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50 geared vanguard pvp video


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Liked the video.


Is it just me, or are most of the people you are fighting appear to be pretty fresh lvl 50s? Just asking because rolfing fresh 50s, and rolfing decently/equally geared opponents are 2 different things. I really am curious, not trying to attack, just so I know more of what Im seeing.

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These are not fresh 50's, fresh 50's i crit 5.9k's, as you can see im critting closer to just 5k on these players. All players die the same however, the only difference is the really pro players last abit longer, but get the same result. Alot of these guys look like fish outa water cause i know how to counter the different classes well, that or they know me and panic, as you can see some people just turn and run away.


spec: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#801hMbZ0cZfhrbdGhMs.1

Edited by Goldenboyy
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Nice video. Its assault spec for those asking good DPS but a little squishy at times. I pefer my tank spec myself not sure I could live without my charge.:) I couldnt tell in video but I assume your running ion to increase your toughness. Anyway good video I enjoyed it.
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Because PTs/vanguards are extremely easy and boring to play so there's not much else to do


Play tactics and try to do well with that, you'd be surprised. Assault isn't hard to play, I agree, but skill is more than just using the abilities your class has in a certain rotation.


As for the video, according to my judgement, your opponents were mostly laughably bad (back pedalling sorcs, marauders / Juggs who hardly used any abilities at all; I had to laugh at the one guy who started to run, then came back because he decided to force choke you after all, or the shield powertech +2 Juggs who was just swapping shields instead of stunning you for an easy kill).


Also, I couldn't see pulse cannon on your bars anywhere, why?

Edited by Fdzzaigl
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These are not fresh 50's, fresh 50's i crit 5.9k's, as you can see im critting closer to just 5k on these players. All players die the same however, the only difference is the really pro players last abit longer, but get the same result. Alot of these guys look like fish outa water cause i know how to counter the different classes well, that or they know me and panic, as you can see some people just turn and run away.


spec: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#801hMbZ0cZfhrbdGhMs.1


i use to run that spec, really good but i did a change now and noticed my heat works better with the 2 points in adrenalin fueled instead of rapid recharge anyways great vid been thinking about lvling a vang on a server where i can actualy pvp at since mine is dead but wasnt sure how the skills/gear look like since i really love my pt but done the hunter story twice now dont want a 3rd time


Nice video. Its assault spec for those asking good DPS but a little squishy at times. I pefer my tank spec myself not sure I could live without my charge.:) I couldnt tell in video but I assume your running ion to increase your toughness. Anyway good video I enjoyed it.


you cant run iron in assault/pyro anymore you will get no rail procs



why does every single pyrotech jump around like this was halo


because we try to stay at 10 meter range to take the least amount of dmg while dishing out the most

Edited by mamosh
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