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maybe this is a dumb question, but why is it NOT listed on a known issue? this would solve a lot of posts about it.


At a guess, they don't want to put it on the known issues list because then people will stop reporting it. If they're still trying to find bugs that are causing sound issues, they'll want to look at as many reports as possible.

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You can play for hours solo without the sound cutting out, but it's inevitable once you join a group. The bigger the group, the faster it kicks in.


No-one who I've spoken to in my guild or in game has been unaffected by this. It cannot be drivers or hardware because it's affecting all systems, whether they have onboard sound or sound cards, of all makes and models.


Please update the scripts you give to your offshore phone operatives to properly address this issue. Having them tell us to check our hardware is insulting.

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I agree witht he OP and not just for bugs for everything, if we know what is being done, what is being worked on, and what we will see in the future, and hopefully when we can look forward to it. More information is always a good thing, time frames are even better.
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Nah, anything more difficult than fixing people from falling off a baloon sounds to much like work. God knows we cannot have them working very hard for our money. Not my money anymore, but some people are still paying to play. I just unsubbed, not sure how much time I have left though.


They haven't even fixed that one yet :p

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My entire guild has this issue. My guess is that it is somehow tied to zoning from the fleet. If I am loading into warzones from the fleet, I can generally expect my sound to become messed up by the 4th or 5th warzone. Ditto for loading back into raids after a wipe etc. Last week we spent a couple of days taking our new members through all of the datacrons and someone pointed out that we'd been at it for hours without the sound bugging out. Could be coincidence, but I have to wonder if there isn't more to it.


What is the name oh your guild so i can find it thank you?

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Absolutely the most important "fix" in my opinion is adding character transfers and/or server mergers. I assume transfers are offered first to gauge which servers will 'empty out' and then you'll merge those with the ones that became busier. I'm constantly hearing the story of "sorry guys I'm quitting the game until more content or something is done with the server populations", and I find it to be a shame. I'm not personally of that mindset, as I have a full load of alternate toons to keep me busy but many are not like me. Realize that once someone unsubs, it's not a guarantee they will come back and get enticed by some other game out there. Moral of the story, please get toon transfers/server mergers out there asap!


Thanks for your time.

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Hey Philosomanic!


First off - while we do try to track high-priority known issues on the known issues list, not everything will end up there, though it doesn't mean we're not working on it! We often choose items for the known issues based on the volume of reports and complaints we're seeing, but they aren't the only things we're fixing.


I just asked the devs, and you'll be pleased to know that a fix for the slow effect you described is in the works! We have lots of fixes on the way, and we'll look into your other report as well - there may already be a fix in the works for it, too.


Hey Allison!


First off, thanks for the response. It's always great when you guys take the time to interface with our community. Official posts make me happy.


Would you mind explaining why you don't put issues like this on the list? It seems like it'd be a pretty quick step. At some point in the process of fixing a bug, you guys reach a point where you've confirmed that there's a bug (it's not just rumors/misunderstanding), and the dev(s) doing the fix could shoot a quick email to Amber Green with a bug description. She could just copy-and-paste straight into the list.


This seems (to me) like something that gives you a great return of positive community vibes with very little time investment. A few minutes of time from the dev to type up the issue, a minute from Amber to copy/paste into the list, and you have lots of irate players who are suddenly much happier. It's very little effort, and it would placate a lot of fans. There is something really comforting about seeing our issues acknowledged.


Nonetheless, thanks for taking the time to respond. I also really appreciate the acknowledgement on our slow issue, and news that a fix is in the works is wonderful!


Just something to think about.



Edited by Philosomanic
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Well I reported the sound bug - where sound cuts out in cutscenes, objectives in warzones, etc. and you have to restart the client to fix it. In response, the customer service rep told me it was probably my sound card or other hardware from my end. I reported this the first week after 1.2 was released and it's still not fixed.


