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So really? WOW killer?


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I really do not understand why this leap in logic is continuing to thrive in the MMO community.


First of all, this game did not copy WoW in any of the major elements where it really counts. The UI is slow/clunky. There is little in the way of UI customization with no modding/macro support. No group finder utility. A general slower pace between levels which is a huge deal very few people are aware of (ask any I/O psychologist that consults for MMO's). Combat is a slower pace experience. Rewards in many of the games skinner box model dynamics like legacy/pvp take far more time than in WoW, in general (operations are an obvious exception). Artwork at times is uninspiring...and the list can go on.


This is the same story for any other MMO that has failed where WoW has succeded. Everyone that keeps saying that new MMO's are failing cause they copy WoW do not realize how much they ignore WoW's winning formula. The first developer that really learns this lesson and copies it correctly, wins.

With this post, you have clearly highlighted the key to World of Warcraft's success...


"Keep it simple, stupid!"


WoW is an online arcade game with an autosave feature, hence it's vast popularity.

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This game could have easily been the next big thing. It had the perfect ingredients, Stars Wars plus a really good gaming company with a history of making good games.


They just didn't think to make a MMO for whatever reason. Almost every MMO to come out in the last 5-7 years has had super-hyped and had strong initial sales. Why? Because people are really sick of WoW. However, none of the games have delivered anything more than sub-WoW performance. They somehow claim they are better than WoW, but they aren't. They use the same class skills, raiding format, etc. They just do it worse. Companies just don't get it, you can't have a successful MMO if you make a WoW clone.


Kinda why GW2 is going to be huge. It actually took ideas from other game and made them better. The first Beta version was better than the current state of this game. It already has server transfers. It has open pvp. It has structured pvp across all servers. The world is huge and has tons to explore. The things that are killing this game won't ever happen because the system to deal with it is already in place.

Edited by AHChrist
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This game could have easily been the next big thing. It had the perfect ingredients, Stars Wars plus a really good gaming company with a history of making good games.


They just didn't think to make a MMO for whatever reason. Almost every MMO to come out in the last 5-7 years has had super-hyped and had strong initial sales. Why? Because people are really sick of WoW. However, none of the games have delivered anything more than sub-WoW performance. They somehow claim they are better than WoW, but they aren't. They use the same class skills, raiding format, etc. They just do it worse. Companies just don't get it, you can't have a successful MMO if you make a WoW clone.


Kinda why GW2 is going to be huge. It actually took ideas from other game and made them better. The first Beta version was better than the current state of this game. It already has server transfers. It has open pvp. It has structured pvp across all servers. The world is huge and has tons to explore. The things that are killing this game won't ever happen because the system to deal with it is already in place.


GW2 will have its own problems, PvE related especially. If you're expecting it to be the "next big thing" then prepare to be disappointed, the beta weekend was a right letdown. :sul_frown:

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I recently downloaded the free to play 20 level version and from time to time find myself logging off of swtor and onto WOW. WOW in some ways just feels so old and tired and I well know the end of the road and why I unsubbed. But geez, it is nice every so often to get on and feel an open world and see life (bunnies hopping around and cows mooing and birds flying overhead and so on). It is nice to walk once again through SW after spending time in the dark shopping mall like fleet. It is so so nice to actually feel responsive combat and know if I push a button, my cast will go off without my swtor SI having a few tick internal debate over whether or not to actually do what I told him to. Sometimes the debate does not go my way and the spell is never cast - I forgot what it felt like to fight and not mash buttons multiple times while yelling fire darn you fire.


Edit - I just remembered the stange feeling that I had the first time I logged onto WOW. Then I realized that my character actually had a shadow (beyond my 1 1/2 year old $ 4,500 rig in swtor).


I just got 7 free wow days 48 hours ago. Same exact experience. I never thought I would be back. SWToR killed themselves.

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I dunno, for all my gripes about the game, I have to admit that being on a happy, buzzing server like Fatman, the game really does come more alive as an MMO. I think at this stage, the people who are left just want to get that buzz, so the main thing for BW should be getting healthily populated servers.
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"While Asia accounts for roughly 50 percent of global users, we estimate the region contributes less than 10 percent of total WoW revenues, due to the licensing structure and timecard model," he wrote.


Blizzard uses a lot of trickery to make people believe they have "10million" subs.




And to the guys that went back to WoW? Thank You. Especially the guy complaining about something they fixed 4 months ago. It really shows how much, if at all, you played this game.

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I kinda feel stupid for ever expecting this game to do well. I honestly believed that the masses would flock to it and appreciate it as a far superior game to what's currently on the market. Turns out it's WAR all over again, with lackluster implementation ruining an otherwise brilliant opportunity. The game is no giant slayer & I'm pretty curious to see if it will weather the storm of MMOs coming out this year with a lot of potential.


imo SWTOR is worse then WAR... in war we had Goblins xD and the wold pvp was the best i have ever seen.

SWTOR world pvp does not exist, and waiting for a wz to pop on a empty server like were my chars are, the odds of a pop are the same as for a roasted chicken to start mumbling the Imperial March.

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Right now Blizzard is having a non-stop party as they prepare for their next expansion, .


How about they fix the server stability and bugs with Diablo III? I, for one am glad I didn't get the game yet. At least SWTOR was playable at launch.

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WoW jumped the shark. They piled too much crap onto the game and it's gotten ugly.


While swtor is a pretty bad game I got bored with other MMOs. But Secret World has me interested. Not really into fantasy stuff right now, although the MMOs intended to launch next year in that category have my attention.


What I really think is foolish right now is to have delusions about huge changes to the game which would make it 'good'. It's not as if EA has qualms about gutting a game if it under-performs. But hey, swtor is doing better than that golf game...

Edited by curzen
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What I really think is foolish right now is to have delusions about huge changes to the game which would make it 'good'. It's not as if EA has qualms about gutting a game if it under-performs. But hey, swtor is doing better than that golf game...

SWTOR... Better than that golf game.™


It has a nice ring to it. If they push that line in their advertising, the game will definitely lose less subs from people who would rather be playing virtual hit-ball-in-hole.

Edited by Blistrich
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I dunno, for all my gripes about the game, I have to admit that being on a happy, buzzing server like Fatman, the game really does come more alive as an MMO. I think at this stage, the people who are left just want to get that buzz, so the main thing for BW should be getting healthily populated servers.


I was playing on Swiftsure and then Master Dar'Nala so population is no issue. I can imagine playing on a dead server with no chance of even a WZ popping would make the game even worse.

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I kinda feel stupid for ever expecting this game to do well. I honestly believed that the masses would flock to it and appreciate it as a far superior game to what's currently on the market. Turns out it's WAR all over again, with lackluster implementation ruining an otherwise brilliant opportunity. The game is no giant slayer & I'm pretty curious to see if it will weather the storm of MMOs coming out this year with a lot of potential.


Totally agree with you.

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Hey folks,


We do thank people for taking the time out to post about issues and concerns about the game. We do read it, regardless of whether it is positive or negative.


That being said, feedback about specific issues should whenever possible be placed into the proper subforum. For example, there are existing threads in the Suggestion Box forum where discussions about some of these concerns are being had:



Also, while we do appreciate and read feedback, we do ask that said feedback is constructive and respectful. If you need some guidelines for doing so, we do have a post here via our Dev Tracker that explains it:



We'll be closing this thread, but do encourage folks to post constructive feedback about the game in future threads. Thanks for your understanding!

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