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Does anyone else have a problem with what SWTOR has become to its new crowd?


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I just want to ask others opinions about the new crowd of SWTOR. I realise that a lot of older players now have already moved on, from those that started playing. SWTOR has become more like WoW, in regards to its now present crowd, and that is a bad thing. I keep coming across a poor attitude, half way through from players saying, "Just let them win this time, we cant do anything, so just make sure it gets over fast." I've got mates who believe its gone downhill also, just as the crowd in WOW has. Offering strategy is almost taboo. I've been playing for some time and have some experience at it and encounter too many players recently that act like a noob or someone who tries to give a tough impression of themselves in the game.


As I know actual people that do believe this as well, I wanted to gauge how many others have also found this to be true?

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The key thing SWTOR needs to focus on is adding features and content. WoW has proven many things but the one thing it has proven time and time again is people will come back for new things. They always come back when the game doesn't suck and SWTOR doesn't suck it just needs time to develop. If they truly make server populations large enough to sustain LFG and add features that make playing together easier there is no doubt that this game will start to grow. The doom sayers will disagree and claim it's dead blah blah blah. But those say doom sayers have probably renewed their wow subs 10 times in the past 7 years. Just fix the glaring issues, keep new content coming and consolidate the playerbase. That alone will sustain this MMO for years to come.
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I don't think this game is really a WoW clone, but the game is definetly trying to grab as much of the WoW community as they possibly can. The game is owned by EA, EA wants profits and Blizzard is making the profits. They just want a slice of the pie. Honeslty the main reason I am here is because I like Star Wars more than the idea of killing goblins.
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Maybe I didn't make my question clear. I was only using WoW as a basis for comparison, due to the number of players that have taken the attitude of which I just mentioned above. Probably a lot of young arrogant school kids trying to act cool. But, I was asking about SWTOR present crowd. Not about WoW. I just wanted to ask others opinions on the present player base that SWTOR currently has and the attitudes they have, which I think can be construed to be pretty poor.
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Maybe I didn't make my question clear. I was only using WoW as a basis for comparison, due to the number of players that have taken the attitude of which I just mentioned above. Probably a lot of young arrogant school kids trying to act cool. But, I was asking about SWTOR present crowd. Not about WoW. I just wanted to ask others opinions on the present player base that SWTOR currently has and the attitudes they have, which I think can be construed to be pretty poor.


I have found the attitudes of people while playing this game are significantly better than the attitudes of people on the forums that claim they play this game then go on to say it is the worst game in the history of the world.

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The crowd has always been negative since about a month after launch. I dont find the forums more or less depressing than a few months ago. There were plenty of people back then who predicted that SWTOR would have 500k subs or less by now.


Although I am bothered by the negativity, the incredible critical, overdramatizing and badly argumented posts bother me far more.

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These new people are getting everything they want. I'm assuming being non-constructive and angry gets you everything you want these days.


We now are getting a LFG tool, now that they have gotten that they will want x-server soon ranked PVP arenas. it's all despressing to watch the orginal group of us become the silent majoirty.


We had spent a great deal of time on the old boards making sure these people who make the most noise never get a watered down soulless game that hands you everything on a silver platter. but I still have hope they will just go back to panda land and 1 skill point every 10 levels and all your class abiltys lumped into 2 buttons.


The people on my server are pretty mature. we don't tolerate inmature leet speakers and people who beg for credits. we are very helpful and most of us form groups and become frriends.


we had some kid running his mouth off yesterday. it was funny watching him try to troll us to say something negative back to him. he just gave up and logged off after various fowl words toward us and dead silence.

Edited by nartiuslightlord
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I have found the attitudes of people while playing this game are significantly better than the attitudes of people on the forums that claim they play this game then go on to say it is the worst game in the history of the world.


^This. I haven't seen much attitude from anyone in-game, been playing since day 1of launch and beta before that, and I spend far more time playing than I do in the forums (forums are for info or else they're a last resort when various reasons are keeping me from playing).


Haven't heard anyone complain about the game being awful while actually playing the game- not just on my primary ghost town server but a couple other far more populated servers I've rolled on, too.

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I just want to ask others opinions about the new crowd of SWTOR. I realise that a lot of older players now have already moved on, from those that started playing. SWTOR has become more like WoW, in regards to its now present crowd, and that is a bad thing. I keep coming across a poor attitude, half way through from players saying, "Just let them win this time, we cant do anything, so just make sure it gets over fast." I've got mates who believe its gone downhill also, just as the crowd in WOW has. Offering strategy is almost taboo. I've been playing for some time and have some experience at it and encounter too many players recently that act like a noob or someone who tries to give a tough impression of themselves in the game.


As I know actual people that do believe this as well, I wanted to gauge how many others have also found this to be true?


Yeah. Happens quite often to me on Nightmare Lands EU server too.


Republic loses almost every warzone. Not because they would be worse equipped or worse players. They lose because they enter the warzone believing they will lose anyways. They do not care about tactics, all they do is nothing more than a grindfest for medals to maximize their valor gain.


