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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1.3....i dont get it


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Whats the point of a server only LFD when im on a non fatman server thats dead.....





at peak hours id be lucky to find 40 ppl online... say 15 of those are 50.....



that means 25 non 50s....


out of those 25 non 50 lets say 3 or 4 are my level range...and 1 hasnt queued up for random flashpoints.....there goes that.....



server only LFD finder is like trying to extinguish a blazing fire aboard the Hindenburg with a water pistol.....



ofcourse who knows what server mergers/ transfers are bringing....or even when they will get here....


Why on earth isnt a game breaking issue taken seriously? Isnt this what hotfixes are for? To fix game breaking issues asap?

Edited by Darth_Bond
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You'll also be able to add an augment slot on ur armor! Won't that be cool?! That's gonna give you like a days worth of content alone. And be honest, how many of those 25%+ of the people that have left the game, do you think left the game because they couldn't add augment slots?! EXACTLY! That's why 1.3 is gunna be so awesome!
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I've said this exact same thing more or less. Its going to be useless on a ton of servers, and only moderately successful on the handful that have a decent pop. Its still going to be largely useless for low levels and anytime outside of prime time.
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Most likely because they stated a few times now that character transfers are coming. I believe the time-table had it no later than next month but can't say for certain. Either way it should probably be done before 1.3 even hits. At least logic would have that approach. Granted I also believe mergers are better than just giving transfers because then you'll end up with a bunch of useless servers *shrugs*
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I'm leaning more and more towards thinking that EA has given up on this game and is looking to squeeze every penny it can before it goes f2p. Patch 1.3 is proof of that, no operation or FP, heck no news on even NM EC.
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I'm leaning more and more towards thinking that EA has given up on this game and is looking to squeeze every penny it can before it goes f2p. Patch 1.3 is proof of that, no operation or FP, heck no news on even NM EC.


Sorry, did I miss an announcement on what is going to be included in 1.3?

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Whats the point of a server only LFD when im on a non fatman server thats dead.....


It has to be viewed in conjunction with character transfers: The demand for an LFD or LFG tool goes back to way before population was an issue.


I'm on a standard non-RP PVE server that is not Fatman and that is somewhere in the top-20 and it is decidedly not dead, so the implication that every other server is dead is a bit of a hyperbole.


Why on earth isnt a game breaking issue taken seriously? Isnt this what hotfixes are for? To fix game breaking issues asap?


No, this is not what hot fixes are for. Hot fixes are for fixing high-impact bugs (programming errors).

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You'll also be able to add an augment slot on ur armor! Won't that be cool?! That's gonna give you like a days worth of content alone. And be honest, how many of those 25%+ of the people that have left the game, do you think left the game because they couldn't add augment slots?! EXACTLY! That's why 1.3 is gunna be so awesome!


Bioware has just destroyed crafting and ensured a player driven economy will never happen -faceroll-

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It has to be viewed in conjunction with character transfers: The demand for an LFD or LFG tool goes back to way before population was an issue.


I'm on a standard non-RP PVE server that is not Fatman and that is somewhere in the top-20 and it is decidedly not dead, so the implication that every other server is dead is a bit of a hyperbole.


No, this is not what hot fixes are for. Hot fixes are for fixing high-impact bugs (programming errors).


How did he imply that every server other than fatman is dead. He implied that he is on a server that isn't fatman, and that server happens to also be dead.


Man, fanboys will argue anything, regardless of how pointless and circular the argument may be.

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Thanks for the link.


Although no new Operation or Flashpoint content is currently slated to be released with this patch, the addition of the Group Finder should make it easier to find groups for existing instances.


Is this a quote from the devs or a conclusion drawn by darthhater based on what has and has not been announced?

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Thanks for the link.




Is this a quote from the devs or a conclusion drawn by darthhater based on what has and has not been announced?

The quote: "As described by BioWare, this patch will be 'content-light' but 'features-heavy'." kinda paints a clear picture.

