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1.3 Darth Hater article


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I keep suggesting a X-server toggle on the LFG tool, but they'd rather argue instead of embrace a solution.


I am amazed at the allegiance... er, sorry, wrong discussion! :D


I like the idea, its been suggested many many times by many many posters, but it doesn't appear to be a consideration at this point...

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From what I've read so far I think BW maybe doing the correct thing for a change, as just taking 1 step at a time and being prudent. We all see what happened when the rushed and opened too many servers, we all saw what happened when they tried to rush ranked WZ's and let the cart get ahead of the horse ( so to speak) then at the last moment had to pull it. As for people worrying about greedy people rolling on stuff they don't need, i'd like an option where the leader of the group can flag everyone in the group for PvP, they can kill the @#$%@#$ and loot them of all there belongings, i think if that were implemented you would see a substantial drop in that type of behavior, and no i'm not an extremist, just ahead of the curve.
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X server LFG > Server only LFG. At this point IMO.


With server only, the players on dead servers can pretty much brush off this next update as useless, I understand server transfers are on the horizon but that could be months. Should we just log in and do nothing for months waiting for a transfer.


As far as this community thing, what is the angle here? Is this a community focused game or not? With no chat bubbles or emotes it does not feel very interactive. More like a series of starwars mini games.


Bioware should pick a direction and stick with it, if its community oriented then find ways to strengthen that, if its not then focus on all types of X-servers stuff.


It can be a fun game in either direction, but they got to focus in on one side of the coin or the other.

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I embraced your suggestion. I not sure BioWare can do it tho with thier lack of technical expertise. :p


Yup, exactly. When you read the article he gives the real reason for not having it first and than uses the old "we care for the community" as an excuse to not even look into it.


I wonder if Elder Scrolls Online is gonna have the same issue. A Single-player Developer falling apart on the Multiplayer Tools and Features.

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Yup, exactly. When you read the article he gives the real reason for not having it first and than uses the old "we care for the community" as an excuse to not even look into it.


I wonder if Elder Scrolls Online is gonna have the same issue. A Single-player Developer falling apart on the Multiplayer Tools and Features.


As far as TESO is concerned, Bethesda is only being consulted for the lore. Otherwise, it's ZeniMAX making it (yes, I know they own Bethesda). No Bethesda dev in sight on TESO.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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I cant believe how poorly things are being handled by Bioware. I had a heavy server. I logged in yesterday around noon and there were 7 people in fleet.


Hell I stopped playing too mainly because there is no one to play with. I'm keeping my sub active in hopes of them correcting the population issues with he transfers. Im sure it will correct some but at this point I feel like the damage is done. Transfers will only hold off people from leaving just a little bit longer. I dont think fixing the population issue now is going to get any new subsciptions and IMO that is what they need now.


Sucks, this was my first MMO and I it's horrible how I see Bioware handling it. Will definitely keep all this in mind for future bioware purchases.

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Good article there.


I'm glad that is actually spells out that the LFG tool will help with planet heroics. Given the lack of mentioning elsewhere, I was starting to believe that only flashpoints and operations would be covered by it.


I'm very glad to have been wrong there ^.^

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I cant believe how poorly things are being handled by Bioware. I had a heavy server. I logged in yesterday around noon and there were 7 people in fleet.


Hell I stopped playing too mainly because there is no one to play with. I'm keeping my sub active in hopes of them correcting the population issues with he transfers. Im sure it will correct some but at this point I feel like the damage is done. Transfers will only hold off people from leaving just a little bit longer. I dont think fixing the population issue now is going to get any new subsciptions and IMO that is what they need now.


Sucks, this was my first MMO and I it's horrible how I see Bioware handling it. Will definitely keep all this in mind for future bioware purchases.


Donot blame you at all. At this point, I would'nt buy any product BioWare makes that is new. :cool:

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I personally think they are doing the right thing by waiting on the cross server LFG tool option. I think it's a better idea to fix the server population issue first. Then hopefully a same server LFG tool will be good enough. The developers are right about the behavior of players when they know they may never group with the same people twice.


I personally think they should start combining servers to hit better population levels. They can always put more servers up later if needed.

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There are like what 4 - 6 active servers the rest are dead. I dont understand what the hell the devs are thinking community there is no community. its all dead.
My main is on Mask of Nihilus which is listed as a light server. It too went from crowded to "who farted?" when D3 released, but there is still a tight & active community. Was it easier to find players for FPs & HMs a couple of weeks ago? Most definitely. But LFG still happens often enough and the folks behind the avatars aren't afraid of engaging one another in a neighborly fashion. Don't need /who = bizillions to have a good community ... just friendly & interactive people. Edited by GalacticKegger
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X server LFG > Server only LFG. At this point IMO.


