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Soon? why no date?


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And if some system isn't ready and they have to pull it by said date, you get whiners who complain about broken promises, as happened with Ranked Warzones.


And if they have to push the date due to some major bug, people will cry because of date being pushed.


And if they don't offer a date, they get people like the OP, clamoring for a date.


BioWare, and MMO companies in general, can't win with these sorts of players as a fan base.

They can win.


Release content on time, release more than one content update every six months, provide features that should have been provided during release...


If a company can't do that, they shouldn't be in the MMO business.

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I think saying "soon" just indicates they learned from 1.2 that you can't specify a date in any way, shape, or form without risking hurting yourself. I'd much rather they say soon until the week it goes live than have them say "it will go live on June 2nd" and then either have to push it back or cut something from the release.


Hopefully they also learned a bit about the dangers of over-hyping a release so 1.3 will go more smoothly than 1.2

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They should have a 1.25 or somthing and just get transfers out ASAP. That is capable of saving this game (that has a lot of potential). Forget legacy/etc. until they get transfers. The lack of people to play with is likely the largest reason for people leaving. Also, as any business knows it is much harder to get people back then it is to keep them.


^^^^ TRUTH I second this

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and if some system isn't ready and they have to pull it by said date, you get whiners who complain about broken promises, as happened with ranked warzones.


And if they have to push the date due to some major bug, people will cry because of date being pushed.


And if they don't offer a date, they get people like the op, clamoring for a date.


Bioware, and mmo companies in general, can't win with these sorts of players as a fan base.


^ this

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They can win.


Release content on time, release more than one content update every six months, provide features that should have been provided during release...


If a company can't do that, they shouldn't be in the MMO business.


If BW can get out good features and content in a timely manner, we might even see this game start to grow. More people in an mmo is always better.

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I like the fact that everyone has their own opinon on things... And i understand people dont like those who whine but at the end of the day we are all paying customers and we have that right like it or not, and the last interview that i saw about BW adding rewards on World PVP(working on it) and they said they Hear us so they are LISTENING to the complaints be it by whining or whatever.. our voices are getting out there and thats what matters
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They can win.


Release content on time, release more than one content update every six months, provide features that should have been provided during release...


If a company can't do that, they shouldn't be in the MMO business.


Then you've disqualified every MMO company that has ever existed, lol.

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I like the fact that everyone has their own opinon on things... And i understand people dont like those who whine but at the end of the day we are all paying customers and we have that right like it or not, and the last interview that i saw about BW adding rewards on World PVP(working on it) and they said they Hear us so they are LISTENING to the complaints be it by whining or whatever.. our voices are getting out there and thats what matters


You're avoiding my question and not answering it. Yes everyone has an opinion. I'm not denying that. I'm asking why you choose to take the cynical perspective when other perspectives exist.

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Im not avoiding your question? why would i.. im eating while im doing this lol, To answer your question though... Im not, i have my own views but im not attcking anybody or questioning theirs.. i dont see what problem you have with what im saying tbh
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Making promises you can't keep is stupid. As is releasing stuff before it's done. If they say 10th June (just randomly picking a date) now, but it isn't actually ready for that date, you should be able to guess how the community will react. If they'd go ahead and release it half-done anyway... even worse. Considering how some chunks of 1.2 still isn't working right, how it and subsequent patches introduced new annoying bugs, I'd shudder to think how much worse an "unfinished" patch would be.


When 1.3 is on PTS they'll be able to give a date. And if the QA for that is as good as it apparently was for 1.2... ugh. I'd rather they say "soon" and do it right.

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Is my perspective really "Cynical" cause i think this company does things like this to keep us subbed?


Of course in a broad context, BioWare wants to create an MMO that is compelling and retains subscriptions. There is no cynicism in that.


Saying that BioWare isn't releasing a date for 1.3 because they're trying to bait us into staying longer is, however, highly cynical, especially when other reasons exist that aren't cynical. You chose the cynical option. I was just curious why...that's all.

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honestly bioware needs to do anything it can to put a carrot at the end of the stick. If the game were runnign smoothly id agree with you all about bioware not listing a date. We need a date.


There is virtually no communication on their end

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I know what you are trying to say, I have my views and you have yours.. You can call it "Cynical" but it doesnt make your perspective any more valid than mine. I could be right or i could be wrong but i know how i feel on the subject, You know what? ofcourse 1.3 isnt ready yet, they wouldnt just watch the servers die and not WANT to have transfers and all that.. What i do have a Cynical perspective on however is Ranked WZ.. i can admit that lol, i feel that was a bait and switch move
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I know what you are trying to say, I have my views and you have yours.. You can call it "Cynical" but it doesnt make your perspective any more valid than mine. I could be right or i could be wrong but i know how i feel on the subject, You know what? ofcourse 1.3 isnt ready yet, they wouldnt just watch the servers die and not WANT to have transfers and all that.. What i do have a Cynical perspective on however is Ranked WZ.. i can admit that lol, i feel that was a bait and switch move


No. That is not what I'm saying. Ironically, you're being cynical about my motives, lol. I understand you have your opinion. I have mine. We're all good. I'm only asking WHY you choose to have a cynical outlook in this regard, that's all.

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Why do you choose to look at this from the cynical perspective of 'keeping us all subbed'? An equally valid perspective is that they don't know when it will be ready, and they want to get it as polished as possible before they set the date in stone. Don't you see you have a choice on how to view this?


If they don't have dates associated with their projects, this game and its developer are in more serious trouble than originally thought. Every project, that is successful, has milestones, target dates, etc... associated with it. And they aren't pulled from thin air either, they are valid dates based upon experts who know development cycles and the level of effort it will take to code, test, implement, go live. Anyone good project manager knows these things and would have it in black and white too (gantt chart anyone?)


but, maybe there in lies the issues...

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No i KNOW you were not saying that lol.. Misunderstanding i was just getting my thoughts in there, All you wanted to know was why i look at it in THAT way, I like your perspective about 1.3 not being ready and i agreed which is what i said in my last post Edited by cloudwalkerrr
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If they don't have dates associated with their projects, this game and its developer are in more serious trouble than originally thought. Every project, that is successful, has milestones, target dates, etc... associated with it. And they aren't pulled from thin air either, they are valid dates based upon experts who know development cycles and the level of effort it will take to code, test, implement, go live. Anyone good project manager knows these things and would have it in black and white too (gantt chart anyone?)


but, maybe there in lies the issues...


Oh, I don't doubt that they HAVE a date in mind. Of course all projects of this nature have milestones and deadlines. But even in the best circumstances, these things can slip. Any good project manager knows this as well.


Knowing the dates, and then making them public, however, are two separate issues. Keeping them private allows for the sort of fungible nature to be absorbed internally. If they could rely on the general public to understand, then sure, announce these things publicly. But as proven time and again, not only in these forums but every MMO forum, the general public cannot be trusted to understand. Thus the evolution of SOON.

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No i KNOW you were not saying that lol.. Misunderstanding i was just getting my thoughts in there, All you wanted to know was why i look at it in THAT way, I like your perspective about 1.3 not being ready and i agreed which is what i said in my last post


I'm glad we've reached an accord, though my goal wasn't to persuade you. :) I don't know a lot of cynical people in my life (in fact, I know none), and maybe you truly aren't one, but I took the opportunity to ask anyway.

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