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Layoffs at Bioware What does this mean for content


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actually, if SWTOR population was fit into 12 servers, there would probably be a better sense of MMO.


to me, MMO is when i can see people (players) running around everywhere I turn.


i think it's more of a technical limitation though. fleet probably can't support more than 200 people before having to instance it.


1000 people on fleet would have been cool.


Lotro instances too. You wont ever see more than 100 people or so in one spot. Everytime it gets to 100 a new layer is added. You can join a party leader in a layer tho if you join and arent in the same one.

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Lotro instances too. You wont ever see more than 100 people or so in one spot. Everytime it gets to 100 a new layer is added. You can join a party leader in a layer tho if you join and arent in the same one.


makes me miss actual cool MMO events in WoW.


the first day BWL was released? HUNDREDS of people packed the hallway between UBRS and BWL. you couldn't even see the ground.


AQ40 gong event? easily hundreds around.


those felt massive.

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makes me miss actual cool MMO events in WoW.


the first day BWL was released? HUNDREDS of people packed the hallway between UBRS and BWL. you couldn't even see the ground.


AQ40 gong event? easily hundreds around.


those felt massive.


I remember those days.....good times indeed =)

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What this means is that BW/EA will be outsourcing more of their projects to other countries where the labor is cheap. Since BW has proven to be some of the worst Project Managers I have ever seen, this bodes ill for future content.


Actually, they're looking for a new Product Manager, as well as several other positions. You should apply, since you seem to be a professional.

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Lotro instances too. You wont ever see more than 100 people or so in one spot. Everytime it gets to 100 a new layer is added. You can join a party leader in a layer tho if you join and arent in the same one.


Is that new? I'm sure I've seen more than 100 in on place before.

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This isnt necessarily a bad thing. The dev team was huge pre launch building the game, it has launched now and most of the main features are in, obviously there isnt a need for as many people any more, or at least not in all departments. No matter what the projecis, t teams downsize over time. Would you keep the laborers, carpenters, engineers, contractors, plumbers, electricians, painters on the payroll AFTER a building was done? No you lay most of them off.

Blizz just laid off 600 people apparently poodoo happens

Everyone needs to relax

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This isnt necessarily a bad thing. The dev team was huge pre launch building the game, it has launched now and most of the main features are in, obviously there isnt a need for as many people any more, or at least not in all departments. No matter what the projecis, t teams downsize over time. Would you keep the laborers, carpenters, engineers, contractors, plumbers, electricians, painters on the payroll AFTER a building was done? No you lay most of them off.

Blizz just laid off 600 people apparently poodoo happens

Everyone needs to relax


The difference is Blizzard has over 100,000 employees. Its the same as if Bioware laid off the janitor. Also they stated over and over they were not going to lay people off. They said they were going to continue with the same team. Also why get rid of your people as part of downsizing then put up ads to hire them back? Fact is the people who were let go were determined to be under performing. They got rid of a lot of the QA people (look at how bad the patches are and you see why). It is not just normal everyday "we launched now we dont need these people". If that was so then why hire different people to do the same job?

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The difference is Blizzard has over 100,000 employees. Its the same as if Bioware laid off the janitor. Also they stated over and over they were not going to lay people off. They said they were going to continue with the same team. Also why get rid of your people as part of downsizing then put up ads to hire them back? Fact is the people who were let go were determined to be under performing. They got rid of a lot of the QA people (look at how bad the patches are and you see why). It is not just normal everyday "we launched now we dont need these people". If that was so then why hire different people to do the same job?


Im sure some were laid off for not performing up to par and Im also sure some were laid off because they were not needed. It all comes down to trimming the fat/ dead tissue. My post was more aimed at those who say "omg layoffs = no more tor, instead of "hmm bit companies lay off people, perhaps bioware wishes to better manage resources to make a better game i am a level headed person who can think things through. Sorry Rockjaw best wishes"

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The difference is Blizzard has over 100,000 employees. Its the same as if Bioware laid off the janitor. Also they stated over and over they were not going to lay people off. They said they were going to continue with the same team. Also why get rid of your people as part of downsizing then put up ads to hire them back? Fact is the people who were let go were determined to be under performing. They got rid of a lot of the QA people (look at how bad the patches are and you see why). It is not just normal everyday "we launched now we dont need these people". If that was so then why hire different people to do the same job?


100k, rofl


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And "a whopping 750 are assigned to product development, which spans WoW, StarCraft, Diablo, and the still-unannounced "Project Titan" MMO"...


Interesting indeed hehe.


I bet project titan is a starcraft MMO.

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I'm still enjoying the game, too, but my server has maybe 100 people. Now, I picked a small server on purpose, but not *that* small. I'm not looking forward to be folded into a bigger server, and I'd like to know beforehand where we are going, what choices we have. I'm not happy about renaming my characters to weird spelling variations, but geez - I'm shocked at how long it's taking them to get this going!


I don't care a bit about end game, I don't pvp and I loathe raiding, and I like the play style of all the characters I play, so I really have no complaints with that aspect of the game. I love the stories, though I find the world oddly un-immersive. (the graphics are not their strong point, & I never realized how much I value music in games until this one had virtually none) The real problem seems to be the massive list of servers - I can't believe how many there are. I'd think - 'start small & add when you have a set audience' might have been the most obvious move. A mass influx into a brand new game isn't stable - I can see that. I'm not sure why they thought otherwise.


