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Cybertechers. Forgotten Again.


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Ever since the game comes out I have been sticking by cybertech for forever. Currently Cybertech is already one of the worst crew skill to have, but I keep thinking there might be something in the future that will tip the scale in our favour.


First of all, lets take a look at why cybertech is essentially useless.


Not only can we not craft any augments, the mods we make are essentially useless at level 50. Why? Because Corellia commendations will yield you blue lvl 50 mods, which are good enough for easier HMs til you get your PVE gears, If PVE is your thing. Even if you do craft purple mods just for the sake of 'having the best gear even when you don't need it", you are going to be changing into your PVE gears soon anyway, since there really isn't much to do besides HM or PVP all day. And if you are after PVP, mods are even more useless - you can't craft or RE expertise mods.


But what about the vehicles, you say? Useless again.

Hot-rigged Bike cost 10 mandalore irons to make, and barely sells for 100k because - you're not gonna believe this - apparently you can buy rank 3 scooters with credits or earn them by completing mission terminal. Not only that, we have only 1 rank 3 scooter to craft. Just the one. How many scooters can we craft in total? 3. And the blue one are even more worthless. Why? Because you can buy scooter than run on similar speed from npc, and they're generally very cheap.


Droids parts.

How many character actually have droid companion, beside the useless default ship droid we get? What's more, there is no point gearing him up when you will eventually get your dedicated healers. Once again, Droid parts are essentially useless. Unless we can control a droid character, why would anyone want them augmented?


Ship Parts. Right.

Tell me why would you craft or buy something that is only useful in a mini game, besides having the mindset of "having the best things avalible in game"? For the sake of the arguments, lets say you really enjoy the mini game, how much would you spend on them? 30k per ship part? 40k? And that's just assuming everyone is eager to jump into space missions, when they already yield so little reward. And why willing to spend any money on ship parts at all, when you can roll through the hardest space mission using blue parts? Pretty sure you'd rather save your money for pulling out mods from pvp and pve gears as they're a TAD expensive.


And that leaves us with? Grenades.


The only thing that is remotely useful about Cybertech, which is on a shared CD, and cannot be sold unless to another cybertecher (the purple ones). How much can you sell the blue ones? I'd be surprise if people are buying them at 20k per grenade, and I spent twice the amount of money buying blue stims and adrenals.


I see people with armtech crying on forums about how unloved they felt, and I always fall off my chair from laughing. At least Armtecher can craft Power augments, something that I actually paid over 200k for merely 3. They can also crit craft weapons, which is much more useful than being able to craft a bunch of random junk no one is going to use.


But I'm sure you already know this.

So why am I writing this post?


Because of the upcoming augment table.

Crusing around the net for any info on patch 1.3, I found this piece of info:


" Augment Kits will be craftable by Armstechs, Armormechs, and Synthweavers (sorry Artificers, apparently you can't have nice things Tongue ) from Augment Kit Components, and will be BoE. You will obtain one Component for every crafted item you RE in addition to the normal material recovery, and it takes ten Components to craft one Kit. The schematics will be available from your crafting trainer. "


Lets ignore the jab on artificer - I'd argue that being able to craft a variation of colour crystals and augmented light-sabers is pretty damn nice - where is cybertech? Forgotten again. Well never you mind. I'll probably just switch to Biochem in a few weeks or so since the stims and adrenal are costing me a fortune, and I don't want to have to keep on nagging my guildies for them.


Please consider revamping cybertech before it's too late.

We want to have nice things too!

Edited by hyuplee
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I'm hoping we'll at least be able to RE earpieces for the Augment Kit mats. I didn't see anything indicating that much at least was exclusive to those who could create the augment kits. But I agree entirely with your arguments, and I'm working on parroting them in the Suggestions forum.
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I'm hoping we'll at least be able to RE earpieces for the Augment Kit mats. I didn't see anything indicating that much at least was exclusive to those who could create the augment kits. But I agree entirely with your arguments, and I'm working on parroting them in the Suggestions forum.


