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slinger/sniper weakness


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Good GS/Snipers do not just sit in cover and have no idea about LoS. Good Sages/Sorcs do not stay in front of them eating bullets. What a nice (Lion King) Circleeee of Lifeeeeeeeee. Edited by Shadenuat
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If they run away and I don't have the cd to root them, then I kill another target while they heal in a corner then come back and take more damage, then back to the corner.


Because switching targets and repositioning is something only snipers can do.


When I find a competent sniper/GS on my sorc, I just go around him. When I find a dumb one, I just kill him while hiding behind LOS.


On the other hand, when I find a sorc who sits there and tries to facetank my sniper, it makes me all giddy.

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PvP is more than just about DPS was my point. If you read what I wrote you will see that I clearly made the point that DPS was good in the spec, however everything else lacked. L2ReadingComprehension.


Also, Saboteur and Dirty Fighting specs currently out damage Sharpshooter spec in PvP overall but Sharpshooter has more burst.


They are all viable in their own regard, imo.


SS/MM is great for burst and defense. It plays mostly as a support DPS class that keeps squishies and healers at bay, and excels at switching targets. It's not completely immobile at all. It isn't hard to drop into cover for an instant Snipe and then pop off a Followthrough on the move while tossing out instants.


The other specs have much more mobility and are better for damaging multiple opponents, but have longer windups to kill people. They are more like "jack-of-all-trades" specs that are great for running and gunning and have something to offer in almost every area of PvP. They give up near-instant burst capability for this.


There are a lot of cases where one will shine over the other, but I doubt that it will be a clear-cut case of "this spec is better for PvP" until we get rebalanced for 1.3.


Personally, I prefer MM (SS) because the dependence on DoTs for Lethality sucks due to the existence of dispels (healers on my server know where their dispel button is... thanks PTs), and while Eng does seem like a lot of fun to play, it's not what I was thinking when I wanted to roll a Sniper.


Also, DPS is not the end-all, beat-all in a WZ, but a powerful DPS class can make up for its lack of defenses w/ strong burst. Just look at what Pyrotechs have been doing since the game was released. : )

Edited by Varicite
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Many sorcs see themselves as clever because they spend so much time column humping not realizing the gunslinger is simply changing targets as he wastes so much time not doing much.


You know that a sorc can totally LOS you with column and still have LOS to heal the targets you're switching to, right?

I always find it amazing when people talk about how invincible they are, and then the scenarios they come up with hinge upon their opponents being obviously terrible.

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That was my point, PvP is about how fast u can kill or neutralize a threat and not about overall damage, huge numbers at the end of the warzone mean nothing, however DF is fun to play, but SS is most usefull on PvP.


In plain terms, yes, it may be about neutralizing one or many targets depending on how many opponents you are playing against. However, pure damage is not always the most effective way to do this in PvP. Especially in group PvP, other abilities like crowd control, defensive survivability (especially ones that defend against being focused), movement and positioning (ex: line of sight), also ranged attacks vs melee.


Just because a class can "hit hard" and "nuetralize a target" fast, doesn't make them a well rounded PvP spec. Most of the best specs in the game sacrifice pure DPS for more pvp utility that increase your pvp survivability or CC.

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Just because a class can "hit hard" and "nuetralize a target" fast, doesn't make them a well rounded PvP spec. Most of the best specs in the game sacrifice pure DPS for more pvp utility that increase your pvp survivability or CC.


I'm pretty sure that Pyro PT would severely disagree w/ you as it gives up all the mobility and utility from the other specs for flat-out damage.


Also pretty sure that it's one of the "best specs in the game" right now for PvP and has been since before 1.2.


Alternatively, Sorc ACs provide some of the best PvP utility in the game, and almost all of the specs are considered to be rather weak in PvP.

Edited by Varicite
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I'm pretty sure that Pyro PT would severely disagree w/ you as it gives up all the mobility and utility from the other specs for flat-out damage.


Also pretty sure that it's one of the "best specs in the game" right now for PvP and has been since before 1.2.


Alternatively, Sorc ACs provide some of the best PvP utility in the game, and almost all of the specs are considered to be rather weak in PvP.


Actually, Pyro PT's are extremely mobile on their own and don't require them to stay still for very long. They are constantly running in and out of melee range using ranged, melee and AOE abilities. Right now Pyro PT's can afford to sacrifice all their defensive utility for offensive damage because their offensive damage is overpowered right now. If you see a nerf to their dps through talents, then they will once again begin balancing their points into more utility kind of like what you saw happened to Sorcs/Sages when they got their hybrid spec nerfed.