It's from my end?! No, dude, I KNOW FOR A FACT IT ISN'T. When I report something, I do it so that you will fix it, not so that I can get an earful of how it is somehow, against all logic, my fault!


^^^^ This


There are hundreds of these complaints... since 1.2 dropped the sound issues started (7 weeks ago). Since this is a game breaking issue, I have not logged in for more than 5 weeks.

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Would you mind explaining why you don't put issues like this on the list?


There are a couple reasons something may not be on the known issues list. One of the biggest factors we base the known issues list on is visibility - how many players are actively reporting it, how many threads or posts we see here and on other sites, etc. If we didn't see lots of very visible reports, it's possible that it simply wasn't considered for the public list. Another factor can be whether or not we still need reports on the issue (as someone guessed above) - if we're having trouble reproducing it or need more information, placing it on the known issues list can discourage people from reporting it because they see that we know about it already (even if we were to note we want more reports, the general impact is that we'll get less reports). Sometimes items are on the list because they are high-priority issues that are easily visible.


We appreciate you providing your feedback on this issue and the known issues list. We'll be working to improve the list, and though we won't ever list every issue we're aware of on it (it wouldn't be practical for players reading the list for us to include, say, minor art bugs like a visible seam or slightly misplaced rock), we're going to keep improving listings to include more bugs like the one you've reported here.

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Another factor can be whether or not we still need reports on the issue (as someone guessed above) - if we're having trouble reproducing it or need more information, placing it on the known issues list can discourage people from reporting it because they see that we know about it already (even if we were to note we want more reports, the general impact is that we'll get less reports).


Here, lemme help -


- install RETAIL game

- patch like any normal player would

- level to 50

- form 8 person Ops group

- enter EC Operation

Before you kill Torg and Zorno (the twin guys), your sound will be out - 100% of the time!!!! EVERY player I've run this with (and that list is long) has encountered the exact same issue. This is GUARANTEED to bug your sound 100% of the time, EVERY time!!!!!

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Well, there's been a new update to the known issues thread since this post, and still no acknowledgement of the PG bug I brought up. I'd like to think the devs keep up with the community and are aware of these issues, but I'm really starting to doubt.


Anyone else know of class mechanic bugs that aren't there?


Don't know if it is a bug or "working as intended" but every so often my wifes Sith Warrior force leaps sideways and lands twenty feet away from the targeted mob. LOL, I am waiting for this to happen when she is in a very high narrow area and ends up leaping into the chasm. I can hear the screams as she falls to her death. I am also waiting for this to happen in a narrow corridor so that I can watch her bounce off of walls. That would be an interesting graphic.

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Here, lemme help -


- install RETAIL game

- patch like any normal player would

- level to 50

- form 8 person Ops group

- enter EC Operation

Before you kill Torg and Zorno (the twin guys), your sound will be out - 100% of the time!!!! EVERY player I've run this with (and that list is long) has encountered the exact same issue. This is GUARANTEED to bug your sound 100% of the time, EVERY time!!!!!


I went with an OP last night that did EV and KP back-to-back and I didn't lose sound at all... no complaints from anyone in the group (not to say they didn't have an issue, just that no one mentioned it). *shrug*


I do hope Bioware figures out the issue you guys are experiencing and isolates it so they can figure out a solution (on their end or not). If it is as wide spread as you seem to think they would have to already have massive amounts of data to work with.

...if we're having trouble reproducing it or need more information, placing it on the known issues list can discourage people from reporting it because they see that we know about it already (even if we were to note we want more reports, the general impact is that we'll get less reports).

Wow... never thought of that but it makes sense.

Edited by Skylerr
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There are a couple reasons something may not be on the known issues list. One of the biggest factors we base the known issues list on is visibility - how many players are actively reporting it, how many threads or posts we see here and on other sites, etc. If we didn't see lots of very visible reports, it's possible that it simply wasn't considered for the public list. Another factor can be whether or not we still need reports on the issue (as someone guessed above) - if we're having trouble reproducing it or need more information, placing it on the known issues list can discourage people from reporting it because they see that we know about it already (even if we were to note we want more reports, the general impact is that we'll get less reports). Sometimes items are on the list because they are high-priority issues that are easily visible.


