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Weekly Forum Thread Round-Up Discussion: May 17th, 2012

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instead of addressing gigantic problems, they ask us what our favourite thread was.

Can't wait until the 6 month subs run out and there'll be 200k total population. Simply embarrassing.



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So much news, between the fluff piece links and archive of old Q&A's I feel like I did.......the first time I read those. I do so enjoy reminiscing 2 months ago, its been so long, I had forgotten. Thanks. Edited by Kellorion
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Are you out of your mind? Just signed on to where I was in Fleet, ya know the popular area/meeting/market/supplies/missions/etc. etc. and read Population ONE haha. Me, ***? Thought this was a mmorpg.... Oh.... What is the deal? You didn't stub the merge or transfer server code while building the game? That decision lands on your boss and anyone in senior position not planning for the future (and ya can't say this was unexpected, fire you marketing person if thats the excuse), cause unless your millions of lines of code is documented (which if it were we would be transfered by now) good luck prying it in there somewhere without effecting whats that pointing to??? To Answer your question, Who the hell hangs around on an empty server? Sad thing is EA was my very favorite company from 1981. Can only imagine the meetings, steering commitee, cya tactics now retarding any obvious decisions to be made. I feel for ya cause been there done that and sold it. Otherwise no way would I have time to play :). Good Luck.
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Can I vote for none of the above and vote for any threads that discuss the issue of low population servers? I find your attempts at steering discussions away from real issues insulting. I don't want to talk about the tripe listed on the front page. I would rather get some feedback on real matters.


Seriously, I have never EVER known of a company to be so out of touch and so far removed from their customers needs. No wonder EA were voted worst company in America.

Edited by Karabal
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Can I vote for none of the above and vote for any threads that discuss the issue of low population servers? I find your attempts at steering discussions away from real issues insulting. I don't want to talk about the tripe listed on the front page. I would rather get some feedback on real matters.


Seriously, I have never EVER known of a company to be so out of touch and so far removed from their customers needs. No wonder EA were voted worst company in America.


Don't worry, Bioware wants to be nominated for it this year and by the numbers they might win.

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Oh wonderful: Even the thread which would point out a few threads worth reading gets drowned in the umpteenth rerun of drivel and complaints. I mean: Isn't is enough that the General Discussion part of the forum looks like a BAD spam box?

Not saying that there isn't room for complaint and improvement but is it really too much to ask to have at least some threads which concern themselves with the game itself and not with what some people perceive as lacking in it?


So: Nice idea mods...keep it going!


Ditto. It's not like there is a lack of ranting threads for players to post in, for them to repeat over and over the same off-topic complaints in every thread. So I'm all in for any initiative that brings more positivity in the forum. :)

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Do you plan to add any Sandbox type elements to this game? I would REALLY love to be able to have at least some Sandbox elements added, I mean you have so much space on each planet that is not utilized it would be awesome if we could explore more, right now it seems pretty linear and restricted.


Some ideas I would like to see are a real economy, such as Corporations kind of how Eve does it. Have Guilds actually mean something to the world, right now they are pretty pointless and mean absolutely nothing. Have dynamic world events which is an upcoming feature in Guild Wars II, this is such a really good idea that I am surprised its not included.


And last but least, and the most controversial, is player housing. I would love to be able to have one, I am sure you can solve this...

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Do you plan to add any Sandbox type elements to this game? I would REALLY love to be able to have at least some Sandbox elements added, I mean you have so much space on each planet that is not utilized it would be awesome if we could explore more, right now it seems pretty linear and restricted.


Some ideas I would like to see are a real economy, such as Corporations kind of how Eve does it. Have Guilds actually mean something to the world, right now they are pretty pointless and mean absolutely nothing. Have dynamic world events which is an upcoming feature in Guild Wars II, this is such a really good idea that I am surprised its not included.


And last but least, and the most controversial, is player housing. I would love to be able to have one, I am sure you can solve this...


I'm one of the complainers, but really what you are saying isn't even remotely close to the threads topic.

Did you post in the wrong thread?

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