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Who's your favorite companion and why?


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Ooooh! Ouch! Poor Pierce! But seriously, Pierce was my SW's Bro and Vette was my SW's kinky lil' Twi'lek wifey. It was actually a very sweet and old-fashioned romance that turned a bit "American Pie" on the wedding night. ;)


I saw that lost conversation a male SW has with Vette and even I was :eek:

But Pierce had a little quip about Quinn after that particular comment from my SW. :rolleyes: I just can't remember what the exact wording was nor did I record it. Ah well, I'll just have to do it again. The whole thing was for my SW, she wasn't a fan of some of Pierce's cavalier attitude towards authority which is a bit rich coming from a Sith, and really she only flirted with him to see if it would prod a reaction out of Captain Tight-pants Quinn.


Right now, I'm torn between Khem Val, Quinn, Jorgan and Vector for favourite companion. Okay, so 3 out of the 4 are romance options, except in Vector's case he's just a bromance for my male IA.

For me it's just easier to pick my favourites out of each class and those are the ones for each.

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I saw that lost conversation a male SW has with Vette and even I was :eek:

But Pierce had a little quip about Quinn after that particular comment from my SW. :rolleyes: I just can't remember what the exact wording was nor did I record it. Ah well, I'll just have to do it again. The whole thing was for my SW, she wasn't a fan of some of Pierce's cavalier attitude towards authority which is a bit rich coming from a Sith, and really she only flirted with him to see if it would prod a reaction out of Captain Tight-pants Quinn.


Right now, I'm torn between Khem Val, Quinn, Jorgan and Vector for favourite companion. Okay, so 3 out of the 4 are romance options, except in Vector's case he's just a bromance for my male IA.

For me it's just easier to pick my favourites out of each class and those are the ones for each.


Khem Val is a riot if you get his extremely dry sense of humor. :D


Lines like "More machine than man. Bad for the digestion", "I have a good sabacc face. That was a joke. I hate sabacc", and my personal favorite (In reference to Tatooine): "We could destroy this place and nobody would notice."

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I vote Jorgan. He's one of the few companions where your relationship really evolves - he goes from pissed off at his circumstances, thinking you suck, just trying to tough things out, later begins to see the bright side of of his demotion, starts to respect you, and ends with his undying loyalty. Jorgan, he's got your back. His companion quests were really good as well. Plus he's bad at women in an endearing way. Also grumpy.


Honorable mention: Zenith, simply because he COULD have been number one... but it just feels like the writers made a really interesting character sketch but then ran out of time to flesh it out. When I think 'Twi'lek companion' I would expect friendly attractive female (hi Vette). Enter Zenith, strong man, mean as hell, totally unavailable. Your wooden, awkward conversations with my highly intrigued Sage left me wanting, nay, demanding, more.

Zenith: What am I supposed to say.

Sage: Just be yourself.

Zenith: This is me.

Sage: ...

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I notice that there seem to be a lot more votes for Imperial companions and not so many for Republic companions. What is the reason for this? Are the Republic companions in general more poorly written?
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Quinn. Has to be Quinn. Majorly my favourite companion right now, he's adorable. I mean who wouldn't want a cute medic following you around calling you my Lord? XD


My only concern is the -ahem- incident to come. I've only passed Act 1 so things are all well and good still. Although I've heard it's awkward I hope it doesn't end on a bad note :( I do wonder though, does a marriage proposal come before or after that? lol


In terms of non romancible compainions, the BH ones are the best. They just work so well together and Blizz is the cutest thing.


I do feel like imperial companions have a lot more life to them than republic ones, maybe because they're too much into rules and regulations where as imperial ones are more laid back?

Edited by AelixVII
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My only concern is the -ahem- incident to come. I've only passed Act 1 so things are all well and good still. Although I've heard it's awkward I hope it doesn't end on a bad note :( I do wonder though, does a marriage proposal come before or after that? lol


Unfortunately, it comes BEFORE the incident, which makes it hurt even worse (depending on how you RP your character). =(

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Unfortunately, it comes BEFORE the incident, which makes it hurt even worse (depending on how you RP your character). =(

Naaww, that's a shame :( I've read some hints that it can be patched up and maybe in future content they can reconcile it better. But it begs the question whether at the end of it all is it even a genuine romance like the other classes can get, guess I'll have to find out and judge for myself.


Now that I think about it though, female warriors get shafted compared to males lol.



Male companion interactions seem more 'fun', I mean they get two women fighting over them where as females get one companion you can only have a fling with and the other betrays you, yaay. I think I'm glad I like Quinn rather than not no matter what happens, otherwise I'd hate to see him standing there at the front of my ship still.


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Naaww, that's a shame :( I've read some hints that it can be patched up and maybe in future content they can reconcile it better. But it begs the question whether at the end of it all is it even a genuine romance like the other classes can get, guess I'll have to find out and judge for myself.


Now that I think about it though, female warriors get shafted compared to males lol.



Male companion interactions seem more 'fun', I mean they get two women fighting over them where as females get one companion you can only have a fling with and the other betrays you, yaay. I think I'm glad I like Quinn rather than not no matter what happens, otherwise I'd hate to see him standing there at the front of my ship still.


Don't forget, you can control the "flow" of the companion conversations, if you want a certain conversation to happen after the "incident" just don't start it until after you do that part of the class quest.


