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Open world pvp= no reward


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As the title says, when you find someone while leveling for example and you kill him , or do any open world pvp you do not get any reward.

I would suggest a reward of 5 ranked( or standard) warzone commendation for each kill in order to encourage open world pvp and maybe remove 5 commendation for people that gank lowbies.


At the moment there is no point in killing someone in open world...or maybe just for the fun of it????...nah i dont think so.


Open World PvP is not and has never been about rewards. It's always been about the fun, about the stories that you get to tell other people, about the epic battles for no reason other than to just have an epic battle.


If you won't open world pvp without rewards, then you don't care about open world pvp in the first place.


The only thing this game needs in order to improve Open World PvP is to drastically increase the frequency that you actually see someone from the opposing faction.

Edited by YanksfanJP
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If you won't open world pvp without rewards, then you don't care about open world pvp in the first place.


The problem is that 90% of the population care about rewards.


So, you can keep it without rewards (and you won't find anyone) or you can give it some rewards, so a LOT of people will participate, which of course will increase the fun of everyone.

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While i tend to agree that open world pvp isnt about rewards and should be about the epic battles, thats just not how it is.... If it was then we would have tons of owpvp on the fatman, but there is none... A reward system for owpvp would encourage both those who pvp and those who pve to get involved.... Do it story form with meaning and purpose as i posted above and u could have epic battles....
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The problem is that 90% of the population care about rewards.


So, you can keep it without rewards (and you won't find anyone) or you can give it some rewards, so a LOT of people will participate, which of course will increase the fun of everyone.


I'm pretty confident that if there was a high amount of interaction between the two factions both while leveling and at 50, even if there were no rewards, World PvP would not only exist, but thrive (until, of course, the kiddies all rerolled to the opposite faction when they start losing all the time - but at least at that point it's a people problem and not a development problem)

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While i tend to agree that open world pvp isnt about rewards and should be about the epic battles, thats just not how it is.... If it was then we would have tons of owpvp on the fatman, but there is none...


I'm on the Fatman and I can tell you firsthand that the reason there's no world pvp is because there's not a lot of times you run into the other faction, NOT because there's no rewards. In fact, just the other day while leveling on Tatooine there were a few people in general chat talking about there were a group of republic players at such and such location, and they were forming a group to go battle them. They didn't need rewards, they didn't say "Ah screw it, we don't get anything for it." They were enthusiastic about going to kill Republic players for no other reason than because these guys were Imperials and those guys were Republic. That's it. If the two factions met up more, there'd be a ton more of this. It's Bioware's fault for completely separating the two factions.

Edited by YanksfanJP
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2 wz comms per unique kill per day. Player needs to be -5 levels or higher in relation to the victor (i.e. a L40 could kill from 35 up). L50s can only kill other 50s. 15 unique kills equals daily quest turn in for an additional 30 comms. On Ilum the faction that controls all points gets an additional 2 comms per unique kill.


There's your new OW pvp daily.


I really like this idea. Simple and easy. Yes it can be exploited by fight clubbing. But anything they put in the game will be exploited, so I say do it and give people the incentive to OWPvP.

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I'm on the Fatman and I can tell you firsthand that the reason there's no world pvp is because there's not a lot of times you run into the other faction, NOT because there's no rewards. In fact, just the other day while leveling on Tatooine there were a few people in general chat talking about there were a group of republic players at such and such location, and they were forming a group to go battle them. They didn't need rewards, they didn't say "Ah screw it, we don't get anything for it." They were enthusiastic about going to kill Republic players for no other reason than because these guys were Imperials and those guys were Republic. That's it. If the two factions met up more, there'd be a ton more of this. It's Bioware's fault for completely separating the two factions.


I too am on the fatman and i totally agree that the factions should have never been seperated, which is the problem.... I too have been on tat as well as belsavis and fought imps simply coz they were imps.... I personally need nothing but the thrill of the kill, but alot of players need/want/demand incentive to do anything

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As the title says, when you find someone while leveling for example and you kill him , or do any open world pvp you do not get any reward.

I would suggest a reward of 5 ranked( or standard) warzone commendation for each kill in order to encourage open world pvp and maybe remove 5 commendation for people that gank lowbies.


At the moment there is no point in killing someone in open world...or maybe just for the fun of it????...nah i dont think so.


