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Coming Soon to STAR WARS: The Old Republic

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Completely agree. I had so much faith that Bioware would turn things around, but this just shows they aren't even listening. How does a non-cross server group finder help you find a group on a server where no one is online?


And to the "OH BUT TRANSFERS WILL FIX THAT" crowd, no, they will not. They will make it worse for anyone who isn't on one of the 5 or 6 servers that will become the "go to" servers for transfers. No one is their right mind is going to transfer to my server, but people are going to leave it.


Bioware; You can fix every single problem in your game with two things; cross server group finders and cross server warzones. You're not giving me this to respect the community on my server? Well the 15 or so people who play on my server do not consider ourselves a community, and absolve you of that concern. You want to "respect" community? Make it so the communities stop dying.


Could not agree more, excellent points. Come on Bioware, Lucasarts this game is to great to let the problems pile up this early! Let us help you help us and the game itself!

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We, the majority, asked that you answer 3 requests.

Rated PvP

Realm Transfer

Cross Realm Que for PvP and PvE


You again fail to understand your players.

Realm Transfers may be a little too late. Lots of potential wasted.


Did you not notice that half of your population vacated after the broken promise of good PvP?

We demand a good fight. PvE is merely a distraction to fill time.

Many servers are lights out already; I will probably kill my prescription until I hear news of a fix or failure.

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We, the majority, asked that you answer 3 requests.

Rated PvP

Realm Transfer

Cross Realm Que for PvP and PvE


You again fail to understand your players.

Realm Transfers may be a little too late. Lots of potential wasted.


Did you not notice that half of your population vacated after the broken promise of good PvP?

We demand a good fight. PvE is merely a distraction to fill time.

Many servers are lights out already; I will probably kill my prescription until I hear news of a fix or failure.


Shouldn't that depend on what the prescription was for?

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We, the majority, asked that you answer 3 requests.

Rated PvP

Realm Transfer

Cross Realm Que for PvP and PvE


You again fail to understand your players.

Realm Transfers may be a little too late. Lots of potential wasted.


Did you not notice that half of your population vacated after the broken promise of good PvP?

We demand a good fight. PvE is merely a distraction to fill time.

Many servers are lights out already; I will probably kill my prescription until I hear news of a fix or failure.


You seem very angry about this mate, killing that prescription might kill you!:eek:

If I were you I would double up on the Chill Pills

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Too late to char transfer. Meanwhile people keep doing nothing in the game. Needed 6 months to 7 months to do something that already should have from the beginning.


And this patch will take some time to be live. So, another lost month.


Some cheese with that whine, perhaps? ;p

Edited by Blackardin
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We, the majority, asked that you answer 3 requests.

Rated PvP

Realm Transfer

Cross Realm Que for PvP and PvE


You again fail to understand your players.

Realm Transfers may be a little too late. Lots of potential wasted.


Did you not notice that half of your population vacated after the broken promise of good PvP?

We demand a good fight. PvE is merely a distraction to fill time.

Many servers are lights out already; I will probably kill my prescription until I hear news of a fix or failure.


I hate to say this but PvP is that important to you then you should have joined a decent PvP server, PvP is not everything in an MMO. Indeed this one seems to be about story and I enjoy that more then I care about PvP, additions will be nice but not necessary to me. MMO's to me are about enjoying the experience not one aspect over another, I know people will say that competitiveness is absolutely necessary in an MMO but . . . . . obviously not if I enjoy the game for what it is. Not what it isn't.

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I love how when they show game content like the pubs fighting they show full groups of just jedi, even with the sith it was a jug. I guess this means more nerfs for the ranged classes and no one will be playing them anymore. Wouldnt be good to show fails in the videos i suppose.
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Some cheese with that whine, perhaps? ;p


Blackardin is right, clearly the best way to solve this problem is to encourage anyone who dares voice an opinion that you don’t agree with to just un-sub and leave the game. Surely things will be better once all of “those” people finally leave, right? I mean it’s not like getting a large group of people to quit playing this game and quit paying BW for sub fees could possibly have any negative effect.




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Some cheese with that whine, perhaps? ;p

if i wait till get merge or transfer, i guess i'll need a Ton of cheese. I don't know if you like to pay and do not play. So i don't. Say that this game's a MMO while you onlky play with 30 allys on same serve is a False advertising.

Edited by Benets
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Looked at the legacy tooltip in the video and it looks like quite literally everything new costs money and a legacy level. Legacy feels so cheap, just another way to waste my time doing boring dailies to earn the money to buy the upgrades. I hit legacy 50 already and I didn't even get some stupid title. Legacy is a good idea, but Bioware, you are going about it all wrong. The game doesn't need a credit sink, it needs incentive to keep on playing and doing dailies to earn credits to buy legacy items isn't the best way to do that.


This. They're implementing sink after sink without actually having hooks to make you want to keep playing in the first place. This game is in desperate, desperate need of new leadership in every single department. It's like they're purposefully making the worst design decisions possible.

