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Who else is having a great time playing this game?


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The only people who are loving this game are people on Fatman, Tomb of Freedon Nadd (EU) and maybe

Jedi Covenant as you can actually play with other people. The rest are hating it.


Having fun on Darth Bandon. The game is what you make of it.

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i enjoy the game and recently respec' d to BG BH since i have 3 50s stuck on a dead server (thendy). the change is fun and trying to figure out rotations and cds helps pass the time. now when they offer xfers and i burn rubber off that dead server i hope i can put my 3 healers to use.
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Been playing since launch and I love the game. Sure I want new content but I work for tech/software company and have managed projects so I know what it takes. I am more than happy to give them time. Besides I have my rhythm augmentation droid to keep me occupied between wz queues! :D Edited by LukeSaberRattler
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I always wanted to play this since my brother informed me of it's development. He was really looking forward to playing it but passed away just weeks before it's release due to a Severe Asthma attack right before Thanksgiving.


I currently enjoy the game and currently have no plans to quit.

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I look forward to playing every night and on the weekends. I've got my assassin in 50% war hero gear and I've just started a sniper that is really fun to play in PvP. Not to mention the operative story is amazing. It's like I am playing a completely different game than 90% of the people on this forum. Keep up the good work Bio.


I like it. We just had about 12-15 of my guildies logged in to Mumble and doing the Balmorra datacron crawl and having a great time. The Thirteenth Legion is having fun on Sanctum of the Exalted.



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Having fun on Darth Bandon. The game is what you make of it.


And that is the problem. (Not including people on servers that are completely dead). A lot of people are lazy IMO. Claim there is nothing to do. I can tell you I don't ever have time to do all what I want to do on any of my characters in one sitting. It's all about "me" in the world today. What's so hard with playing for fun and not always for gear or a reward? Isn't playing and enjoying the game enough most of the time?


It took just about less than 2 months when I realized how horrible this community was. I saw a thread then stating there was "nothing to do" in the game at 50. This person not only had 3 50's but one was a battle master. Seriously??? There is "nothing to do" for YOU because you are on the game all day.


I have a friend that was the same way. Didn't matter when I logged on, the dude was ALWAYS on. Guess what? He was the first one to cry and complain about ANYTHING. Some people need to come to grips with life and how MMO's are. I swear most people are just playing the wrong genre.

Edited by cschwartzy
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Since I rerolled it's felt a lot more like a MMO, There's always someone wanting to do heroics so finding a group has been really simple, it's gave me a chance to try a different class. I've actually made 2, a sorcerer for PVE and a sniper for PVP, of which I'll have to agree with you, sniper is really fun to PVP with. Looking forward to having my mara join them. I haven't truly been into a mmorpg in a few years, played plenty but none tickled my fancy. So yeah I'm I guess I'm also having a great time playing, and reorolling made me want to continue playing and I can see my self still logging on in 5-10 years.
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I loved it when it came out and while my affection has teetered off a bit, I do really enjoy it. I haven't posted in a long time, but after reading all the doom and gloom of the forum crowd I have to comment that their complaints, while unwarranted in the beginning, have started to come to fruition. I like playing this game, but when midday on a Saturday has less than 20 on either side on their fleet, I can't justify paying $15 bucks a month for a single player game. The quitting is sort of like a snowball rolling down a hill. At first it wasn't noticeable, but the more people that quit, the more people get caught up in the destruction.
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To be honest..I LOVE this game...i tend to reroll a lot and ive yet to get bored and now ive settled on a commando to get my first 50 and im having a blast. I personally feel that most of the naysaying is coming from people who have forgotten how to have fun playing a game..accept the fact that it is still new not a yr old yet even. WOW was horrid in its first 2 yrs and to compare the two now is frankly stupid..I hope this game stays around a long time as i know I will be playing it!!!!! As for the naysayers try being constructive and enjoy and if not move on or go back to wow..I hear the pandas are really gonna kick ***:rolleyes:
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The only people who are loving this game are people on Fatman, Tomb of Freedon Nadd (EU) and maybe

Jedi Covenant as you can actually play with other people. The rest are hating it.

Only? Um, well ... I'm on Mask of Nihilus (listed as light) and am having a blast. Close knit community, solid friends list, cool guildmates (Scruffy Looking Nerf Herders ftw), accessible flashpoints & heroics, world boss op parties ... and nobody pretending that their vitriol is newsworthy. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Still having fun, took a week or so away, (D3) and more then ready to come back and get back into my characters again.

Warts and all this is still the most fun Ive had in any of the MMOs I have played.

Edited by Beranzen
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I haven't been able to put down the game since I got it on Christmas. I love the storytelling and I am a complete altaholic. I enjoy all the unique systems this game has to offer and I enjoy the endgame. However my 50 is currently not getting much done, waiting for transfers.



See You In 1.3 on The Fatman, having fun with the LFG tool

accessing the endgame after ages of dead server time. Thank

you Bioware, can't wait for Allies!

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I really appreciate to play SWTOR, and I think the storyline is quite revolutionary for a MMO.

sometimes it's hard to group for FP(and a lot of people REALLY don't like it), but i think there are too much thing to do while "waiting" for the group. for example i'm collecting datacrons in these days ;)

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