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LVL50 Merc PVP gear, W.T.F...


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Okay, before I start I want to say that I'm a freshly new lvl 50 Merc and that it is my very first character in this game so, please, be mercyful if I say something wrong.


So after reaching lvl50, I went happily to the recruit combat vendor to buy some gear and, well, I was kinda underwhelmed about the "extra" bonuses those gear have... heal bonus, shield bonus, rail shot bonus, jet boost bonus, rocket punch bonus, all great but, what about an armor favoring an arsenal merc build? what about my rockets abilities?


So I decided to pick the Eliminator gear because I do use of the Rail Shot, but I have the feeling that an Arsenal merc have little use of a crit dmg bonus since I feel that Arsenal should focus more on Power rather than Crit chance/dmg, and I don't see any other armor that could really improve our arsenal tree in comparison to the other trees specs.


But, to be honest, I think I'm done with my mercenary, at least for pvp, went today and did 6 WZ matches, I was Arsenal, got obliterated, after the 4th match I respecced to Pyro, also got obliterated...

So basically with Arsenal I am a turret that just asks to be ********ed, and with Pyro I am a poor man's version of the PT Pyro, and the lasts merc abilites I get are a joke, oh look I have Power Surge, allows me to instacast 1 tracer missile every 2 minutes :rolleyes: And I didn't roll a merc to be a healer.


So I write here to ask for sugestions, to see if there's a better gear to use for a "dps" merc other than Eliminator, but I have a bad feeling about it, I'm totally disappointed with this class, I guess I'm going to start playing as a Vanguard :(

Edited by yoomazir
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Eliminator is the set to use for a dps Merc. As a new 50 in recruit gear, you are going to get destroyed. No way around it. The gear gap between Recruit and Battlemaster/War Hero is too large. If you do like the Merc, I suggest trying to just stick it out to get your Battlemaster gear, and I would also try to really learn how to play Pyro in PvP as Arsenal is pretty terrible atm. Once in Battlemaster gear you'll notice a big difference, but Merc's right now are probably the most underpowered class in PvP. So gear up at your own risk :). Pretty much any class is a new 50 has a long road ahead of them until they are in full Battlemaster gear.
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^What that person said. Also, yes, you want crit. Arsenal mercs are all over crit. When you see the big numbers you can pull with it... you'll get it. Burst like that is what wins pvp fights. The general gearing wisdom is to stack crit to somewhere between 30-35% (depending who you ask), stack surge to ~70% or so, and THEN stack power.
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The set bonus for the PvE arsenal gear is 2) 15% increase in chance for tracer missile to crit and 4) rail shot becomes free basically. If you want to take advantage of these arsenal bonuses what you have to do is get the battlemaster pvp armor and the rakata pve set. Take the armoring from the Battlemaster gear and put it in the rakata gear to get the expertise bonus yet keep the set bonus that you want.
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I know how you feel man! I went into 50 PVP as Arsenal and couldn't do a damn thing, the Expertise difference is too much, and you're unable to move while doing damage. I switched to Pyro for the mobility (you'll still get hurt from the Expertise difference) but keep at it. I now have around 800 Expertise (I think?) and feel much more useful in PVP.
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The set bonus for the PvE arsenal gear is 2) 15% increase in chance for tracer missile to crit and 4) rail shot becomes free basically. If you want to take advantage of these arsenal bonuses what you have to do is get the battlemaster pvp armor and the rakata pve set. Take the armoring from the Battlemaster gear and put it in the rakata gear to get the expertise bonus yet keep the set bonus that you want.




^^^ what this fella said. (except to make it easier, you can use tionese/columbine gear)


i've been trying to remain positive throughout this enitre experience, but the moron who came up with set bonuses and accuracy on gear needs to be fired immediately (and by fired, i mean out of a cannon, into a solid brick wall at close range)


5 seconds on Jet Boost, ya know what...just keep your 5 seconds...

Edited by T-Assassin
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  • 2 weeks later...

Recruit gear is underwhelming againts battlemaster or better but just do your time and you will have more good days than bad. Grind out the Daily and Weekly for points and keep playing in your spare time on winning teams. Remember to get more than 3 medals.


I didnt bother with the swapping out of pieces as that gets quite expensive and those expertise bonuses are only good for PvP. I had a set for both and now run with a combo of Battlemaster for the bonus and Col/Tio for PvE and a full set of Battlemaster for PvP.


I know the stat whores will bag those of us who don't swap pieces out and perhaps one day I will become that elitist but in PvP its a team game so if your team sucks then your team sucks.


Hopefully in the next couple of patches either the other classes will come down or the mercs will go back up. As a Bodyguard if I play really well I can probably get both heals and damage over 100k and if I focus on heals I might get it to 200k, not the best of them but I think top 3 for heals and mid range for damage. The stat I always seem to be at the top of is kills which is quite often overlooked as when people hand out there MVP they tend to see either damage, heals, or protection as a key indicator.

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I was wondering, since I've been playing a little longer this game and getting rakata stuff , the Eliminator set bonuses (-5sec jet cd, chance of rs doing a crit) aren't that great, but the Rakata has some really nice bonuses.

Wouldn't it be viable to remove the mods from the Eliminator BM and put them on the Eliminator Rakata instead and use that armor for pvp?

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I was wondering, since I've been playing a little longer this game and getting rakata stuff , the Eliminator set bonuses (-5sec jet cd, chance of rs doing a crit) aren't that great, but the Rakata has some really nice bonuses.

Wouldn't it be viable to remove the mods from the Eliminator BM and put them on the Eliminator Rakata instead and use that armor for pvp?


Yes. As only WH and Campaign set bonuses are locked to the armoring mod you should be able to rip out all of your mods from your BM Eliminator set, put them into your Rakata Eliminator set and wearing that new modified Rakata set should give you the Rakata set bonuses as well as the Expertise from the BM.


Alternatively, it would make much more sense to just rip your BM mods into your old Columi/Tionese set, seeing as they have the same set bonus.


Once you start getting some WH gear though that's no longer going to work unless you just don't rip over the armoring mod...



I actually have a Jugg and I would prefer to keep my BM PvP set bonuses for PvE but that's a bit harder to do as I would need to farm a completely new set of BM armor if I replaced my PvP mods with PvE mods...

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I am saving up ranked and reg comms before I hit 50 and would like to ask whether I should buy a wh gun first or just gear up with armor first. I am an arsenal merc and I still love it so idc if it sucks haha :). thank you!


1-st of all you need to minimize the expertise gap between you and bm/wh pvpers. I would go with set armor except the chest since it's way too expensive for it's bonuses. Then get guns then imps/ear/belt/wrists/relics.

Edited by Odinochka-ao
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