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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Not enough solo quests


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doing the heroic quests is 100% optional...


Of the hundreds of quests on each planet, may be 10 are heroics. yes people who do the heroics will level faster, but they are willing to put in the time to find a group, so they reap the benefits!


Suggestion: When you land on a planet, ask people in general chat to immediately share all the heroic quests they can with you. that way you can always jump into any heroic group you see forming at any time and get them done.


I have done some of those 4 man hc quests together with my friend fairly easily. He's playing Sentinel i'm playing sage. Companions can fill those other 2 spots. Just keep their gear uptodate and doing 4m heroics isn't really problem.

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I have to say that I think Bioware found the perfect balance between solo and group content. Granted, I'm only level 18 but this is my opinion on what I've encountered thus far. With the staggered pre-order access as well as the way the planets progress quest-wise, coming upon group content and finding people to complete said content feels very organic.


Also, with companions being as effective as I've found them to be so far, you can definitely bend the suggested number of players for group content. I was able to complete the Black Talon flashpoint with only one other person.


Well, I dunno if Black Talon is the same, but the first Republic flashpoint, The Esseles is marked as a 2 man flashpoint anyway. Its weird to see how many people sit and look for 4 man groups for them.

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If you ask me, here should be TONS more team quests and hardly any soloable ones. There should be be lots of encouragement to team too, in the form of extra xp and loot. Teaming is the life an MMO. For example, in Anarchy Online you could always find a team, because people had to team because it was too hard solo. And in City of Heroes it was always easy to find a team, because the larger the team, the more rewards you got, alot more xp and drops.


And, as I've said, we just need a search window to find people doing the same mission. Problem solved.

Edited by AeonWeapon
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Strange, i have been able to get to level 17-18, without doing any heroic quests on Coruscant, thats enough to head to Taris, but beyond Taris, i do not know.


Bioware also said that they wouldn't be having all those BIG bosses with loads of health, yet they have them in there, so i wouldn't be surprised if they changed their minds.


Good game overall.

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They should get rid of 4 man heroics. They are the ones killing me really. Finding 4 people at the same point your in devastates me. They should be 2 man only. Either you + companion or you + other player.


Its a challenge, you dont need to participate in it for you to reach level 50, you dont need to participate in it if you want to progress your story. Its there for people who want a tough challenge, and for people who wanna work together.


Also people arent using the /who tool to LFG, which is what its for.. You can click on the name of the planet above the chat which also opens /who so you can flag yourself as "LFG" then leave a message of which quest/flashpoint your after.

Then if you click the tab that has LFG SYMBOL on, then it will put the people on the planet in order of whos lfg and whos not.


People are used to different mechanics, but this mechanic has potential if people starting using it!!

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Feel the need to make a point here:


Does anyone realize HOW MANY more players will be on the servers, and be joining the game constantly, once the game actually LAUNCHES. The majority of players over the life of this game won't come from pre-orders, they'll come when the game is on retail shelves in stores all over the freakin' world! I don't think there will be any problem finding people doing your mission then. (Not that there's really much of a problem now)

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I might be the only one that thinks so but I think the Heroic quests would work much better under a Warhammer Online "public Quest format, but that's just me lol


Might want to explain that to those of us who haven't played warhammer... What's a "public quest format"

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its not a single player game...



Try grouping you will find that 'other people' are not as evil vindicive and nasty as the mass Media makes out.

Well, ok some are (thats waht ignore is for), but in general they are jsut like yourselves.

Stop being anti-social and group.

Treat others as you would want to be treat and you will find you have a great time.

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I thought Bioware stated that if you wanted to play this game as an RPG you could. After lvl 15 all I see is 2 and 4 man heroics. ***??? Sitting there shouting out that you need a tank, healer, dps really isn't how I want to spend my time on this game. It seems that if you're not questing with 3 people at all times you're doing it wrong.


Also, what the heck is with lvl 19 quests going against groups of 4 lvl 23's packed together? This game has some major balance issues. I ran into a lvl 50 imperial agent today and asked him how he got to 50 so quick. He said, (quoted) "Me and 3 of my friends quested together, we didn't skip any content like most people suggest." That blew my mind. You want to bring people from WoW, Rift and Galaxies right? This is not how you do it.


I love this game, it's awesome...except the main part of this game sucks. I'm at a point where I can't do anything, I cannot progress because I'm spending 90% of my time on general chat asking people to group with me...


We 2 manned the 4 person heroic this morning. with out companions obviously. I was heals and the other guy was dps. we had NO problem. we were lvl 16

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Try grouping you will find that 'other people' are not as evil vindicive and nasty as the mass Media makes out.

Well, ok some are (thats waht ignore is for), but in general they are jsut like yourselves.

Stop being anti-social and group.

Treat others as you would want to be treat and you will find you have a great time.




