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Game Update 1.3 preview now on ign


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I have never seen a game make a huge deal about standard features in other mmos and they try to sell it as "content" and look at us we have what other mmo's have now.


The real killer is no pvp update no ranked wz or open world pvp revamp are u kidding me?

Theres no way in hell this games gonna compete with a certain mmo coming out next month. Diablo already hit this game super hard


I just finished normal mode in Diablo. I don't see diablo having heaps of replay value than a few weeks for people. Then people will be back online playing whatever their favorite MMO is.



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You know that was an interview given under strict conditions. Cause as it's been pointed out, what happened to ranked wz and 8 man q's? That was the biggest thing most pvp'ers were excited about and it got dropped at the 11th hour. Not only that, but weren't we told it would make it in before 1.3? I could be wrong on some details, but I'm pretty sure there was some mention to that effect. So back to my initial comment...there is no way an interviewer would have ignored that question about wz's unless they were under direct instruction to avoid it. So, I'm gonna have to say a certain MMO coming soon will get the FTW label at the end of it's name. Not to bash on SWTOR, I love this game, but we need the things that make the primary activities worth spending more time on. Give me 8 man q's over another plague any day!


You guys have one of the greatest franchises to work with, but that alone will not save the game to long. I'd rather have a delayed release, then one that is lacking or cutting features we are excited about.


Give us something to chew on, not another distraction.

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I'm playing on the server Hex droid and been playing there since day one. Soon my furious writing is going to start, but first i'm going to tell you all about the situation there and eventually we'll go on with 1.3.


Well Hex droid is a server that's about empty, friday-sunday there was NO pvp que's at all. No pvping or groupings going on and about 40 people on TOTAL on the whole server. HEx droid is a completley ghost town where you can't do anything right now. PVP - A good day the que pops every 15min but usually with groups that's missing 3-4 members which always ends up losing the warzone real bad. Yesterday we pvped 3 ppl VS a full rebel team... very fun? I haven't been doing a single instance since 1.2 came due to the lack of people. Again, the server is DEAD. Okay so now about 1.3; I might sound bitter now, but I enjoy the game real much and I always log on happy... Latley have been very boring logging on because of the low pop server.


Now I just want to question you developers about 1.3 and on earth your thinking? We all know that server transfer is coming "early summer", we can't even get a clear date on when. It's long there and alot of the people i've been talking to in general chat has canceled their account because they think this is the worse thing you've ever done. Making us wait so long for this and focusing on the wrong things. In 1.3 there will be a LFG system and the legacy system will be developed...


But why on earth do you focus on 1.3 now while alot of your servers are empty? The LFG system won't help, the lagacy system is pointless, you know why? Because the servers are DEAD.... Every people that's playing this game is spread out on too many servers, and now your talking about implant a LFG tool? We don't need that now, focus on transfer and get it done now... abort all your "coming ups" and fix the transfer NOW..... people won't stay much longer....You can't hold this up for monthes letting people sit around and can't do anything. New instances? new operations? well that's nice but WE CAN'T PLAY THEM ANYWAY! Get your heads togeather and think.... :mad:

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Actually, looked like it was +30% to all mobs killed in a flashpoint.


Even with an extra 30% the amount of exp FPs give is still tiny for the time taken compared to questing. They really need to sort that out to make them a viable way of leveling.


Also the temperature has just gone up from 9-15 all the time to 22-26 this week. This is clearly a sign that it is now 'Early summer'. Wheres the server transfers?

Edited by DarthZaul
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I love the forums lol.


People are mad because of no new info > people are mad because BW didn't release the info first


People are mad because of no LFG > people are mad because it's not the LFG they wanted


People are mad because of low server > people are mad because it's not the transfer they wanted.


I guess the saying is true, haters just want to hate.


I love the forums too...


Bioware doesn't communicate to their fans for weeks > fanbois defend the decision

Bioware reveals a LFG tool that will solve none of the problems > fanbois defend the decision

Bioware doesn't solve the empty server problems > fanbois defend the decision


I guess the saying is true, fanbois just want to defend.



Even the biggest fanboi should be able to admit that empty servers are the current biggest problem and instead of adressing that, Bioware keeps doing other stuff. It's like the captain of the Titanic focusing on a lost medaillon while the ship is sinking and then say ''sure, we sank, but hey, look, I found the medaillon'' and then his staff applauding saying ''good job, captain'' or ""gee, people are so ungrateful, they asked for the medaillon''.

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Not satisfied with the news.

The LFG tool for server only is a bummer, especially for low pop ones. Unless they do not delete half of the current servers and merge them. But even then it is temporarily. This problem will always exist.

They should make this as option, from the person. Can they make it server wide with a weekly patch, then it is another story. In the interview he hints they will start up this way.

