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New week, new info?


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Many of last week's forum posts were among the most pessimistic and frustrated I've seen on an MMO forum--the majority (rightly) calling for server merges/transfers as soon as possible. Rather than being met by understanding, the community was offered a vague, somewhat defensive reply, followed by a subsequent hyper-vigilant thread locking campaign referring posters to said reply.


Given the obvious issues faced by most of the population, it would be in Bioware's and SWTOR's best interests to start this week out on the right foot and announce an updated timeline on server transfers--and to acknowledge the urgency of the issue for those on low pop servers ("urgency," of course, used in the context of a subscriber's gaming experience, not real-world urgency).


So, basically, can we expect updated info on server issues sometime this week?

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Many of last week's forum posts were among the most pessimistic and frustrated I've seen on an MMO forum--the majority (rightly) calling for server merges/transfers as soon as possible. Rather than being met by understanding, the community was offered a vague, somewhat defensive reply, followed by a subsequent hyper-vigilant thread locking campaign referring posters to said reply.


Given the obvious issues faced by most of the population, it would be in Bioware's and SWTOR's best interests to start this week out on the right foot and announce an updated timeline on server transfers--and to acknowledge the urgency of the issue for those on low pop servers ("urgency," of course, used in the context of a subscriber's gaming experience, not real-world urgency).


So, basically, can we expect updated info on server issues sometime this week?


The Americans are just getting out of bed now, so lets give them a few hours :)

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This thread will be locked like all of the other threads. BW forum nazi's are hard at work. If you notice the amount of closed posts last week alone, they must have hired personnel specifically to deal with the growing angered playerbase instead of putting those resources into where it counts...the server merger team.
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Many of last week's forum posts were among the most pessimistic and frustrated I've seen on an MMO forum--the majority (rightly) calling for server merges/transfers as soon as possible. Rather than being met by understanding, the community was offered a vague, somewhat defensive reply, followed by a subsequent hyper-vigilant thread locking campaign referring posters to said reply.


Given the obvious issues faced by most of the population, it would be in Bioware's and SWTOR's best interests to start this week out on the right foot and announce an updated timeline on server transfers--and to acknowledge the urgency of the issue for those on low pop servers ("urgency," of course, used in the context of a subscriber's gaming experience, not real-world urgency).


So, basically, can we expect updated info on server issues sometime this week?


Well i have just tweeted Stephen Reid on twitter to ask this exact question !


I eagerly await his response, as he is pretty good at responding to you on twitter in a vague sort of way


Playing on a pvp server that hasn't had pvp for 6 days really isn't fun

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Well i have just tweeted Stephen Reid on twitter to ask this exact question !


I eagerly await his response, as he is pretty good at responding to you on twitter in a vague sort of way


LOL! How sad that we need to use the Senior Community Managers personal twitter account to get details. It's not even linked in his profile here.


Here's a snippet of his twitter conversations:

Stephen Reid ‏@Rockjaw


@Agent_M Oh, you son of a *****. (uncensored on his twitter)


Nice...and we're asked to follow him huh?

Edited by TUXs
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Rather than being met by understanding, the community was offered a vague, somewhat defensive reply, followed by a subsequent hyper-vigilant thread locking campaign referring posters to said reply.


This thread will be locked like all of the other threads. BW forum nazi's are hard at work.


The only reason threads are locked is because the snowflake community insists it is so special that the existing thread on server mergers is not good enough.

Edited by Kthx
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Well i have just tweeted Stephen Reid on twitter to ask this exact question !


I eagerly await his response, as he is pretty good at responding to you on twitter in a vague sort of way


Playing on a pvp server that hasn't had pvp for 6 days really isn't fun


Try a PVP Server that hasnt had a warzone for 3 weeks.... ;)

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The end of quarter info told us that 1.3 will be this quarter [ before the end of June ] and that server transfers or LFG will happen before 1.3 , this isn't new info but I'm posting it just incase anyone didn't know. So all will be well within 6 weeks.





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The end of quarter info told us that 1.3 will be this quarter [ before the end of June ] and that server transfers or LFG will happen before 1.3 , this isn't new info but I'm posting it just incase anyone didn't know. So all will be well within 6 weeks.






