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Fatman The last Stand Server...Already?


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I believe I pay as much as you for this game so just like you, I am entitled to my opinion... even if it bothers you.

You may not be on one of the dead servers... it is so dead I can not get any dailies done. So instead of me playing the game I am paying for I am posting on the forums... that I am also helping to pay for.


Maybe you should start a QQ thread titled:


"Dead server players are ruining the game"


They're not ruining the game, just the forums :)

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I'm sure the meeting already took place, but again, that doesn't mean the problem automatically fixes itself when the meeting is over. I've been in enough meetings to know that when all is said and done, more is said than done. Especially for something that requires programming work, there's no telling how long it will actually take them to implement. All we can do is let them know with our comments and wallets that we're not pleased with their decisions and their pace/time frame.




If you're so knowledgeable about IT then you should go design your own game and obviously it will be the perfect game with no problems where everything that comes up is an easy solution, right? Accept the fact that just because you "work in IT" doesn't mean you know jack about MMO design. Refilling the ink in a printer and getting MS Word to unfreeze doesn't qualify you to have expert knowledge about MMO design.




They never said they were delaying the fix. They said that they hoped to have it out by early summer. There's a difference between something not being ready for three months and it being ready now, but you just don't want to release it for the heck of it. Your internet words-lawyering isn't fooling anyone. Surely even you can see there's a difference between "we're delaying the fix for three months" and "we are fixing it, but it won't be done for three months."




Then they can rerroll on Fatman and play the game until such time as transfers are implemented, and at that time they can decide then what they want to do. No amount of forum complaining that you or anyone else does is going to get the fix out quicker. It takes X time for them to get it done. You're not going to see a solution in less than X. Doesn't work that way. Yeah, they're made some really terrible decisions, but if you really think they've fixed the problem already but aren't releasing it just to mess with their player base, you're completely delusional.


Stop trolling gimp... if this topic bothers you close your browser or move on to a topic that is less QQ for you. Trolling people that are upset at the neglect we are having dealt to us is stupid. We have a reason to be upset... you trolling posts about the subject does not help anyone either.


I never said I could design the MMO better. But then again I am not selling one with over half the servers dead.


Your answer is not valid.

Edited by NuSeC
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Char Transfers mechanic was nailed down by BW 1 month ago.

How else did they offer all Oceanic players free transfers at the launch of 1.2 from ANY server to one of the 3 oceanic servers? And fyi those transfers went without a hitch.


BW has the means and the know how for transfers and still are not offering them. Its not a matter of them implementing the codes and mechanics as they were done a long time ago.


And it had to be done by manually moving everyone in the database from one server to the next. BW said this was not ideal for a mass transfer system, but they are using it as a blueprint for the final transfer application.


I couldnt even begin to imagine how long it would take to move 100 or 200k accounts by hand. I would rather they get the system right so I dont lose my toon or items, or legacy or whatever else could go wrong with people moving stuff by hand.


Not to mention the same people ************ now that there are not transfers would be ************ that it was rushed out too fast when they lose everything they have and have to wait days to get their stuff back.

Edited by RefugeASSASSIN
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Stop trolling gimp... if this topic bothers you close your browser or move on to a topic that is less QQ for you. Trolling people that are upset at the neglect we are having dealt to us is stupid. We have a reason to be upset... you trolling posts about the subject does not help anyone either.


I never said I could design the MMO better. But then again I am not selling one with over half the servers dead.


Your answer is not valid.


I'm not trollign and my answer is completely valid. Just because I don't agree with your GIMME XFERS TODAY mentality doesn't mean my opinion isn't valid and it doesn't mean I'm trolling. And for the record, I'm not defending Bioware. I'm defending reality, since all you people seem to think that the solutions to all your problems is just the matter of Bioware pulling a switch and magically making all servers full. If anything, you're the one trolling by thinking that this should have been an instant fix with 2 minutes of programming time involved.

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No, but I would have expected this "meeting" to have already taken place to solve the biggest issue the game has that is also GAME BRAKING.


The pops did not die yesterday... it has been getting worse and worse as the days go by. So no, I do not expect a 10 min fix... but a month long fix seems excessive. And I work in I.T.


If I were to go to my CIO and tell him we have a major problem but will delay the fix for early summer. Use vague words like "soon" and "in an upcoming update/patch" without a timeline, I would not have a job after the conversation.


Honestly... people on dead servers could not care less about "upcoming events" or "new legacy features" they want to be able to play the game they paid for. Everything else is just fluff.


He is correct.