It seems like someone should really be pushing them to get this moving. Early summer means, what? Late June? That's way too long. I'm not sure why they didn't implement cross server grouping & definitely cross server PvP - I'd even think a cross server auction house would be a good idea, assuming they don't go the way Diablo has gone & create a mess. (and if they even think of bringing real money into it, a la Turbine & Blizzard, I'm running for the hills)

Edited by Aelflaed
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And "a whopping 750 are assigned to product development, which spans WoW, StarCraft, Diablo, and the still-unannounced "Project Titan" MMO"...


Interesting indeed hehe.

Is this what y'all are hanging your hat on these days? Why do the folks who supposedly love this game so much spend all their time in the forums downplaying the never ending stream of bad news coming from this game? The rest of us are just using whats left of our worthless sub.

What are YOU doing? Loving the game is ok but you arent on the payroll pal. How many posts have you made in the last couple weeks trying to convince others that this game is going strong?

What is your stake in this? And don't say your usual nonsense about counterbalancing negativity. I am sure your time is worth more than that.


My theory? You are a zealot who hates the troll fest the forums have become (understandable but bioware community management's fault for their handling of 1.2) and are desperate for the trolls you despise to be wrong.


If you were really that confident you wouldn't be beating your head against the wall like this for the second week straight. You aren't on the pay roll so GO PLAY the game you seem to think is so successful. I'll be here spending the rest of my sub $ warning others not to get burned like I did. I can admit that I have an axe to grind. You honest enough to do the same?



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Is this what y'all are hanging your hat on these days? Why do the folks who supposedly love this game so much spend all their time in the forums downplaying the never ending stream of bad news coming from this game? The rest of us are just using whats left of our worthless sub.

What are YOU doing? Loving the game is ok but you arent on the payroll pal. How many posts have you made in the last couple weeks trying to convince others that this game is going strong?

What is your stake in this? And don't say your usual nonsense about counterbalancing negativity. I am sure your time is worth more than that.


My theory? You are a zealot who hates the troll fest the forums have become (understandable but bioware community management's fault for their handling of 1.2) and are desperate for the trolls you despise to be wrong.


If you were really that confident you wouldn't be beating your head against the wall like this for the second week straight. You aren't on the pay roll so GO PLAY the game you seem to think is so successful. I'll be here spending the rest of my sub $ warning others not to get burned like I did. I can admit that I have an axe to grind. You honest enough to do the same?




JC isn't a zealot, not if you take the time to actually read what he writes. If you have a well written, well founded argument often times he is aped to agree with you.


The problem is 90% of the folks on this forum can barely read, let alone write out something that would be considered a well founded argument.

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Is this what y'all are hanging your hat on these days? Why do the folks who supposedly love this game so much spend all their time in the forums downplaying the never ending stream of bad news coming from this game? The rest of us are just using whats left of our worthless sub.

What are YOU doing? Loving the game is ok but you arent on the payroll pal. How many posts have you made in the last couple weeks trying to convince others that this game is going strong?

What is your stake in this? And don't say your usual nonsense about counterbalancing negativity. I am sure your time is worth more than that.


My theory? You are a zealot who hates the troll fest the forums have become (understandable but bioware community management's fault for their handling of 1.2) and are desperate for the trolls you despise to be wrong.


If you were really that confident you wouldn't be beating your head against the wall like this for the second week straight. You aren't on the pay roll so GO PLAY the game you seem to think is so successful. I'll be here spending the rest of my sub $ warning others not to get burned like I did. I can admit that I have an axe to grind. You honest enough to do the same?




What the heck? :confused: All I did was quote a sentence out of an article and express that it was interesting.


How the hell did you get the rest of your post out of what I said???

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I bet project titan is a starcraft MMO.


Nah, Titan was supposed to be a FPS Halo MMO.


However, last I heard it was canned for some unknown reason. May have something to do with Microsoft making 3 more Halo games.


On topic, layoffs mean nothing. Content will still be rolling out. BioWare isnt the first developer to do this and it wont be the last.

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What the heck? :confused: All I did was quote a sentence out of an article and express that it was interesting.


How the hell did you get the rest of your post out of what I said???


That was a "body of work" response to you. Not just to your post in general. You have posted more positive spin to the news coming to light on the status of this game than anyone on the forums by far. Unless you are disputing this don't pretend like you don't know what I am talking about. Anyone who has followed the threads pertaining to the sub losses and the lay offs knows this. Don't be disingenuous. You are better than that. Respond to the post or ignore it.


Edit: For the layman- dis·in·gen·u·ous/ˌdisinˈjenyo͞oəs/


Not candid or sincere, typically by pretending that one knows less about something than one really does.

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That was a "body of work" response to you. Not just to your post in general. You have posted more positive spin to the news coming to light on the status of this game than anyone on the forums by far. Unless you are disputing this don't pretend like you don't know what I am talking about. Anyone who has followed the threads pertaining to the sub losses and the lay offs knows this. Don't be disingenuous. You are better than that. Respond to the post or ignore it.


I have endeavored to be neither "spinning" nor "hating". I have always strived to present information from both points of view, and on these forums, it usually means adding the positive side to all the negative that's already here. Like I need to express the negative side of things. What's usually missing is the positive side, the pros if you will, that is necessary for a well-rounded view of issues.


Who can deny when endeavoring to fully understand an issue, one must weigh both the cons AND the pros. The pros are rarely considered on this forum.


My comments are, for the most part, intended to be considered along with the negative that is already present.


Because if you have followed my comments like you say you have, even today, you'll see that when only or overly positive is presented, I'll show the other side of that, too.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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