And yes, female SW got shafted, but keep in mind that Pierce is just side nookie and it feels like it happens in a vacuum, no one makes mention of it ever.

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I haven't leveled my Bounty Hunter up to get Blizz yet, I feel I will really like him. Right now my favorite has to be Jaesa. She is very connected to the Sith Warrior story, and really easy to get affection with as Dark side. All you have to be is a jerk to everyone and you can get max affection with very little gifts before 50.
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Well obviously my favourite is Lassie..er I mean Jorgan! I like having him around. He kills stuff for me with his massive cannon and I really like the way the romance played out - although it was a long drawn out process, it didn't feel forced or contrived. And I have always had a thing for military guys. :D


Tanno on my trooper is starting to grow on me too. Haven't really used any of my other trooper companions.


On my BH of course Torian & Gault, I like them both and I also like their dps, nothing left but a pile of bodies. And yes I love my little Blizz. Haven't really used him much though so far.


And of course Khem Val. I love his dry sense of humour, he and Andronikos are my fav companions for SI.

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Holiday. For a female jedi consular, it's actually quite fun.


"Ooh! I must get Thadran to program me your outfit."

"Why don't you just drape yourself over her more?"

"I know just the place to start! A horrible bit of programming in the ship's cockpit."


Granted, I don't quite remember her lines correctly, but they were still quite fun.

T7 and Kira were my favourites on the Knight, astromechs are fun, and so is Kira. Those two taught me a lot about dedication, so when I finally got Doc, I steamrolled everything.


Imperials, I have only two companions I really like. Vector and Blizz.


Vector is the first companion I've seen to actually show interest in YOUR backstory. I really wish I could have expanded on that, but still, he gets major points for that. Maybe I'll roll a female agent just to seduce him.


Blizz, on the other hand, is just really fun. A jawa tank. With Zipline and Rocket Launcher. What's not to like?

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Don't forget, you can control the "flow" of the companion conversations, if you want a certain conversation to happen after the "incident" just don't start it until after you do that part of the class quest.


And yes, female SW got shafted, but keep in mind that Pierce is just side nookie and it feels like it happens in a vacuum, no one makes mention of it ever.


The incident is part of the class quest, so it is independent of your romance. Since I don't shower my companions with that many gifts (too broke!), my marriage was well after the incident. For me it came between our first fade to black and his declaration of love. I thought the flow worked out pretty well.

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Don't forget, you can control the "flow" of the companion conversations, if you want a certain conversation to happen after the "incident" just don't start it until after you do that part of the class quest.


And yes, female SW got shafted, but keep in mind that Pierce is just side nookie and it feels like it happens in a vacuum, no one makes mention of it ever.


The incident is part of the class quest, so it is independent of your romance. Since I don't shower my companions with that many gifts (too broke!), my marriage was well after the incident. For me it came between our first fade to black and his declaration of love. I thought the flow worked out pretty well.


Oh thank god! As tempting as it is I won't touch his companion missions then until I get that part done, thank you both for clearing that up. Story-wise that was the main thing that bothered me.



As for Pierce's little involvement, that reminds me of something I read on another thread that tickled me:



I believe the male SW gets a full love triangle set of scenes if he romances both Jaesa and Vette. The female SW doesn't seem to quite get that issue, but I strongarmed Pierce into a one night stand and told him afterwards that I was a bit disappointed with it, and he said (snarkily) that he was sure he was better than Quinn.


But how would he know???


(Source: http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?608532-SWTOR-The-romance-thread/page5)


I would like to know too XD

Edited by AelixVII
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...As for Pierce's little involvement, that reminds me of something I read on another thread that tickled me:



I believe the male SW gets a full love triangle set of scenes if he romances both Jaesa and Vette. The female SW doesn't seem to quite get that issue, but I strongarmed Pierce into a one night stand and told him afterwards that I was a bit disappointed with it, and he said (snarkily) that he was sure he was better than Quinn.


But how would he know???


(Source: http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?608532-SWTOR-The-romance-thread/page5)


I would like to know too XD


Heh, I suppose for my SW at that point it time, she hadn't been getting anything from Quinn soooooo.. technically speaking Pierce was better than Quinn at that point.


Something > nothiing?

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Heh, I suppose for my SW at that point it time, she hadn't been getting anything from Quinn soooooo.. technically speaking Pierce was better than Quinn at that point.


Something > nothiing?


I dunno, I've had some pretty terrible somethings. :D


I'm really going to enjoy verbally abusing Pierce this time around. *cough* And escaping out afterwards, of course. Politeness feels nice to play, but the awful things player characters can say are so, so marvelously awful.

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I dunno, I've had some pretty terrible somethings. :D


I'm really going to enjoy verbally abusing Pierce this time around. *cough* And escaping out afterwards, of course. Politeness feels nice to play, but the awful things player characters can say are so, so marvelously awful.


Awwwww..... Don't forget to abuse Quinn too while you're at it, wait... he'll probably enjoy it... *sigh*

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lmao so if you tell pierce he failed, he actually says he figured he'd be better than quinn? priceless :D


I am reminded for some reason of a quote from Romeo and Juliet, "You kiss by the book." I've never had any idea what that means, but if anybody would ever do so it'd be the likes of Quinn (or Elara Dorne). Bet you five dollars Pierce could do better in his sleep.


Quinn remains my favorite companion simply because of the roller coaster that is his romance arc. Nobody's ever riled me up like he did. :confused:

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