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How did he imply that every server other than fatman is dead. He implied that he is on a server that isn't fatman, and that server happens to also be dead.


Man, fanboys will argue anything, regardless of how pointless and circular the argument may be.


Yes, simply giving links and information (using an example that is SCREAMED as the only "live" server) without any apparent bias is totally being a fanboy. Yep.


And some people wonder why nobody takes them seriously.

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I was a huge, huge fanboi of this game but wow, even i'm discouraged. I barely even log in anymore. There are currently about 4 people on our Fleet, literally...4. It's kinda depressing the way this entire thing is shaking out. Maybe the Star Wars universe just isn't conducive to an MMO or something..who knows.
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I was a huge, huge fanboi of this game but wow, even i'm discouraged. I barely even log in anymore. There are currently about 4 people on our Fleet, literally...4. It's kinda depressing the way this entire thing is shaking out. Maybe the Star Wars universe just isn't conducive to an MMO or something..who knows.
It's more that SWTOR did everything possible to NOT be an MMO. Questing basically forced you to follow a very rigid determined path, every planet is sectioned off and filled with instanced zones, Pub/Imp areas were separated as much as possible to avoid open-world PvP, and come on... they put way more importance to legacy features (A solo perk) over a group finder?


SWTOR never should have been an MMO.

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I was a HUGE TOR fanboy prior to launch and through about February. But the issues with this game are there and you cant deny them. If you think servers arent dying or that this game isnt bleeding subs then you're blind. They are at 1.3m subs now down from 1.7 and concurrent users are down significantly. The next quarterly conference call TOR will be sub 1 million. They have to address the server pop issue. Merges will be required. Transfers arent going to cut it.


Edit: because I cant type to save my life

Edited by Imhotep
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Yes, simply giving links and information (using an example that is SCREAMED as the only "live" server) without any apparent bias is totally being a fanboy. Yep.


And some people wonder why nobody takes them seriously.




Did you actually read the post that I quoted or did you just knee jerk like most fanboys and start rambling?


The person I quoted didn't post any links, did not provide ANY information, and was simply whining because the OP specified that he was on a dead server that wasn't fatman.


And people wonder why they get called mindless fannies.

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While I love Star Wars in general and I still like the game I rerolled on Ajunta Pall a few months ago if I would've stayed on Warriors of the Shadow I would have to reroll anyway and when I did it WoS was still popping but not anymore. I logged in and checked my guild 74 people none are online or have been for some time that server is losing people fast like most servers.


Interest is dying 1.2 didnt help things (the sudden removal of Rated WZs, which if they werent good I agree with but more then a days notice should've been given), they have to get transfers up or merge servers ASAP. I have heard they can maintain the IP with around 500k people but they need to do everything they can to fix the population issue if not more and more people will stop playing instead of rerolling on another server. It baffles me that they havent figured this out or arent in haste to make this happen.


From the interviews you get the impression the Dev's are arrogant and out of touch with the player base. Look at these forums, General and PvP specifically, how many positive threads are there? I know the forums only represent a small percentage of the player base but often what is relayed here is being talked about in guilds and in game chat. The 1.2 PvP TTK changes, Dev thinks every things great, players dont look at the chats in game and forums. How many people have dropped since the free 30's? AP hasnt been above standard since the 7 days after 1.2 we are mostly Light now. I am perplexed by how they cannot understand this or didnt learn from past MMO's mistakes. The only thing I can figure is they thought the Star Wars IP was stronger then a typical IP and they could take their time and not lose this many subs. Instead of not mucking up PvP 1.2 should have laid the ground work for transfers and merges. Then do it, then release Legacy (people will be pissed if they lose their legacy name, in particular the people that raced to 30 during EGA to get it) and the PvP changes although I dont agree with most of them. *** is a LFG tool gonna do for servers with 30 people online? Those 30 are likely big fans of the game but they wont be much longer if pop changes arent made. This is really a make or break time for them if they dont come out of this and address the issues fast pop will plummet and people will not come back due to the bad taste in their mouth.


