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My PvP healer talent spec.


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I would personally sacrifice one point of Jedi Resistance and both points of Concentration to allow you to get Salvation in the Seer tree. It seems kinda silly to get to the second highest tier in that tree and then not finish it. Salvation isn't perfect, but if your primary goal is healing, it's a must-have. Even in PvP, it's literally a lifesaver when you have allies clustered around an objective.
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As far as my experience, post 1.2 salvation is a must. The idea is casting your salvation just over you are and start healing. Everyone near you will benefit and most important your force will last longer as you can use noble sacrifice more than not standing on your salvation (just as before 1.2, i still almost always use 1 noble sacrifice after a healing trance).


In that way i will pick the +10% area plus resplandence and salvation and drop wisdom, concentration and Jedi resistance.


It all about playstile but in long fights (and as healer your job is make fights longer) with your build you will eat the force if your team mates are getting heavy damage.


Hope that helps

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My playstyle makes this build a very good one. And for whatever reason, if someone is taking huge dmg, Salvation won't help a bit. I find Salvation and Noble Sacrafice to be very PvE stylish. And AoE HoT isn't effecient unless you actually have some allies who use it, and that means they have to be less mobile, which isn't good in PvP.


My experience in warzones is that you have to be able to save players within a limited amount of time. Needless to say, I try to buff instant spells. For example, I always use Force Shield on a target in trouble. After that I use Rejuvenate to give the target the armor buff, and then comes the question of which spell to use next.

If the target is in DIRE need of healing, I use Benevolence, which hopefully will crit, followed by Healing Trance.

If the target has got a few more seconds to live, and I am safe from being interrupted, I use Healing Trance followed by Deliverance.


I've played alot of warzones, and I have never, EVER, seen a situation where Salvation would be worth casting. And as for Noble Sacrafice, I hardly ever use it, because I try very hard not to waste Force. Also, with the talent Concentration, I can increase my Force Regen while I deal a little damage, and if I can keep up the stacks, I won't ever need Noble Sacrafice.


I hope this have helped.



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My playstyle makes this build a very good one. And for whatever reason, if someone is taking huge dmg, Salvation won't help a bit. I find Salvation and Noble Sacrafice to be very PvE stylish. And AoE HoT isn't effecient unless you actually have some allies who use it, and that means they have to be less mobile, which isn't good in PvP.


My experience in warzones is that you have to be able to save players within a limited amount of time. Needless to say, I try to buff instant spells. For example, I always use Force Shield on a target in trouble. After that I use Rejuvenate to give the target the armor buff, and then comes the question of which spell to use next.

If the target is in DIRE need of healing, I use Benevolence, which hopefully will crit, followed by Healing Trance.

If the target has got a few more seconds to live, and I am safe from being interrupted, I use Healing Trance followed by Deliverance.


I've played alot of warzones, and I have never, EVER, seen a situation where Salvation would be worth casting. And as for Noble Sacrafice, I hardly ever use it, because I try very hard not to waste Force. Also, with the talent Concentration, I can increase my Force Regen while I deal a little damage, and if I can keep up the stacks, I won't ever need Noble Sacrafice.


I hope this have helped.




Sorry I just cant see that build doing any where near good healing numbers. What do you aver 150-300k ? Every hear I know that cracks 500k has salvation and drops it every chance they get. Like the other guy said Salvation is a must for pvp healing

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Your points in egress are better spent in confound. a 3s 20% speed "burst" that doesnt stack with other speed effects (sprint, force sprint, etc) loses to a spammable 20% 21s snare. If you really want egress, drop wisdom.


Your points in concentration are better spent in disturb mind for the reasons set forth above. You don't have Telekinetic wave or turbulence, how often do you really use disturbance? -- when you are free to dps, and mind crush, telekinetic throw and project are down?


You'll get more survivability with two points in force wake than you will with 2% passive decrease in damage taken. that means you have to choose between 3% wis (WotJ) or 2% healing(1pt clairvoyance) to get 2 in force wake.


I think you'd be better off with something like this~






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Sorry I just cant see that build doing any where near good healing numbers. What do you aver 150-300k ? Every hear I know that cracks 500k has salvation and drops it every chance they get. Like the other guy said Salvation is a must for pvp healing



Not really. I've hit 460-480k several times in the past week or two as 21/20, and had one really fun game where I did 300k healing and around 150k damage. No, I'm not topping 500k regularly like I used to, but I still feel like I'm definitely pulling my weight, and I've had same-faction players whisper me a few times after matches commenting on what a pain I was to kill. Also I think the other healers I run with kind of like the bubble blind now. ;)



Edited by Gnoblesse
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Either go for Salvation (and grab Confound on the way) or use hybrid like Gnoblesse posted. But grab Pain Bearer or Wisdom instead of Egress (it sucks, works only in combat), and Will of the Jedi instead of either Effusion (healer does't need it much) or Collapse (good skill, but it's random resolve for exploiting).
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Hey, I've made my healer spec after much thought, and I just thought I'd share it with anyone interested.

