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Are the Sith really Evil?


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the Sith in my opinion are not necessarily evil [well some are] they are force users with a different philosophy, people who have been pushed over the edge of morality, or are slaves who wanted a better live for themselves and wanted power


Lol what do you mean,not all are evil. List some non evil sith please. As for the other part of your post, am I reading this right? Your saying they're only doing what is needed for a better life. Are you suggesting I should kill my boss? As he as a better job than me. Maybe I should take inspiration from others in this thread, and explain to the police that me killing my boss for his job is not a bad thing. It's just a matter of perspective or it's survival of the fittest


If that sounds silly, then imagine how silly some of "the sith aren't evil" arguments sound

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It's a question of a fundamental nature.


What to do with Power.

Should it be used to rule the masses, or be used to protect and serve them?

Should it be used for your own ends, or the greater good?

Should it be treated as a weapon, or a tool?


I could go on forever, but one should get the posed problem.

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Actually Alderaan was quite more orderly after Palpatine. Now there is no more crime, disease, poverty, or life anywhere on it and it's now a quite orderly astroid field. Clearly, he was a true defender of the Republic and all it stood for. :tran_angel:


I LOL'd hard at that one. I've said it before and I'll say it again here! TARKIN DID THE GALAXY A FAVOR! :D


ANYONE who has played Alderaan knows what I'm talking about. A shame about the scenery, but the nobles more than ruined the planet. :p

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I LOL'd hard at that one. I've said it before and I'll say it again here! TARKIN DID THE GALAXY A FAVOR! :D


ANYONE who has played Alderaan knows what I'm talking about. A shame about the scenery, but the nobles more than ruined the planet. :p


No no no no no. I played Alderaan and I love the planet. Taris is the planet that should be blown up once and for all.

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No no no no no. I played Alderaan and I love the planet. Taris is the planet that should be blown up once and for all.


I loved the planet too, and like I said, a shame about the scenery. But with nobles like THAT, Tarkin had no choice in the matter. Now when I watch ANH, I cheer at that scene. :D

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I loved the planet too, and like I said, a shame about the scenery. But with nobles like THAT, Tarkin had no choice in the matter. Now when I watch ANH, I cheer at that scene. :D


I had no problem with the nobles. They were honorable snobs. I kind of liked their whole culture. It adds something different from the backstabbing Sith aritocracy, big business, underworld, knight-monks and farmers we normally see. It has a little more fantasy-feel, but it still fits into Star Wars.


I'd prefer Alderaan a thousand times over Naboo as depicted in the movies. (Monarchy-democracy where 12 year olds can be elected as queens.)


Maybe it's because I RPed my first Consular as coming from a noble Miralukan family and Alderaan felt like home for her.


(Well, we got a little off topic I guess.)

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Peace is a lie, there is only passion; Through passion, I gain Strength; Through Strength, I gain Power; Through Power, I gain victory; Through victory, my chains are broken; The Force shall free me


There is nothing in that code that means being a Sith needs to be fueled by anger and hatred. Writers just don't seem capable of understanding that, and so we get these evil caricatures with their manic laughs and lust for torture and mayhem.


Seems to me that that first line pretty much goes ahead and tosses the better emotions out the window, leaving the Negative emotions as all that is left.


In fact, if the perceptions that have been ingrained into us over all these years didn't color our views, that Sith Code would work really well as a rallying cry for a generic hero/protagonist.


What type of "generic hero/protagonist" would EVER say "Peace is a lie"? Most "generic heros/protagonists" always go for peace and prosperity over constant warfare. Because peace is GOOD


I suspect most people who have success in their lives are passionate. Perhaps even want to dominate. But, I'd hardly call them evil.


You can be passionate about something, and not want to dominate those around you. It's when you go hand in hand that it becomes evil. One important thing to remember about the Jedi is that they NEVER expect anyone who is not one of their own to conform to their Jedi Code.


I chalk up us even having this probable circular discussion to writers who are incapable of writing about Sith who aren't psychotic mass murderers. To Bioware's credit, there are a few very minor Sith NPCs you'll meet in a few class-specific quests that show you can follow the Sith Code without being genocidal.


Or maybe it's because the Dark Side is, by nature, corrupting? Thereby leading most who follow it to want to do EVIL things? And because a few NPC Sith don't want to annihilate everything in sight, automatically means they aren't evil?


Your comment about one-night stands just illustrates my point. There's nothing inherently wrong with the Sith.


There is if you take a Moral stance. Try pulling one-night stands like these 50 years ago, and then tell your friends and random people. Yeah, the fact that people don't even bother to react with SHOCK, let alone disgust these days, means there's something seriously wrong with society's moral compass.

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If you are looking for the Answer given by George Lucas, the answer is yes they are evil. I've seen this thread enough times to at least remember that. Thanks to people such as the good ol' Professor Walsh.


However, if you are looking for our opinions and our arguments one way or the other, I will give you my opinion on the subject.


Actual Sith, those born into the culture, are no more evil than predatory animals. The Philosophies of the Sith mirror those of Natural Selection. The strong shall survive and rule over the weak while the weak are to be culled lest they weaken the whole. For them, it is THE way of life. It is all they have ever known.


Those that are not born into the culture yet seek it out are another story. Their intentions are what make them evil.


There are those that would argue the former of my two statements is false. They would argue that good and evil, right and wrong are not relative, that they are absolute and as such, even the Sith born into the culture are evil.


But then I would argue that there is no absolute authority on what is good or evil, right or wrong. There is only what we perceive as such. If we were to be born in a society where all citizens of this society subscribed to the Sith Philosophies, we would no longer view it as evil but the sad fact of life.



Hitler had a similar view on natural selection hmmm. Yes i would think sith are evil.... Its what makes them fun to play.... Im a really nice guy in rl... So i get to let out my inner evil lol.

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I had no problem with the nobles. They were honorable snobs. I kind of liked their whole culture. It adds something different from the backstabbing Sith aritocracy, big business, underworld, knight-monks and farmers we normally see. It has a little more fantasy-feel, but it still fits into Star Wars.


I'd prefer Alderaan a thousand times over Naboo as depicted in the movies. (Monarchy-democracy where 12 year olds can be elected as queens.)


Maybe it's because I RPed my first Consular as coming from a noble Miralukan family and Alderaan felt like home for her.


(Well, we got a little off topic I guess.)


If they put Naboo in the game, I would go there and camp out for life. Just to kill as many Gungans as possible. :D


But if you play Alderaan from the Imperial side, especially as a Bounty Hunter, you'll see what I mean about the nobles. The Organas are an exception. Not the rule. :)

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If they put Naboo in the game, I would go there and camp out for life. Just to kill as many Gungans as possible. :D


But if you play Alderaan from the Imperial side, especially as a Bounty Hunter, you'll see what I mean about the nobles. The Organas are an exception. Not the rule. :)


Bah. Thul is the exception. They were exiled for a reason but stupid Empire though it was a good idea to bring them back...

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Lets take this up a nerd notch, so people can really see the two factions for what they are.


Jedi = Vulcans


Sith = Romulans


End of story. You can throw in Mandalorians as Klingons if it helps. Suddenly both sides are easier to understand.

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Lets take this up a nerd notch, so people can really see the two factions for what they are.


Jedi = Vulcans


Sith = Romulans


End of story. You can throw in Mandalorians as Klingons if it helps. Suddenly both sides are easier to understand.


I KNEW IT! I just frelling KNEW IT! George is THE biggest rip-off artist of all time! Thank you sir, for confirming my theory! :D


All 3 analogies = DEAD ON!

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Well, the Sith believe that the Force should only be taught to the strong, and the weak are not fit to use their incredible power. The Jedi believe that the power should be taught to everyone. That is one reason there were many Datk Jedi, because they just kept teaching them, and teaching them (the Jedi).

The jedi do not believe it should be taught to everyone.

In SWTOR the jedi order denied teaching a guy because he asks you to lift a rock for him when he was meant to do it himself.

Master Yoda almost didn't teach luke because he had no patience.


What makes the sith different is that they do not train those that they perceive as weak. They believe in selfishness, taking from others, killing innocents, the list goes on.


After Taris, Katarr, and other worlds is there really any question that the sith are evil?

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Ok, imagine if you were Sith.

Or, at least a patriotic Sith.

You would think that the Jedi were evil, because they nearly wiped out your people for turning to the Dark Side.

Sith teachings also were not meant to be evil.

It teaches you to have freedom, and to not be tied down by things that break your freedom.

If in real life, Congress decides to take away all of the rights given to you, you would fight back.

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Episode III

Supreme Chancellor: Remember back to your early teachings. "All who gain power are afraid to lose it." Even the Jedi.

Anakin Skywalker: The Jedi use their power for good.

Supreme Chancellor: Good is a point of view, Anakin. The Sith and the Jedi are similar in almost every way, including their quest for greater power.

Anakin Skywalker: The Sith rely on their passion for their strength. They think inward, only about themselves.

Supreme Chancellor: And the Jedi don't?

Edited by Mordegrus
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Episode III

Supreme Chancellor: Remember back to your early teachings. "All who gain power are afraid to lose it." Even the Jedi.

Anakin Skywalker: The Jedi use their power for good.

Supreme Chancellor: Good is a point of view, Anakin. The Sith and the Jedi are similar in almost every way, including their quest for greater power.

Anakin Skywalker: The Sith rely on their passion for their strength. They think inward, only about themselves.

Supreme Chancellor: And the Jedi don't?


Sidious is a liar. That is kind of his thing. You cannot believe anything that he says and trying to use his words to further your argument only serves to weaken it.

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Well the sith have bombarded Taris, Destroyed alderaan, use slaves, and have started a lot of wars. None of those are good so I don't understand why people think the sith are good.


And in TOR:



The Sith try to completely destroy the following worlds:


Coruscant, Tython, Tatooine, Belsavis, Voss, and Corellia.


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break it down a little


The sith are a race of people who had huge influence over the original empire many years ago, before humans found their way into deep space. In TOR they are nothing more then a slave race because of inter-speices breeding has weakened their connection to the force over the years.


the sith empire itself is just a slogan that people follow, but the actual powerbase itself is just contained to 1 person and a handful of advisors, notably the emperor, his elite sith guardians including his own apprentice. the real evil comes from here while non-force users that become Moffs are brainwashed into the idea about duty, loyalty, honor and preserving the empire from alien influences. these men are not evil, just misguided by the sith as they really have little other option or be killed by the sith or any force user thats attained enough prestige to do the job.


its known in this sith empire that there are two distinct groups operating in the empire like there is in the republic, the force users and the non-force users, each has their own command, but the force users require the non-force users to become their hands, by becoming the manpower, weapon makers, engineering, logistics... where as the non-force uses need a strong leader to believe in and trust, that there is where the evil begins when the force user has been given power by the rest within the empire, the sith decree that innocent people should be wiped out for a moment of pleasure or attacking a republic medical relief convoy or something morally and literally wrong, nothing more can be done about it except for following instructions or the sith has fun mass murdering the crew until someone does it.


to answer the thread title; are the sith really evil? yes and no, for as long as they have been given the power by others, they become evil because of their actions and inactions. and no because if a sith has no power from others, there is little point going on a murdering spree when no one has paid any attention to these actions.

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Someone said earlier in the thread that the Jedi want everyone to be equal and fair. I don't think this is entirely accurate. I think it is more the idea that the Jedi believe everyone has the right to be given the chance to prove their worth and to be respected regardless of their heritage. I don't think the Jedi think everyone is equal, but simply that everyone has the possibility, the potential, to be great.


But back to the OP and main point of the thread I believe that the Sith as in the Dark Jedi are evil but I do not believe the greater Sith population is inherently evil.

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I think some people in this thread are confusing the Sith with the Empire. Yes, they are interwoven into many of the stories, but it's the Empire that is behind much of the Evil being discussed here.
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