Sorry for the rambling it is frustrating as fan of SW and the game to see it crumbling due to negligence and lack of listening to the community (yes you have to balance that but if you dont listen somewhat you lose players) .


Maybe this is the new MMO market a game is released people flock to it, love it for a few months, Devs make sweeping changes and open to many servers at launch, people drop in masses and move on to the next game. The game goes on with a small player base consolidated to a few servers.Kind of sad to be honest. Maybe GW2 will hold on to people with WvWvW cause at the moment unless they add more then 2 stand in this spot to take it instanced PvP people will complain its boring playing the same things over and over again and how you can't queue with a friend (I know its beta just noting things that if not changed people will complain about).


Edit: how you can't queue with a friend

Edited by Avicii
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Bioware has just destroyed crafting and ensured a player driven economy will never happen -faceroll-


I'm assuming that you just can't be bothered to look up how it will be implemented, because that isn't going to happen at all.

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Did you actually read the post that I quoted or did you just knee jerk like most fanboys and start rambling?


The person I quoted didn't post any links, did not provide ANY information, and was simply whining because the OP specified that he was on a dead server that wasn't fatman.


And people wonder why they get called mindless fannies.

Okay, I'll indulge you a bit.


First, just to clear this up:

It has to be viewed in conjunction with character transfers: The demand for an LFD or LFG tool goes back to way before population was an issue.

This is, in fact, the truth. People wanted the LFD/LFG tool before the game was even LAUNCHED, and it remained that way afterward (long before population issues had a chance to arise). This is, in fact, not a very fanboy-like response, it's just stating how things are. Had he been saying that people making that request were stupid, or some other inflammatory comment, then you'd have a point.


He didn't, so you don't.


I'm on a standard non-RP PVE server that is not Fatman and that is somewhere in the top-20 and it is decidedly not dead, so the implication that every other server is dead is a bit of a hyperbole.

Again, just looking at this shows no particular bias in any one direction. MANY people cite Fatman as the only truly populated server in the deluge of threads complaining about the admittedly large population issues. The OP, in fact, was another person making the claim that any time he's on ANY server that isn't Fatman (it's the first sentence, in case you were wondering) he doesn't see any players, implying that any non-Fatman server is dead.


Kthnx was simply explaining that there are far more than just that one server with a steady population, and that saying otherwise is hyperbole. That is, quite simply, just explaining the definition of the word to someone who isn't aware that they're doing it.


No, this is not what hot fixes are for. Hot fixes are for fixing high-impact bugs (programming errors).

I mean, c'mon now, he's just informing someone who doesn't know any better as to the real purpose of a hot fix (as opposed to a full patch)!


So, everything from your original premise as to how he's a fanboy, down to your assertion that somehow I didn't read the post you quoted, is CLEARLY mistaken. Hell, even your original response to him proves you didn't bother to even read the first sentence of the OP.


Now feel free to play the "LOLITROLLZU" card or conveniently not respond to acknowledge your mistake or make a show of understanding to people you throw vitriol at without bothering to have the facts you claim the rest of us are missing.


But, in the event you have the capacity to learn from your mistakes, understand that people like YOU are the reason the so-called "fanboys" don't take criticism threads seriously, and why companies like BioWare have to be so choosy as to which suggestions they actually listen to.

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I'm assuming that you just can't be bothered to look up how it will be implemented, because that isn't going to happen at all.


I did, it kills the economy plain and simple. You have an item of value (currently augmented items are worth far more then what any player is willing to pay becaues they somehow think credits are hard to come by) and now you can just RE gear to get an augment kit. Either way, it's the death of crafting. Soon enough you won't even need a crafter for the kit, they'll make it readily available via vendor purchase.

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