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Who's your favorite companion and why?


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Only played 3 to 50 so far.


Trooper - M1-4X - He just cracks me up. I really enjoyed his story and his thoughts on how to raise the good guys morale. For the Republic!!


Jedi Consular - Tie Between Lt. Felix Iresso and Nadia Grell - Both are so loyal to the good side. Felix is great when you have to rez him after he falls. And Nadia really makes me smiile when you send her on missions.


Bounty Hunter - Tie between Blizz and Skadge yes Skadge. Blizz is just a small ball of cheer. And Skadge makes me laugh when I send him on missions. Everyone needs that big guy with an attitude on their team, especially a bounty hunter.


Skadge actually makes my "Why Are You here? No, I mean in the Grand Scheme of Things. Why Are You Here?" list. It's a very short list with Skadge, Rusk, and Vik on it. :p

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Too hard to say best since I havent played all of the classes. I guess I could my favorite for a couple of classes.


SI: Khem val. At first I hated him to no end, he died a lot and talked a lot of trash. Then I bought him a new sword and shortly after that he backhand crit killed someone. The bromance started there, I geared him up and haven't looked back.


Runner ups: Ashara, Xalek. Really the SI gets all good companions except andronikus, summoning/dismissing him and hearing crap like "Your gonna miss me" and etc. It made me dismiss him and never use him again, they made one of the two brothers a "needy" companion. I don't want a bro like that rolling with me.



SW: I like em all from Broonmark punting repubs off cliffs for me to Vette's jovial approach to gunning them down. Ahhh..what's not to love ?? I have more of an attachment to Vette because she's the first you get but they ruined her about halfway through for me and Jaesa replaced her.


Winner: Jaesa Willsaam


BH: Gault, nuff said. I wish I could slap a shock collar on Mako and shock her until she eats. Unattractive, skinny and bugged(heals a couple of times and starts fighting)


You didn't like Mako's look? You know there are several customization heads... right? One of the first 3 you get is a "red-headed japanese" head for her that seriously made me regret rolling my BH female. >.<


Gault... I sweart to God he was the first companion I actually wanted to kill off. (thats a lie, it was Theran- **** that guy, then **** gault right after it). I eventually warmed up to Gault (but seriously, **** theran).


As far as Mako's heals... shes not buggy. Companion's have CD's on their heals. Being in healing stance reduces them, but at the beginning she only has a few heals.... so she pops those off then starts shooting while they are on CD. The root of the problem is that the AI healers have no concept of overheal. ZOMG YOU STUBBED YOUR TOE /blows biggest heal. Next second you fracture your femur through the skin and they are all like "well **** I'm tapped out, that was a mean toe stubbin man"


Oh yes, awesome comps....




When first meeting him, Mako goes "awwww hes precious, can we keep him?" YES OH GOD YES


Boss! Boss! Hey boss! did you see that? BOSS!


Oh! Boss! look! SHINY!




Oh I made ship thermostat work, put stool by the sink, remodulated shields- lots of little stuff


Hes so adorable!



I never liked Khem. I never got the vibe that he didn't have a dry sense of humor so much as he was actually being serious the whole time. He just eats up the death/destruction/dominion parts of the sith code. He also has a serious case of man-love for Tulak Hord (last, long dead, master). The VERY best thing that happened to khem was the end of chapter 1 where

instead of stealing your body, Darth Zash winds up semi-possessing Kimmy. There is then this constant push/pull between the air-headed (but terribly lethal) Darth Zash and Kimmy for possession of his body. By (half) destroying his character... they saved it.



Vette is also pretty cool. There are some (so very wrong, but so very funny) moments when you shock her. Wow great job boss! I didn't ask you /shock. *ahem* you're welcome! Shut up Vette /shock XD. Shes such a quirky free spirit... but terribly hard to romance because of how low her self-esteem is. She never considers romance with you because she just couldn't imagine why you would deign to even take her for a fling. : / When you push the relationship she is... confused. Then needs time to think.


Zenith was pretty ******/jaded. I was actually surprised he wasnted an LI (basically you try to bring down those walls of his/heal him)


Did I mention Blizz is awesome!?


