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Coming Soon to STAR WARS: The Old Republic

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Here is what I consider my well-balanced view on the game:


Positive - currently I am 70 pct very happy with the game. The SW stories are immersive and fun. I really enjoy playing my 6 toons,including my 2 50s - MERC healer and Sorc dps. I do think at the moment there is enough pve content to keep even my 50s happy. I like the specials and animations for the attacks. It is well done. I'm excited that it seems the Dev team is fully committed to new content.


Negative - I'm 25 pct unhappy with the game and mostly due because of my low pop server, Kinrath Spider. For example pre diablo3 we would have about 30-35 peeps in fleet on any given evening....maybe 3-5 on a planet. Could be weekend or week night. Then post d3 it is crazy how few players are there. Last Saturday I was in que for over 3 hours and never got a WZ. Ughh. Last night there were 3 in fleet around 1030 pm.


Now if it has gotten so bad that I can't even play a significant part of the game such as a WZ then I think there needs to be compensation until they fix it. Or give me a free month for next period. So I contacted customer Service IG and they said they have not set a precedence for this and would not compensate me. But is my fault that I am literally unable to play the game? No.


My request: get this transfer thing out soon or I will cancel my subscription until it is finished. Or compensate and I will stay and push through it. Like I said overall I'm happy but this portion of the big picture is distorting the entire experience for me. So please release some of this stuff soon before 1.3 or compensate me to wait.


Hopefully I was clear and balanced in my request.


By the way I've been here since the week before launch and never cancelled. But I'm very close to doing it if the negative isn't addressed soon!



Edited by kithsyn
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Why are their so many people just downing this game. Constantly coming on the forum...no better yet on the game and downing it. "Uhhhhhhhh.....this game is so baaaad i'm not playing it no more." Later the player "Jimmy shoe shoe" comes back a within a month, "Uhhhhhhhhhhh I'm at level 50...this game is so baaaaad i'm bored, i'm going to wait until my sub runs out" knowing the account in automated. A month later, "Uhhhhhhhhhh this game is so baaaaad.....I've got my war hero gear...I'm not coming back....Bioware let me down." He chatted that on the game and that's the last we suppose to see Jimmy shoe shoe. However a month later, "Uhhhhhhhhhh......this game is so baaaaaad...I got all my rakata gear I'm the ultimate tank on my server....this game is so baaaaad." The moral of this is theie is a lot of Jimmy shoe shoes out there. Now some are sincere and don't like this game. Those are the ones that doesn't visit the forum and rant. Better yet no longer have a subscription and keep ranting. This game is good with hit and misses. So be critical, just be honest with it. As for me, I like the new patch 1.3 that's coming out and the future ones. Some of us wanted this game to come out early and let them fix it with patches. So what is the complaint?:confused: Edited by Alukah
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All I want is a server with people to play. I do not like to keep leveling chars.


All things about changes, legacy, new items, mods is worlthless if you do not have people to play with.


MMO stands for Massive Multiplayer Online. Server with 100 players isn't massive. I play battlefield 3 with more players at a single server than SWTOR. Somethings wrong. Something already should be done about it.


People in other countries that had free trasnfers had a great benefit while others' taking more than 2 months to have the same benefit.

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Plus: Unless you can transfer your whole legacy, server transfers before server merges don't make sense imo.

I really like my server and won't leave it, but population is dwindling lately and I wouldn't mind some more folks around...

...The ability to transfer would even undermine the population(growth) on "better" servers (like the one I'm on): only the heaviest would profit as people from avg. pop. servers would rather leave than wait for folks from low pop. servers to come.


This has been explained dozens of times now with official statements to back it up. Legacy benefits WILL TRANSFER WITH YOU. If you are transferring to a server where you also have a legacy, the higher legacy level will be kept, and all unlocks from both servers will be kept.


As to your complaint on the population scaling... THAT is why they are RESTRICTING where the free transfers are from/to. They aim to prevent EXACTLY what you're describing.

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Here is what I consider my well-balanced view on the game:


Positive - currently I am 70 pct very happy with the game. The SW stories are immersive and fun. I really enjoy playing my 6 toons,including my 2 50s - MERC healer and Sorc dps. I do think at the moment there is enough pve content to keep even my 50s happy. I like the specials and animations for the attacks. It is well done. I'm excited that it seems the Dev team is fully committed to new content.


Negative - I'm 25 pct unhappy with the game and mostly due because of my low pop server, Kinrath Spider. For example pre diablo3 we would have about 30-35 peeps in fleet on any given evening....maybe 3-5 on a planet. Could be weekend or week night. Then post d3 it is crazy how few players are there. Last Saturday I was in que for over 3 hours and never got a WZ. Ughh. Last night there were 3 in fleet around 1030 pm.


Now if it has gotten so bad that I can't even play a significant part of the game such as a WZ then I think there needs to be compensation until they fix it. Or give me a free month for next period. So I contacted customer Service IG and they said they have not set a precedence for this and would not compensate me. But is my fault that I am literally unable to play the game? No.


