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Experienced tanks please respond!


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I have a Sith Juggernaut getting ready to turn level 50 very soon. I want to use this character as a pure tank and start running some flashpoints/heroics, etc . To this point I've been a solo PvE player to the point I literally have 1 social point. My leveling spec is all vengeance concentrating on strength over endurance and crit strike/surge rating . I chose that to make leveling go faster. Seemed to make sense as a solo player. Obviously that will need to change.


I have narrowed it down to two basic builds. Skill will obviously be immortal and I'll re-mod my armor and light saber to concentrate on endurance over strength, but that leaves me with a question. Power is obviously out, which leaves crit strike or defense. If I go defense rating/shield absorption with an immortal skill build and a high endurance, my survivability should be great, but I worry about generating threat. If I go crit/surge my survivability drops but my ability to generate threat should be much better.


Thoughts? How do you guys do it?

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I use a 31/6/4 build, though I mainly just PvP. So you may want to take out the two points in unleashed and put them into shield specialization for pve. As far as mods etc I use a mix and match of War Leader and Vindicator. I took the surge and defense items of the WL's stuff and took the crit and surge items on the Vindicator stuff. I am still tinkering around on deciding if I want more shield and absorb instead of crit because, believe it or not my shields do go off in pvp.


For pve I think you want to have defense, shield, absorb and endurance playing the role of the main tank instead of an off tank (tank stance in dps gear) but I don't run FP's and such so I can't be as helpful as I would like to be there.

Edited by Ridickilis
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Juggernaut forum, Phottek's sticky on tanking is where you should start.


Gear for avoidance stats - our class is fine with Threat generation, if you do it right.


I hope you aren't intending to hit 50, then just change spec and gear, and *go tank some stuff.* I would spend some time in Immortal first, but that's just me.



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Juggernaut forum, Phottek's sticky on tanking is where you should start.


Gear for avoidance stats - our class is fine with Threat generation, if you do it right.


Sounds reasonable, and I will read that sticky right now.


I hope you aren't intending to hit 50, then just change spec and gear, and *go tank some stuff.* I would spend some time in Immortal first, but that's just me.




Absolutely! My entire fighting style will have to change and that will take time to get used to. My plan is to take Jaesa out and run the Illum dailies solo. Once I can run them smoothly and keep Jaesa alive in the process I'll give it a try in a group. It will allow me to upgrade my gear a bit too. I'm also is a guild, so I don't have to pug my first couple of times. I can take some people who will have mercy on me if I screw up. Thanks! ;)

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You may want to look into an Immortal/Vengeance hybrid spec.


I also mainly PvP, but I just did this the other day and my survivability has gone up a bit and my damage (damage=threat) has gone up drastically.


Also, as an extra bonus in your case, it will probably make the character feel a bit more akin to what you've grown used to playing.

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I also use a hybrid spec, and it seems to work very well. Mine is a bit different than others having more Immortal then Vengeance ( I think Backhand is and should be a staple of the Jugg class, but that's just me) so the only "threat tool" I'm missing is the 31 point ability from the Immortal tree. I tank just about everything I'm in from Heroics to Flashpoints to PVP (no operations yet.)


A few suggestions....our AoE threat generation is smaller (radius) than the other tanks which sometimes requires us to switch targets alot to keep them focused on us. Situational awarness is key so you don't accidently hit a CC'd mob.


Start with Jaesa, she's great at aggro'ing tons of stuff with her AoE's. Move onto Heroics before Flashpoints, and when you are comfortable working in a group in the Heroics, then move onto Flashpoints.


Tell the people you are grouping with if you are unfamiliar with a Flashpoint or Heroic. They will, more often than not, be more supportive and help point out things that can make a run smoother.

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Sounds reasonable, and I will read that sticky right now.




Absolutely! My entire fighting style will have to change and that will take time to get used to. My plan is to take Jaesa out and run the Illum dailies solo. Once I can run them smoothly and keep Jaesa alive in the process I'll give it a try in a group. It will allow me to upgrade my gear a bit too. I'm also is a guild, so I don't have to pug my first couple of times. I can take some people who will have mercy on me if I screw up. Thanks! ;)


What you should do, in absence of your guildies, is solo something like Cademimu, or Foundry, using Vette. It will give you a feel for how rage is generated, ability timings, and how to deal with mobs that you lose threat on better, since she is ranged. Grabbing something back from Jaesa isn't hard, because she's typically right beside you.


Hard Mode BT is also a good place to start, because a good group (or a geared one) probably doesn't even need a tank to start with. The pulls aren't difficult, and you probably already know how the place works anyway, from your younger days. Get the feel of it, and you should be good to go.



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Thank you all for your responses. Certainly some things to consider. I was thinking about it and I DO have an imperial agent sniper level 50..pure DPS all the way..It might not be a bad idea to pull them out, run a few heroics, flashpoints etc, and get a feel for it before trying to tank it. By the way, for anyone who has not enjoyed the blessing of legacy abilities, having a juggernaut with orbital strike, even when it can only be used during heroic moment has been huge! I highly recommend leveling an agent just for that!


anyway, I digress! Thanks again!

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I also use a hybrid spec, and it seems to work very well. Mine is a bit different than others having more Immortal then Vengeance ( I think Backhand is and should be a staple of the Jugg class, but that's just me) so the only "threat tool" I'm missing is the 31 point ability from the Immortal tree. I tank just about everything I'm in from Heroics to Flashpoints to PVP (no operations yet.)


A few suggestions....our AoE threat generation is smaller (radius) than the other tanks which sometimes requires us to switch targets alot to keep them focused on us. Situational awarness is key so you don't accidently hit a CC'd mob.


Start with Jaesa, she's great at aggro'ing tons of stuff with her AoE's. Move onto Heroics before Flashpoints, and when you are comfortable working in a group in the Heroics, then move onto Flashpoints.


Tell the people you are grouping with if you are unfamiliar with a Flashpoint or Heroic. They will, more often than not, be more supportive and help point out things that can make a run smoother.


I do miss Backhand. It is super fun to pimp slap somebody in the middle of a fight...


The problem is, if you take Backhand, you don't have enough points to get Deafening Defense, which is really the key talent that makes the hybrid spec work.


Without the 4% damage reduction, you're simply giving survivability up for more damage.

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I had to abandon the hybrid spec that I love in PvP when I was doing operations. Without a threat table, I couldn't keep up with some of the high dps in my guild. I went back to the traditional 31/6/3 build and my threat is still okay. I do have one Marauder in guild I have to guard in raids, but that could be also because he tends to be unaware of my lower threat times (i.e. When I have to switch bosses, or switch tanks) and doesn't hold back.


Generating threat is a pretty simple system on the pull: Get off as much as you can. For now, Taunt, does have an actual value so when I pull I do blow a taunt. It's generally saber throw, force leap, smash, taunt, backhand, force scream. At that point, I need to get my armor debuffs going ASAP, and then after that its pretty much up to whatever's not on cooldown.


The only time I seem to have trouble is on LOS pulls, or pulls where I am kiting. But that could just be to the fact that my guild's DPSrs dont really know what restraint is.

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