Half of why SCORPIO is so cool is that she has this very breathy/feminine voice that whispers seductively in your air how she is going to kill you the first time you let down your guard. Its almost sexy... and you can even flirt with her a few times (which is actually kinda creepy, one of them at least). Then she goes on about how she is going to stalk your children cause shes that fascinated with you... and it just went south. @.@


M1-4X If you have ever watched "American Dad" then Stan=M1-4X hes just that over the top patriotic. One of his first (and best) quotes goes something like this: (talking about your ship) We will fly this durasteel eagle into the very heart o the Empire and bring Democracy to the Emperor himself!" XD I died laughing from that voice... and as he spreads his little robot arms out in excitement.

Edited by Niddhog
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I never liked Khem. I never got the vibe that he didn't have a dry sense of humor so much as he was actually being serious the whole time. He just eats up the death/destruction/dominion parts of the sith code. He also has a serious case of man-love for Tulak Hord (last, long dead, master). The VERY best thing that happened to khem was the end of chapter 1 where

instead of stealing your body, Darth Zash winds up semi-possessing Kimmy. There is then this constant push/pull between the air-headed (but terribly lethal) Darth Zash and Kimmy for possession of his body. By (half) destroying his character... they saved it.


This x 10000. I play LS but even if I were DS I would hate Khem. I'm so sick of him talking about Tulak Hord all the time, and all the death and destruction stuff...it just feels so flat and stupid. Andronikos was such a relief after 25 levels of Khem. I loved the scene where I told Khem he was annoying and that I was running with Andronikos now.

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Sounds like Khem gets mixed reviews.


I have a funny feeling that when I get around to playing Imperial characters, I'll probably choose light side options most of the time. I don't imagine that'll make me terribly popular with Khem.

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Sounds like Khem gets mixed reviews.


I have a funny feeling that when I get around to playing Imperial characters, I'll probably choose light side options most of the time. I don't imagine that'll make me terribly popular with Khem.


Khem's not a complete DS junky. He has his own code of honor, and comes across as grouchy for the most part. The SI wakes him up from a millenia long nap, and without even a sammich for him to snack on. Yeah, I'd be a bit grumpy too, in his shoes. He also has a sense of humor dryer than the Tatooine desert, which he actually remarks on while on Tatooine. His comment about it had me ROFLing for a few minutes. :D

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I actually really liked Elara Dorne on my trooper as I played him Renegade/DS... I can understand how some might find it annoying but I LOVED how Dorne would be shocked/flabergasted by most of my decisions. That and getting embarrassed by flirts. I kinda liked the whole "opposites attract" vibe...


Plus I really liked how the Dorne/Trooper romance seemed, I dont know, normal? Like Dorne came across as a mature/intelligent woman... not like some teenager "COUGH" Jedi LI's "COUGH"


This I found to be a real contrast to the 2 Jedi romanceables for males (I actually rerolled my Jedis to females because of this). The 2 Jedi's nail their students... which is... weird in itself, its worse that Kira and Nadia seem more like teenagers personality wise (Not sure about lore wise). Kinda struck me as The Jedi's taking advantage of younger women whom they have a position of authority over. PedoJedi anyone?


Havent tried a smuggler yet but I'm hoping shes written more like you know... a woman, like Dorne, rather then a teenager , like Kira/Nadia

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I actually really liked Elara Dorne on my trooper as I played him Renegade/DS... I can understand how some might find it annoying but I LOVED how Dorne would be shocked/flabergasted by most of my decisions. That and getting embarrassed by flirts. I kinda liked the whole "opposites attract" vibe...


Plus I really liked how the Dorne/Trooper romance seemed, I dont know, normal? Like Dorne came across as a mature/intelligent woman... not like some teenager "COUGH" Jedi LI's "COUGH"


This I found to be a real contrast to the 2 Jedi romanceables for males (I actually rerolled my Jedis to females because of this). The 2 Jedi's nail their students... which is... weird in itself, its worse that Kira and Nadia seem more like teenagers personality wise (Not sure about lore wise). Kinda struck me as The Jedi's taking advantage of younger women whom they have a position of authority over. PedoJedi anyone?


Havent tried a smuggler yet but I'm hoping shes written more like you know... a woman, like Dorne, rather then a teenager , like Kira/Nadia


And yet there is nothing weird about a Commanding Officer fraternizing with an NCO in his direct chain of command? For those of us who served... well, for me anyhow, I had to keep reminding myself that the Republic Armed Forces has a different UCMJ than the US Armed Forces. In ours, the Commander would, at the very least lose his command. At the most, he could be dishonorably discharged and maybe serve time in Leavenworth. Not saying the Jedi LIs are right, either. Just saying that the Trooper LI is just as ridiculous. lol

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Ive got a dry/dark sense of humor;


Khem Val: his one liners during conversation are legendary!!! :D

Mako: if she was real i would be chasing her for a date by now, shes a good person.

Vette: some of her skeptical humor and conversation choices make me laugh.

Dorne: shes a real softie when you get past all the regulations she quotes, even then shes fiesty! :D

Edited by Celise
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And yet there is nothing weird about a Commanding Officer fraternizing with an NCO in his direct chain of command? For those of us who served... well, for me anyhow, I had to keep reminding myself that the Republic Armed Forces has a different UCMJ than the US Armed Forces. In ours, the Commander would, at the very least lose his command. At the most, he could be dishonorably discharged and maybe serve time in Leavenworth. Not saying the Jedi LIs are right, either. Just saying that the Trooper LI is just as ridiculous. lol


This, this, a thousand times this. I had this same problem in Mass Effect; even worse, in ME1, the characters talk about how fraternization is a bad idea but do it anyway, and then when you have to decide who lives and who dies, if you pick your love interest to live you will tell them straight to their face while the rest of your command is in the room that you let the other guy die because you had to save your sweetie. And you don't even get any Renegade points for it!


Back on topic, I actually really like Kaliyo. "Reporting in, Sir! Rakghoul stole my helmet, Sir! Scared me white!" Cracked me up so hard; she's always got such great lines.


Least favorite would have to be the JC's gargle lizard. Qyzen seems like he might be an interesting character, but I seriously cannot stand listening to his horrible grating speech. The only way it could be worse is if he was a Gamorrean or Ugnaught.

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My favorite companion is from a class I haven't even played. M1-4X. He's like a droid paladin, that's so cool.


From the classes I have played, I'd have to say Guss Tuno and Vette are both highly entertaining, though both of them have a quirk about their combat lines that makes me want to kill them.





Aside from them, I also really like Qyzen Fess. I have a dislike towards warrior characters in fantasy and sci-fi, because they have a high tendency to throw around the word 'honor' as some kind of justification for their bloodthirsty and violent ways. Qyzen Fess is not like that. He understands that there's no honor unless the fight itself is just.

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Since she was my first companion I might be slightly biased, but I really like the sense of humour that the writers gave her and most of her cconversation is absolutely hilarious - even though there was a bug for a while that made her voice spaz out...

Liked her so much that my character progressed from full dark to a neutral-ish alignment (though I'm still dark V, diplomacy ftw)


I also really like Blizz, but counting him might be cheating ^^

Haven't played much of republic side, but so far on my smuggler - 30-ish -- I'm growing increasingly fond of Corso. After the initial annoyance he's actually growing on me.

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Well, still haven't met all the companions yet, but so far my favorite is Vector, hands down. Even though he's not the first companion you get, he has a strong storyline of his own and I was quickly invested in the outcome. He also grows and changes as a character (probably most evident if you romance him) and fits in well with the themes of identity and sacrifice in the agent story. Word to the wise - his story actually intersects with Dr. Lokin's, so if you want to learn some important things about Vector's past, get to know Lokin too! If your agent is light-side and you take him everywhere with you like I did, it really feels like the two of them are developing a strong, loyal bond as they go through incredible amounts of h-e-l-l together. He's the one solid rock in the agent's world full of betrayal and paranoia. As far as the romance goes, the agent's dialogue is a train wreck, but Vector's fascinating personality quirks make up for it. All that extra sensory perception stuff allows for some fun and interesting romancing. Vector has also an awesome voice actor who gives the character a unique way of speaking - in his inflection and cadence Vector really comes across as "different." And he has THE Sexiest...Voice...in...the...Game! That voice could melt steel. :cool:


On a totally different note there's Gus Tuno. He makes me laugh - his one-liners, his story arc, everything. One day I "poked" (aka clicked on) him so many times in a row that he actually THREW UP. I think I laughed so hard I cried. As much as I enjoyed Corso, I have to admit I dropped him like a hot potato when Gus came along. I went from struggling with bosses to feeling like a goddess all due to Gus's healing. Who wouldn't like a guy who asks to be taught the art of kicking enemies in the nuts? And I'm convinced he has a crush on me. He seems to be growing mighty fond of my smuggler and all that talk of "I'm all yours now Captain" has me wondering.


So far I'm digging Kira Carson as well. Her story's proving to be more interesting than I expected and I feel like my knight and her have a sisters-in-arms kind of bond going on. Her AI in combat is surprising good and she's effective as well. I can count on her to take care of business when things get tough.

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Well, still haven't met all the companions yet, but so far my favorite is Vector, hands down. Even though he's not the first companion you get, he has a strong storyline of his own and I was quickly invested in the outcome. He also grows and changes as a character (probably most evident if you romance him) and fits in well with the themes of identity and sacrifice in the agent story. Word to the wise - his story actually intersects with Dr. Lokin's, so if you want to learn some important things about Vector's past, get to know Lokin too! If your agent is light-side and you take him everywhere with you like I did, it really feels like the two of them are developing a strong, loyal bond as they go through incredible amounts of h-e-l-l together. He's the one solid rock in the agent's world full of betrayal and paranoia. As far as the romance goes, the agent's dialogue is a train wreck, but Vector's fascinating personality quirks make up for it. All that extra sensory perception stuff allows for some fun and interesting romancing. Vector has also an awesome voice actor who gives the character a unique way of speaking - in his inflection and cadence Vector really comes across as "different." And he has THE Sexiest...Voice...in...the...Game! That voice could melt steel. :cool:


On a totally different note there's Gus Tuno. He makes me laugh - his one-liners, his story arc, everything. One day I "poked" (aka clicked on) him so many times in a row that he actually THREW UP. I think I laughed so hard I cried. As much as I enjoyed Corso, I have to admit I dropped him like a hot potato when Gus came along. I went from struggling with bosses to feeling like a goddess all due to Gus's healing. Who wouldn't like a guy who asks to be taught the art of kicking enemies in the nuts? And I'm convinced he has a crush on me. He seems to be growing mighty fond of my smuggler and all that talk of "I'm all yours now Captain" has me wondering.


So far I'm digging Kira Carson as well. Her story's proving to be more interesting than I expected and I feel like my knight and her have a sisters-in-arms kind of bond going on. Her AI in combat is surprising good and she's effective as well. I can count on her to take care of business when things get tough.


*sits back and waits for Crezelle to come in to hijack the thread again* She's the most fanatical Vector fan I've seen on here. :D

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On a totally different note there's Gus Tuno. He makes me laugh - his one-liners, his story arc, everything. One day I "poked" (aka clicked on) him so many times in a row that he actually THREW UP. I think I laughed so hard I cried. As much as I enjoyed Corso, I have to admit I dropped him like a hot potato when Gus came along. I went from struggling with bosses to feeling like a goddess all due to Gus's healing. Who wouldn't like a guy who asks to be taught the art of kicking enemies in the nuts? And I'm convinced he has a crush on me. He seems to be growing mighty fond of my smuggler and all that talk of "I'm all yours now Captain" has me wondering.


So far I'm digging Kira Carson as well. Her story's proving to be more interesting than I expected and I feel like my knight and her have a sisters-in-arms kind of bond going on. Her AI in combat is surprising good and she's effective as well. I can count on her to take care of business when things get tough.


I totally agree - and would probably agree on Vector too if I bothered with my agent more. Too much Sith butt-kissing in that storyline for me to play very often.


I can see the whole Guss-having-a-crush-on-girlsmuggler thing! For one of the challenges in the weekly fanfic challenge thread I wrote a little story about my girl meeting an ex and pretending Guss was her boyfriend to get rid of him. It was one of the most fun stories I've written. He makes such an awesome "little brother"-type character for the crew. Makes me wish I could have Vette as well!


And with Kira, oh man. I think my knight has a giant girlcrush on her - I guess naming her after a webcomic character who's into girls didn't help matters. Even though we can't have same-sex romances yet, and apparently Kira will never be an option for that, they make wonderful friends! Sometimes I find Kira a little flat personality-wise, but I mostly like having her around. She's a nice character to bring out the realistic side of a Jedi.


I really, really wish Kira didn't have such a giant chest, though. All I can think of is how horribly painful her back must be.

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*sits back and waits for Crezelle to come in to hijack the thread again* She's the most fanatical Vector fan I've seen on here. :D


awesomely, i found his worship hive in tumblr.... im not the queen bee apperantly out there as far as vector worship goes o.o


i may or may not have spent the last 2 days cruising thru it with megusta.jpg across my face

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