I wouldn't expect it in 10 minutes, I expected it in 2 months though. How long now have they known this is an issue so far? We're looking at "early summer" for this right now, which is still another month away (and then it'll get pushed back 2-3 more times so it actually happens at the end of september).

He is also correct. This has been a issue way before 1.2 imp wars.


Char Transfers mechanic was nailed down by BW 1 month ago.

How else did they offer all Oceanic players free transfers at the launch of 1.2 from ANY server to one of the 3 oceanic servers? And fyi those transfers went without a hitch.


BW has the means and the know how for transfers and still are not offering them. Its not a matter of them implementing the codes and mechanics as they were done a long time ago.


You read that bro^. I expected this a month ago for us after they tested and it was successful. You show you don't know...


Just because you expect it in two months doesn't mean that's a realistic goal, though. You have no idea how complex it is for them to get working. Hell, we're talking about a company that already changed the look of this web site twice in the last 7 months. They've already proven their evaluation and decision-making skills aren't exactly awesome. I'd like to see them get it right, but like you and everyone else, I do expect that they have made this a priority. Whether it IS a priority or not for them, none of us know for sure. We already know they're NOT going to do server merges. It's going to be transfers only.



Add next witty comment by YanksfanJP here...

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And it had to be done by manually moving everyone in the database from one server to the next. BW said this was not ideal for a mass transfer system, but they are using it as a blueprint for the final transfer application.


I couldnt even begin to imagine how long it would take to move 100 or 200k accounts by hand. I would rather they get the system right so I dont lose my toon or items, or legacy or whatever else could go wrong with people moving stuff by hand.


Not to mention the same people ************ now that there are not transfers would be ************ that it was rushed out too fast when they lose everything they have and have to wait days to get their stuff back.


Your right it is much better for those people to be forced to sit at a dead server and pay these guys money...They wait long enough that 100k-200k people might just unsub. Less work they have to do. Who knows?

Edited by mikedee
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Your right it is much better for those people to be forced to sit at a dead server and pay these guys money...They wait long enough that 100k-200k people might just unsub. Less work they have to do. Who knows?


It's much better for them to make sure they do it right than for them to do it before it's ready, mess it up, and have you complain again.


Look, I get it that your server sucks. I'm sympathetic. You should be entitled to have as much fun in the game as people on a more populated server. I'm completely, 100% with you and everyone else on that. Really. But in your anger and frustration, you're completely ignoring that in the real world, problems don't fix themselves. Sometimes it takes time. If they're taking more time than you feel they should be taking, then let your voice be heard with your wallet or in some other way. But you can't just stand on a soapbox and scream "WHY DO YOU HATE ME BIOWARE? WHY AREN'T YOU RELEASING THE FIX YET? I KNOW YOU HAVE IT FINISHED!"


And you know what? If it takes so much time that it makes more people unsub, then maybe Bioware will get the point that they should hire more programmers or focus less time on making vanity items and moddable orange gear and spend more time on having their game actually playable. And if they don't get the hint, the game will eventually fail at some point down the road and we'll all move on to something else. They'll learn the hard way and the only people who will suffer for it are the gamers that were dedicated enough to be playing in the first place.

Edited by YanksfanJP
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Your right it is much better for those people to be forced to sit at a dead server and pay these guys money...They wait long enough that 100k-200k people might just unsub. Less work they have to do. Who knows?


For the record Mike... I don't really have any beef with you... Our server is dead and I was just trying to get some life flowing. Dead server life is teh lame :( We are on the same side for this battle man. It just kills me to see KS in the shape it is in. Hell I was trying to get the 17 peeps that were on the fleet to go take out a World Boss just because we could not get a WZ to pop yesterday. I know I don't have to tell you how bad things are there.

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Your right it is much better for those people to be forced to sit at a dead server and pay these guys money...They wait long enough that 100k-200k people might just unsub. Less work they have to do. Who knows?


Your problem is that you keep referring to it like its some big plot that they WANT people to unsub. you cant be that stupid. The proof is there that they are working on it. ************ about it and making rant posts isnt going to speed it up any faster.


All I posted is WHY it is not available yet compared to someone else posting that it was already working. Moving 5% of the total population by hand compated to 30 or 40 percent is quite a difference. Im sure you know what a database is, this one, I can assure you isnt written in MS Access and is probably so complicated you couldnt even begin to wrap your head around it. Moving data around like that by hand JUST ISNT FEASABLE, regardless of how entitled or slighted you may feel.

Edited by RefugeASSASSIN
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Your problem is that you keep referring to it like its some big plot that they WANT people to unsub. you cant be that stupid. The proof is there that they are working on it. ************ about it and making rant posts isnt going to speed it up any faster.


