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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Date Night!


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SI and Andronikos--they already did this but what the heck. Head out to the middle of the galaxy, turn everything off, and just drift.


My poor SW, kicked Quinn out and while Pierce is good, he's not what she wants. She needs her some lovin'.


Same with the IA--Vector just doesn't do it. I'm thinking Lokin would be great fun. Older men know more tricks.


BH--every time she summons Torian and he says "Let's hunt," she melts. Thinking about handing Skadge a blaster pistol and sending him out on Dromand Kaas and hunting him. Poor Skadge.


Trooper isn't too far along yet, but she's just drooling over catboy. Wonderful voice.

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My poor SW, kicked Quinn out and while Pierce is good, he's not what she wants. She needs her some lovin'.


I'm not saying it'd be the same, but I bet Jaesa would at least give cuddles to help tide the femWarrior over immediately post-breakup. Umm, LS Jaesa, at least. Can't speak for the other one.


FemSmuggler and Guss Tuno could go to the circus. He would either think everything's awesome or think he could do it better, and the resulting attempted demonstrations would be hilarious.

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Vette, LS Jaesa and my female SW might go shopping or something and if my SW is feeling especially mean, she'll drag Quinn along and turn him into a packhorse. :D He's not allowed to open his mouth to speak for any reason during said shopping trip.


If you're allowed to talk about girls'-nights-out, I must mention the occasion when Vette got my f!SW very, very, very drunk and convinced her to look for the stick in Quinn's ***.

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Sw and Quinn would go out to some kind of arena games (to the death of course) like in Spartacus. Quinn would go whereever she said to go. Yes my lord, that is your prerogitive my lord. His idea of a hot date would probably be some dusty old war museum.
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Oh, Id love to do something romantic with ashara, (as romantic as a Sith can be, atleast). It's been so long, I decide to go defect to the republic as a Jedi knight, and married Kira... Gosh,THIS is why the Jedi order needs a sex-Ed class! She wants to get in the bed with me everytime we are alone (or otherwise!)! We once had sex 3 times and a marriage proposal in ONE CONVERSATION!!

I love them both. My ideas:

Ashara would love to go on a picnic to a nice planet, like alderaan, or tython, or maybe let her down (err, head tails) with a night on the town. I just love her positive attitude towards everything.

Kira would probably like a nice dinner or something, followed by... Ugh... You know.


I would also like to finally get married to ashara instead of "waiting for the war to end", so she wouldn't feel so shy about us "doing the deed".

(funny story about ashara, after we "did it" for the first time, she was putting her clothes back on humming the imperial march song... Heh heh heh.)

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Allie (my SW) & Quinn - Kind of difficult, every time they've finished a planet he likes to say how much he hated it 'Nar Shaadda is seedy, Tatooine was an oversized sand box, too hot!' he's a bit of a sensitive flower :( maybe they'd just stay in Allie's room to give him a break from being teased by Pierce and Vette in the crew quarters like I imagine they do often. Poor Quinn.


Or Maybe the Endar Spire... odd choice I know and Taris is one of the least romantic places you can think of XD but Quinn seemed to light up and happily proclaim its history when walking past it. Sneaking around there could be fun :)


Alrighty, it's pretty clear there are a lot of inventive minds here that probably spend way too much time thinking about their companions.

It's good to know it's not just me XD

Edited by AelixVII
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Just occurred to me while reading about the overheated sandbox above....


Jorgan and FemTrooper on Tatooine: could you see him playing in the sand, like a CAT? XD


Speaking of cats, mine seems to be buggin me for attention now that the dog-visitor has left.

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Just occurred to me while reading about the overheated sandbox above....


Jorgan and FemTrooper on Tatooine: could you see him playing in the sand, like a CAT? XD


Speaking of cats, mine seems to be buggin me for attention now that the dog-visitor has left.


Trooper wakes up and finds Jorgan sleeping on a cardboard box. "I don't know why, it just looked...so comfortable..."

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Trooper wakes up and finds Jorgan sleeping on a cardboard box. "I don't know why, it just looked...so comfortable..."


or a pile of fresh laundry

or trooper walks in on jorgan " cleaning " himself

" hey, you would if you could too, sir"

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or a pile of fresh laundry

or trooper walks in on jorgan " cleaning " himself

" hey, you would if you could too, sir"


She has a string hanging off her shirt, he can't concentrate and keeps swatting at it.

Someone opens up some milk, he grabs the plastic ring and freaks out.

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Oh god.. what did I just start?


Jorgan will bring her a nice dead mouse or something as a present, and give you that sad look when you smack him for it.


He wakes her up by kneading on her, or pawing at her face at 3 AM.

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Wasn't the whole lackofnookie syndrome the whole driving force behind most of the female SWs?


It was, it was! Now that I know that this devastating lackanookie syndrome has a name, I must never let it happen again.


Step 1. Don't roll a female SW. 99% of your love life problems solved, right there.