Oh Yea I almost forgot about earpieces.

That's also useless mate lol even if you aug it, you can only use it in pve, and its only the 1 slot.

Thanks, by the way. I'm hoping that your parroting goes well. :)

As for me, I really probably will switch to biochem as I'm a big pvper.


Cybertech really really is an useless skill to have.

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Started the thread, and later added a few suggestions. I encourage everyone to join in and toss some suggestions of their own there (or in your own thread). I have a feeling the devs pay slightly closer attention to the suggestions forum than the crew skills one.




Buuut in all honesty I'd be lying if I said I wasn't tempted to do the exact same thing as the OP. End-game stims are going for 20-40k apiece on my server, and they make a huge difference on our HM runs. Frankly it'd be far quicker for me to replace my main's trade with Bio than to lvl it up on an alt with only 2 companions.

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I was cyber from pre-release until 1.2 after 1.2 I sold some augments until the market tapered off then went to Biochem. The blue/purple reusable adrenals and stims are just so much more useful for a level 50 (blues and purples last through defeat so paying 7k for the recipie and finding 2 biometric alloys is totally worth it). I did power level an alt to 400 cybertech for the mods and armor for all my alts, I'm an alt-o'holic :D.
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I have posted a thread like this 2 times now. I agree 100% with OP.


Armoring/Mods = worthless

Droid parts = worthless

speeders = worthless


Grenades do not sell on my server very well, so i dont try and keep any on the GTn


Earpieces use to sell, now i will make blue low lvl ones for a couple K.


Ship Parts, Now this is the only money maker I have had. Maybe the space game is better on my server (even thought its dead)

but I have done very well making credits with them. Id have to say over the 6 months I have made over 10mil as a Cybertech and im sitting on 6mil right now. And still just listing ship part.


If they ever revamp the space game, im sure Chybertech will get love then but for now Its not worth taking it up.

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Ship parts, ship parts, ship parts.


Have to agree with other posters, ship parts sell well, and sell high. (and, if I may point out, you can get high end mats via ship missions, which is indirectly a benefit to crafters)

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Ship Parts. Right.

Tell me why would you craft or buy something that is only useful in a mini game, besides having the mindset of "having the best things avalible in game"? And why willing to spend any money on ship parts at all, when you can roll through the hardest space mission using blue parts?


Have you even tried some of the later ship missions? Those are an outrageous difficulty spike, starting with the second escort mission. Those grade recommendations are idiotic, you need the latest ship parts you can get or you fail. The only reason I won't buy them is because I can craft them myself. You want all the objectives, getting full profit from the mission? You need top grade parts.


Edit: I also thought about mods and armouring, and those are not as terrible as you think they are.


One, is that a cybertech consular and artifice inquisitor can support each other's moddable gear to level 50, with the cybertech in fact doing more of the work, so it's more useful.


Two, is that cybertech armouring and mods are actually useful for levelling alts, far more useful than biochem could hope to be. If I have an alt that's gotten out of sorts with their mods, what can I do? I could get my high level, have him run low level heroics to earn commendations and buy them mods to then email... sounds dull and wasteful. Or, I could jump on a cybertech, run current level missions while crafting mods. You can't buy the blue level mods, you have to use comms or crafting to get them. Comms may be more economical, but high levels earning low level comms isn't very entertaining. And if you're also running other crafting skills, it becomes very time-efficient, just not credit efficient.


Just my 2 credits.

Edited by ekimmak
Thought of another thing
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hmm, lets see hey I have artifice whart can I do?


Lightsabers with Augments, well everyone allready has enough on my server;)


Yeah I can RE the Relics for 200 Daylycommendations to get a schematic, I am actually doing this at the moment and already got 1 schematic well some weeks of daylies to go:rolleyes: These things sell quite well, but oh hell 6 days doing all space missions to get the mats for it:eek:


Yeah I can RE one of the three mods in T4 equipment, well cybertechs can do that with two slots so I don´t see why you whine?