All I posted is WHY it is not available yet compared to someone else posting that it was already working. Moving 5% of the total population by hand compated to 30 or 40 percent is quite a difference. Im sure you know what a database is, this one, I can assure you isnt written in MS Access and is probably so complicated you couldnt even begin to wrap your head around it. Moving data around like that by hand JUST ISNT FEASABLE, regardless of how entitled or slighted you may feel.


Finally, someone else with some common sense

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Your problem is that you keep referring to it like its some big plot that they WANT people to unsub. you cant be that stupid. The proof is there that they are working on it. ************ about it and making rant posts isnt going to speed it up any faster.


All I posted is WHY it is not available yet compared to someone else posting that it was already working. Moving 5% of the total population by hand compated to 30 or 40 percent is quite a difference. SInce you work in IT, im sure you know what a database is, this one, I can assure you isnt written in MS Access and is probably so complicated you couldnt even begin to wrap your head around it. Moving data around like that by hand JUST ISNT FEASABLE, regardless of how entitled or slighted you may feel.



I will assume they are using Oracle, SQL or a variant thereof: And I know my way around both. The cool thing about databases is there is filters\ options and tools for migrating data... this is nothing new.


This is not a tech debate... this should have already been an open option for them when the built the game. Every MMO let me rephrase; every game when it is released has a larger group at launch then the group that actually stays around. BW is a game builder and should know this first hand.


But no this is all the paying customers fault because we want to be able to play something we have already dedicated hours of time into... WITH OUT REROLLING.


BW's QA policy "its boxed, ship it!"

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I will assume they are using Oracle, SQL or a variant thereof: And I know my way around both. The cool thing about databases is there is filters\ options and tools for migrating data... this is nothing new.


This is not a tech debate... this should have already been an open option for them when the built the game. Every MMO let me rephrase; every game when it is released has a larger group at launch then the group that actually stays around. BW is a game builder and should know this first hand.


But no this is all the paying customers fault because we want to be able to play something we have already dedicated hours of time into... WITH OUT REROLLING.


BW's QA policy "its boxed, ship it!"


I wont argue that it should have been something implemented at launch, but then again there a list of things in this game that should have been in at launch and were not. You can only keep something this big in development for so long before you start to run out of money. So they released it probably sooner then they wanted to. Im personally amazed at how good the game actually was considering its rushed launch.


Fortunatly im not on a dead server, even if I did notice a dip in population this week after D3 launched, but I do sympathize and I would be pissed if I was in your shoes too. I wouldnt re-roll either. Me personally, I would play out my sub hopping for some confirmation and if I didnt get it or got info regarding transfers that I didnt like, I would cancel until it WAS implemented.


As ive said in other posts, I hope this is something that comes as soon as possible because I would love to have some new faces on our already decently populated server.

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Your problem is that you keep referring to it like its some big plot that they WANT people to unsub. you cant be that stupid. The proof is there that they are working on it. ************ about it and making rant posts isnt going to speed it up any faster.


All I posted is WHY it is not available yet compared to someone else posting that it was already working. Moving 5% of the total population by hand compated to 30 or 40 percent is quite a difference. Im sure you know what a database is, this one, I can assure you isnt written in MS Access and is probably so complicated you couldnt even begin to wrap your head around it. Moving data around like that by hand JUST ISNT FEASABLE, regardless of how entitled or slighted you may feel.


And yet GW2 had server transfers during their BETA weekend. This game has been out how long now?

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And yet GW2 had server transfers during their BETA weekend. This game has been out how long now?


Again, im not arguing whether it should or should not have been in, thats moot. I just stated why it hasnt been implemented in the format they used for oceanic transfers.

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Again, im not arguing whether it should or should not have been in, thats moot. I just stated why it hasnt been implemented in the format they used for oceanic transfers.


Ah fair enough. My bad for selective reading.

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The game has lost 25% of its subscriptions in the last three months. The fact that bioware didn't see this coming is astounding. As more and more people un-subscribe it will just snowball out of control. I have two 50's and I enjoy playing this game, however on a good night there is about 40 players on the fleet and queing for pvp and finding people to raid can be difficult. I don't want to stop playing, but I probably will until they fix this monumental blunder that they've made. I looked at my server pop trend on torstatus.net and its been declining rapidly for a month now. This seems to be the case for alot of standard-low pop servers. Fatboy seems to stay relatively constant, but I don't want to reroll. I hope they fire whoever made the call to have so many servers at launch and not offer transfers to help with population problems. It's probably cost their company millions of dollars by now.
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For the record Mike... I don't really have any beef with you... Our server is dead and I was just trying to get some life flowing. