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ToS Violation for name ????


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I think you should change your name. Your name reminds me of the Pythagorean Theorum, and I don't want to have my immersion broken by suddenly being reminded that I've forgotten how to calulcate the hypotenuse of a right triangle.


That's preposterous, sir!


You, on the other hand, have a rather offensive name! I once had my underwear stolen off a clothesline by a mannic person! Ever since then, i've had nightmares about losing all my underwear. Years of therapy have yielded little results, and your name is only making it worse! I demand you change your name, or I shall be reporting to the proper authorities!



Infraction in 3... 2... 1... :D

Edited by Pythoris
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Anemia is not offensive in anyway, but I guess some idiot reported you, maybe though its close to being rude in some other language.


I remember they used to have a car named then the Ford Pinto, in Portugese this means a male Genital. and dont ask the Spanish what a Mitsubishi Pajero is


Ah, ,that new mobile named "Nokia Lumia" comes to mind.... sweet spanish, sweet.

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What's a mannic person anyway? Is it manlike? Mannish? A man called Nic?

Not to mention the fact that underwear has no place on a clothesline. I don't need my neighbours to see I wear a panther print g-string.




Yeah, I see your meaning.




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I don't know why people can't just pick a name that fits with Star Wars and enjoy the game. Names like that are just silly, juvenile, and annoying.


I'd be happy if Bioware took this kind of nonsense seriously for once so we can have a mature environment rather than a junior high cafeteria, it would be a nice change of pace.


Being an adult means having no sense of humor? "Mature" means that you can't be amused by anything remotely silly or random?


If it makes me smile to have a character named BionicLobster, if it adds to my fun and I'm not offending anyone, there's no reason why I shouldn't be able to.


I understand they don't like it on roleplay servers, because of atmosphere or whatever, blah blah, but for those of us who don't take our FUN time in a GAME too seriously, it should be allowed. And those people who insist on having overly serious uptight names can play on RP servers. That's one good thing about having different server environments for different types of players.


Hey Bioware, can we have a "sense of humor" server for those of us who like to laugh and have fun with life? lol

Edited by AeonWeapon
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The name Anemia is offensive? On what planet? That's absurd. Hope you can actually talk to someone and get it fixed. Violation of TOS, ridiculous.


On the Red Blood Cell planet of Erythrocyte V Alpha, anemia represents a pandemic plague of epic proportions responsible for wiping out half the planet's population

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Anemia is a struggle for many. It can be offensive since it is a condition people who who would rather not have it. Calling yourself Anemia is making light of the condition and should not be tolerated if someone finds offense to it.


Carefully checking every word one says or types is a struggle for many. It can be offensive since some people believe they should be free to speak their minds. Calling yourself Censor is making light of their feelings and should not be tolerated if someone finds offense to it.


See what I did there?


Well, because we are using the medium of text and text loses lots of communicative intent, I should probably state my point clearly.


The statement you made is practically a fill in the blanks form letter that can be used as an excuse to find offense about anyone or anything, and punish anyone for doing or saying anything. I will not grant you the intellectual legitimacy of using that argument unless you will seriously respect that I in turn am very justified in taking offense at any and all statements that support censoring people for offensiveness about anything and everything.

Unless you grant that your fill in the blanks offensiveness statement is equally valid and actionable when I turn it against you, you are being intellectually dishonest.

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The statement you made is practically a fill in the blanks form letter that can be used as an excuse to find offense about anyone or anything, and punish anyone for doing or saying anything. I will not grant you the intellectual legitimacy of using that argument unless you will seriously respect that I in turn am very justified in taking offense at any and all statements that support censoring people for offensiveness about anything and everything.

Unless you grant that your fill in the blanks offensiveness statement is equally valid and actionable when I turn it against you, you are being intellectually dishonest.


Here here, and how. Couldn't have said it better myself. *golf claps*

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I wonder if you named a character Anthrax if they would rename you and also report you to the internet FBI as a terrorist lol. Or maybe it would be a double censor, since it's the name of a bioweapon disease/toxin and also the copyrighted name of a heavy metal band from the 80's. Well thankfully Bush isn't in office anymore lol
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Just because this thread has a lot of pages doesn't really prove that it's important to judge and rate people's names in an mmo.


But it does show that people, instead of quietly going their way, accepting the name change, decide to fervently protest being told they can't do something, which makes it seem rather important.


I'm pretty sure that a number of the pages on this thread are full of statements from people who are expressing how stupid it is that someone would spend time in an mmo reporting names for what they feel is "lack of originality".


I wouldn't report a name for that reason. And I see a lot of people lambasting those who report names at all, so it's not even the specific form you ascribe it, but a general distaste to the idea at all.


Except...names are important, and somebody choosing a name that is offensive, can be asked to change it, because it does matter. The choice may not be intentionally offensive, but then, that's why people are comfortable making it a "Just change it" process rather than a punitive one.


My point is this: This mmo is full of fun activities and has an engaging story for each and every class. Lots to do without having to spend your time acting as the "Name Police". Just my humble $0.02.


I don't spend my time doing it. I see a name that comes across to me as offensive, it'll take less than a few seconds to report it. Unless it's really offensive, I won't even care to track it again.


Why do I do it? Because being blase about offensive names is a sure way to let people get the idea that they don't need to care.


I'd rather take the little bit of time, to discourage that trend.

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I just don't know what happened to "mind-your-own-business."


People realized it was just an excuse promulgated by those who didn't want to be accountable as they trampled over others with no regard for what they were doing.


Where I come from being a tattle-tale over something so minor is considered really lame.


Where I come, trying to be such a prat over something like this considered really deplorable.


The worst part is now someone who just chose an "immersion breaking" name and is probably doing nothing but minding their own business and playing their game, suddenly gets a nasty-gram from BW because of some loser who couldn't mind his own business.


Somehow I doubt the initial communication is that nasty. Usually they'll be non-confrontational and seek to not cast any blame, just say there's a problem, and that you will need to change your name.


Pretty sure at this point BW is using the same policy as this forum-- meaning that anything goes unless it gets reported, and almost anything that gets reported results in a "warning" because offending anyone for any reason is a violation on these forums.


I wonder how you'd know this.

Edited by Colobulous
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Carefully checking every word one says or types is a struggle for many. It can be offensive since some people believe they should be free to speak their minds. Calling yourself Censor is making light of their feelings and should not be tolerated if someone finds offense to it.


I strongly suspect if your name was "Censor" or "Censored" you would get a name change request. Same if it were Dyslexia.


But it'd take a real strain of reasoning to apply it to every combination of words.


See what I did there?


Well, because we are using the medium of text and text loses lots of communicative intent, I should probably state my point clearly.


Quite possibly.


The statement you made is practically a fill in the blanks form letter that can be used as an excuse to find offense about anyone or anything, and punish anyone for doing or saying anything. I will not grant you the intellectual legitimacy of using that argument unless you will seriously respect that I in turn am very justified in taking offense at any and all statements that support censoring people for offensiveness about anything and everything.

Unless you grant that your fill in the blanks offensiveness statement is equally valid and actionable when I turn it against you, you are being intellectually dishonest.


Look, if you don't understand how a reference to a real and serious issue some people have can be a problem with a name that makes people uncomfortable, that's on you. But that doesn't make it a non-offensive, or legitimize your tortured reasoning about finding an excuse to be offended.


Nobody wants the GMs in game to listen to a complaint that has no rational basis, but even if you don't concur with the reasoning, it doesn't mean that there isn't any.


And like it or not, the GMs will probably decide to err on the side of caution many times, and they certainly will not be likely to give you the full extent of their reasoning. Will they listen to frivolous reasons that are just harassment?


Hopefully not, but even if the reason a person complains is pique, that doesn't mean that there isn't a problem with the name. And no, this game is not a playground for free speech at all, it's a controlled community and if you don't like being censored, you are in the wrong place.

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Why in the hell would the name Anemia be considered Offensive, Abusive or Defaming ???? I got a message from someone at TOR claiming just that.


Yet, names like Synful and various tweeks on parts of the human anatomy are no problem.


I think they are going a bit out on a stretch here. If I was on an RP server, maybe; however, I'm not.


Guess I'll see if they kill my character. If so, I'll be skipping my retail purchase.




Are you really surprised? I didn't even know I had a profanity filter on in my game.. until I tried to say "sexy" and watched it get filtered.

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If on the server selction page, the tooltip at the bottiom when you select your server says "no special naming rules", then you need to contact EAware and demand your name back.


If you're not on an RP server and you don't have a name like Ieatpussyforbreakfast or K_k_kboy, then they need to change it back and remove any violations.

Edited by Zorvan
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Look, if you don't understand how a reference to a real and serious issue some people have can be a problem with a name that makes people uncomfortable, that's on you. But that doesn't make it a non-offensive, or legitimize your tortured reasoning about finding an excuse to be offended.


