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romance scenes... kind of a letdown.


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Pictures of the romances:


Spoiler cut due to some of y'all not getting to that point yet.


Vector and Female Agent











Torian and Female Bountyhunter













Andronikos and Female Inquisitor
















Doc and Female Jedi Knight
























I didn't think to take pics of Quinn or Corso. *sigh*

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Yah im dissapointed as well, they could have done better.


They could of, but as was pointed out, they would of gotten a M rating, and neither they or LucasArts wanted that because it cuts into the games sales.

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They could of, but as was pointed out, they would of gotten a M rating, and neither they or LucasArts wanted that because it cuts into the games sales.


And quite honestly, some of the suggestive themes push the boundries of the T rating as it is. SW on Dromund Kaas can "Socialize" with Lady Grathan and make Vette watch, just as an example.

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hmm... Iresso and female JC have this ONE scene in the story quest if you actually romance or marry him



You basically pull him out of a downed escape pod that he's been trapped in and he gives you a quick kiss on the cheek like he's really really happy to see you.



First scene I saw like that and went :eek:


Heh, and they even messed that up by not taking off his helmet first! Well, Iresso was pretty woozy.

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a bit off topic, but sort of along the same parameters . . . .


Anybody else notice that every female character, whether human or otherwise, is well-endowed in the chest region?

I mean EVERY female! I've yet to see a flat-chested woman in the game.


It's like something out of a Russ Meyer movie or something.

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a bit off topic, but sort of along the same parameters . . . .


Anybody else notice that every female character, whether human or otherwise, is well-endowed in the chest region?

I mean EVERY female! I've yet to see a flat-chested woman in the game.


It's like something out of a Russ Meyer movie or something.


Its how the models are, the males are the same way you see buff males everywhere too. (Save for 1 and 4)

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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but yeah..more interaction. i was rather happy with BH line, cause they actually adress your relationship with torian in your quest line, and you open up the proposal scene with a big hug befitting of 2 lovers greeting each other


as for FTB.... there has yet to be a game that shows scenes as graphic as what my headcannon can fire >:3

Edited by Crezelle
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Damn, maybe Quinn's 8.2 seconds of physical contact (yes I'm keeping score, don't judge) is close to the best the player can get. It's not the Standard Generic Kiss, either. Well, you can get the Standard Generic Kiss animation by coercing him in Act 2, which way creeped me out when I found out about it, but that's another story.


The contact from the two non-creepy kiss scenes is here: http://youtu.be/566gOHGV3ME and looks way more interesting than most of these other LIs.

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but yeah..more interaction. i was rather happy with BH line, cause they actually adress your relationship with torian in your quest line, and you open up the proposal scene with a big hug befitting of 2 lovers greeting each other


as for FTB.... there has yet to be a game that shows scenes as graphic as what my headcannon can fire >:3


I'm fine with the FTB, it's the "daily" interactions that I think could use a bit more spice or atleast less "minimal safe distance" we seem to get. Ok.. I get it... Quinn's gotta hang behind the SW and all that for decorum (?) or atleast propriety but on the bridge when it's just the two of them or in a cantina.. come on!

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From the screenshots posted it looks like the companion romances aren't so bad but the "random NPC hookups" are really awkwardly staged. At least the ones I've seen. The typical scene seems to play out like this:


1. Having a conversation

2. Flirt about hooking up

3. NPC agrees

4. Walk off screen

5. Fade to black

6. Return to original positions

7. Continue conversation


This is especially awkward when other people are in the room or even in the conversation. Like what am I supposed to believe here? We walked to a dark corner of the room and just went at it? Did we go some place private? We didn't talk at all during that time and thought best to return back to our previous exact same positions and continue the conversations from the exact same point while everyone else was standing around waiting all that time for us? They just feel so awkwardly shoehorned into the conversations and staged that I kind of just wish they weren't even there if they can't be done decently.


I would greatly prefer something like, "Why don't you meet me in my room later and we can get to know each other a little better?"


Then maybe you can meet them somewhere else later and they do some further flirting and then fade to black. Or you just imagine it takes place at some point or something. But just sticking it in the middle of a normal conversation and walking off camera and walking back feels really lazy and unnatural.


And because of the way they do it I think sometimes it's not very obvious that the characters hook up. Like on Nar Shaddaa some guy was asking in general why his Inquisitor got dark side points for taking a tour with Rylee. It's like, "Ummm... you didn't notice they rolled their shoulders? That means they had sex... obviously."