My request: get this transfer thing out soon or I will cancel my subscription until it is finished. Or compensate and I will stay and push through it. Like I said overall I'm happy but this portion of the big picture is distorting the entire experience for me. So please release some of this stuff soon before 1.3 or compensate me to wait.


Hopefully I was clear and balanced in my request.


By the way I've been here since the week before launch and never cancelled. But I'm very close to doing it if the negative isn't addressed soon!



I totally agree!:cool:
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Why care for the press? That's random anyway, and can easily be bought with a good dosh of ad money. They can only win by compressing their players on a couple of servers that at least reach heavy load during primetime.


Why I cry myself to sleep thinking of the direction of this game. According to the devs (and even more sadly, many players);


Closing servers and forcing people to move to others: Perfectly reasonable way to deal with current population problems.


Giving everyone a "Free pass" to leave the server they are on and jump ship to a new one in a way to that is difficult if not impossible to co-ordinate with friends: Perfectly reasonable way to deal with current population problems.


Cross server ques: OMG! Have you NO RESPECT for the COMMUNITYS THIS WILL DAMAGE???

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Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Game Director James Ohlen highlights some of the new content coming up in Game Update 1.3 and beyond, including a fully-featured Group Finder, a Character Transfer System, several new Legacy Perks that allow you to customize your experience, and more!


Watch Now


LOL i saw this video yesterday,....





...On IGN.


Day late pal

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Why care for the press? That's random anyway, and can easily be bought with a good dosh of ad money. They can only win by compressing their players on a couple of servers that at least reach heavy load during primetime.


They aren't going to merge servers right now. They have said that. It's bad press plain and simple and they are a publicly held company that doesn't make light saber games because they had nothing better to do for the last 8 years. Do you go to your job and decline a pay check just because you enjoy it? Bad press is just that--bad and there is no reason for it.


My point was that they can solve pop issues through transfers--without merging servers--if they have a solid game plan for transfers. Lets hope that they do.

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I like how a lot of people are using a screenshot from the video about the patch that's bringing Character Transfers to accuse Bioware of pretending there are no population problems. I'm not going to deny that they probably used an old population screen-cap to make the video look pretty... but seriously, accusing them of ignoring the problem that this patch is trying to fix? :rolleyes:
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They could easily funnel 4-8 low pop servers into one and make it active without the negative press of closing servers and ensuring a good population based on the login data they have access to. In other words, lets hope they take the guess work on where to go away from us.


I agree. Its obvious that an MMO has a log more players when it starts then after like half a year.(Happened in most of them). People are curious, they come, they try and then they leave. Only the "core" people remain. What i am trying to say is: The game needed 100 server in the first 2 months after its release. The majority left. So now for the rest of us that remained shrink the 100 servers into 10 or less so we can enjoy the LFG system and the rest of the game (40 people on the fleet right now). Please MERGE THE SERVERS before anything else. Its what kills the game, not the lack of content.

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i see the forums are still filled with nothing but ************ complainers whiners and moaners..


nothin to see here.


anyway, back to the game!!



On the other side of the coin, Bioware could have stopped most of the "whiners and moaners" by simply doing a server merge, or in the very least by rushing out character transfers. It's been months since people have started to complain about population and it's only gotten worse and worse. Heck, I rerolled a month before 1.2 because "the Courageous" was dying even then.


In Bioware's defense, they're probably just following some sort of EA time line for this stuff and they probably couldn't start transfers before EA is ready for them to do it regardless. EA announced the "Allies" patch during it's financial report. They probably made Bioware hold transfers off just to make 1.3 appear to have more to it.

Edited by Galbatorrix
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Meh. The community is such trash and 20 people on the fleet that I don't feel like playing anymore. -____- Love the game, hate the community trashing the game.



Just logged in and was the ONLY person on the fleet. LMAO! Server is dead and so are my hopes of them correcting the issues that caused this. 1.3....umm...ok. /crying

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Just logged in and was the ONLY person on the fleet. LMAO! Server is dead and so are my hopes of them correcting the issues that caused this. 1.3....umm...ok. /crying



It will likely be better a few months from now, after transfers start and all of the dust has settled... until then, good luck getting people to keep the faith.

Edited by Galbatorrix
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Just logged in and was the ONLY person on the fleet. LMAO! Server is dead and so are my hopes of them correcting the issues that caused this. 1.3....umm...ok. /crying


There are no issues that "caused" this. The game has been the same since launch and there was no keeping it from happnening like this.

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It will likely be better a few months from now, after transfers start and all of the dust has settled... until then, good luck getting people to keep the faith.


I damn well hope it will be different in a few months. I know it will get better in a year.. But the quicker... the better.

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There are no issues that "caused" this. The game has been the same since launch and there was no keeping it from happnening like this.



The issue is the same that occurs in all MMOs. They start off extremely hot and then as the FoTM crowd dissipates, you're left with population issues. The "keeping it from happening" part would have been easy if they allowed transfers as a feature from the beginning.

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The "keeping it from happening" part would have been easy if they allowed transfers as a feature from the beginning.


Or if they had stuck with the area instancing that was obviously already working to some degree during the beta. They could have cushioned the crows dissipation a good lot with that and having only ~70 "visible" servers.

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