Step 2. There is no step 2. Just go seek anything else with anyone else. It's easier that way. :rolleyes:

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i hope all your jorgan girls are rolling agents now :mad:

it's only fair since i;m rolling trooper <3


I'm still at the beginning of agent and trooper, sadly. I'm having a hard time engaging with the agent.


Playing a SW and just flirted with Quinn for the first time...I gotta agree, he's cute! I think I'd like to have a date night with him out somewhere fancy. That definitely seems like his sort of thing.

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SW and Quinn--To an opera (not sure if there is one around these here parts). She'd cling to his arm and let him lead her around a museum or some other historical thing and just sigh in contentment as he droned on about the history of this or that, just enjoying his company.


SI and Andronikos--A bar of club, playing who can drink the other under the table. Andronikos would win and walk/carry his wife back to their ship, giving the more seedier men the stink eye as they drool over his hot and very drunk wife. He'd take her to some bug exhibition since she has a fondness for the little critters.


Smuggler and Corso -- Very romantic picnic on the nicer parts of Alderaan, enjoying the beautiful planet and weather. They'd talk about the future with kiddies running around, and she's crack a smile while Corso told some awful jokes.


BH and Torian--Whatever Mandalorians do for fun, he'd take her to a gathering. She'd sit on the grass as she watched her husband show off for his friends. Then she'd get up and show them what a bounty hunter is all about with her DfA ability and get some good nookie from Torian for making him proud.


JK and Doc--He might take her to a medical conference at first, to show off his brand new and sexy wife. Then as she follows him around, smiling and greeting his fellow doctors, he'd take her to a nice restaurant, wine and dine her and then back to the ship for some *AHEM* alone time. She'd love it because she's head over heels in love with him.


Agent and Vector--He'd take her to Alderaan to let her meet his Killik family. She'd smile at him being all gentlemanly. He's take her on a nice picnic, feeding her bits of food and she'd look at him in amusement as she ate from his fingers. As it grew darker they'd wonder back to their ship, and have hot lovely relations. *sigh* There's would be so hot and sexy, but sweet too.


(Edited cause I forgot Vector and because man I NEED to write fanfic soon!)

Edited by Eanelinea
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BH and Torian--Whatever Mandalorians do for fun, he'd take her to a gathering. She'd sit on the grass as she watched her husband show off for his friends. Then she'd get up and show them what a bounty hunter is all about with her DfA ability and get some good nookie from Torian for making him proud.


nah, it would end on the ship afterwards, or in thier tent if it was a long trip, torian being all " see what i did? aww yeah im the best" and F!hunter rolling her eyes, and saying she can do better in her sleep. then some sparring happens. then wrestling. and well somehow wrestling causes armor to fall off piece by piece..and um yeah >.>

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nah, it would end on the ship afterwards, or in thier tent if it was a long trip, torian being all " see what i did? aww yeah im the best" and F!hunter rolling her eyes, and saying she can do better in her sleep. then some sparring happens. then wrestling. and well somehow wrestling causes armor to fall off piece by piece..and um yeah >.>


Look, I need to be playing instead of writing in the forums. lol No more images. Must stop, has dirty NC-17 rated thoughts. Ahem. Never wrote stories lower than that. heh

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i hope all your jorgan girls are rolling agents now :mad:

it's only fair since i;m rolling trooper <3


I have a baby agent-let who is wandering around Hutta at the moment waiting while I level my jk. If nothing else, I'm curious to see this storyline, although I'm having a hard time connecting with this character. I'm hoping that Vector will be enough of a draw to counteract my dislike of hive minds. ]


And poor Jorgan is getting worked over in this thread!! I can feel him scowling from here, lol.

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I have a trooper, she's done (finally) and the kitty is still scowlie... I'm sure she'll make it up to him later with all the cat jokes and what not flying aorund here. Get him a nice ball of string or something. :D


I rolled male IA first and he's almost finished but I wanted to complete my companion quests first before I go for the final story quest. Unfortunately, I have a distinct lack of hard drive space for recording of conversations and the not-so-nice options so I have to them in batches. I didn't know that Vector has 20 of them ... That's more than even Quinn had. At some point I'll play on the female Agent I have on that other server of mine to experience the cringe-worthy moments of the Vector romance.


But ... back on topic...


I could see my SW making Quinn read out loud just to listen to him drone. :D

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And poor Jorgan is getting worked over in this thread!! I can feel him scowling from here, lol.




Look, I need to be playing instead of writing in the forums. lol No more images. Must stop, has dirty NC-17 rated thoughts. Ahem. Never wrote stories lower than that. heh

don't worry.... i get all those immages no matter what i do :cool:

Edited by Crezelle
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Lol, if he had more fur, that picture would be perfect.


Let's see...back on topic...


Doc and JK - I could see him blindfolding her and whisking her off to some luxury-soaked locale for a change of pace...and then keeping the blindfold handy...

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