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[Guide] Reverse Engineering


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No luck REing shotguns and vibro knives the other night. The rumor might be due to certain vibroswords being called "vibro blades" in the descriptions. I probably made about 30 attempts. REing blue schems from other items at that level rarely took more than 10 tries. My only acquired blue shotgun schem is above my means to experiment with trying to RE to a purple. Schematics are starting to become less common/more expensive on GTN on my server for some reason.
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No luck REing shotguns and vibro knives the other night. The rumor might be due to certain vibroswords being called "vibro blades" in the descriptions. I probably made about 30 attempts. REing blue schems from other items at that level rarely took more than 10 tries. My only acquired blue shotgun schem is above my means to experiment with trying to RE to a purple. Schematics are starting to become less common/more expensive on GTN on my server for some reason.


Likely cause people are dropping slicing. Seeing similar things on my server. And mission quests are getting rarer and more expensive. Use to get lvl 340 dip for 2k. Now if I can find them they range from 10k-25k.

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It was suggested that I post a link to my chart on Reverse Engineering in this thread for use in your guide. Cheers.




I appreciate it, but your chart has an inaccuracy that means I can't put it in the guide right now. That inaccuracy is that Tier has nothing to do with color. If you remove any reference to color quality, I could use it. I'd also suggest separating the branches out a bit so there is more visual distinction between the three sets of five Tier 2 Prefixes, and I'd suggest ordering each section alphabetically, either by the Prefixes or the stats associated with them.


If you update it, let me know and perhaps I can add it to the list of resources in the guide.



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Tonight I've logged ready to do some RE'ing of the blue quality (base) Nexus Bracers, I had 10 made overnight. This was my 2nd attempt trying to obtain the Critical prefix of this item, I already have the Redoubt version from the earlier attempt.


The very first RE after logging on produced the Tier 1 item I was looking for, Critical Nexus Bracer, the remaining 9 did not yield a discovery of the final missing Tier 1 schematic which would have been the Overkill prefix.


So now I guess I can funnel Mandalorian Iron x4 per craft to try and get a Tier 3 proc, this does however seem like a waste of resources at this stage of the game. The material cost seems prohibitively excessive considering the Endowment variant of the Nexus Wrist item (Tier 3) would only be a slight improvement on the Tier 3 Endowment variant of the Exo-Skeleten set.

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Yep. It might be better to settle for a critical craft of the ones you just got rather than RE'ing lots of Artifact gear. Depends how badly you want it I guess!


It's nice when you can start with Premium (green) quality gear and RE up to Prototype, so it's much cheaper to get to the top tier.

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What is this "you've already learned that recipe" phenomenon? I've RE'd multiple items in all tiers but never seen that message. Is that fixed? If it is fixed, I hopes it's not just a silent message and old recipes still aren't pulled from your success list.


Making it arbitrarily difficult to learn something just because you happened to learn it in the wrong order seems... well, arbitrary.

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Yep. It might be better to settle for a critical craft of the ones you just got rather than RE'ing lots of Artifact gear. Depends how badly you want it I guess!


It's nice when you can start with Premium (green) quality gear and RE up to Prototype, so it's much cheaper to get to the top tier.


Unless you're looking for increased damage/armor (and aren't going from T1 purple to T2 purple), a T1 item with an augment slot can be very close to a T2 item without an augment slot, and it's a lot easier to get the exact extra stat you want that way.


That said, a T2 item with an augment slot is even better, but those can be very expensive!

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What is this "you've already learned that recipe" phenomenon? I've RE'd multiple items in all tiers but never seen that message. Is that fixed? If it is fixed, I hopes it's not just a silent message and old recipes still aren't pulled from your success list.


Making it arbitrarily difficult to learn something just because you happened to learn it in the wrong order seems... well, arbitrary.


It's still there.


Oddly, it only seems to happen when going for a T2 schematic. The T1 schematics, in my experience, always pull from the pool of recipes that you don't yet have.

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Unless you're looking for increased damage/armor (and aren't going from T1 purple to T2 purple), a T1 item with an augment slot can be very close to a T2 item without an augment slot, and it's a lot easier to get the exact extra stat you want that way.


That said, a T2 item with an augment slot is even better, but those can be very expensive!


Yeah tell me about it! I've crafted around 25 T2 items so far and not one single one has had an augment slot, and I'm making sure to use Tanno Vik for the Armormech crafting bonus too. On anything other than T2 I seem to get them about 1/5 times, but never once a [Mastercraft]. I know they exist though. Really feels like the crit chance is lower on T2. At least for me!

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So I'm 400 synthweaving and can craft 2 Rakata pieces. Is it possible to improve those Rakata pieces through the reverse engineer tier path? Can I get a Endowment Rakata etc.. by reverse engineering that Rakata piece? Can anyone prove that somebody has actually succeeded in improving a selfcrafted Rakata piece (and I'm not talking about an augment slot!)?