We appreciate you providing your feedback on this issue and the known issues list. We'll be working to improve the list, and though we won't ever list every issue we're aware of on it (it wouldn't be practical for players reading the list for us to include, say, minor art bugs like a visible seam or slightly misplaced rock), we're going to keep improving listings to include more bugs like the one you've reported here.


Thank you! Adding more bugs like this is all I want. The type of people who freak out about seams or misplaced rocks or other tiny things like that are impossible to please. It's completely understandable to keep stuff like that out. But the big bugs that affect class gameplay are definitely worth putting in, because a lot of people get legitimately upset about those.


Thanks for a great, positive interaction with the Bioware team. I'm feeling much happier with you guys now ^^

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I went with an OP last night that did EV and KP back-to-back and I didn't lose sound at all... no complaints from anyone in the group (not to say they didn't have an issue, just that no one mentioned it). *shrug*


I do hope Bioware figures out the issue you guys are experiencing and isolates it so they can figure out a solution (on their end or not). If it is as wide spread as you seem to think they would have to already have massive amounts of data to work with.


Wow... never thought of that but it makes sense.


Did you crash during either? Disconnect, even briefly? You and the CS guy from Bioware are the only two people I've ever heard of NOT having their sound go out during EC. Maybe you can post your audio settings for us as well as driver numbers and type of audio?

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Hey Philosomanic!


First off - while we do try to track high-priority known issues on the known issues list, not everything will end up there, though it doesn't mean we're not working on it! We often choose items for the known issues based on the volume of reports and complaints we're seeing, but they aren't the only things we're fixing..


Hey Allison, while it's cool that you folks are recognizing this, the Known Issues List really should be continually updated as more and more bugs flow in. I'm aware that this would require more internal communication, it still does not excuse the silence of many issues. Due to the overall lackluster Customer Service on much of these issues, the typical CS response "Thank you, it's been forwarded, we have no other information at this time" really just feels like watching your boss say thank you for the proposal as he tosses it in the trash. I'm not accusing Eaware of doing this but the coldness of CS reps gives that impression to alot of people (such as myself) and makes it so that less bug reports are filed. While that may be what some want (yeah I hate getting extra work to do at work too) it leads to less bug reports and thus less visibility to the devs since you stated that the more reports that get sent, the more they're looked at. Adding EVERYTHING to the Known Issues List will show that players are being heard and that the issues are, in fact, being looked at. Nobody really enjoys acknowledging their mistakes but it's high time to do so. This also would make less redundant reports being filed (another poster mentioned this) so that more time can be given to sort out and discover new issues. To a large majority of players like me, the bugs and problems with end game Op boss fights are tremendously, immensely, monumentally more important than certain companion headgear not equipping properly or even new Legacy features being added.

Edited by JWillets
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There are a couple reasons something may not be on the known issues list. One of the biggest factors we base the known issues list on is visibility - how many players are actively reporting it, how many threads or posts we see here and on other sites, etc. If we didn't see lots of very visible reports, it's possible that it simply wasn't considered for the public list. Another factor can be whether or not we still need reports on the issue (as someone guessed above) - if we're having trouble reproducing it or need more information, placing it on the known issues list can discourage people from reporting it because they see that we know about it already (even if we were to note we want more reports, the general impact is that we'll get less reports). Sometimes items are on the list because they are high-priority issues that are easily visible.


That isn't really true, is it?

Information Request: 1.2 Sound Issues = 22 pages and 213 posts.

Sound issue with 1.2 = 82 pages and 817 posts.

Everyone has the issue, so its VERY "visible".

We have been told that the Dev team doesn't need any more information.

We were also told in 5 patches, that it was fixed.

And yes, AmberGreen said this.