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I never said SS/MM Snipers/Slingers were completely immobile, have no CC, and no survivability. I only said that the spec has LESS of those three categories than the other two specs. While SS/MM Slingers/Snipers have the best burst of all three specs, they also do slightly less damage overall.


So basically by pvping in SS/MM spec you're giving up small to moderate amounts of mobility, CC, defensive and offensive utility, survivability and overall damage, in exchange for instant burst DPS as opposed to 2-3 global cooldown setup burst DPS. It just isn't worth it in my opinion. But like I said, it is easier to play.

Edited by DimeStax
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They are all viable in their own regard, imo.


SS/MM is great for burst and defense. It plays mostly as a support DPS class that keeps squishies and healers at bay, and excels at switching targets. It's not completely immobile at all. It isn't hard to drop into cover for an instant Snipe and then pop off a Followthrough on the move while tossing out instants.


The other specs have much more mobility and are better for damaging multiple opponents, but have longer windups to kill people. They are more like "jack-of-all-trades" specs that are great for running and gunning and have something to offer in almost every area of PvP. They give up near-instant burst capability for this.


There are a lot of cases where one will shine over the other, but I doubt that it will be a clear-cut case of "this spec is better for PvP" until we get rebalanced for 1.3.


Personally, I prefer MM (SS) because the dependence on DoTs for Lethality sucks due to the existence of dispels (healers on my server know where their dispel button is... thanks PTs), and while Eng does seem like a lot of fun to play, it's not what I was thinking when I wanted to roll a Sniper.


Also, DPS is not the end-all, beat-all in a WZ, but a powerful DPS class can make up for its lack of defenses w/ strong burst. Just look at what Pyrotechs have been doing since the game was released. : )


Just want to point out that if you have the lingering toxins talent in lethality, cleansing our two poisons will apply the weaker versions. This means we can still use cull, because cleanses are on a 4 sec cd.

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Ballistic Shield: 20 percent reduction

Evasion: range and tech dodge chance 100 percent

shield probe: moderate amount of damage


so basically we have 2 defensive abilities that maybe can shield us from force attacks, not much if you ask me, then again, were not supposed to be immune to being attacked in the first place.


Evasion does not help vs tech attacks; it's for ranged and melee - white damage.

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Snipers are only vulnerable to a class that can kill them while they're in cover and just trading hits, and as far as I can tell the only class that can pull this off is the Tankasin. I can always beat them trading hits but other classes need to LoS at some point, and if you do your clever trick the Sniper can counter with his own clever trick. That said, trying to maintain the ideal range through 2 KBs and a root is pretty hard even for the Tankasin.
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Actually, Pyro PT's are extremely mobile on their own and don't require them to stay still for very long. They are constantly running in and out of melee range using ranged, melee and AOE abilities. Right now Pyro PT's can afford to sacrifice all their defensive utility for offensive damage because their offensive damage is overpowered right now. If you see a nerf to their dps through talents, then they will once again begin balancing their points into more utility kind of like what you saw happened to Sorcs/Sages when they got their hybrid spec nerfed.


Well, the person I quoted said that the highest DPS specs were basically inferior to more utilitarian specs (ie: Marksman vs. Eng/Leth).


I pointed out that Pyro PT (arguably the 3rd best spec in PvP in the game) is the LEAST mobile and utilitarian of all 3 specs of PT, which is absolutely true.


We actually did see a nerf to our DPS through talents (I play a BM Pyro PT), and what you are saying did not happen at all. In fact, people like me who played more utility-focused specs (by skipping damage talents at the top of the Pyro tree for utility like shorter grapple cd, faster interrupts, etc. had to forego our utility for MORE DAMAGE in order to remain competitive.


As for Sorcs (I also have a BM hybrid Sorc, but I haven't played her in a while), the hybrid spec was the MOST utility-focused of all the Sorc specs and took an absolutely MASSIVE amount of CC from both trees. When the DAMAGE portion of the spec got gutted, people moved to other specs in order to do more DAMAGE to other players in PvP. Do you know how I know this?


Because the old hybrid spec still exists in its entirety. That's right, it wasn't "killed", the damage was just gutted by making the instant proc only effect Crushing Darkness and Lightning Strike. The CC/utility portions of the spec were left absolutely untouched. Yet, nobody plays the old hybrid anymore. Why is that, I wonder? Because they no longer had any sort of DAMAGE, and needed it in order to stay competitive as a DPS.


