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  1. This is what gets to me. It makes no sense to have there be a required order for missions or objectives to go in if you can do them out of order. There's no way that wouldn't cause some sort of problem. Actually, I had a similar issue with an earlier mission in the KotFE storyline (which I'll put in a spoiler tag just to be safe, even though most people here will have reached this point since it's before Chapter IX): Thankfully, the reset did actually allow me to do it right the second time, but the real question is why are you able to trigger that cutscene at all? Why is it possible to talk to him before you do that fight? It makes no sense. It's not even entirely an issue of having better playtesting because in my mind the programmers shouldn't have even left that option in to begin with. TL;DR: It doesn't make sense to have the conversations with the base specialists go in a specific order, but if it must be that way, it shouldn't be possible to not do them in the intended order. </endrant>
  2. This. I'm having the same problem as everyone else here, submitted a ticket 3 days ago, no response. I understand that we're approaching Thanksgiving week in the US and that it may not get fixed overnight, but even an acknowledgement or a "We're looking into it" kind of statement would be much better than silence. I've tried practically every conceivable workaround: resetting, restarting the game/computer, resetting on a different planet, abandoning the mission Oggurrob gives you and then resetting the main story mission, quick traveling, jumping off the bridge in the starship landing area and dying, jumping off the platform outside the instance... I may have gotten a little unhinged at the end there. Can provide screenshots if it would help, but they're pretty much exactly the same as the ones other people have posted. Here's hoping for some sort of reply soon.
  3. I like this idea, but I don't think the special area/quest should be restricted to artificers (not without an equivalent in other professions, which would likely be difficult to implement). Instead, I think anyone should be able to access the area, but artificers should have an additional incentive to use the system, such as a reduced chance of failure when attempting to make the rarer crystals (plus the inherent benefit of not having to buy the crystals used in the crafting process). In addition to this, artificers might be the only characters capable of making the rarer colors (white, for example). Also, I don't think the darker colors should be more difficult to acquire than lighter ones. While I don't particularly like dark crystal colors, I don't think those who do should be arbitrarily restricted by making the necessary crystals harder to find and reduce the chance of crafting dark variants successfully. They can (and should) be rare, but only as difficult to make as their rare but light counterparts. That said, I like the idea of adding "opaque" crystals in some form, but maybe instead of having a single, rare node for them, they could be rewards for a few new artifice crafting recipes. Of course, some color combinations should probably be impossible to make, such as a black saber with a black core (although how exactly you'd impose such restrictions with an RGB system, I don't know). Aside from those two points, I think this is a great idea and would add immersion and depth to the currently limited customization in-game.
  4. Well, if he's telling the truth, that would be really good news. I know better than to get my hopes up too high, though.
  5. It's this kind of issue in particular that makes it difficult for me to really enjoy SWtOR in its current state. If it's not strange logical inconsistencies like the one you mentioned, it's arbitrary restrictions that limit the feel of the game universe as being truly "Star Wars". Take, for example, planets. In theory, you should be able to visit whatever planets you like, once you have your ship (or perhaps even before that - it's not as though there aren't interplanetary shuttles). Instead, you can't travel to certain planets at all, simply because they're faction-restricted. In some cases, I understand this restriction: Dromund Kaas, for example, is presumably not a planet many in the Republic know the location of. On the other hand, for a planet like Coruscant, this is entirely unbelievable. Are we really supposed to believe that Imperial players couldn't travel there? The whole planet is a city. When you consider the fact that Republic Security is having issues keeping order in what appears to be a fairly limited section of the planet, it makes sense that Imperial players might slip onto the planet unnoticed. It makes even more sense when you consider the fact that there are Imperial and Sith NPCs on the planet already. In my opinion, visiting the planets currently designated as "opposite faction" worlds should be possible, but risky. Obviously the current planet design would have to be changed to account for this possibility, but even making them accessible would contribute significantly (for me, anyway) to the feeling of freedom in-game: "Hey, it's your starship, you can go where you want!" Another issue is how you progress from one planet to the another. Aside from the first three planets, you will end up visiting each other planet in the exact same order, at the same level, regardless of faction. This also prevents me from believing that the universe is really open, which is part of what makes the Star Wars universe so immersive. Instead, once you've leveled one character to 50, you know which exactly where you'll be going on any new characters. This is a real immersion breaker, but alas, it's really too late to fix this issue. And then there are the little illogical things that can really stack up (such as the population issue you mentioned). For example, it costs more to ride a speeder very short distances on a planet than it does to pay for starship fuel to go from one planet to another. It's mind-boggling.
  6. Care to provide a link to that Q&A? I just searched through every Q&A from June 1st forward and found no mention of Chapter 4 anywhere. Of course, your idea of what "earlier this summer" is may be different than mine.
  7. Mod removal costs are pretty horrendous, it's true. That said I would definitely remove the fleets first. Why the fleets even exist is beyond me. There is no reason why the capital worlds (Coruscant and Dromund Kaas) could not have been designed to function as endgame hubs. Without this status, though, these two planets - especially Coruscant, where the entire planet is supposed to be a city - feel lifeless. And because the fleets are so small, they're crammed full of people standing in blobs around important points, making them laggy, frustrating, and static. This problem gets progressively worse the larger the server is. In my opinion, the fleets should be scrapped in their entirety and all features therein transferred to the capital worlds (assuming they aren't there already). This might seem extreme, but honestly, I don't think many people will miss the fleets. I only tolerate them because they're the only place I can access certain vendors and mission givers. This would fix a couple of problems: overcrowding on the fleet (since there's more space on the capital worlds, and more room could conceivably be added to them), and the lack of immersion people feel (or maybe it's just me) when they arrive on the capital worlds and find them desolate. And in my mind, this change might also make it easier to mold Nar Shaddaa into (I apologize for the comparison) a "Dalaran"-esque neutral world, with all the same features as the capital worlds except with both factions present. But that's a different topic.
  8. There are some solid, constructive suggestions in this post. Very comprehensive list, at that. Good work.
  9. I think it's the words "huge" and "massively" that are making people think the raised population caps indicate server merges. With transfers there are no doubt going to be high volumes of people moving to other servers, but not necessarily all to one or two servers (well, except maybe Fatman). I'm not saying it's a correct assumption necessarily, but I do see where people may get that from.
  10. Would you mind providing a link to the place where they stated this?
  11. I've added a tally below the original post showing the results so far. It'll probably look better once more people vote and those ties are broken.
  12. This is more or less what I was thinking when I added it to the list.
  13. I wasn't aware of that, but I think people will know what I was referring to.
  14. I guess I should have added an option for "all of the above".
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