Get some T4 Equipment take out the 1st and 2nd slot RE it and hope for the schematic:D

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Can you RE the Black Hole Earpieces (the ones you get from the Vendor on the Fleet) and if so,

Are they augmentable?


I really would like to buy some Augmented Tier 2 Earpiecs - but I haven't seen ANY on the GTN.

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Nothing really has changed. 1-49 cybertech is nice but at 50 biochem is still king and it's not close. I will defend cybertech a bit from a pure moneymaking aspect. Droid parts and ship parts sell pretty good. A few classes have droid comps and I know the JK one is needed at 50 so easy to sell some blue droid parts.
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Looking at it from a cashflow point of view is doing it a disservice. With Legacy, none of the tradeskills are much of a moneymaker without serious effort - so instead, look at it as an easy way to get armoring, mods, droid parts and starship equipment for all your alts :)


That's how I look at Artifice, at least. Nigh unlimited supply of at-level blue or purple enhancements for the remaining 5 characters, and augment sabers to boot - woot!

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Yes you can reconstruct and learn black hole earpeaces. The tool tip says, that there's a 20% chance to learn the schematic. I haven't tried it myself, but some people on my server can actually build some of them, so yes it it possible. I'm not sure if you can create them with an augment slot, but I would assume that this is possible as well.

The only problem I see, are the tremendous material costs for those ear peaces.

Although I like it, that Cybertech can finally create some useful stuff again, I really dislike the way we are supposed to obtain the schematics. Reconstructing is only based on luck, and both earpeaces and high level mods are extremly hard to get in higher numbers. So if you're unlucky you spend several weeks farming black hole commendations for a couple of zal alloy.

But because of the missing alternatives for making money as a cybertech, I will try this anyway, as soon as I have some commendations left. Ship armor is utterly useless and on my server the people won't buy those parts. I didn't even bother to create those parts for my own ship, because it would make the space missions even more boring. The blue stuff you can buy in combination with the power conversion module and the electronic warfare pod are more than enough to succeed in all space missions. I hope they will add more difficult space missions, with better rewards so people are willing to spend some money for them.


(don't flame me for any mistakes please, but English is not my native language)

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Have you even tried some of the later ship missions? Those are an outrageous difficulty spike, starting with the second escort mission. Those grade recommendations are idiotic, you need the latest ship parts you can get or you fail. The only reason I won't buy them is because I can craft them myself. You want all the objectives, getting full profit from the mission? You need top grade parts.


Edit: I also thought about mods and armouring, and those are not as terrible as you think they are.


One, is that a cybertech consular and artifice inquisitor can support each other's moddable gear to level 50, with the cybertech in fact doing more of the work, so it's more useful.


Two, is that cybertech armouring and mods are actually useful for levelling alts, far more useful than biochem could hope to be. If I have an alt that's gotten out of sorts with their mods, what can I do? I could get my high level, have him run low level heroics to earn commendations and buy them mods to then email... sounds dull and wasteful. Or, I could jump on a cybertech, run current level missions while crafting mods. You can't buy the blue level mods, you have to use comms or crafting to get them. Comms may be more economical, but high levels earning low level comms isn't very entertaining. And if you're also running other crafting skills, it becomes very time-efficient, just not credit efficient.


Just my 2 credits.


I've done all space mission in blue. The last few missions around illums are hard, but still doable in blue ship parts. You're not gonna completely every objective there is per say, if you are aiming to complete the mission, blue will do fine.


If you are leveling alts, simply have your alts do the mission and they will automatically end up with a large sum of comm, even if you just do the main story quest. The mods and armoring in vender cost 2 and 7 respectively. Interestingly, the orange gear in comm vender cost 14 comm to get, so its actually more idea to have a crafter craft your orange armor and just buy the blue mods and armoring.


As for leveling alts, I'm pretty sure if you have crew skill such as biochem the money you save on medkit will outweight the mod prices significantly. Even if we are able to craft mods we can only make armoring and mods. We cannot make enhancement. Nor can we make halt, barrels, and these things can be crafted by other crew skills as well, so really cybertech is not the only crew skill that benefits leveling alts.