The reality of the situation is pretty much the exact opposite of the hypothesis you put forward. When Pyro damage got nerfed, they spec'd into MORE damage in response. When Sorc damage got nerfed, they spec'd OUT of all that utility and into more damage.


The simple fact is that you need to survive in order to perform your role in PvP. Sometimes that's best accomplished by eliminating the threat entirely instead of trying to neutralize its offenses.


Damage isn't the end-all, beat-all in PvP, like I said, but it is indeed very important and can offset a lack of defenses nicely at times. Let's not forget that Snipers do not lack for CC either, even in MM, and well-played MM Snipers are already prepared for kindergarten PvP tactics like LoS and DoTs.


Gee, sorry for the really long post. <.<

Edited by Varicite
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Just want to point out that if you have the lingering toxins talent in lethality, cleansing our two poisons will apply the weaker versions. This means we can still use cull, because cleanses are on a 4 sec cd.


Also, I stand corrected. Thank you for fixing that misinformation. : )

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Snipers are only vulnerable to a class that can kill them while they're in cover and just trading hits, and as far as I can tell the only class that can pull this off is the Tankasin. I can always beat them trading hits but other classes need to LoS at some point, and if you do your clever trick the Sniper can counter with his own clever trick. That said, trying to maintain the ideal range through 2 KBs and a root is pretty hard even for the Tankasin.


I kill snipers all the time with marauders/sentinels. I kill snipers all the time with A/S vanguard/pyro pts. I kill snipes all the time with scrappers. 90% of PVP is *TIMING*. Since my main is a gunslinger I know when to pop dodge against a sniper, when to pop camo, when to LoS, when to force choke, etc. It's all a matter of timing.


A bad PVP'er randomly attacks.

A mediocre PVP'er trades rotations.

A good PVP'er has a strategy of what to block from the enmy and how to block it.


Against a sniper you only have to deal with their knockbacks (long CD so just pop your defensive cooldowns or escape talents on their next channel) and big rotations (stun them if entrench isn't up, CD's if not). If you get in on a sniper as a marauder for instance pop your obfuscate before the knockback then just eat the damage (they'll miss quite often). Get in their face and attack, if they go with the ambush knockback use your defensive cooldowns (camo typically so you can also creep up on them faster) as they channel series of shots. Use your ranged attacks (force scream/saber toss) to keep up a little bit of pressure - once they've blown those two go in for the attack and use force choke when they pop dodge or during a long cast once their entrench is down. They'll go for a hard stun or a mez at some point, break out of it if they run and charge or if your resolve is max'd, if not just sit it out and pop defensive CD's/etc when you get out of it. Then just apply pressure and they die.

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I dont know why this is a secret but full Sabateur/Engineer tree is amazing. You get a 2 sec stun svery 18 secs. OP. Incendiary grenade does mass amounts of front end dmg now. I roll 7/31/3 The 7 is SS/Marks tree for ballistic dampers cause they rock, other three in lethality/DF for crit. Try it. Sab/leth is the best pvp spec PERIOD. Edited by Unversed
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There's a reason Gunslingers/Snipers are the least played and have the least amount of posts on the forums....they severly suck compared to other classes...the end.


Mara/Sent : More damage, more survivability...and has an escape


PT/VG : More damage, heavy armor, mobility (not to mention a guard for defense medals)


any tank (guard/jugg/assn/shadow) more survivability and still good damage so will usually kill the sniper 1v1


class with heals : can DoT and LoS a sniper/GS and pick their battle until the GS/sniper is dead


pretty much any class in the game should be able to beat a sniper/GS 1v1



Gunslinger/Sniper are super dependant on group support via heals/guard and they are about the only class in the game w/out a dispel, force speed, combat stealth, heal etc....or some other get out of jail free card. Maybe if coolhead healed for 30% and defense skills worked a little better then maybe.....but until then....gunslinger love is severly needed.

Edited by DarthLightSide
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I kill snipers all the time with marauders/sentinels. I kill snipers all the time with A/S vanguard/pyro pts. I kill snipes all the time with scrappers. 90% of PVP is *TIMING*. Since my main is a gunslinger I know when to pop dodge against a sniper, when to pop camo, when to LoS, when to force choke, etc. It's all a matter of timing.


A bad PVP'er randomly attacks.