Personally I think this is the best spec, you are free to ask about anything, but I can't promise I will give you an answer.






If you give up salvation, you had better get the knockback root or instant lift.

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Either go for Salvation (and grab Confound on the way) or use hybrid like Gnoblesse posted. But grab Pain Bearer or Wisdom instead of Egress (it sucks, works only in combat), and Will of the Jedi instead of either Effusion (healer does't need it much) or Collapse (good skill, but it's random resolve for exploiting).


Yeah, I tried to remember my spec when I wasn't in game and screwed up, I think I was kind of tired. ;) I have Pain Bearer, not Psychic Effusion. I don't think you can get Confound with 21 pts without losing Healing Trance; that's why I ended up with the 2 in Egress ( I had to put them somewhere to get to Healing Trance, and Valiance makes little sense because I rarely use NS with this spec. Wisdom is rather meh. )


I like Effusion for the 10s reduction in the CD of Force Speed. And I do try to work in a bit of DPS, so I kind of like the points there. I like Collapse, but ymmv. It works for me. ;)


I fixed the linked spec in the other post.

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When I talked about Confound, I meant you should take it in 31 build. At least that's what I do.


As for hybrid, it's good spec, if you are ready to respec for PvE or just forget about PvE at all. Details mostly change depending on player's own style. I myself find Will of a Jedi an important skill because as hybrid healer you already suffer a bit when it comes for overall healing. But whatever, faster cooldown for Force Speed and flashing Bubble are great nevertheless.

Edited by Shadenuat
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When I talked about Confound, I meant you should take it in 31 build. At least that's what I do.


As for hybrid, it's good spec, if you are ready to respec for PvE or just forget about PvE at all. Details mostly change depending on player's own style. I myself find Will of a Jedi an important skill because as hybrid healer you already suffer a bit when it comes for overall healing. But whatever, faster cooldown for Force Speed and flashing Bubble are great nevertheless.


Ah, that makes sense. Yeah, when I was 31 pts into Seer, I had Confound over Egress too.


I pretty much gave up on PvE because of my work schedule, so I can get away with running this spec. Not really going to work for someone who does ops and HM's regularly, though. :(


Again, it works for my playstyle, but ymmv. ;)

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Hi im a Sorcerer, recently i respeced and im trying this template here, and so far works very good, mostly io end up with 300k healing and 100k damage, damage cuz on the fatman the all jumo on healers first, and i need to defend myself.

Anyway works great so far if someone want to try feel free.


Sorc skill tree:



Same temp for the sage:



Im full WH with more than 1300 expertise, but i noticed after 1200 expertise an increase of healing damage and resistance.

Still if 3 pers attack you you have 10 sec for run away or die :)

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Thanks for all the helpfull comments. I've changed my build, realising after more warzones that I need more survivability, which of course means giving up Salvation.


This is my new spec: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#600GGMRMdbdhZfoMR0M.1


As more and more people find out that you need to kill healers quickly, you've got to have alot of get-away tricks. Salvation may be good against players who don't know how to target healers, but overall it just doesn't cover the benefits of better single-target healing and especially Force Wake.



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Thanks for all the helpfull comments. I've changed my build, realising after more warzones that I need more survivability, which of course means giving up Salvation.


This is my new spec: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#600GGMRMdbdhZfoMR0M.1


As more and more people find out that you need to kill healers quickly, you've got to have alot of get-away tricks. Salvation may be good against players who don't know how to target healers, but overall it just doesn't cover the benefits of better single-target healing and especially Force Wake.



But with this skill tree you loose a lot fo willpower provided by the Will of the Jedi , and kinetic collapse :/

I dont know how mutch good is , wilpower is very important.

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But with this skill tree you loose a lot fo willpower provided by the Will of the Jedi , and kinetic collapse :/

I dont know how mutch good is , wilpower is very important.


I'm not really 'losing' willpower by not chosing Will of the Jedi, since I never had it. But getting more survivability instead of 6% will power will prove to be much more efficient in PvP.


The Kinetic Collapse is fine, but I've found it to be less usefull in PvP than in PvE, most of all because it requires too many points in the Telekinetic tree, compared to how good it is. The stun ends if there is ANY damage, and that happens too often in PvP to be usefull.

