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Datacron and Legacy: we shouldn't farm datacrons with EVERY character!


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My suggestion is quite simple:


Getting datacrons can be fun and challenging. The first time. But when you have multiple characters, getting datacrons with all of them will become very frustrating.


My solutions?

  • Once a datacron is taken, it's available to ALL your family tree members.
  • Otherwise, give us a feature to unlock this options (Legacy 10 + 500k credits should be good).


It will make them a LOT better.

Edited by TheNotorius
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I hope BioWare will implement something like this, but I think that an 'unlock feature' would be the best.

This way, if someone wanna farm datacrons with all his characters, he has the option.


Also, it should applied to characters that have at least completed ACT I (for balance issues, I guess)

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I agree, I had the Idea that we get a planets datacrons once we have finished the class story for that planet, otherwise you will end up with a level 1 character who will be OP since he will have all the stat bonuses. Maybe put a machine in the landing zone of planets that contains a holo record or a mesage from your main character "passing knowledge on to you" or something. That would be pretty cool, in my opinion
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I agree, I had the Idea that we get a planets datacrons once we have finished the class story for that planet, otherwise you will end up with a level 1 character who will be OP since he will have all the stat bonuses.

Beginning levels are pretty easy anyway, and this would only be available to people who had gone and gotten them already on another character so it's not like it'd be really ruining the experience for them. And in PvP everyone gets statted up in the 1-49 bracket.


Basically just no reason to worry about over powering a low level character with this.


That said I support this, and I could have SWORN I saw a dev say something about looking at it as well. . .


Yeah here it is:

Misiolak: The Datacrons are a nice addition to the game, but getting them for all the characters is simply not fun. Do you plan to include Datacron sharing in the Legacy unlocks?


Daniel: Long term we plan to move many of the game’s reward systems to be Legacy-wide and Datacrons are definitely on the list for consideration.


From here.


Can't happen soon enough.

Edited by KryloKillian
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Misiolak: The Datacrons are a nice addition to the game, but getting them for all the characters is simply not fun. Do you plan to include Datacron sharing in the Legacy unlocks?


Daniel: Long term we plan to move many of the game’s reward systems to be Legacy-wide and Datacrons are definitely on the list for consideration.


Thanks Krylo, I have really missed it. It's nice to know that Devs want to do something like that, but since he said "in the Long Term", who knows when we'll get it.

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although it should to be done in a way so that you get the datacron (automatically) applied only once you can reach the planet/place (lvl-wise or story-wise) where the datacron is found: e.g, you get the 10+ cron applied when you hit lvl 50.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A guildmate was complaining about having to collect datacrons again. I had the exact same thought at the time. I came to the forums to make the suggestion, and lo and behold, great minds think alike.


Datacrons are a mostly fun, occasionally maddening diversion the first time. The second time it's just tedious. That just screams "Legacy unlock".


So another +1 from me.

Edited by deftly
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I'm going to be the first to disagree but then again, if they did make them serverwide acquisistions thru Legacy, this could also be added to the list of reasons that I am quitting.


These are physical locations in the game.... the Matrix Shards cannot be automatic.... and if you learened to do it once, it shouldn't be that hard to whip them out again, especially since you know where they are the next time you go through.


If they did make these Legacy triggered, I think they would have to add location markers to each datacron location, that when you reached them, would automatically yield that datacron to you - with the possible exception of all the Matrix Shard datacrons. That said, if you rolled an imp first, and got all the imp Datacrons, that when you rolled your first repub on the server you would still have other datacrons to get - minus all the common ones.

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Would be nice if legacy would unlock a few random datacrons per planet or something, or the first few sets of them. The more alts you have, the more that unlock for other alts.


After all, you learn information from your legacy. This means that your father will tell you stories that he learned, and so forth, so every datacron shouldn't be necessary every alt. First alt should get Korriban/Hutta and Dromund Kaas. Second alt should get those + Balmorra (and maybe Nar Shaddaa). So on, so forth.


Would be a nice idea, wouldn't it?

Or at least 1 planet per alt should unlock.

Edited by JWagner
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I think this is a bad idea.. I see no reason to make the datacrons legacy other than someone else's laziness.. Part of leveling a character is getting the datacrons.. What is next?? Make leveling legacy?? What about mount training?? Should that be legacy to?? Perhaps playing the game in general should be legacy??


I can not support this idea.. I think it decreases the replay value of leveling a new character.. I also think it is just plain laziness that this is being asked for.. :cool:

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If this really happens, the affects of it will cause guild raid leaders to make it mandatory to buy the X amount legacy (or whatever it will be) to raid with them, JUST LIKE WOW! if you don't have a crafting skill- you can't raid, if you don't have these - you can't raid the, list goes on and on! It will also impact the economy, probably raising the amounts of everything on the GTN. When they're already way too many overpriced items.


Do you guys seriously want to play another WoW game?!!!?? I sure don't!


There aren't any easy "achievements" for the sake of jumping off buildings, lets say.


Data-crons are nifty Easter eggs that you have EARNED. And you get an actual reward toward your toon (not a pet, or a name etc.) . If you had them on all your toons, after doing them just once, that would take away the HUNT and feel of a real/true Easter egg. I like them.


Don't make this game easy...

Edited by Rezarect
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I think this is a bad idea.. I see no reason to make the datacrons legacy other than someone else's laziness.. Part of leveling a character is getting the datacrons.. What is next?? Make leveling legacy?? What about mount training?? Should that be legacy to?? Perhaps playing the game in general should be legacy??


I can not support this idea.. I think it decreases the replay value of leveling a new character.. I also think it is just plain laziness that this is being asked for.. :cool:


Yeah! What he/she said. ^.^


Mounts are already in the upcoming section- in the legacy window btw lol

Edited by Rezarect
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Yeah! What he/she said. ^.^


Mounts are already in the upcoming section- in the legacy window btw lol


The ability to use them at an earlier level is comming.. You will not get them for free.. You still have to buy them and grind out the credits.. You will still have to train for them.. There are no discounts in the legacy.. You can just buy your first mount at lvl 10 Vs. lvl 25.. :)

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