A mediocre PVP'er trades rotations.

A good PVP'er has a strategy of what to block from the enmy and how to block it.


Against a sniper you only have to deal with their knockbacks (long CD so just pop your defensive cooldowns or escape talents on their next channel) and big rotations (stun them if entrench isn't up, CD's if not). If you get in on a sniper as a marauder for instance pop your obfuscate before the knockback then just eat the damage (they'll miss quite often). Get in their face and attack, if they go with the ambush knockback use your defensive cooldowns (camo typically so you can also creep up on them faster) as they channel series of shots. Use your ranged attacks (force scream/saber toss) to keep up a little bit of pressure - once they've blown those two go in for the attack and use force choke when they pop dodge or during a long cast once their entrench is down. They'll go for a hard stun or a mez at some point, break out of it if they run and charge or if your resolve is max'd, if not just sit it out and pop defensive CD's/etc when you get out of it. Then just apply pressure and they die.


You're basically saying do something clever and then may be you win, if they don't do something as clever as you. It's possible some classes have more clever tricks than the Sniper that they'd be at a considerable advantage always, but this is hard to discuss within the realms of theorycraft unless you know every class like the back of your hand, which I do not.


But what you're missing is that Tankasins hard counter Snipers because you don't have to do anything clever. When I see a Sniper I walk up to 9m. I stand still and do Wither -> Shock -> Force Lightning on them. Because I am standing still, they can't be moving either (or else they lose their Cover for no gain). I can kill them before they can kill me, so they can't win if they stay still and they definitely can't win if they try to run away. There's nothing clever to do here so that's why they can't counter it with their own version of cleverness.

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There's a reason Gunslingers/Snipers are the lease played and have the lease amount of posts on the forums....they severly suck compared to other classes...the end.


Mara/Sent : More damage, more survivability...and has an escape


PT/VG : More damage, heavy armor, mobility (not to mention a guard for defense medals)


any tank (guard/jugg/assn/shadow) more survivability and still good damage so will usually kill the sniper 1v1


class with heals : can DoT and LoS a sniper/GS and pick their battle until they GS/sniper is dead


pretty much any class in the game should be able to beat a sniper/GS 1v1



Gunslinger/Sniper are super dependant on group support via heals/guard and they are about the only class in the game w/out a dispel, force speed, combat stealth, heal etc....or some other get out of jail free card. Maybe if coolhead healed for 30% and defense skills worked a little better then maybe.....but until then....gunslinger love is severly needed.


I have no idea what you are talking about..... I can 1v1 any class on my GS. You just need skill and they can be the best class in the game. Like I said b4 Sabateur spec is very overpowered. I can kill maraders, BH, even tankasins

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I have no idea what you are talking about..... I can 1v1 any class on my GS. You just need skill and they can be the best class in the game. Like I said b4 Sabateur spec is very overpowered. I can kill maraders, BH, even tankasins


Apparentally you play against a bunch of scrubs.....but you are correct. Sab spec is awesome in pvp. Especially defending caps. Great for 1v1, gvg, and utility....but class overall still needs some love.

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Apparentally you play against a bunch of scrubs.....but you are correct. Sab spec is awesome in pvp. Especially defending caps. Great for 1v1, gvg, and utility....but class overall still needs some love.


I also agree alot of scrubs play but i do beat skilled players too. It is all about the timing of our defensive cooldowns, and getting in and out of cover every 6 secs for the dampeners to reset. Between the 2 sec stun svery 18 secs, legshot, dodge, nut kick, flash bang and dampeners i wreck shop on kids..... And without exageration I can say our damage is a bit on the heavy side of things.

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To be fair, as a Tankasin there are only two classes that can threaten me if we just have a direct damage exchange. Marauder (will usually lose) and Sniper (will usually win, but with low health remaining), and the only reason Marauder is ahead in such a scenario is because their defenses are way better than a Sniper, though I can kite Marauders but I sure can't kite Snipers.


I usually win against Snipers but if they get 2 or 3 more GCDs in, they have a good chance of winning the fight. While it's not as easy as you think to get an extra 2-3 GCDs veruss Tankasin, it's also certainly far from impossible. If I do make a mistake on judging the KB on Ambush, then the fight can easily go 50/50 or even slightly in favor of the Sniper.

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Well, the person I quoted said that the highest DPS specs were basically inferior to more utilitarian specs (ie: Marksman vs. Eng/Leth).