TBH we don't know for sure one way or another at this point-and wont until a developer tells us it is impossible or a player provides a screenshot of it.


This applies for reverse engineering the items to get a T1/T2 version AND gaining a augment slot. The materials required are just difficult enough to find that it will take some time. Biometric Crystal Alloys from bosses, and (in the case of my light armor) getting lucky enough to get the 8 purple T6 silk from the 1 or (if I am REALLY lucky) 2 people I have out at any given time after luxury fabrics.


If it makes you feel better, I am slowly working on attempting this =D

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I'm a cybertech and all the mod recipes I've gotten from the vendor are named Mettle Mod 22A etc.. I've also noticed that there are variations like Mettle Mod 22B available from certain missions. Is it possible to reverse engineer the A varients into B? or is this just impossible?
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Just make it public (without editing permission) in google docs, then post the link

Thanks I'll do that soon then, just finished putting in every single trainable armormech schem into it. shesh took a while, also figured out if you sort the schems by lvl in the difficulty drop down box (top right) makes it easier to group up the families a lil.

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Just thought I'd add my RE results so far.



RE'd 25 Tionese Survivor's Implants. 0 results.


RE'd 70 Ardent Masterblade's Vibroknife.(lev 50) 0 results.


RE'd a Lev 25 mod "No Reverse Engineering information for item"



Expensive experiment.

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cross posting this as it's relavent to the thread:


i just made 2x rakata war leaders belt (schematic costs 8000 creds or there about, from trainer), RE'd them and got nothing (but some materials) back.


that's not to say it can't be done, i'm just saying they can be RE'd at this point and a wider sample is required before we can conclusively suggest that you get no better schematic.


what is known:

if you find a blue level 50 schematic (primeval seekers headgear)



you can RE it up to purple (redoubt primeval seekers headgear)



you can FURTHER RE it up to a tier 2 purple (anti-armour primeval seekers headgear [superior])


which implies that at the very least, dropped schematics still follow the rules found here regardless of whether they started as green or blue schematics.


since the rakata ones are purchased, and the materials to make them are quite costly, it would take a lot of work to get a sample size large enough to tell (i would start with at least 100).


also, a schematic dropped for me in eternity vault last night that creates a bind on equip item (yay!), but again, i'm unsure if this would follow the same rules. i would like to believe it does (which would make crafting somewhat worthwhile) however the mats to make it are both inordinately rare, and expensive, so again finding a big enough sample size for a definitive answer will be hard.

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At the moment i have some diferent artifact ear scematics and i want to get more. But i have the felling thet the more secematics you have the harder it is to get new one. I am working on a accurany / crit cuning item and it just dont want to RE from [Critial] to [Frevore] i am at over 100 [Critical]s REed. None of the previuse scematics took so long.


Did Bio shange the chance overall if RE or is it realy that more scematics you heave the harder it is to get new ones?

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At the moment i have some diferent artifact ear scematics and i want to get more. But i have the felling thet the more secematics you have the harder it is to get new one. I am working on a accurany / crit cuning item and it just dont want to RE from [Critial] to [Frevore] i am at over 100 [Critical]s REed. None of the previuse scematics took so long.


Did Bio shange the chance overall if RE or is it realy that more scematics you heave the harder it is to get new ones?


I found no correlation in the amount of recipes I had and the rate at which you learn new ones at. I have a bunch of artifact recipes and it's just RNG.


To fenrawr: Nice, but this was confirmed like two weeks ago. It's in the guide right on the first page, but thanks for showing off.

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I got a pattern for:


[Columi Survivor's Motivator] from hard mode ops today, can anyone confirm or deny that you can RE this for prefixes? It's kinda pricy to make don't want to risk it if its impossible.

Edited by OniHouse
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I found no correlation in the amount of recipes I had and the rate at which you learn new ones at. I have a bunch of artifact recipes and it's just RNG.


To fenrawr: Nice, but this was confirmed like two weeks ago. It's in the guide right on the first page, but thanks for showing off.


Cant belive I missed that, last I checked this thread might been a while ago.. :S


I'll edit my post as its irrelevant. =)

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OK, I've checked the first 60 pages of this thread and the only mention of Augments to do with RE'ing is the Augment _Slots_ you get from crit crafting items.


Augments, of course, come from Slicing missions. So far myself I've had both Premium and Prototype level Augments from the missions. I've also had guild mates test and these can be RE'd by an Artificer, however none have yet learned a new schematic from doing so.


So the question is this: Is absolutely the only source of Augments the Slicing Missions, so you'll need to keep running those until you simply get lucky with an Artifact Augment? Or can an Artifice RE of an Augment actually give the next level up of schematic to then be able to craft at will ?

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