You don't need a reward for killing someone in open world pvp. The reward is that you killed them. You don't need to encourage people to open world pvp. If they want to they will come find you. Open world pvp comes with lots of strings attached. People need to look at the big picture when they talk about open word pvp. It can be the quickest game killer around...and i mean DEAD!

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Yeah if they where going to seperate it like they did, they could have thown a couple regional outposts dead center of the factions and the controlling faction of those outpost would control the planet. If a faction controls the planet, it gives a discount on that planets gtn and all vendors.


If a faction controls a majority of the planets outposts, they would get the same thing on fleet vendors.


Than on Ilum, have the same thing, but if you control a majority of the planets vendors, and the outpost on ilum after a time period(couple days or something) then vendors would spawn that would give pvp related rewards.


A simple system like this would create massive battles, or imbalanced factions in the majority would be playing cat and mouse having the to constantly chase and try to predict which planets outposts are being ninja'd by the outnumbered faction.


Not saying this in anymeans is a great system or even functional, I just expected something like this to make the game feel like a war.

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I'm on the Fatman and I can tell you firsthand that the reason there's no world pvp is because there's not a lot of times you run into the other faction, NOT because there's no rewards. In fact, just the other day while leveling on Tatooine there were a few people in general chat talking about there were a group of republic players at such and such location, and they were forming a group to go battle them. They didn't need rewards, they didn't say "Ah screw it, we don't get anything for it." They were enthusiastic about going to kill Republic players for no other reason than because these guys were Imperials and those guys were Republic. That's it. If the two factions met up more, there'd be a ton more of this. It's Bioware's fault for completely separating the two factions.


What do you mean you don't run into the other faction? On tatooine all you have to do is go north to their questing area. Anytime I felt like pvping on Tat i'd just go north.....i don't think they could make it much easier.


Also...keeping the factions seperated was a very very smart decision. Trust me on this.

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Open world needs one or several focal points and the best way to get people to these focal points is a reward system. Let players compete over central locations on certain planets. Which ever faction owns the location gets rewards or access to certain resources. Rewards/resources could scale up based on the amount of time a faction controls the location.


Also, a big mistake was instancing all the OPs and FPs from the fleet. If the EV load in was as a centralized location on Belsavis there would be open world pvp as OP groups from different factions arrived at the instance location. Fleet in general is a huge detriment from open world PVP for a number of reasons. Mostly because once you hit 50 you don't really have a lot of reasons to leave it.

Edited by _DaGreat
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Open world needs one or several focal points and the best way to get people to these focal points is a reward system. Let players compete over central locations on certain planets. Which ever faction owns the location gets rewards or access to certain resources. Rewards/resources could scale up based on the amount of time a faction controls the location.


Also, a big mistake was instancing all the OPs and FPs from the fleet. If the EV load in was as a centralized location on Belsavis there would be open world pvp as OP groups from different factions arrived at the instance location. Fleet in general is a huge detriment from open world PVP for a number of reasons. Mostly because once you hit 50 you don't really have a lot of reasons to leave it.


Are you saying you want access to the flashpoints to be in an open world pvp area where both factions would access the same spot for the flashpoint?

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What do you mean you don't run into the other faction? On tatooine all you have to do is go north to their questing area. Anytime I felt like pvping on Tat i'd just go north.....i don't think they could make it much easier.


Also...keeping the factions seperated was a very very smart decision. Trust me on this.


Uhmm, kind of? I'm a completionist so I had to unlock every zone on all my leveling planets and I still only had a handful of run in's with the other faction.


Maybe if there where not level requirements on speeders(seriously some of those level one speeder chases reminded me of the car chase from hot fuzz)

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Are you saying you want access to the flashpoints to be in an open world pvp area where both factions would access the same spot for the flashpoint?


Yes. If you sign up on a PvP server then you might be forced to open world pvp on the way to your instance. PvE you would not.

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Yes. If you sign up on a PvP server then you might be forced to open world pvp on the way to your instance. PvE you would not.


Ah ok i just wanted to make sure. I understand what your saying and why your saying it. Big mistake. I could not disagree with you more.

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Why does it need a reward? I love world PvP, but I can't agree w/ your sentiment.


If you want rewards, hit the WZs and get rewards from fighting players in a "fair" environment.


If you want some fun, hit enemy players on their own turf or out questing. That's its own reward; your reward is the rush of adrenaline and the grief of the player you just killed.


Beyond that, you're just asking for tangible rewards for griefing other players, and that's just silly.

Edited by Varicite
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