On the other hand, sometimes, I can't blame them. On same of the days, people just enter and then wait till the match begins and then immediately 2-3 people leave without a word. Then, few minutes later they reenter and then leave again. That leaves us in terrible disadvantage and before we get new people, the Empire gets upper hand. I have no idea why they do it, they never answered any whisper I sent them. The worst thing is that it is the same characters all the time and there is no way how to prevent this action. BioWare should really add "coward" debuff that does not allow players to enter warzone for one hour should the leave it manually.

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The crowd has always been negative since about a month after launch.


The crowd was negative before launch. All the threads from pre-launch are still available: You can see, for example, massive complaining about how unfair and broken pre-launch was, purportedly because those who got access first would get a jump on the economy that could never be overcome... :rak_01:

Edited by Kthx
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Maybe I didn't make my question clear. I was only using WoW as a basis for comparison, due to the number of players that have taken the attitude of which I just mentioned above. Probably a lot of young arrogant school kids trying to act cool. But, I was asking about SWTOR present crowd. Not about WoW. I just wanted to ask others opinions on the present player base that SWTOR currently has and the attitudes they have, which I think can be construed to be pretty poor.


Did you give any thought to the fce school is letting out across the nation so you are going to get a younger group for a while.


Also, if you que as a group, you can overcome this issue easily.


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to the original poster, let me point out that you used the word noob to describe your fellow players.

you are part of the problem that you are railing against. i left another game because everyone was so hostile if i didnt have the best of the best of the best gear and didnt micro-manage my stats to the nth degree. games are meant to be fun, thats why 90% of the people play them.

what you forget is that all players, casuals (noobs as you call them) and people who take a computer game seriously all pay thesame amount of money to play this game. The spreadsheet warriors pay the same as the casuals (the noobs, as you call them).

if you dont like playing with casuals (noobs as you call them), join a guild and pvp with them in premade teams.


you want to know where all the slightly more unpleasantness in the game is coming from? look not further than the mirror.

i havent had a single problem with rude players since i joined about 4 months ago. not a single problem. no wowishness at all.

not a single problem, nasty comment, churlish behaviour, theft of gear, snobbishness over gear, putdowns in channels .... nothing.

hence me loving this game.

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I just want to ask others opinions about the new crowd of SWTOR. I realise that a lot of older players now have already moved on, from those that started playing. SWTOR has become more like WoW, in regards to its now present crowd, and that is a bad thing. I keep coming across a poor attitude, half way through from players saying, "Just let them win this time, we cant do anything, so just make sure it gets over fast." I've got mates who believe its gone downhill also, just as the crowd in WOW has. Offering strategy is almost taboo. I've been playing for some time and have some experience at it and encounter too many players recently that act like a noob or someone who tries to give a tough impression of themselves in the game.


As I know actual people that do believe this as well, I wanted to gauge how many others have also found this to be true?


This has been going on since day one, so im not sure what your talking about when you say "New Crowd"

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The community, whilst getting worse, was always pretty bad. There are a few exceptions in MMOs but as a general rule of thumb annonimoty leads to people being *****. LOTRO has an amazing community and I think that it stems from the community only coming over in dribs and drabs from games like WOW. SWG, whilst a horrid game, also had a good community.


Coming over from LOTRO I tried to keep my cool, be helpful and patient with people but I am clearly in the minority. I said before launch that community will make or break this game for me and in the end it didn't though. I unsubbed a couple of days ago mostly due to Devs largely ignoring the problems with the game. I was in a guild I formed for most of the game though and so have a great bunch of guildies to negate all the bile in general chat.

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The crowd was negative before launch. All the threads from pre-launch are still available: You can see, for example, massive complaining about how unfair and broken pre-launch was, purportedly because those who got access first would get a jump on the economy that could never be overcome... :rak_01:


Maybe but the hate/love was far better balanced than it is now. The positive vibe of anticipation was very much present back then.

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I didn't notice any difference in this game's community when it launched compared to WoW's community last November. But the composition of the SWTOR community has definitely changed, and not for the better.


I think it's because the younger segment who liked WoW's continuous quality-of-life improvements but not how dated it has become has been slowly bleeding away when the same convenience has failed to materialize here.


Like water eating away at soft rock this bleeding has left only a hard rock core and a lot of jagged edges; the older MMO-veterans crowd, to be precise. They are seeking their lost youth and whatever game it was they wasted it away in. And they are yelling at the top of their lungs for those kids to get off their lawn.

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As long as there is a game, there will be people complaining about how horrible it is. The only way to avoid this is to read the forums for a rival game, in which case, people will talk about how wonderful that other game was from day one.


I feel that this is a great game. It has a lot of room for improvement and enhancement and as long as the development team makes progress in that direction then I think it will do well and be around for awhile.

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I feel that this is a great game. It has a lot of room for improvement and enhancement and as long as the development team makes progress in that direction then I think it will do well and be around for awhile.


100% agreed here.


I'd also say that on my server, folks are really quite nice, and very helpful to each other. We even have long discussions on lore, and in-game story elements, not to mention the RP, and other stuff.


It's great!

Edited by JediElf
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I don't think this game is really a WoW clone, but the game is definetly trying to grab as much of the WoW community as they possibly can. The game is owned by EA, EA wants profits and Blizzard is making the profits. They just want a slice of the pie. Honeslty the main reason I am here is because I like Star Wars more than the idea of killing goblins.


Well said my thoughts on the matter as well. But for me it would be killing gnomes :):wea_01:

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