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Everything posted by Blakclaw

  1. Tonight I've logged ready to do some RE'ing of the blue quality (base) Nexus Bracers, I had 10 made overnight. This was my 2nd attempt trying to obtain the Critical prefix of this item, I already have the Redoubt version from the earlier attempt. The very first RE after logging on produced the Tier 1 item I was looking for, Critical Nexus Bracer, the remaining 9 did not yield a discovery of the final missing Tier 1 schematic which would have been the Overkill prefix. So now I guess I can funnel Mandalorian Iron x4 per craft to try and get a Tier 3 proc, this does however seem like a waste of resources at this stage of the game. The material cost seems prohibitively excessive considering the Endowment variant of the Nexus Wrist item (Tier 3) would only be a slight improvement on the Tier 3 Endowment variant of the Exo-Skeleten set.
  2. Unacceptable BW, great game BUT undermined by indifference to player concerns and terrible customer service. +1
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