I pointed out that Pyro PT (arguably the 3rd best spec in PvP in the game) is the LEAST mobile and utilitarian of all 3 specs of PT, which is absolutely true.


We actually did see a nerf to our DPS through talents (I play a BM Pyro PT), and what you are saying did not happen at all. In fact, people like me who played more utility-focused specs (by skipping damage talents at the top of the Pyro tree for utility like shorter grapple cd, faster interrupts, etc. had to forego our utility for MORE DAMAGE in order to remain competitive.


As for Sorcs (I also have a BM hybrid Sorc, but I haven't played her in a while), the hybrid spec was the MOST utility-focused of all the Sorc specs and took an absolutely MASSIVE amount of CC from both trees. When the DAMAGE portion of the spec got gutted, people moved to other specs in order to do more DAMAGE to other players in PvP. Do you know how I know this?


Because the old hybrid spec still exists in its entirety. That's right, it wasn't "killed", the damage was just gutted by making the instant proc only effect Crushing Darkness and Lightning Strike. The CC/utility portions of the spec were left absolutely untouched. Yet, nobody plays the old hybrid anymore. Why is that, I wonder? Because they no longer had any sort of DAMAGE, and needed it in order to stay competitive as a DPS.


The reality of the situation is pretty much the exact opposite of the hypothesis you put forward. When Pyro damage got nerfed, they spec'd into MORE damage in response. When Sorc damage got nerfed, they spec'd OUT of all that utility and into more damage.


The simple fact is that you need to survive in order to perform your role in PvP. Sometimes that's best accomplished by eliminating the threat entirely instead of trying to neutralize its offenses.


Damage isn't the end-all, beat-all in PvP, like I said, but it is indeed very important and can offset a lack of defenses nicely at times. Let's not forget that Snipers do not lack for CC either, even in MM, and well-played MM Snipers are already prepared for kindergarten PvP tactics like LoS and DoTs.


Gee, sorry for the really long post. <.<


You say that Snipers are prepared for kindergarten PvP tactics like LoS and DoT's. How so? What can you possibly do as a MM sniper when someone LoS's you besides change targets? What can you possibly do about DoT's? Nothing. There is no "because i'm a well played MM Sniper I can prepare myself for LoS and DoT's." You don't prepare for anything and there is no skill required whatsoever, you just change targets or reposition and eat the DoT's because that's all you can do. Whereas, Saboteur and Dirty Fighting specs have no problems running and gunning people down or even using LoS and DoT's ourselves. The reason is because Dirty Fighting and Saboteur specced Gunslingers don't need to be perched on a hard to reach ledge with a killzone of 35 feet around us to give us enough survivability to be effective: Our mobility and utility allow us to be dangerous from ANYWHERE on the map at anytime, even in the pit in Huttball.



You also say that simply burning a target down faster, thus neutralizing them, is sometimes better for survivability than controlling them with CC's. Let me just point out that just because you have more burst as a Sharpshooter Gunslinger, this doesn't mean you KILL faster, it just means you can burst faster. The kill times across all 3 specs are more or less even, the only difference faster burst makes is that it's tougher to heal through or counter with defensive abilities. You aren't gaining more DPS by speccing into Sharpshooter Gunslinger, you're gaining more burst to hopefully get a kill before your DPS is countered.


You mentioned that PT Pyro's damage spec is the least mobile of all three specs, and that may be the case but you missed my point in an earlier post which addressed that statement by saying that currently the PT Pyro's damage tree is the most over-powered for that class, therefore it is more useful in PvP than the other two specs simply for that reason. If a certain spec for a class is overpowered in PvP and the other specs are not, it makes sense to play because the more utility you are gaining from the other specs isn't balanced with the damage you gain from the damage spec.


My point isn't that utility is always greater than damage in PvP, my point is that when damage is more or less equal across all three specs like it is with Snipers/Slingers, then the utility that one spec offers over another becomes the difference in determining which spec is better suited for PvP. If you're playing a class like PT where one spec is overpowered in PvP compared to two other specs which are average, well you're going to play the overpowered spec anyday no matter how much utility the other specs give you. So your comparison between Snipers/Slingers and an overpowered PT Pyro spec is irrelevant, because if the MM or SS tree was overpowered no one would play the other specs and there would be no need to have this thread in the first place.