Any hints on cross server WZ que? Ranked WZs?


RANKED WZ are what make you loose so much subs after 1.2. 300k out of those 400 are because of this!


Please wake up BioWare from a Fan of your game.

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You guys have one of the greatest franchises to work with, but that alone will not save the game to long.


I think they gave the franchise to the wrong company to make a MMO. Bioware has no experience with MMOs and it shows in everything. If you look at the game as a single-player it is a great game that Bioware made. But everything multi-player is very, very badly done: no LFG tool even after 6 months (seriously!), the most horrible auction houses ever made, no server-wide communication (seriously!!), no player economy, no PvP rankings (seriously!!!), took 'em 4 months to get guilds banks...


It is a great game for single-players, but almost every multi-player functionality is very, very badly done.


They say they are in it for the long haul... I hope that is true, but I fear that in today's gaming world, you don't get second changes from alot of players... I do not know the retention rate of players that come back to try a gamle's new features, but if they don't get the group-stuff right soon they can put all people on 10 servers and that's it.

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Did I read correctly that the LFG tool won't work for heroics quests?


If so, that makes me very sad :'(


Where did you read that? I didn't see it mentioned in the video or the text of the interview.


On the other hand, in the video and the 1st picture in the article you can see a section called "Planetary Content" in the LFG screen. This looks to be what you are looking for: you will select the planets you want and when a group is ready you will be able to go do everything there is to do (including Heroics) on the planet.


Granted, you cannot (as far as I saw) select a specific Heroic: you can only choose the planet. But that shouldn't be an issue. You hit a planet; put yourself in the queue for that planet; once you are in a group, off you go and do the content of that planet. I just hope that it makes provision for people leaving the group for whatever reason, and that you can then join the queue again "as a group" so that you can get a full group again.

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(1) Even with declining populations, it will not be "useless". (2) The issue of declining populations is being addressed separately with character transfers.


I have never seen a community so full of self-pity.


I think this game was talked about VERY much and very highly of 2 years or so ago. Everyone was excited! I think, like most guys/gals, their expectations were set to high and was torn into little pieces when they didn't see that little "wow" setting >_> or something stupid like that.


Plus they are doing transfers from/to servers, so LFG will help. Wow didn't come out with a server wide LFG until it launched linch king. So it really does take time. They aren't blizzard, wake up people!!!! seeesh /rolls-eyes



Arymono: When will character transfers be available for everybody?


Dallas Dickinson (Senior Producer, Live Services): We will be rolling out our Character Transfer Service in early summer. First we’ll have some targeted free transfers from/to specific servers, but that will be followed with a broader system where you can either take advantage of free promotional transfers to specific servers or paid transfers to the server of your choice. We know everyone has more questions about character transfer, and we’ll reveal more details closer to the launch date.


DrakeAssaShin: What is being done to address low population servers?


Dallas: The Character Transfer Service, as mentioned above, will be offering free transfers from/to specific servers. This should allow the most motivated players to get onto a higher population server.



I like this too


Lorroc: Are there any plans to introduce a mentoring system in SWTOR? In some other MMOs, this mentoring system lowers the stats and armor of high level characters and grays out abilities that they didn't have during lower levels so that they can help their lower level friends.


Damion: I'm a big fan of ‘down leveling,’ and I've been pushing to add something like this for a long, LONG time. Plus, you just can't ignore the master/apprentice relationship as being a core part of the Star Wars experience. So yeah, this is coming -- someday. And, as always, it will have a couple of unique twists that I think people will enjoy.

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IGN: Most servers seem to be light or standard population density these days, are you considering implementing server merges in the near future so it’s easier for players to find group members?


Daniel Erickson: Character transfers for select servers are coming first and we are open to any and all options after that. The important thing is that players can play with their friends and with the type and size of community they enjoy.






I don't know why you're laughing.....let me translate.


"I can't tell you our exact plans because Marketing would shoot me. But we'll probably herd as many volunteers from low pop onto higher pop servers as we can, then axe the low pop servers as soon as humanly possible and with as little fanfare in the media as we can manage given our horrifically vitriolic forum and "fan" community."


I am of course speculating. But the fact that he even SAID "any and all options" at all means they're well on their way to server merges/closures. They'd have to be blind, deaf and dumb not to take that route, and despite the constant avowals to that effect, most video game devs and designers have actually played MMO's for years themselves. They don't have their heads up their butts anymore than any creative types do when stuck in a corporation with managers, a budget, and a marketing team that will let them say nothing important at all until its set in titanium.

