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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Who's your favorite companion and why?


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I have messed around with a couple of classes, but only one has made it to the middle levels, and none have made it to max level, so please try not to spoil too much for me.


Just looking to learn a little flavor of the game, here.

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From a leveling perspecitve, it is mako, she has the strongest heals of all healing companions. She alone makes the bounty hunter the easiest class to level. From a content perspective, either Dark Jaesa, or Scorpio, they are so delightfully evil!
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So far? Story wise Bugman (Vector). I am female so I even married him and let him keep his awesome bug looks.

For looks? Easily the Wookie. I just wish this was a playable race instead.

For killing? Not sure I switch alot for roles, Khem is one of my more used comps, and Bugman, and Kira, and Andronikus, and omg so many cool comps lol.



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in the field...id say torian and my merc tear stuff up. vector and my agent do too. blizz is just fun to have around. kaliyo and mako are great bromances for my femtoons


Nothin' but respect for The Blizzmeister. When he pulls out that huge Rocket Launcher, he's not compensating.


He's advertising.


He's THE wingman to take to a singles bar. :D

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Nothin' but respect for The Blizzmeister. When he pulls out that huge Rocket Launcher, he's not compensating.


He's advertising.


He's THE wingman to take to a singles bar. :D

except he'd end up stealing all the chicks, even if he didnt mean to, which he wouldn't, cause hes the ultimate bro

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Well, I like Vette for her story, specifically her relationship with Risha.


As for combat: Quinn was nice, but he didn't satisfy. Broonmark, on the other hand... :D

Let's just say watching your Talz sidekick slam people into the air is impressive.

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Well, I like Vette for her story, specifically her relationship with Risha.


As for combat: Quinn was nice, but he didn't satisfy. Broonmark, on the other hand... :D

Let's just say watching your Talz sidekick slam people into the air is impressive.


"Didn't satisfy," I think that's what my SW said to Pierce about... Pierce. *manical laughter*

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"Didn't satisfy," I think that's what my SW said to Pierce about... Pierce. *manical laughter*


Ooooh! Ouch! Poor Pierce! But seriously, Pierce was my SW's Bro and Vette was my SW's kinky lil' Twi'lek wifey. It was actually a very sweet and old-fashioned romance that turned a bit "American Pie" on the wedding night. ;)

Edited by Captain_Zone
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