Which is about 1 month too late. People are leaving in droves.

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LOL! How sad that we need to use the Senior Community Managers personal twitter account to get details. It's not even linked in his profile here.


Here's a snippet of his twitter conversations:

Stephen Reid ‏@Rockjaw


@Agent_M Oh, you son of a *****. (uncensored on his twitter)


Nice...and we're asked to follow him huh?


I dont disagree with you in the slightest, i have been a strong advocate of the poor communication that BW have with their customers, sadly it seems its the best way to get a answer to anything from them though.

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Or it just makes it appear as if there is no problem. Lets just bury people concerns in one or two threads so it appears we don't have a MAJOR problem.


I will forever be mystified by MMO management because they are the most clueless bunch in business.


People have every right to be angry especially after overlooking a game that was released without some of the most basic MMO functions that took months to fix. What about that should encourage people to stick around?


How about a person charge admitting they knew they had too many servers, which of course means you will have to have merge/transfers available, and yet anytime someone aks "when" of "whats taking so long" the thread is locked or deleted. These are legit questions and if something isnt done VERY quickly this is going to make the Titanic look like a successful pleasure cruise.

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I dont disagree with you in the slightest, i have been a strong advocate of the poor communication that BW have with their customers, sadly it seems its the best way to get a answer to anything from them though.


Oh, I don't blame you at all Gaje, in fact, I truly appreciate that you're willing to ask him via twitter, so THANK YOU! Given his use of vulgarities that are censored here though, it's clear his unprofessionalism extends beyond being a poor Community Rep. I'm appalled by this.

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This thread will be locked like all of the other threads. BW forum nazi's are hard at work. If you notice the amount of closed posts last week alone, they must have hired personnel specifically to deal with the growing angered playerbase instead of putting those resources into where it counts...the server merger team.


Yes, because the people who moderate the forums also have the skills to write and debug server code. You really can't fix programming problems by throwing money and programmers at it. That usually only makes it worse. Any new additions to the server merger team have to be brought up to speed on the current server code, which takes current team members away for training. The teams do what they do, and their skills are not fungible. That's why new content gets created while bugs still exist. You can't take people from the art and design departments and have them debug server code. It doesn't work that way.

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Well, I cancelled....again...this time I doubt I'll be coming back.


Bioware actually did in 5 months what took SOE a couple of years to do, kudos to a new record.


Heck, I'm even disappointed in Diablo 3 and the decisions that were made in its creation, what has gaming come to nowadays?

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Oh, I don't blame you at all Gaje, in fact, I truly appreciate that you're willing to ask him via twitter, so THANK YOU! Given his use of vulgarities that are censored here though, it's clear his unprofessionalism extends beyond being a poor Community Rep. I'm appalled by this.




It's not really that unprofessional, as you can tell in multiple instances its also his personal twitter.

If you bothered to look at what he was replying to, you can tell he's being sarcastic. He wasn't actually demeaning the person. I mean, it's no Joe Biden "B.F.D.", Dick Cheney "F*** you!", Rick Santorum "That is Bulls***" moment(s), etc.


Why put him on a pedestal? I tend to like it when those who are in positions make comments that make themselves more human.


Complain about real issues, not conjured ones. It is a distraction.

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Stephen Reid said it himself that we should look to this week for answers.. this is week is here and where are our answers?


Quiz: Expressed as a percentage, how far into the week are we?

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It's not really that unprofessional, as you can tell in multiple instances its also his personal twitter.


Why put him on a pedestal? I tend to like it when those who are in positions make comments that make themselves more human.


Complain about real issues, not conjured ones. It is a distraction.


It's unreasonable to ask me to follow his personal twitter for game updates, and I most certainly don't put him on any pedestal - I DO request that if twitter is where I'm being forced to go for the bulk of my information about this game, the least he can do is to keep his behavior appropriate to the position he holds as Senior Community Manager. If it's filtered here, it's probably a good policy not to use it THERE.

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3 people on imperial fleet, 38 people on empire (everywhere) on Chuundar (Europe server).


Kinda makes my decision to unsub a sound one.


Do you believe even if they released server transfers this week we would be coming back? The majority of people who unsubbed have moved on.

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