"But people are scary, that's why I live in this bunker"

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there is tons of solo content. i am currently outlevelling content by 4 levels and i did all quests. Heroic quests are 0.05% of them. 4-5 heroics per each planet.

but if you can't solo content meant for solo play - then you are doing something wrong.

use your companion, check your stats, learn to play.

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They should get rid of 4 man heroics. They are the ones killing me really. Finding 4 people at the same point your in devastates me. They should be 2 man only. Either you + companion or you + other player.



That is just silly to say that. You always have your companion, if they could all be done with just you and your companion then you eliminate the whole social part of the game. This is an online game........an MMO, there is supposed to be a social aspect. All the heroic quests are already optional, you do not have to do them. Do not ruin it for the rest of us by asking them to eliminate the social aspect of this game.

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They should get rid of 4 man heroics. They are the ones killing me really. Finding 4 people at the same point your in devastates me. They should be 2 man only. Either you + companion or you + other player.


No, mate. Such group quests start relationships, friendships, players learn to play TOGETHER, players get to know each other.

I like that early heroics are harder than early flashpoints.

I learned to heal properly during heroics, players learned the necessity to crowd control, avoiding aoe when not required.


Learn to play in a team.

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They should get rid of 4 man heroics. They are the ones killing me really. Finding 4 people at the same point your in devastates me. They should be 2 man only. Either you + companion or you + other player.


You can already 2 man the 4 player heroics. Just learn when and what to pull.

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No, mate. Such group quests start relationships, friendships, players learn to play TOGETHER, players get to know each other.

I like that early heroics are harder than early flashpoints.

I learned to heal properly during heroics, players learned the necessity to crowd control, avoiding aoe when not required.


Learn to play in a team.


Quoted for great justice!


heroic quests are extra optional and bring together groups. For this first time in a long time my friends list is filling up and last night I did a heroic quest with a guy who I had met inside a Flash Point!


I know people hate comparisons but this game is finally bringing it back to the old days of MMOs (I say old days, Vanilla WoW time, not quite UO days) and I am pleased as punch!

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its not a single player game...


That's the beauty of this game, it cab be. It's pretty much aimed at covering all the bases. Single, multi, raider. Yes the heroic 4s are hard, even with 4 at times. But they are also totally skippable and not needed to advance your personal story line.


This isn't an "It's an MMO, group up or go play a solo game" thing. That mentality belongs back with EQ, DAoC, AC and the first gen MMOs.

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its not a single player game...



Although technically you are right, time and again it has been shown in other MMOs that forcing people to group to level and not providing enough solo content is a sure fire ticket to doom. People want lots and lots of solo content in their MMOs. SWTOR made group quests optional and daily for this reason.


I remember in LOTRO they made this awesome story driven main quest line, but made many parts of it group only. Result? The vast majority of players skipped it and never saw this awesome story. So they started to revamp it so it could be solo. Most players skip group content while leveling.

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Most players skip group content while leveling.


I wouldn't say most by any means, depends on how the game is structured.


In City of Heroes theres always people to team with because you get so much more xp and money while in a team, and there's more enemies in the missions so it's more fun.


In Anarchy Online, it's almost impossible to solo most areas, so people always team up, and the rewards are increased, everyone has fun and is happy.


Personally, I like MMOs FOR team content, and I like when there's as much encouragement to team as possible. If I end up in an MMO where everyone is soloing and I can't find a team, I wind up getting bored and quitting. (Which has happened in a couple other games, like Atlantica Online and Ryzom)


So it also depends on the player... I hate playing solo, unless you're playing a tank it's tedious because other characters die easy, and it's just so much less fun. If I want to play a Bioware single player game I'll go finish Mass Effect lol (never played much of it, it's collecting dust... good game, but I get bored playing alone.)

Edited by AeonWeapon
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I thought Bioware stated that if you wanted to play this game as an RPG you could. After lvl 15 all I see is 2 and 4 man heroics. ***??? Sitting there shouting out that you need a tank, healer, dps really isn't how I want to spend my time on this game. It seems that if you're not questing with 3 people at all times you're doing it wrong.


Also, what the heck is with lvl 19 quests going against groups of 4 lvl 23's packed together? This game has some major balance issues. I ran into a lvl 50 imperial agent today and asked him how he got to 50 so quick. He said, (quoted) "Me and 3 of my friends quested together, we didn't skip any content like most people suggest." That blew my mind. You want to bring people from WoW, Rift and Galaxies right? This is not how you do it.


I love this game, it's awesome...except the main part of this game sucks. I'm at a point where I can't do anything, I cannot progress because I'm spending 90% of my time on general chat asking people to group with me...



Seriously NO idea how any of what you are coming up with is true in beta I was overlevelled by only doing solo quests. and I certainly never encountered level 23s in a lvl 19 quest.

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