Nobody wants the GMs in game to listen to a complaint that has no rational basis, but even if you don't concur with the reasoning, it doesn't mean that there isn't any.


And like it or not, the GMs will probably decide to err on the side of caution many times, and they certainly will not be likely to give you the full extent of their reasoning. Will they listen to frivolous reasons that are just harassment?


Hopefully not, but even if the reason a person complains is pique, that doesn't mean that there isn't a problem with the name. And no, this game is not a playground for free speech at all, it's a controlled community and if you don't like being censored, you are in the wrong place.


So you've implicitly conceded to me the point that bowdlerization and censorship to avoid offense is inherently unjust because you can't apply it equally to all people for all reasons? I say that because you instead choose to denigrate the validity of my objection against those of another person or cause.


Well, let me put it like this. Freedom of speech is an issue that many people care deeply about. People die for it. People kill for it. People fight wars over it. I'm not trying to claim that this is another revolution or anything, but I do want to make it very clear that you are utterly incorrect in your thinking when you write so dismissively about taking offense to censorship. Some people still believe in such things. I can guarantee you that more people have been upset by the censoring of the player name Anemia than were ever upset by the name itself.


Now, I know that we all agree to the ToS and I can cancel my sub if it bothers me so badly. That isn't my issue. This is a private service and Bioware/EA have every right to implement whatever codes of conduct they please and I support that. The problem at hand is this issue of offensiveness being used as a rule. We already have pretty well established that Anemia was a violation of offensiveness and nothing else. This leaves us working with a problematic and undefined rule that has no consistency in its enforcement, no recourse against its execution, and an inherent inability to be applied evenly to all players. So now we have to accept that one players feelings and offendedness is suddenly arbitrarily more righteous than another (or many others)? We are supposed to believe that it is just and good that one person who may or may not even be honest at all in their complaints can have their will subjected onto another person who probably wasn't even aware that the offended person even existed?

Should we believe that there is no burden on the part of the offended player to try and talk to the other player? I'm amazed that in such a social environment as an MMO we don't think it unnatural that people don't stop and try to ask questions of each other. Is it so wrong to think that before reporting Anemia, the reporter might have whispered him and said, "Hey, why did you name that toon Anemia? I feel like you're making light of a disease which I suffer from." Then perhaps a dialogue could have occurred and the offended person might have learned the reason for the name and that no offense was intended. Heck, sometimes when random strangers talk to each other they meet a new friend.


Okay I'll wind down to a conclusion of what is wrong here.

1. We are working with a rule set that needs more clarity and consistency.

2. Because the enforcement of this rule is (as far as we know) done without any regard to context, we have granted trolls and greifers a wonderful way to make the game experience worse for other players.

3. By accepting the use of the system as it is now (on the part of the non greifers) we are actively encouraging and rewarding people for being antisocial and making no effort to resolve interpersonal conflicts on their own.

4. The system as it is does not care about the intentions of either party, but operates on the assumption that by default the accuser is right and by default the accused is wrong and that the offense they commit is deliberate.

5. There is no recourse, no room for explanation, and no way to clear your name or rehabilitate your permanent record from the stain of the accusation. Once reported, you have racked up an infraction and it sticks with you. You can't clear your name or state your side of things. The violation stays with you even when you meant no harm to anyone.


Tell me with a straight face that these problems are fair, right or just.

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Its probably someone that is overly sensitive because of a personal reason. All of us can probably remember those annoying people in junior high that would just be stupidly serious about anything and say something like "dude its not even a frickin joke; my sister suffered from that". All I have to say to annoying people like that is "Why so serious bruh?".
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Why in the hell would the name Anemia be considered Offensive, Abusive or Defaming ???? I got a message from someone at TOR claiming just that.


Yet, names like Synful and various tweeks on parts of the human anatomy are no problem.


I think they are going a bit out on a stretch here. If I was on an RP server, maybe; however, I'm not.


Guess I'll see if they kill my character. If so, I'll be skipping my retail purchase.


Yeah, I got banned for posting an "inappropriate link" in general chat. 24 hour ban. That was 2 days ago. Pretty sure I'm just going to not play.

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If on the server selction page, the tooltip at the bottiom when you select your server says "no special naming rules", then you need to contact EAware and demand your name back.


Wrongo, because if you read the TOS, they ALL have naming rules.

Edited by Colobulous
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