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BW i love merc


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Please dont listen to these people that are saying we are under powered, most just didnt like the 1.2 change and have given up. I dont want to see a buff on this class coz its going to start the whole Mercs are OP then we will see 100's of rerolls and the we will get a nerf again.


For most people its a L2P issue.


this is not a troll post, im a full BM merc and i PVP daily, my average end of round score is 280k damage, 30 -40 kills and 2 - 6 deaths.

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We love merc too, that's why we want the best for the class. Because we care about it's competitiveness, suitability and performance when measured against other well performing classes. That's why we stick around here shouting at a brick wall, taking abject criticism and ridicule, and sometimes feeling utterly useless in PvE and PvP. Because we love merc.


And no offence, but your scores mean nothing mate.

Edited by Diddley
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We love merc too, that's why we want the best for the class. Because we care about it's competitiveness, suitability and performance when measured against other well performing classes. That's why we stick around here shouting at a brick wall, taking abject criticism and ridicule, and sometimes feeling utterly useless in PvE and PvP. Because we love merc.


And no offense, but your scores mean nothing mate.


This pretty much sums it up. Great post.

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We love merc too, that's why we want the best for the class. Because we care about it's competitiveness, suitability and performance when measured against other well performing classes. That's why we stick around here shouting at a brick wall, taking abject criticism and ridicule, and sometimes feeling utterly useless in PvE and PvP. Because we love merc.


And no offence, but your scores mean nothing mate.


Right on the money man! Sorry to the OP but you are a minority in your view of this class.

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Please dont listen to these people that are saying we are under powered, most just didnt like the 1.2 change and have given up. I dont want to see a buff on this class coz its going to start the whole Mercs are OP then we will see 100's of rerolls and the we will get a nerf again.


For most people its a L2P issue.


this is not a troll post, im a full BM merc and i PVP daily, my average end of round score is 280k damage, 30 -40 kills and 2 - 6 deaths.


i agree with you, for the most part.


BH is great...i outdamage everyone in any situation. even outdamaged, i would imagine based on the agro i was pulling, a FULL rakata/BH geared Arse. i just got my first piece of rakata last night!!


i've perfected my rotation(or darn close) in PvE and i'm just good at PvP, so the class is me. like i explained in a previous post, i play my merc like i play CoD...love it..


but, others do really bring up valuable points. which i agree with, for the most part as well. like the dude said above, scores don't mean anything...somewhat. (you'd think i ate waffles for breakfast)


scores depend on team make-up and server mentality. some servers, mercs are fodder and can't blink without 50 warriors jumpin them, others score 800k because healers and dps are content to just rack up #'s and not plant bombs (i've had a couple rounds like that...fun, once in awhile).


but, what i see as the major flaw in Merc is, is the 1v1 vs. same skilled players. a same skilled VG/PT should destroy a merc, as they can just burn the ammo spamming FB/IP and hit huge RS's...marauders w/ all CD's should kill a Merc no prob...same with assassin and snipers...


thing is, all BW's matrix's do not show player skill. they show damage potential, "survivalbility", and healing.


so, if you are on PT/SW heavy server, WZ's can really suck for you...MZL is healer heavy, and most dps people leave me alone (because they know they will die if they attack me :p ).


so, depending on the situation, BH is just fine...or, it sucks.

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Please dont listen to these people that are saying we are under powered, most just didnt like the 1.2 change and have given up. I dont want to see a buff on this class coz its going to start the whole Mercs are OP then we will see 100's of rerolls and the we will get a nerf again.


For most people its a L2P issue.


this is not a troll post, im a full BM merc and i PVP daily, my average end of round score is 280k damage, 30 -40 kills and 2 - 6 deaths.


How cute. A noobie uses L2P terminology.

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How cute. A noobie uses L2P terminology.


you got anything positive to say to people? or do you lurk in here, unsubbed, trying to make people as pissed about SWTOR as you are?


sure, there are many fixes that could be made...


but, some people actually enjoy the class and game...


if i were reading your posts, as a mod or dev or someone of significance, after reading about 2 of your posts, i would skip over them everytime.


you bring knowledge and some decent ideas, but they are wrapped in poison and hate.


OP, keep doing your thing. i enjoy the game and LOVE the class!! glad you are too.


keep it positive and constructive, and good things will happen...

Edited by T-Assassin
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Please keep in mind that there are two major settings (PvP AND PvE) and within each seveal sub settings.


Also, "Merc" encompasses 3 advanced classes.


If you are happy with your performance in your combination of sub-setting and advanced class, great! But, please do not try to speak for all ACs in all settings byt saying "Mercs are fine". They are not.

Edited by TempestasSilva
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I think that mercs really do need some sort of buff, simply because I think they needed it before 1.2 hit.

I could see absolutely zero difference between my merc before, and after, because I wasn't playing at the time. She was mostly heal specced, with a bit in the missile spec to get Tracer Missile. The mooks in her current mission were painfu, but they'd always been painful, and I switched between mako and gault to effectively shut down the all-to-common elites.


Now that I have Blizz and Torian, I can go full heal spec, but I'd rather keep in hybrid. I know that a full healer is still perfectly capable of soloing, because they have Fusion Missile + DFA to clear out trash mobs, or fusion missile + Explosive Dart + Unload, or Unload + Rail Shot or Explosive Dart + Rail shot, or...


There's a lot of tools for slaughtering standard + weak enemies. It's when you get into places where they aren't around things get unfair. You have one of the only two 60 second mezzes that can be applied during combat, which is good, but bodyguard can't match the healing output of operatives or sorcerors, Pyrotech is superior on powertechs, and tracer missile being spammable doesn't make up for a juggernauts tanking ability.

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Please keep in mind that there are two major settings (PvP AND PvE) and within each seveal sub settings.


Also, "Merc" encompasses 3 advanced classes.


If you are happy with your performance in your combination of sub-setting and advanced class, great! But, please do not try to speak for all ACs in all settings byt saying "Mercs are fine". They are not.


dang it...you are right. i keep forgetting to disclaimer:


Arse PvE is fine

Pyro PvP is fine...


Arse PvP needs work..

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I love L2P threads, especially the loud flushing sound they make.


As said above, certain specs of Merc may be fine, I've never played them. Mine is a healer. If it sucked any harder in PvP Bioware could sell it to Dyson as the next generation vaccum cleaner. Bioware have said 1.3 will address general survivability issues though nothing specific has been said about mercs (or other classes to be fair). They still haven't said or done anything about Bodyguards in PvP from anything I've seen so its either bottom of the pile or they think its fine.

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I love L2P threads, especially the loud flushing sound they make.


As said above, certain specs of Merc may be fine, I've never played them. Mine is a healer. If it sucked any harder in PvP Bioware could sell it to Dyson as the next generation vaccum cleaner. Bioware have said 1.3 will address general survivability issues though nothing specific has been said about mercs (or other classes to be fair). They still haven't said or done anything about Bodyguards in PvP from anything I've seen so its either bottom of the pile or they think its fine.


hardest healer for me to kill is a Merc.


i destroy any Ops...and some well played sorcs can be a pain (los/runners).


i'm not saying it's L2P for you, but, i've seen some stout BG/Mercs.


but, as good as i am at DPS, i suck that bad at healing, so i really cannot comment with any knowledge of the BG spec.

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