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Why are the 2 tanks spec the most op in 1.2


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Title says it all. I'm sick and tired from rage spec TANK GUARDIANS WITH GODAMN HEAVY ARMOR attacking a dps with 2 skills. I mean really, 6.5k smash? Not even sniper can hit that much or with the tracer debuff. You developers try to balance the game but in reality you screw up the classes just because you think it's right. You said it yourself the game was created for us but instead you screw it up just because of you idealism to make everything freaking perfect. Well take that, you will NEVER EVER have a perfect game. You said it yourself that 90% of the community has less than 300k credits and you decide to put the legacy stuff for 1-2mil each. You think that's a well balanced game?

If you are planning to have the same prices in the 1.3 legacy items you better be giving 100k credit drops from flashpoint bosses.


-fix the godamn tanks class

-reduce prices

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Title says it all. I'm sick and tired from rage spec TANK GUARDIANS WITH GODAMN HEAVY ARMOR attacking a dps with 2 skills. I mean really, 6.5k smash? Not even sniper can hit that much or with the tracer debuff. You developers try to balance the game but in reality you screw up the classes just because you think it's right. You said it yourself the game was created for us but instead you screw it up just because of you idealism to make everything freaking perfect. Well take that, you will NEVER EVER have a perfect game. You said it yourself that 90% of the community has less than 300k credits and you decide to put the legacy stuff for 1-2mil each. You think that's a well balanced game?

If you are planning to have the same prices in the 1.3 legacy items you better be giving 100k credit drops from flashpoint bosses.


-fix the godamn tanks class

-reduce prices


Mate your complaints were heavily biased by your rage.


Chill your mind to further analyse the situation and then reformulate your post.



I mean, you certainly never played a tank specced Guardian/Juggernaut.

Edited by Socialist
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they can do that every 12 seconds, and they have to get lucky to get a crit for it to be 6.5k. A sniper can simply kill you within 12 seconds.


If you are rage specced one of your talent's makes the smash auto crit so no it's not luck. That being said I have never really had a problem with the juggs/guardians. When I played a rage spec on my jugg I felt super squishy which is why I respeced to tank spec.

Edited by Mistrunnerx
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they can do that every 12 seconds, and they have to get lucky to get a crit for it to be 6.5k. A sniper can simply kill you within 12 seconds.


Earlier tonight I had a rage spec jug smash me (gunslinger) twice for around 6K in a one on one. Even though my highest hit was around 4K for the entire war zone, somehow I managed to beat him ... imagine that ... big numbers don't mean everything.

Edited by Vudu
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My gunslinger friend definitely hit someone for 11k last WZ (it was an ungeared, squishy, level 50 sage). Just fyi.


I don't see how that's possible. But, I'm no sharp shooter.

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If they are doing 6.5k Smashes they aren't tanks. I mean, I'd be absolutely shocked if anyone can hit those numbers without Shockwave which is in the 4th tier of a DPS tree. So, newsflash, not all Guardians/Juggers are tanks and their DPS trees should be able to DPS as well as any other DPS. I mean, you state in your post that they are Rage-spec which means you should know that THEY ARE NOT TANKS. Edited by Aetou
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Earlier tonight I had a rage spec jug smash me (gunslinger) twice for around 6K in a one on one. Even though my highest hit was around 4K for the entire war zone, somehow I managed to beat him ... imagine that ... big numbers don't mean everything.


Skill "Holed Up."

Its hillarious.

Edited by Sabredance
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If they are doing 6.5k Smashes they aren't tanks. I mean, I'd be absolutely shocked if anyone can hit those numbers without Shockwave which is in the 4th tier of a DPS tree. So, newsflash, not all Guardians/Juggers are tanks and their DPS trees should be able to DPS as well as any other DPS. I mean, you state in your post that they are Rage-spec which means you should know that THEY ARE NOT TANKS.


This. Then when we rage about the important things (while actually knowing what we're talking about) we get drowned out by garbage threads like this one. This is the first time I've heard rage over juggs. Seriously they have never bothered me, ever. They're good ball carriers. And... yep, good ball carriers. I've never said "oh no, here comes that Jugg", especially a DPS jugg.