Nothing really has changed. 1-49 cybertech is nice but at 50 biochem is still king and it's not close. I will defend cybertech a bit from a pure moneymaking aspect. Droid parts and ship parts sell pretty good. A few classes have droid comps and I know the JK one is needed at 50 so easy to sell some blue droid parts.




Yet I can see where the majority of you is going. Cybertech is not completely useless because on some server ship parts sells. But then, does Ship part benefit my character in pve or in pvp? Not remotely. With every other crew skills you will be able to make augments and augment gears that takes up at least 2 slot of your overall equipment space, with cybertech it really just the one earpiece. The economical value of droid parts and ship parts is also very server dependent. People who buy them are often those who shop with the mindset of "having the best item available" and not 'what is truly useful.' It is entirely possible for a player to waltz through the leveling without using droids or playing any space missions, but it is entirely impossible for a player not to engage in endgame activity such as raiding and pvp.


Cybertech can craft lvl 61 mods - top end for PVE



As for making the high endgame pve mods, you need to R.E those rare mods to be able to make them, and if you already have the ability to farm them, it would only means that you don't need them and is solely using them to make money. Considering biochemist can sell exogen stims at almost 100k a piece, the mod you make can actually be bought relatively easily by a endgame biochemist.


Let's now compare cybertech to other crew skills. A full wh crit gear will nets you around 500k, and their crafting cost is significantly lower. Not good enough to craft pvp gears? No worries. Any orange with crit is likely to net you 60k credit +. Plus, you can make augments. That'll yield you another 70k credits plus. And you can start making those before you even hit 400 all. Artifice? even crazier. You can make augments orange lightsaber at lvl 16 which goes for something like 70k.


Not to mention in patch 1.3 all of these crafting skills with the exclusion of artifice and cybertech, can craft augment kits. That leaves Cybertech with Ship parts. If you think you are making a killing with ship parts, switch to biochem, and make blue might stim. You dont even need exogen. The new surge of marauder will grab every blue stim they can at about 20k a stick. Now that is called "making a killing."

Edited by hyuplee
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Well you cant have everything, I see Cybertech as the moneymaking skill. Ive never farmed dailies for credits, because i have made several million from crafting and selling earpieces/ship parts on the auction house. The reusable grenades are useful in PvP at 50, as useful as reusable adrenals? No. But I have so many credits that buying those is nothing to me.


I sell purple ship parts for 50,000/ea and it probably costs me about 8,000/ea and they sell pretty damn well. I also sell about 15 differeant purple earpieces at a time up and down the level 26 - 49 spectrum. Level 49 Endowment (cunning) sells regularly for 50,000 and sell several level 47, 43, for cunning, aim and willpower for 42,000/ea.


The key to cybertech is obtaining a nice amount of purple recipes for earpieces across the entire leveling spectrum and doing so for each main stat to increase your market penetration ;)


Droid parts dont sell at all on my sever, and unless your making lvl (56) or (61) mods, Mods and Armor are not moneymakers either. However, it is useful in leveling alts.

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Artifice also shares your pain. No augments we can craft, and now we cant make kits to add augment slots. If even they'd let us make all the color crystals to sell that'd be one thing. Of course I still would like an Artifice grenade. Those would ease my pain. But I'll live with my crystal cutting even though I should go Synthweaving if I ever want to make any credits on my profession. Oh well, right?
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Two, is that cybertech armouring and mods are actually useful for levelling alts, far more useful than biochem



True. Cybertech is helpful for alts 10-49 and that is it. I was rather disappointed with the gernades. Err, disappointed is not strong enough word. I was very disappointed.