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If Bioware wants to listen, they should merge servers. Why? There is usually a grand total of 45 players online on the republic side in my server. We usually have to wait around 4 hours to get in a PvP match. And after that, maybe one or two more pops for the night. Kinda sad.... But if we at least started with merges, and then did transfers, we would be able to actually get in a WZ within 5 minutes of queueing. Also, the whole group finder is pretty much worthless in our server. It can take hours to find a group from lack of interest or just not enough people online. I really doubt a group finder would change that. It would be AWESOME if Bioware did cross server pvp and the cross server group finder. That might help. As for the legacy, I think the only thing that's helpful is the alt buff (or whatever it's called) and thats the only reason i've even involved myself in it. So, yeah. We need merges, transfers, and cross-server PvP matches and cross-server group finders.
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@James Ohlen - Monotone reading from the teleprompter FTL. If you're not enthusiastic about these changes, how are your customers supposed to be?


And, yes, this is too little too late. You can call us whiners all you want, but we paid for the right to voice our opinions via collector's editions and multi-month subscriptions. This game was massively over-hyped, and in many important ways failed to deliver, and nothing you say can invalidate our disappointment about that. Don't worry, though, we're almost at the 6 month mark, and once we hit that -- just like at the 3 month mark -- I'm sure things will quiet down a lot here, once people like us don't have any stake in the game anymore.


I wish the best to those of you who are choosing to stick it out. I can't help but feel that BW's core devs/designers have long since moved on, and SWTOR has been passed on to a 'B' team for sustaining. At least, I can only assume that, based on the rate and quality at which fixes/improvements have been occuring. Maybe this had something to do with EA's influence on the game (cue scene of the Emperor gloating over Luke, "...only now, at the end, do you understand..."). Whatever the case, this isn't something that myself, or many others, will soon forget; it is unfortunately going to be a shadow hanging over every purchase decision for future BioWare titles for some time to come.

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@James Ohlen - Monotone reading from the teleprompter FTL. If you're not enthusiastic about these changes, how are your customers supposed to be?


Please, don't give them any ideas, just remember...


Edited by Ferthcott
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I love how it shows the server list as all "Standard" then "Heavy" and "Full".


This really isn't a truthful representation of the game at the moment. Group finder will take the time to find groups on below 100 population servers from 4 hours to 4 hours. It literally changes nothing for low pop servers.


Trust me you do not want cross server looking for group. It will be a troll ninja fest with no accountability and ruin what's left of the community.

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Trust me you do not want cross server looking for group. It will be a troll ninja fest with no accountability and ruin what's left of the community.



Why a troll festival, if 1.3 hits the servers there are still the ultra-fanboys left that always fought against the cross server tool - and if only the happy happy good good well well behaved players remain, the cross server tool won't be a bad thing, will it?

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Hey everybody,


So from what I've seen, most people want the merges and not transfers. I completely agree, my server is dead like most of yours and I've looked at the server list. Most of them are light with like 1 standard :eek:. I think transfers would be a bad idea. It would get people that are still playing together on the same server. This would then make the servers they left even more dead, probably. So, once again, I think merges would be a better idea. They have alot of servers and not alot of players...they need to decrease how many servers they have at the moment and open up new ones if more people join. I really like SWTOR, it's a fun and very ambitious game but the only problem I have with it is that not alot of people are playing. They said transfers, not merges in the trailer so I hope whatever they do soon is gonna help. Let me know what you guys think.

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What about PvP? Not only warzones and the ranked warzones, but the open world pvp? That is what drives me the most in a mmo... haven't seen it so far. Taking objectives, and locking maps, to have access to gear in a different way?

This is why I came back to Warhammer Online. I rather play with bugs and actually have a feeling of conquering something, than have to fight in warzones, over and over and over again.

I would like to see, from a certain level, maps for pvp in each planet, not only on Ilum... And instead of being rewarded with more valor in a warzone (warzones don't have anything to o with open world pvp), being rewarded with gear acoording to my contribution in the fights and conquering of the map where I'm fighting in...

I stopped playing swtor because of this. With the exception of warzone pvp... there is no pvp... no maps with open world pvp objectives besides Ilum and no rewards from controling them.... this is a huge huge fail. A fail that determined my continuation in this game. And its a shame, a real shame that a game revolving around war, like star wars is, in the game is not revolving around war at all... Star WARS should be renamed to Star Peace and Harmony between players outside the Warzones.


I'm sorry for the runting but I'm to disapointed with the game.

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I've already unsubscribed. Hope the update hits before my date expires, otherwise I'm going back to Wow. It's boring over there, but at least **** works ...


I think this is one of the primary challenges we are facing right now from a community standpoint, how do you tell people to “just keep waiting”? And is that really a viable option? Especially when they have alternatives…maybe not the best alternatives, but it is kinda’ hard to argue with the above.

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I think this is one of the primary challenges we are facing right now from a community standpoint, how do you tell people to “just keep waiting”?


Simple: You don't. You either give them free game time until you can fix the game or you lose them. Most people that leave don't come back, so it's a big issue from a management standpoint.


I'm yet to reach lvl 50, but for me this announcement has made me rethink staying subscribed. The level cap increase particularly is iffy since it invalidates the already not too thrilling endgame. While other games bombard you with endgame perks from the moment you start playing, SWTOR hasn't given me a single reason to want to hit the level cap. Some features are nice (legacies, for example) but they are so limited in scope that I can't quite use them to justify remaining subscribed.


To be honest, I believe the developers just showcased how they have no idea what they're doing with that E3 announcement. They seem to want to bleed out more subscribers than they already have with those moves.

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