can have an opportunity to start getting themselves organised ready for when the Transfers are available.


Obviously all the other EU non trinity language communities would also benefit from this information. Well... everyone would benefit from the information.


BW do not have to tie themselves down to a specific date just give the structure and mechanics of how it will be done.

You gotta think that they do at least how it will be implemented dont you?

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Sorry, but Spanish players aren't special. NOBODY knows what they are going to do. NOBODY can run to a server and reserve a name, or start playing alts on it. I bet BioWare hasn't figured it out yet so why would they tell you? It's not open to public debate. They are deciding what they can do and what is best to do behind closed doors. When they figure it out, they'll announce it. That's when you can start setting up whatever.
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Here are your answers...


#1 --> weeks

#2 --> once per character

#3 --> some


I could aswell say


#1 - Days

#2 - once per char

#3 - All


But its just guessing, and dont feel like start moving people based on guessing

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Sorry, but Spanish players aren't special. NOBODY knows what they are going to do. NOBODY can run to a server and reserve a name, or start playing alts on it. I bet BioWare hasn't figured it out yet so why would they tell you? It's not open to public debate. They are deciding what they can do and what is best to do behind closed doors. When they figure it out, they'll announce it. That's when you can start setting up whatever.


Guess you got it all wrong, im not saying spanish community to be special, but non oficial language communities are in a special case, also im not asking for them to rush and implement it, im just asking for them to share some info they already have, because thats some very general info.


We have lots of work to do, we need to start voting on community forums, we have to do some serious advertising server per server where our community is spread, .... to do all this we need some facts known.


I really think my petition doesnt harm any1, does it harm you?

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im just asking for them to share some info they already have, because thats some very general info.


They have been sharing info, early summer, patch 1.3 ... Just because you do not like the answer / info they have given does not make it a non-answer or non-sharing.


I don't understand why you think you are more deserving of extra information than what they are providing to everyone. They have given info, I am sure as they get more info, they will give it out as well. If anything, you can thank the forums for BW being so closed lipped about info, this keeps them from being attacked by forum posters saying things like "You said it was going to be green and it is more teal than green !! YOU SUXXORZ!!!" ....

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I don't understand why you think you are more deserving of extra information than what they are providing to everyone. Turns out, if someone from Bioware did provide this additional information on the forums, we would all be provided with that information. So it's inaccurate to suggest the OP thinks of himself or his group any extra deserving than the rest of us. We all deserve that information. They have given info, I am sure as they get more info, they will give it out as well. So you're suggesting, after at least a couple months of planning, they still don't know how they're going to implement this? They should give out information as they get information, but I certainly hope they're further in the development process than "early summer." Maybe they just say whether they ordered new servers, or waiting for them to show up in the mail. Maybe they have targets of 500 people per server or something. Surely they have more concrete information than what they've communicated. If anything, you can thank the forums for BW being so closed lipped about info, this keeps them from being attacked by forum posters saying things like "You said it was going to be green and it is more teal than green !! YOU SUXXORZ!!!" .... I don't think that's entirely accurate. A lot of us are willing to accept some mistakes, like the ranked warzone deal. There were some forum posts complaining about that, but nowhere near as many as those that relate to poor server populations and even poor communication. Otherwise, I think all we expect is a little honesty.
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I find it amazing, given the status of morale in this game, that they haven't told us any details on the transfer system, yet. Do they not know how close they are to losing another half a million subscribers? Pretty much everyone I know is at the end of their rope with this game.
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I'm sorry, but I don't believe serious MMORPG gamers left SWTOR for Diablo 3. Those that did leave for Diablo 3 were just game consumers looking for the next big thing, and probably not a good source for a long-term customer base in the game.


Perhaps since people realize transfers are coming, they're just holding back playing until that occurs...

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Are they allowing light pop servers to transfer off? Or just heavy to light?


They' haven't said. what they have said is that at first it will be free from some specific servers to other specific servers, and eventually paid transfer from any to any. They haven't released any info regarding which specific server population numbers are going to lead to a server being selected as a "free from" or a "free to".


I'd imagine, however, that at first it will be free from most light servers to a few standard servers, but you'd have to pay to get on a heavy, if they allow that at all.

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They have been sharing info, early summer, patch 1.3 ... Just because you do not like the answer / info they have given does not make it a non-answer or non-sharing.


I don't understand why you think you are more deserving of extra information than what they are providing to everyone. They have given info, I am sure as they get more info, they will give it out as well. If anything, you can thank the forums for BW being so closed lipped about info, this keeps them from being attacked by forum posters saying things like "You said it was going to be green and it is more teal than green !! YOU SUXXORZ!!!" ....


Maybe you need to work on your reading comprehension skills, or i need to work on my english writing skills (probably the second), but "im just asking for them to share some info they already have" doesnt equal to "they are not sharing any info", i exactly meant: "i need some more info they already have"


And i dont think i deserve anything more than anyone else, i just need that info and ask for it, because i have some serious work ahead and that info would help me a lot, also i think that info is not some kind of secret or soemthing they cant share, its just a chunk of general non specific info that means nothing to them but helps me a lot. Let Bioware decide if i should or should not have that info, really cant understand how me asking those questions can disturb you enough to come post here.

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Maybe you need to work on your reading comprehension skills, or i need to work on my english writing skills (probably the second), but "im just asking for them to share some info they already have" doesnt equal to "they are not sharing any info", i exactly meant: "i need some more info they already have"


And i dont think i deserve anything more than anyone else, i just need that info and ask for it, because i have some serious work ahead and that info would help me a lot, also i think that info is not some kind of secret or soemthing they cant share, its just a chunk of general non specific info that means nothing to them but helps me a lot. Let Bioware decide if i should or should not have that info, really cant understand how me asking those questions can disturb you enough to come post here.


They're probably not even done deciding on the the specifics that you're asking for.....in other words, it's *not* info they have yet, and is still possible that it can change. They don't give out info until they have it set in stone.

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For what it's worth, I agree 100%. They need to be engaging us, particularly in light of the recent layoffs. They need to throw us a bone, give us some real information, to keep people engaged and willing to trust and hang in there. I've been a huge supporter of this game, pre and post release, and WANT to keep on believin', but they're not making it easy.
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