Edited by MrArrogant
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"Ummm... you didn't notice they rolled their shoulders? That means they had sex... obviously."


Ah, wondered why they all did that after the FTBs. Now I know! They roll their shoulders and they've boinked. Doc rolled his shoulders ALOT with my Jedi. He better have, she earned herself 500 DS points romancing and marrying that dude.

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Ah, wondered why they all did that after the FTBs. Now I know! They roll their shoulders and they've boinked. Doc rolled his shoulders ALOT with my Jedi. He better have, she earned herself 500 DS points romancing and marrying that dude.


this is why i roll agent: i get LS for dispersing my smurf lovvin

still angry that they show agent spooned up with that fat droid freak..but all pillow talk with any true LIs has to be out of bed, back in your clothes, and standing up

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No kidding! I was noticing this back when I was trying to put together some videos - there's staggeringly little physical interaction between PC models and NPCs. NPCs will help each other up off the ground, or hug, or put their arms around each other's waists while facing somebody in a conversation. We get none of that. I think my warrior kept a six-foot minimum distance from Quinn for all but ten seconds of her plot line; I don't remember for sure but I think my Agent got even less contact than that with Kaliyo.


A lot of this has to do with programming. It's hard to program for multiple physical models while making sure that everything lines up. (i.e. when they kiss, it hits the lips, not half way through the face because one model was bigger than another. Or maybe some of the hair vanishes, etc.) So, to be fair, a lot of the lack of hugs/kisses/touchiness comes down to this. With NPCs, it's easier, as you know that both of them are going to be size X (or one will be size X, the other size Y), so you don't have to worry about those awkward little hand passing through the body during a hug kinds of things because you can model it for one type and be done.


This is also why most of the flings are fade to black without any touching at all. It's pretty easy to program two characters talking and saying, "Hey, want to go back to your room?"/"Sure!" But throw in the kiss, and there are issues.


(And yes, this just adds to my annoyance that you can't "fade to black" with just about anyone who might be interested in you. It's so easy to program in!)

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A lot of this has to do with programming. It's hard to program for multiple physical models while making sure that everything lines up. (i.e. when they kiss, it hits the lips, not half way through the face because one model was bigger than another. Or maybe some of the hair vanishes, etc.) So, to be fair, a lot of the lack of hugs/kisses/touchiness comes down to this. With NPCs, it's easier, as you know that both of them are going to be size X (or one will be size X, the other size Y), so you don't have to worry about those awkward little hand passing through the body during a hug kinds of things because you can model it for one type and be done.


I do understand the difficulty of animating character models interacting. I distinctly recall watching Alistair put his mailed glove through my poor DA:O heroine's skull on multiple occasions during kiss scenes. It hadn't occurred to me that NPCs can get more interaction among themselves simply because they have known static models (vs the PCs' highly variable models).


When characters do touch, for any reason, players generally lap it up, so clearly it's in BW's best interests to work on smoothing this out :D

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I do understand the difficulty of animating character models interacting. I distinctly recall watching Alistair put his mailed glove through my poor DA:O heroine's skull on multiple occasions during kiss scenes. It hadn't occurred to me that NPCs can get more interaction among themselves simply because they have known static models (vs the PCs' highly variable models).


When characters do touch, for any reason, players generally lap it up, so clearly it's in BW's best interests to work on smoothing this out :D


i remember in kiss scenes with jorgan, youd smooch his nose instead...i found it cute cause kitties give good nose kissies :3

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i saw an image early on in development (likely leaked beta footage) of jessa sitting on the Sw bed no i doubt that there was any scenes like ME but even that laying down or scenes arnt to heavy for kids for all they know they just went to sleep.
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i saw an image early on in development (likely leaked beta footage) of jessa sitting on the Sw bed no i doubt that there was any scenes like ME but even that laying down or scenes arnt to heavy for kids for all they know they just went to sleep.


i'd love that. agent ending shows vector meditating on his bunk... i'd love to have him snug as a bug in a rug next to my agent at night

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i remember in kiss scenes with jorgan, youd smooch his nose instead...i found it cute cause kitties give good nose kissies :3


@ Crezelle


They fixed the nose kisses.... seriously... I'll post a couple of them once I'm done uploading more 4X.

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@ Crezelle


They fixed the nose kisses.... seriously... I'll post a couple of them once I'm done uploading more 4X.


Yeah definitely fixed, I didn't get one single nose kiss the entire time! I rolled my trooper after the fix.


Just watch out for those fangs...is all I will say! :D

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