Edited by DimeStax
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You say that Snipers are prepared for kindergarten PvP tactics like LoS and DoT's. How so? What can you possibly do as a MM sniper when someone LoS's you besides change targets? What can you possibly do about DoT's? Nothing. There is no "because i'm a well played MM Sniper I can prepare myself for LoS and DoT's." You don't prepare for anything and there is no skill required whatsoever, you just change targets and eat the DoT's because that's all you can do. Whereas, Saboteur and Dirty Fighting specs have no problems running and gunning people down or even use LoS and DoT's ourselves.


All about good positioning, and yes, switching targets when you can't take someone down. Sometimes it's about having a good hard cover spot to roll into for a readjust in positioning, or simply about knowing where your teammates are and CC'ing / buying time accordingly.


You also say that simply burning a target down faster, thus neutralizing them, is sometimes better for survivability than controlling them with CC's. Let me just point out that just because you have more burst as a Sharpshooter Gunslinger, this doesn't mean you KILL faster, it just means you can burst faster. The kill times across all 3 specs are more or less even, the only difference faster burst makes is that it's tougher to heal through or counter with defensive abilities. You aren't gaining more DPS by speccing into Sharpshooter Gunslinger, you're gaining more burst to hopefully get a kill before your DPS is countered.


My point isn't that utility is always greater than damage in PvP, my point is that when damage is more or less equal across all three specs like it is with Snipers/Slingers, then the utility that one spec offers over another becomes the difference in determining which spec is better suited for PvP. If you're playing a class like PT where one spec is overpowered in PvP compared to two other specs which are average, well you're going to play the overpowered spec anyday no matter how much utility the other specs give you. So your comparison between Snipers/Slingers and an overpowered PT Pyro spec is irrelevant, because if the MM or SS tree was overpowered no one would play the other specs and there would be no need to have this thread in the first place.


At the time when Pyro was nerfed, there were quite a few equally viable and popular PT specs. 1.2 killed a couple of them, buffed a couple of others, but when all is said and done, Pyro is on top. It has nothing to do w/ its damage being "overpowered", since AP is pretty competitive w/ Pyro right now DPS-wise, and has been since 1.2. It actually boasts the heaviest hitting attack of all 3 PT specs (much like Lethality's Cull), but it requires a long setup.


What you're REALLY talking about is sustained damage + utility vs. burst damage, which is exactly what's being discussed in this thread.


It's obvious that people chose to go w/ the BURST damage and less utility, because burst is what kills people. Long setups that lead to big damage are great in theory, but they have weaknesses of their own (such as the inability to quickly switch targets) or the ability to completely counter the damage combo and negate not only all of that time and energy, but your chances to kill them as well.


We can agree to disagree on which is "better", as I think they both fill their own niche, and enjoy both playstyles thoroughly.

Edited by Varicite
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I absolutely love the sages coming in and pretending they wreck snipers. Even column humping, Snipers have enough instant abilities or dots to take them down easily.

I have never lost a 1v1 with a sorc, and in a group battle, they die so fast they don't even know where the fire was coming from.


equal skill gear sorc > sniper


Sorry that is the fact. Only a noob sorc will lose to a sniper... at worst case you can also go 36 m away and cast a heal and rebubble while you have dots ticking on the sniper.

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There's a reason Gunslingers/Snipers are the least played and have the least amount of posts on the forums....they severly suck compared to other classes...the end.

No, the reason the AC is unpopular is because it has a clunky mechanic, a non-intuitive rotation, and requires the most attention to positioning and zone control than all the classes.


Some of you seem to operate in this perfect world where warzones are like chess with unlimited time to sip tea, munch biscuits, and plan your next move. The best players can size up a battlefield in a split-second, determine the best target to focus and how to set themselves up for success (positioning, available cds, escape paths for both the attacker and defender, etc.). The GS/Sniper excels if a player is capable of managing all these soft tactical skills which the game does a non-existent job of explaining.


That said, I'm not sure why some of you are getting so riled up about a game where PVP favors whoever has the most CDs up. The first one minute in a match is pretty fun because most players are blowing everything they have, but after that, each fight becomes cooldownlapalooza.


The GS/Sniper is one of the least tank/healer reliant DPS classes in the game. If you're the first one getting killed every encounter, you're doing something really wrong. I play an Infiltration Shadow, and I do fine without guard and heals for protracted periods of time. The problem with this game is that everyone wants to be as durable as a Tankasin, yet wants to deal damage like a bull in a china shop. Something has to give, but the GS/Sniper has the advantage of having an amazing set of CDs for getting into a 'You Shall Not Pass!' mode.

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