With server only, the players on dead servers can pretty much brush off this next update as useless, I understand server transfers are on the horizon but that could be months. Should we just log in and do nothing for months waiting for a transfer.


They've stated that Transfers will be BEFORE 1.3 hits.

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Would you mind providing a link to the place where they stated this?


@rockjaw CE holder here, haven't played since week 2. Will there be an auto group finder and server transfers in 1.3? Otherwise Ill wait


17 May Stephen Reid ‏@Rockjaw

In fact one of those will likely be before 1.3.


He was being a bit coy, but it was already established that the LFG would be in 1.3, thus transfers are happening before 1.3.

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He was being a bit coy, but it was already established that the LFG would be in 1.3, thus transfers are happening before 1.3.


Ya but if you go tho about game- latest news, the video with Ohlen he says there coming at the same time in 1.3 and that as of 5/22

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Best article about 1.3 that ive seen yet,


Well atleast they have opened the doors to x server lfg tool for the first tme ever. and atleast now we know its most of the design team that doesnt understand modern mmos and not just one person who is calling the shots. lets just hope that their metrics tell them that the same server lfg tool isnt good enough and they fix it before everyone else leaves the game.


What color is the sky in your world? ;p How did you interpret that to be "opening the door?".


I think that you are hearing only what you want to hear in light of the facts. What they said was, that unlike you and the others that support this tool without merit, that they understand how it can destroy a game, which has been the same thing many of us have been saying regarding community. They are stating that they will only do it as an absolute last resort.


In short, the door was just slammed on this nonsense feature. I thank the maker that they get it. ;p

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Ya but if you go tho about game- latest news, the video with Ohlen he says there coming at the same time in 1.3 and that as of 5/22


We'll see. Little details like that have been mis-stated before. And usually it was JO doing the mis-stating, not SR.

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Ya but if you go tho about game- latest news, the video with Ohlen he says there coming at the same time in 1.3 and that as of 5/22


-_- Didn't see that yesterday.

I'm still hoping SR had it right with xfers coming first... it would make the LFG tool much better having xfers first.

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Did Wow launch with all those features? No. IIRC it took Wow a few years to implement a Same Server LFG function just like *Gasp* TOR is doing.


Haven't played Rift, Tera, GW so I can't comment on them, though from what I heard, the official TERA launch (In Korea) didn't launch with a LFG tool.


Firstly I tink your confusing actual game content and game features...


If however you are trying to say any new game isnt capable of including basic features that the vast majority of MMO's see as standard NOW.. then I think you need to ask the question... what would you do when you plan out something new.. would you say ahh well "X DOOFER" had this 6 yrs ago, so I will make my product the same as it was back then... dude your living in a backwards mentality.

Game content will always be developed as we eat through it at an unhealthy rate of knots, thats not unheard of and we expect to have to stop and pause in between releses every now and then while they develop new content for us (albeit begrudgingly :) but game features are something the community gets used to and expects... sure call some of it fluff, but they get used to that fluff.. and using an argument that another game had 6 yrs to develop it means diddly squat.. new games look to include whats relevant now not 6+ yrs ago and then add their own signature to the industry... in SWTOR's case they choose some not bad VO cutscenery...


I am sure that new games in the future will start to also incorporate VO as a feature, if they havent started already.

The industry looks to move forward not backwards,

Edited by Bloodstealer
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What color is the sky in your world? ;p How did you interpret that to be "opening the door?".


I think that you are hearing only what you want to hear in light of the facts. What they said was, that unlike you and the others that support this tool without merit, that they understand how it can destroy a game, which has been the same thing many of us have been saying regarding community. They are stating that they will only do it as an absolute last resort.


In short, the door was just slammed on this nonsense feature. I thank the maker that they get it. ;p


Wait, what game did it destroy?


What they said is that they don't know how to make one.

Edited by Darkulous
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We'll see. Little details like that have been mis-stated before. And usually it was JO doing the mis-stating, not SR.


I hope it was Ohlen doing the mis-stating The thing going through my head right now is i work in a corporate enviorment and director is a higher pay grade than manager and maybe, just my thought nothing to back it up, but maybe that quote got Reid in trouble.

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Of course... the guy that made this commitment doesn't work there anymore so who knows?


They did kinda can this guy like 3-4 days after he claimed that we would be getting transfers before 1.3.


As if it wasn't to be taken with a grain of salt anyhow, you can basically ignore anything Reid ever said at this point, he has absolutely no impact on what will happen from here on out.

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I hope it was Ohlen doing the mis-stating The thing going through my head right now is i work in a corporate enviorment and director is a higher pay grade than manager and maybe, just my thought nothing to back it up, but maybe that quote got Reid in trouble.


When a company starts laying people off, they consider who they can live without. I'm guessing Bioware decided they can live without a dedicated community manager.

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