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How many folks would be bothered if the VO was scaled back to only class quests?


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If it meant they could spend resources on more sandbox type elements and high level content, housing, space combat, and all the other shiaat people are asking for then by all means dump the VO crap that i spacebar through anyways.


I respect your right toyour opinion and strongly disagree......there are sandboxes games already out there...Eve online for one....what drew me to this game wasn't the chance to decorate my online home... I am here for the emotion driven story elements, for ke resources spent on sanboxy stuff is a total waste. .... I hold onto hope that there are enough people who want a story driven game to avoid this game becoming SWG 2.

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Zombie thread! KILL IT! KILL IT!


He started the thread, i dont see a problem with this necro, especially since his very first post is before ROTHC was even released.


I've been playing since early release, and after doing Makeb i am disappointed in the way new story content is being done. No class stories is one that everybody noticed right off the bat. But also when you are flying around Makeb to the other landing pads a lot of side missions are given to you via mission terminals now? Then once you start doing dailies you are either talking to a droid or you just get a text box from a terminal. I've seen a lot of smack talk about other games that have non VO quest system, but at least WoW doesnt have a bunch of tree stumps giving you your quests.

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I'd be bothered, the voiceover is usually the only thing that makes it possible for me to do those quests, in the future if they don't want to bring in voice actors they can always just get random people working at bioware to do a bit of VO


I don't want some office working git, doing Vector's or Quinn's voice! :D Or any other of my lovely companions. I'd miss the cut screens and voice overs. I understand what you're saying, you're hoping to cut costs so they'll give us the story we want, but without the voices, the story would be mediocre.


There has to be another way...if I want to read walls of text, I can play any other game, and they suck by comparison to this.

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This would also bother me a lot as well one of the best things about Bioware is their story telling which they do through fantastic cut scene with VO. When you go to a classic wall of text system I personally tune out and just accept and hand in therefore for me theres no story. Also yes VO can be more time consuming but Bioware said from the start the things they were working on was for 2 years in the future. Now I can't say whether thats still the case with f2p coming in but EA hasn't long announced that since f2p revenue from SW:TOR has doubled. If theres a concern about the content and amount of it Bioware should focus more of their resources on getting more devs for the game which they can certainly do now going by the lates EA report. I think what Bioware need to do is focus on content for current expansions solely rather than catering to all as I think that once an expansion comes out the old content should become just that old content.
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Zombie thread! KILL IT! KILL IT!


*Headshots the thread!*

Take that you stinkin' walker!

Also; quality over quantity - I don't need a gazillion fed-ex quests like on most MMO's, I'll take our voice acted ones.

Edited by Callaron
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He started the thread, i dont see a problem with this necro, especially since his very first post is before ROTHC was even released.


Not only is it a major Necro, with the thread being over a year stale, its was necrod by the OP with no new information, making it a "bump" post which is spam.

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i would be fine if they got rid of it all together and just pumped out more content. the voice overs is the reason this game is slow to produce new stuff.


Agreed 100%


I dont want voice over I want Sullustan or Bith Jedi

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Not only is it a major Necro, with the thread being over a year stale, its was necrod by the OP with no new information, making it a "bump" post which is spam.


In the OPs defense threads get pushed to wayside due to the complaint and troll threads that get created before many people get to see the OP post


I know I have crated a few that lost to the "I hate this event" crowd

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I'd be bothered, the voiceover is usually the only thing that makes it possible for me to do those quests, in the future if they don't want to bring in voice actors they can always just get random people working at bioware to do a bit of VO


I dunno...I heard that's what happened in the game Two Worlds, as a cost saving measure. All the other problems in that game aside, the voicing was one of the worst. I cringed during every conversation. Getting Bob from accounting to fill in for some voice acting doesn't seem like a good idea. :)

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In the OPs defense threads get pushed to wayside due to the complaint and troll threads that get created before many people get to see the OP post


I know I have crated a few that lost to the "I hate this event" crowd


This isn't a situation where the thread got pushed to page 3 and he wants to bring it back into view before it gets forgotten. This is, "my thread has been dead and burried for over a year, but I'm feeling nostalgic and feel like performing some dark rituals to bump my thread back to life, for no reason".

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I could be on board with this if it aided in getting us more content.