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Been on HEx droid now for a couple of hours - when I logged on and 5 imperails online, imperails was the one who had most ppl online on that server. Couple of hours later, 10 people online... damn, ye we need a group finder, that's really what we need now BW!!! This will solves everything, we can group up with our companions and do the instances, oh wait... that will work... noooot... Keep adding stuff and keep ignore the biggest problem; SERVERS are empty. While 1.3 hit its going to another waste of work sinice we can't even use it because of the empty servers.


A game what we've never experienced before? Thats true, never experienced an empty server with 10 people online almost all the time. And a producer that keeps defeding themself and keep working on other "bigger" things... The lost island, I haven't even been able to play it due to the lack of server populations... We can't even get a date when the transfer is coming..... IMO 1.3 waste of time right now; there are bigger things that needs to be worked on.


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X Server is imperative because it begins with servers with Low-Medium populations and their players scattered all about and relying on the people of the same server to get random things done. Even if a Server Only LFG is implied, like so many have said AND know from experience of witnessing dead times. That then places reliability on the players themselves to Log in.


MMOs have been out for decades and BW has done a great job in making this game unique in it's own way, but let's not get carried away. Same server LFG is foolishness in its entirety.


For those awkwardly against running with random groups, I've said it numerous times on different forums," don't use the group finder." Simple as that. In the meantime, Cross server LFG for PvP and Flashpoints (not Operations) is the way to go.




-KATH HOUND SERVER ,once bustling with things to do, but now being spread thin with ALTS and people with other engagements.

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I think they gave the franchise to the wrong company to make a MMO. Bioware has no experience with MMOs and it shows in everything. If you look at the game as a single-player it is a great game that Bioware made. But everything multi-player is very, very badly done: no LFG tool even after 6 months (seriously!), the most horrible auction houses ever made, no server-wide communication (seriously!!), no player economy, no PvP rankings (seriously!!!)


BioWare HAS experience with successful games check out their page: http://www.bioware.com/games

I remember when UO was theee game to play! ME is also successful, I don't know a gamer who doesn't have it in their collection.



They do have a LFG tag. it's /lfg- they are now adding a lfg for people who want to play wow...


They fixed the auction house


Server-wide communication < end game, fighting, questing, gear.../sigh


Do you know anything about economics? No MMO in its first year EVER had a great economy. Right now we are in the dark ages in Camelot lets say lol. Even our own world was not brought up with a great/perfect economy! I think when Clinton was pres. is the only time that our US economy was really really good!


PVP rankings..I don't PVP so I could care less. But as far as I know, if you want better PVP pick one of these games:



Go back to playing wow, for those who just want to sulk in self pity. GREAT, it is turning into wow (seriously!!) /sigh >_>

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We have to wait for 1.3 for server transfers?


There is no indication in any written quote I've read so far, that server transfers are somehow connected to patch 1.3. He's only saying they're coming before server merges (or similar actions).

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There is no indication in any written quote I've read so far, that server transfers are somehow connected to patch 1.3. He's only saying they're coming before server merges (or similar actions).


He says it in 1.3 patch character transfers are in the patch. Anyways Im sorry to say without a release date for all this stuff I am done. canceling my subscription. Diablo 3 came out and im way more into that even know u can only have 4 in a group but what am i saying there is usally only 4 ppl on star wars anyways in the whole galaxy so ya i am done,

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There is no indication in any written quote I've read so far, that server transfers are somehow connected to patch 1.3. He's only saying they're coming before server merges (or similar actions).


Apart from the Advert they made for 1.3 SAYING that character transfers are in and apart of 1.3. Other then that your right.




Watch the video of the guy explaining what will be in 1.3

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I have been hard on this game, and have quit, because it simply wasnt for me. I disagreed with almost all of their fundamental game designs.


I still have 80 days left unfortunately.


Having said that I am very impressed with the legacy update in this patch. The ability to level HOW you want sounds good. I hope you are able to get BIG xp boosts on pvp or on flashpoints if you are fed up of doing the same story over and over.


I wont be playing again because of the design flaws but I think this update is quite interesting and will improve the game for people who like the story driven/PvE/linear game experience that Swtor offers

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I like these now changes but I would like to see them condense some of the servers as well as add new races to play as and maybe a new class for each as well like a republic spy and a empiral trooper
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Where did you read that? I didn't see it mentioned in the video or the text of the interview.


The text only mentions flashpoints and operations. It has no mention of heroic quests, hence my worry that the LFG tool will not cover these.

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I'm scared ...the Bioawared dude does'nt blink...


2 options:


a) He is even more scared than me because knows all is going down the tube.

b) A weeping angel is around.

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The thing that says most about the state of this game is that BW releases the first glimpse of next major patch and that thread doesn't even reach 30 pages in 24 hours. I still remember some pre-release beta invite threads reaching 100+ pages in couple hours but that kind of interest in this game is no more. A real dead game walking here.
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