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Datacron, how I despise thee.


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I fail to see any purpose to making datacrons so impossible to get. I'm constantly getting stuck. Most of the time, /stuck does not work. So I end up having to quick travel or use the fleet pass. Going all the way back to the fleet and getting back to the datacron location can take up to half an hour. Then the fleet pass is out of commission for a long time. It does NOT add any value to the game for me. It only makes me pissed off, frustrated, and unhappy with the game makers. That just makes me want to stop playing the game for a period of time.
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Yeah, and all those mobs that they have everywhere? Get rid of them, too. If I want to ride through enemy territory as quickly as possible, I should be able to without getting knocked off my speeder and dying!
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Fighting mobs has value. You get XP, you get loot, it only takes a few moments of time. Spending hours and hours, or days even, on a datacron feels as if the datacron owes me a lot of reward and all you get is a piddly amount of stat increase. It isn't worth it.
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Fighting mobs has value. You get XP, you get loot, it only takes a few moments of time. Spending hours and hours, or days even, on a datacron feels as if the datacron owes me a lot of reward and all you get is a piddly amount of stat increase. It isn't worth it.


So don't do it.


I have every Empire datacron. There was only one that I had trouble with, due to a bug. None of them are overly hard if you know how to get them.

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Yes, they aren't really hard to get.


The only problem I have with datacrons, is that I have to take them for EVERY character I have. It's annoying, with the Legacy, all datacrons should be available for all characters once I take one.

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Ones hidden, guarded by things, or requiring some sort of puzzle, I can understand. The ones that drive me crazy are the platforming ones. Any momentary lag in connection, and my jumps are thrown off. There aren't a lot of online platformers, and that's a large part of why. Moreover, this is not a platforming game, and jumping from pipe to pipe just isn't much fun in a game not designed for that; you can easily jump into a graphical error requiring you to unstick, or QT out.


Then again, sitting around for hours on Tattooine for a super slow balloon ride isn't a heck of a good time either, but at least I can see how they're striving for an easy time sink. The only good news is that it isn't really required... you can go through the game without the things, which is good, given the nuisance factor in obtaining some of them.

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Here's my view on the datacrons:


They take a skill not necessary for the entirety of the game to get. Some will call them all easy, some impossible, and I'm not sure if they ever fixed the body size restriction on some of them either.



Get rid of the platforming. Hide them if you want, but cover them in champs or elites, do something that makes sense with the rest of the game. It was fun the first 5 times, but I bothered toi get them all on my first character. Then my 2nd through 8th characters? I just said F it and bothered with the ones I needed for my stats. Especially again now that I've rerolled on a new server. The platforming necessary is just stupid for this genre, and especially the engine/mechanics involved.


It's a nice idea, but tedious and out of the scope and can't believe someone got paid thinking that up. Get rid of them all or change how you get them.


Here's one, make them all like the +10 where it is some kind of puzzle, may or may not require multiple people. I would live for that. But the jumping is just... **** with that.

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I collected my first round of datacrons pre 1.2, and boy was that something. Walking on invisible bridges, falling through bridges that seemed visible. Not touching any walls less you stick to them.


Just did a second round of them with my new 50, and I got them all done in a couple of hours. They made them a lot easier to get after 1.2, which you should be thankful for! The idea that one datacron carries across the entire legacy is nice though, nobody really wants to do it twice, its no fun and you're seeing nothing new.

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Datacrons are one of those little extras in the game that are optional. They contain tidbits of Lore and history which helps flesh out the old republic universe.


They are not meant to be simple to get, you have to go out of your way to get them by design. They are not a requirement to play the game and are simply a little extra for those wishing to explore and have stuff to find.


If you dont like that as[ect of the game then dont do it but dont moan about not having them handed to you on a platter.

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I collected my first round of datacrons pre 1.2, and boy was that something. Walking on invisible bridges, falling through bridges that seemed visible. Not touching any walls less you stick to them.


Just did a second round of them with my new 50, and I got them all done in a couple of hours. They made them a lot easier to get after 1.2, which you should be thankful for! The idea that one datacron carries across the entire legacy is nice though, nobody really wants to do it twice, its no fun and you're seeing nothing new.


Yeah them fixing all the broken/glitched ones was nice. Some still aren't quite right. (There's one on corellia that still ports you back to the ground if you touch the wrong thing.)


The legacy thing, while an interesting idea, wouldn't work. There is no way BW would let a lvl 1 character get all the stat bonus' from the datacrons, and they won't removed the stats from them because datacrons would essentially be worthless at that point other than lore.

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There is no way BW would let a lvl 1 character get all the stat bonus' from the datacrons


Why not? The whole point of legacy is it's supposed to make it more convenient levelling alts no? That's why they add the buffs/new skills.


+40 to all stats at the beginning would boost you through the lower part of the game. Not sure how it would affect 1-49 pvp bracket though. If the extra stats scaled with the rest of your stats, it would be a problem, if they were merely added on to the back of the scaled stats, i dont imagine it would be.

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Why not? The whole point of legacy is it's supposed to make it more convenient levelling alts no? That's why they add the buffs/new skills.


+40 to all stats at the beginning would boost you through the lower part of the game. Not sure how it would affect 1-49 pvp bracket though. If the extra stats scaled with the rest of your stats, it would be a problem, if they were merely added on to the back of the scaled stats, i dont imagine it would be.


It would work just fine with legacy if your new little alt only got the benefit from the datacrons after finishing the class quest on each planet.

If you finish Tatooine and your 50 had taken all the datacrons - ta ta, you get them too.

Would be absolutely great since I like getting them, I've spent over an hour on some, trying to get all the jumps right but once is enough.

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I fail to see any purpose to making datacrons so impossible to get. I'm constantly getting stuck. Most of the time, /stuck does not work. So I end up having to quick travel or use the fleet pass. Going all the way back to the fleet and getting back to the datacron location can take up to half an hour. Then the fleet pass is out of commission for a long time. It does NOT add any value to the game for me. It only makes me pissed off, frustrated, and unhappy with the game makers. That just makes me want to stop playing the game for a period of time.


You want hella easy stuff there is a MMO for that, just not SWTOR. SWTOR is all about easy stuff.


^- Says the guys with 63/63 datacrons and maybe wasted ~5h getting all of them.

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Here's my view on the datacrons:


They take a skill not necessary for the entirety of the game to get. Some will call them all easy, some impossible, and I'm not sure if they ever fixed the body size restriction on some of them either.



Get rid of the platforming. Hide them if you want, but cover them in champs or elites, do something that makes sense with the rest of the game. It was fun the first 5 times, but I bothered toi get them all on my first character. Then my 2nd through 8th characters? I just said F it and bothered with the ones I needed for my stats. Especially again now that I've rerolled on a new server. The platforming necessary is just stupid for this genre, and especially the engine/mechanics involved.


It's a nice idea, but tedious and out of the scope and can't believe someone got paid thinking that up. Get rid of them all or change how you get them.


Here's one, make them all like the +10 where it is some kind of puzzle, may or may not require multiple people. I would live for that. But the jumping is just... **** with that.


The jumping on my wireless keyboard is crappy at best. I cannot afford a new keyboard atm. The timed jumping on these is driving me crazy. I seriously want to do some messed up stuff involving beatings & such to the developers that designed it this way.

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I love finding and figuring out the path to the datacrons myself


I DO NOT love the precision jumping required to get some though


Ther eneeds to be a little leeway given when it comes to the jumping because as it stands now, lag or connection speed or even arthritis could be the difference between successfully getting some or not.


And thats frustrating.


Otherwise awsome content and truely love them

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I really like the datachrons. They add variety of play to the game. I enjoy the jumping and problemsolving. I wish there was more of that in the game. The jumping can require some practice, but with a little patience you can do it. And it's very satisfiying when you do. In real life i'm somewhat height sensitive so for some of these where you have to deal with some very long drops below your path... well it just gives you a good dose of butt clenching thrills.


I really liked the obstacles and problem solving in Half-Life. It's too bad there isn't more of that in MMO's.

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For all those complaining about precision jumps, here is

Geek's Ultimate Guide to Jumping


You think you know how to jump?

"Just press spacebar, duh!" - see, you're WRONG!


This game actually has a precision jump function that you need to practice, but once you got it, ALL datacrons involving platforming become very easy.

DON'T: make running jumps, or for that matter, try to move and jump at the same time unless it's really required.

DON'T: keep any keys pressed.

INSTEAD: zoom in, look dircetly at where you want to jump, then tap spacebar and the forward key in quick succesion. Not at the same time, not too slow, and really just tap it - and suddely the game will make you precisely jump to the spot you wanted to go to.

Practice with a simple box somewhere until you get it, then run through the datacrons thinking "How did I ever manage to fail at this?"


Believe me, until I found out how jumping really works in this game, I was like you: screaming at the screen, cursing the devs for being sadistic monsters ... but then I found out that "I was doing it wrong!". And so are you, if you're complaining.

Stop doing that! Start to do it right! And enjoy the success of getting each datacron on 1st attempt from now on.

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I love finding and figuring out the path to the datacrons myself


I DO NOT love the precision jumping required to get some though


Ther eneeds to be a little leeway given when it comes to the jumping because as it stands now, lag or connection speed or even arthritis could be the difference between successfully getting some or not.


And thats frustrating.


Otherwise awsome content and truely love them


Actually, even the precision jumping isn't what annoys me about them - it's that, sometimes, what appears to be a jump you should be able to make isn't, making even this more about luck than skill. For example, I tried to get one on Nar Shadaa on my Bounty Hunter. Firstly, I ran into what seems to be a collision box set too big on the rope supporting a canvas awning I needed to go across, which partially blocked what appeared to be an empty space I should have been able to jump through. When I managed to jump in just the right spot to get past this invisible obstacle, I ran into a second problem where my character, instead of jumping on a railing, actually fell past it, and got trapped between the railing and the pipe next to it, unable to move, and using /stuck placed me back before the entire long sequence of jumps you need to go through to get to the datacron. After I successfully passed the first problem three times out of about 50 tries in total, only to run into the second problem on all three occasions, I gave up.

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