I checked the rules of etiquette for the internetz.. and you are indeed allowed to dig up your own corpses :D


.......as long as you don't try to sell them or in any way personally gain by doing so. :p

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I checked the rules of etiquette for the internetz.. and you are indeed allowed to dig up your own corpses :D


.......as long as you don't try to sell them or in any way personally gain by doing so. :p


B-but....what the hell is one supposed to do with a bunch of corpses if not sell them? D:

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I feel like you just asked, "How many of you would be bothered if we went back to black & white TV?" The Voice Overs are a great leap forward in MMORPGs, and it's what's kept me from going back to other MMOs I used to love. Now I can't stand it when I see the "text boxes" in games like STO or LoTRO and I wish they would advance like TOR did and provide voice overs.
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I don't think I would mind if the side quests and world quests were scaled back to being the classic wall of text to read rather than a full-blown cut-scene. I love the class stories and what VO does for them, but if it helped with development resources, I would not mind seeing the side and world quests scaled off of full VO.


There are no more class quests. Ever.

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The VO aspect was always one of the promotional go to sound bites pre-launch.

As you progress through the game you start to see the obvious short cuts taken to flesh out the game.


1) Reusing character dialogue. Okay I know there's only so many ways to say 'Hello' but if I hear my Sith Warrior say 'Do I have to ignite my lightsabre' one more time ;)


2) Using alien speech. I notice this far more on my Republic play throughs, maybe this is my faulty recall, but it doesn't detract from the fact that a looping piece of alien speech that you have to read subtitles for is 'Reading' the quest.


3) Quests from datapads. Some missions seem to have been planed for datapads from the very start, you see the little blue object and get a hologram. There are many more that just give you a text box.


4) Bonus quests. Pretty much any 'Kill X number' bonus quest is just updated in the quest tracker with just a drop down droid to indicate the next stage.


The above 4 aspects were with the game from day one of launch. It is interesting to note however the direction of end content.


Dailies at launch:

Belsavis Bonus individual quest givers with full VO and companion affection gains.

Ilum individual quest givers with full VO and companion affection gains.


Dailies after launch:

Black Hole Imperial side has one quest from an individual the rest are gained from a terminal (Republic all are from Terminal).

Section X all quests from terminal.

Makeb first run through mixes story quests with daily. After story completed daily quests are from terminal, staged Weekly has the same VO and small intro/outro sequence.


Take that for what its worth but I would suggest that the scaling back that the OP is asking for is already there.

Edited by Vhaegrant
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B-but....what the hell is one supposed to do with a bunch of corpses if not sell them? D:


Use them for Sith Alchemy experiments. I'm currently investigating whether it might be possible to create sithspawn from Jedi corpses that make Korribani Zombies look like mewling newborn Akk dogs.


Sadly, Khem has become somewhat rabid as I am no longer allowing him to feast up on the many Jedi I have slain on Alderaan and Denova and the lovely courts of Baron Deathmark.

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I would be really bothered if they ditch V/O, even for the planetary and optional quests. It would ruin one of this games greatest appeals for me, and that is immersion. I am fine with daily's and the like having little to know V/O (I actually quite like how the Makeb weekly handles its voice acting) but to actually get rid of voice acting in story content? I would probably quit the game if that happened.


Also, I am sure this has been said elseware even in this thread, but I am sure I have read several times that voice acting actually isn't very expensive or as time consuming as other aspects of the game are.

Edited by Cyberwoman
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Ditch the aliens speaking Huttese. Not that anyone understands them or not that they actually say the text dialogue in Huttese, as they just keep repeating certain phrases. Either make them speak basic or shut them up. Empire has no need for slaves that can't properly speak.
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Well now that this thread has been resurrected I may as well chime in. I would be in favor of the Makeb format, with some changes.


Continue to relegate side quests or quests that are repeatable to mission terminals. Keep players in the game while still keeping cinematic elements for repeatable group content. For example, the Observer on makeb, there wouldn't be group dialog and cut-scenes. Repeatable Group content needs to keep players in the game while still feeding you narrative and cinematic elements.


If that were the case, I would expect to see more class exclusive options and content within the world quest arc, with more wide ranging consequences for light/dark choices.



  • Dialog cut-scenes stay on solo story/class quests.
  • Dialog cut-scenes on story quests are significantly fleshed out with more options and tangible consequences.
  • Dialog and cut-scenes for repeatable group content are replaced with ambient dialogue and in game cinematic elements to keep players in the game. Because the player character's are voiced, they could even chime in without being prompted by the player in a neutral tone in game, commenting on the mission or responding to incoming radio VO. The key part here is not forcing players into that awkward and clumsy group conversation cut-scene every single time they do certain repeatable quests.

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I leveled 16 toons to 55. And I can say that I hate conversations in ALL the quests.

They could like Makeb, a terminal with all the quests.


If you want the conversation, the NPC is there for you, if you want to save time the terminal is there for you.

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