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Thanks for the ideas, atm I'm running basic 31/7/3 because I cba respeccing for PvE all the time. It is fine for 300k+ but I can sometimes feel the need for more survivability. Giving up Salvation will be annoying, I tend to use it a lot, simply drop it down on the group and kite DPS in the meantime. On the other hand Salvation is useless for Huttball but it works well when used at objectives in the other three warzones. Hopefully field respecs will not be too costly as I would like to have a PvE and PvP specs I can switch between quickly.
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My playstyle makes this build a very good one. And for whatever reason, if someone is taking huge dmg, Salvation won't help a bit. I find Salvation and Noble Sacrafice to be very PvE stylish. And AoE HoT isn't effecient unless you actually have some allies who use it, and that means they have to be less mobile, which isn't good in PvP.


My experience in warzones is that you have to be able to save players within a limited amount of time. Needless to say, I try to buff instant spells. For example, I always use Force Shield on a target in trouble. After that I use Rejuvenate to give the target the armor buff, and then comes the question of which spell to use next.

If the target is in DIRE need of healing, I use Benevolence, which hopefully will crit, followed by Healing Trance.

If the target has got a few more seconds to live, and I am safe from being interrupted, I use Healing Trance followed by Deliverance.


I've played alot of warzones, and I have never, EVER, seen a situation where Salvation would be worth casting. And as for Noble Sacrafice, I hardly ever use it, because I try very hard not to waste Force. Also, with the talent Concentration, I can increase my Force Regen while I deal a little damage, and if I can keep up the stacks, I won't ever need Noble Sacrafice.


I hope this have helped.




Hi abders,


I've also played a lot of PvP (currently Conquerer rank on Legions of Lettow) and whilst I agree with a lot of what you say in this thread, I can't agree that Salvation is a worthless PvP talent.


You're absolutely right to say that surviveablity is very important in WZ's and I also agree with you that the best PvP healers are Triage healers, ie the ones who concentrate on single-target healing, prioritising the most endangered players in order to prevent or delay as many deaths as possible. Just judging a healer's effectiveness by looking at the overall numbers of healing-output is not particularly useful.


However, having said all that, I still believe Salvation is an important part of a PvP Sage's arsenal. I don't use it instead of single-target healing but as an addition to it and it's particularly important when you're defending a node in Civil War, Voidstar or Novera Coast where mobility is less of an issue. If you anticipate properly, it's often possible to land a cast just before an incoming attack arrives, helping to mitigate their initial burst-damage and although it's much more difficult to cast during a prolonged fight against good players, it's by no means impossible. You have to have a sense of when you can get away with it and also how to use your other abilities (force-stun, force-wave, force-speed, line-of-sight) to make that precious extra time and space to cast it. If you can manage this at the right time and then cast Salvation with all your cooldowns (WH relic, force-potency, power adrenal) it can literally be a match-winning spell-cast.


The question is, is it worth giving up those extra survival skills (particularly the improved force-wave) as well as 6% of your willpower (the opportunity-cost to me is over 100 wp) to take Salvation?


Any answer to this question will be a value-judgement, but my opinion is yes. Part of the reason, I think, is that I've played much of my PvP late at night between midnight and 2am when there is a smallish pool of regular, good and very experienced players on both Imp and Rep sides who all know each other well. It's probably very close to what rated wz's will be (if they ever arrive) in that both sides play with a lot of team-work. So although I always have a huge Imp target over my head (*blows kisses to Colin*) I also play with some excellent tanks who always give me Guard and who know how to "peel". This tilts the balance for me in favour of the extra healing throughput instead of the extra surviveablity.


Rosie - Legions of Lettow

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I started to get a lot more attention from teammates too after 1.2. The number of healers just went down, so I find myself pleasantly running under Guard, HoTing/Trancing tank and throwing salvations/bubbles/deliverances around (I use Alacricity relic for 1.6 seconds Salvation). Being always on the run makes me survive longer, too. Tanks and healers just start to loose old habits and accept new way of playing. My spec is your basic cookie cutter since beta now, for both PvE and PvP: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#600GGdRrdbzGzZf00MZ0M.1 Edited by Shadenuat
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I'm not really 'losing' willpower by not chosing Will of the Jedi, since I never had it. But getting more survivability instead of 6% will power will prove to be much more efficient in PvP.


What is the average sage loosing by not taking those 2 skills? It's really not much, somewhere between +50 & +100 wp. Yeah that has an effect. It's about +10 or +20 to bonus healing. Which after the WZ nerf to healing, drops to +7 & +14 per application of bonus healing.


I dropped those two points from my spec a long time ago, because they are too ineffective. For a toon below about level 25 they are great talents that have a noticable impact. But beyond a certain point of gearing up, that very minor buff to wp just gets lost. And it isn't nearly as valuable as what you're giving up, by not puting those 2 points in T2 of the Tele tree.


I'm with you on dropping those 2 all the way.

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I'd take it if I had the points left for it, but with 21/20/0, I can't. :(


I like my spec. My biggest problem (except against really good teams,) is I zip around so much I have to be careful not to outrange my guard. ;)

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