But really, how many sound do you need to remove to get it fixed?

Besides, after an hour or so, we cant hear anything anyway...

One sound i would love removed, is the static/electric/broken electronic noise.

Anyway, back on topic, all your "Terms of entering the Known Issue List" just got broken,

its STILL not in the famous "Known Issues" list.

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Yep, been getting the sound bug as well - NPCs will say one line, then skip the next, then if I'm lucky my character's text will be audible and so on... it annoys the hell out of me =P

Which of course means... restarting the game and entering my authenticator key and such again.

Hopefully a solution will be found for it soon :)

Edited by Callaron
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Did you crash during either? Disconnect, even briefly? You and the CS guy from Bioware are the only two people I've ever heard of NOT having their sound go out during EC. Maybe you can post your audio settings for us as well as driver numbers and type of audio?


No crashes and no disconnects (I haven't had consistent disconnect/crash issues since beta).


I wonder if there is more than one issue going on here... some of you are referring to lost dialogue just in cutscenes and some of you seem to be implying you lose all sorts of sound even outside of cutscenes. I defnitely haven't lost audio outside of cutscenes (except in space combat) and I'm a big alt-aholic that has a big focus on the story (big KOTOR fan, leveled 3 pub characters to 50 since 1.2) and can only vaguely recall a few circumstances of losing some cutscene dialogue... which I actually think was an issue I experienced pre-1.2.


Realtek HD onboard sound... probably the windows update driver.

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I wonder if there is more than one issue going on here... some of you are referring to lost dialogue just in cutscenes and some of you seem to be implying you lose all sorts of sound even outside of cutscenes.


The thing is, they both start at the same time. If you start to get the one, then you'll also get the other. ( It can be hard to tell with shorter conversations because there's a streadily-increasing chance that any specific audio file can randomly fail to play. You can ESC out, restart the conversation, and get different sections of the conversation fail. Sometimes you can luck out and nothing fails, other times almost everything will be silent. But you never, ever get the conversation failing without other sounds in game also failing.


Assuming that the lack of lip movement in conversations is directly attributable to the audio file not playing (maybe there are lip movement cues in the speech audio files?) , then it seems to all be the same problem: Audio files simply failing to play at random.


As the problem progresses during play, the chance of an audio file not playing gets higher and higher. Conversations are simply where the problem becomes the most glaringly obvious, and has the biggest impact on the game experience.


I don't envy the people trying to troubleshoot this, but it's definitely real, and the phone jockeys need to be given a script that doesn't talk down to us.


And just to drive home the futility of hardware and driver checks, I'm also using Realtek onboard sound.

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And just to drive home the futility of hardware and driver checks, I'm also using Realtek onboard sound.


Realtek makes many different modern on-board audio chips and some of them use separate drivers (of which there are probably dozens of versions currently in use). Then you have to consider the variations between OS versions... it's not exactly a home run.


I also failed to mention that I play often on two different PCs and I haven't noticeably experienced the sound issue on either of them (although I do only raid on one of the computers... the other is mostly leveling and solo content). They are both AMD with Realtek onboard sound but they are likely entirely different audio controllers as the motherboards are like 5 years apart


That being said... I have nothing but sympathy for folks that are experiencing this issue. Wether the issue is effecting 1% of users or 50% of users I would expect Bioware to be working on it (and if, as you guys seem to think, it is beyond 50% there is little to NO chance they are unaware of the issue so the whole complaint in this thread feels very very moot).

Edited by Skylerr
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I share your pain. For over three weeks, the PTS (which is kept online during no testing times as well!) has been broken with the Evasion 'bug'.


Numerous threads and replies like this randomly placed and nothing.


So I'm struck down in any normal gameplay on my chosen server; my only choice is to either play on live or farm flashpoints (which are currently the only place NPC's don't auto reset if melee).


So I'm all for people complaining in a fair manner to get what they need or want fixing.


Do people actually just play on the test server?

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