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Cybertech may be useless in terms of helping you endgame PvP or PvE (altho some will argue the grenades have their uses). However, if you step out of that mindset and realize that Cybertech is a moneymaker, then you might be able to get some use out of it. Personally, I was cybertech from the get-go right until a week before 1.2 came out, and I made enough credits to buy everything I wanted from legacy with lots of creds to spare (I only skipped out on QT and Fleet Pass cooldown since I rarely find myself needing them a second time within the CD timer). Contrary to what you stated, ship parts was a big money maker for me 1-49, then earpieces was total bank at 50. I only switched out of Cybertech because I PvP pretty heavily and felt the benefits of Biochem reusables are worth it - but just to note, I still continued to sell leftover earpieces for 75k a piece, I'm out of augmented ones now but the last one was sold for 150k. This might also be due to the fact that even after I switched out, there still doesn't seem to be another decent cybertech on my server that has any clue what to make, so there's virtually NO competition.


Ship Parts. Right.

Tell me why would you craft or buy something that is only useful in a mini game, besides having the mindset of "having the best things avalible in game"? For the sake of the arguments, lets say you really enjoy the mini game, how much would you spend on them? 30k per ship part? 40k? And that's just assuming everyone is eager to jump into space missions, when they already yield so little reward. And why willing to spend any money on ship parts at all, when you can roll through the hardest space mission using blue parts? Pretty sure you'd rather save your money for pulling out mods from pvp and pve gears as they're a TAD expensive.


Although I agree the purple parts are not necessary, you'd be suprised how many people actually front the credits to buy it, because let's face it - it makes the space missions MUCH easier (ie. who doesn't want 150 missles to spam the entire mission??). Don't forget there are those that run the space missions daily as well (either to buy the crafting boxes or what not). Depending how your market is, they can be decent. I was actually forced to stop making ship parts because other clueless cybertechs were undercutting prices to a point where the materials costed more than what they were selling for. It got to a point where they were selling for 15k, I mean seriously the mando irons were going for 9k a piece...and there were so many of them doing it I didnt want to bother buying out so I went to earpieces, anyways /rant. And onto...


Oh Yea I almost forgot about earpieces.

That's also useless mate lol even if you aug it, you can only use it in pve, and its only the 1 slot.

Thanks, by the way. I'm hoping that your parroting goes well.

As for me, I really probably will switch to biochem as I'm a big pvper.


Would you believe me if I told you I've made an obscene amount of credits with earpieces? I don't have the exact number but I'm pretty sure it's around 20-30mil. I also think that's kind of low because I got into making earpieces late. Useless even if you aug? My best sellers are by far the augmented Expert Serenity Relay and Expert Entropic Chip, when I listed them on the market (I'm out of stock now) they almost never came back. Pre 1.2 the itemization on earpieces were a bit lacking so I've heard from people that the augmented Serenity relay was actually BiS at the time. Maybe you didn't make the right earpieces? I think some pieces are still good actually even with the new Campaign and Black Hole gear because it's not like those are easy to get, also FYI - my last piece of Expert Entropic Chip was sold at 75k just last week. So there's still a market for it (hint hint any cybertechers on my server)


So again, perhaps it's server dependant, but I've made all the credits I need in this game from Cybertech. So for me personally, and for the many people at the below cybertech thread link, far far from useless. I think you were just doing it wrong, or on a low pop server with slow GTN.



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So again, perhaps it's server dependant, but I've made all the credits I need in this game from Cybertech. So for me personally, and for the many people at the below cybertech thread link, far far from useless. I think you were just doing it wrong, or on a low pop server with slow GTN.





Hate to break it to ya mate, but yea it IS server dependent. My server focus a lot on pvp and pve. No one buys ship parts. I've been giving them out for free to guildies for a while because they don't sell. Expert Entropic Chips? I have 4 of those sitting in my bank and a hawkeye entropic chip in my inventory. All augmented. Had them for 2 month. Tried to sell them for 40k. No one buys.


Now, if the moneymaking use of cybertech - which is entirely server dependent - is out, what use does cybertech has to a endgame character? Next to none would be the correct answer. The only thing cybertech make that we can use to enhance our gameplay is grenade, and it has a shared CD with all other grenade.


Thanks for the link though.


Just for future reference to anyone reading this thread, that link about the usefulness of cybertech? Don't read it.