This reminds me of like a political protest for a good cause that gets crashed by a bunch of hippies. It's hard to listen to the guy in the business suit on his soap box when a tall naked bearded hippy is standing next to him.

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Title says it all. I'm sick and tired from rage spec TANK GUARDIANS WITH GODAMN HEAVY ARMOR attacking a dps with 2 skills.


Well, rage spec isn't a tank spec, it's a DPS spec. That explains why they are able to deal a lot of damage.

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if you're being crit for 6.5k, the only advice i'd give to you is get more expertise. heck, if i spec my sin as deception, i won't get hit that hard. when i was in full recruit gear on my sniper, i wasn't ever hit that hard by a jugg/guardian. quit pvp'ing in your quest gear and being a hinderence to your team.


also, if you're getting hit by smash/sweeping strike for 6.5k, they are not tanks. they are dps. they are not guarding. they are not in soresu form. they don't have a shield generator equipped. they are in juyo form. they have a focus equipped. they are spec'd for dps, and not for tanking. yes, they have heavy armor, but that's easily countered, even if you're a marksman sniper/sharpshooter slinger.

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they can do that every 12 seconds, and they have to get lucky to get a crit for it to be 6.5k. A sniper can simply kill you within 12 seconds.


There are mechanics to guarantee a crit but they only get into the 5-6k damage area if they stack all buffs available to them at the same time.


Meaning they actually get a hit in that range once per minute or minute and a half.


Other than that damage is pretty low if you don't facetank them while they use master strike on you.

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I always laugh when I read these post because they never complain about a real issue, like how we are the most mobile class in the game. it boggles my mind lol. My shadow has less gear than my guardian by a large margin and does alot more damage than my dps spec guardian. Edited by netslayer
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if you're being crit for 6.5k, the only advice i'd give to you is get more expertise. heck, if i spec my sin as deception, i won't get hit that hard. when i was in full recruit gear on my sniper, i wasn't ever hit that hard by a jugg/guardian. quit pvp'ing in your quest gear and being a hinderence to your team.


also, if you're getting hit by smash/sweeping strike for 6.5k, they are not tanks. they are dps. they are not guarding. they are not in soresu form. they don't have a shield generator equipped. they are in juyo form. they have a focus equipped. they are spec'd for dps, and not for tanking. yes, they have heavy armor, but that's easily countered, even if you're a marksman sniper/sharpshooter slinger.


lol no, I have almost 1200 expertise and I myself was hit for 6467 by a focus guardian last night.

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Same argument can be made for every AC except Mara//Sent and Guns/Snipes (because all 3 of their trees are dps trees).


The problem is that just because you can tank, doesn't mean your a tank (same with heals). In fact, if your going to assume anything, you should assume everyone is DPS specced as its much more rare to find defensive specced tanks in PVP. The only one that I can think of where that is more common is Assassins and Shadows. Armor doesn't mean a whole lot, its the abilities. Take a Sentinel, they arguably have more defense than a Guardian and they have medium armor.


Personally, I am fine with their damage. I wouldn't be fine with it if they could go up their defensive tree AND still have that kind of dps output, but I haven't seen that.

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My gunslinger friend definitely hit someone for 11k last WZ (it was an ungeared, squishy, level 50 sage). Just fyi.


your gunslinger friend do not know how to read...


i am a well geared WH sniper and have never seen 11k hit in one shot... even to the squishies...

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Most of the 1.2 legacy stuff is not really necessary to play the game, you don't NEED reduced CDs on Quick Travel and Fleet Pass, they're nice to have for those that plunk down the money but they will not break the game. Emotes are just fun abilities, you gonna say you NEED those too? Training dummies are available on the Gav Daragon so you don't NEED to buy those either.


As for Rocket Boots, Mailbox and GTN on the ship, I haven't bought those even though I could afford them. The only one I'd be remotely interested in is the mailbox and bleh, they're all over the fleet so why bother.

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