It's what got me here in the first place.


Dont get me wrong, it is a good post ; but it is also very misleading. It failed the mention the amount of stuff that would be made obsolete by pve/pvp gears, and it also fail to mention the server dependence of cybertech money making. I honestly thought cybertech would be a massively useful skill for the amount of stuff cybertecher can make, after reading that post. Hell i remember it being the first post I read when I was deciding which crew skill to take.

I really shouldn't have done that.


But thanks nontheless for linking it, cuz mannn.... it sure brings back the memories.

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Hate to break it to ya mate, but yea it IS server dependent. My server focus a lot on pvp and pve. No one buys ship parts. I've been giving them out for free to guildies for a while because they don't sell. Expert Entropic Chips? I have 4 of those sitting in my bank and a hawkeye entropic chip in my inventory. All augmented. Had them for 2 month. Tried to sell them for 40k. No one buys.


Now, if the moneymaking use of cybertech - which is entirely server dependent - is out, what use does cybertech has to a endgame character? Next to none would be the correct answer. The only thing cybertech make that we can use to enhance our gameplay is grenade, and it has a shared CD with all other grenade.


Thanks for the link though.


Just for future reference to anyone reading this thread, that link about the usefulness of cybertech? Don't read it.


It's what got me here in the first place.


Dont get me wrong, it is a good post ; but it is also very misleading. It failed the mention the amount of stuff that would be made obsolete by pve/pvp gears, and it also fail to mention the server dependence of cybertech money making. I honestly thought cybertech would be a massively useful skill for the amount of stuff cybertecher can make, after reading that post. Hell i remember it being the first post I read when I was deciding which crew skill to take.

I really shouldn't have done that.


But thanks nontheless for linking it, cuz mannn.... it sure brings back the memories.


dead server is a dead server. No crew skill will benefit anybody in that kind of situation, not just cybertech. It also comes down to supply and demand, of course the guide is server dependant, you need to figure out what the people on your server want. If there's nobody rerolling warriors then of course your entropic chips won't sell. The guide can't include that much information, kinda have to assume you've taken econ 101 =P.


But anyways in your scenario you might as well go Biochem if you haven't already, you're not making any money and ur not enjoying it, simple choice. I kind of know how you feel though, my server has died down significantly the past week, I have maybe 2 earpieces left that keep coming back, I'm glad I got rid of most of them already :)

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dead server is a dead server. No crew skill will benefit anybody in that kind of situation, not just cybertech. It also comes down to supply and demand, of course the guide is server dependant, you need to figure out what the people on your server want. If there's nobody rerolling warriors then of course your entropic chips won't sell. The guide can't include that much information, kinda have to assume you've taken econ 101 =P.


But anyways in your scenario you might as well go Biochem if you haven't already, you're not making any money and ur not enjoying it, simple choice. I kind of know how you feel though, my server has died down significantly the past week, I have maybe 2 earpieces left that keep coming back, I'm glad I got rid of most of them already :)


I'm not talking about a dead server mate. My server is actually very populated.

Yet its just the sheer uselessness of everything that cybertech can craft - Once people realize they don't actually need them, they won't buy them. Why? Well, part of the reason is because pulling mods out of stuff is so expensive. Second being the commendation system which I have already explained.


There are actually a lot of people rerolling warrior, but entropic chips still won't sell because at level 50 there are 2 things you can do - pvp or pve. PvP, you have recruit gear. With PVE you dont need such good gears for the easier HMs. Even if you are looking to get gears, earpiece tends to get ignore because people would likely to have purchased a full set of purple gear, ran out of cash for the earpiece and make-do with blue (or even green) ones.


I have gone biochem already, trying to level it up as we speak ;p


It's gonna take a while, but I know for certain it's going to be more useful at end game than cybertech. And when patch 1.3 hits the shelf? Cybertech will be completely worthless. Is something going to be done about it? Probably not. Dev has a habit of cherry picking their favourite issue and ignore the more dire ones.


But hey, at least biochem is still useful.

Edited by hyuplee
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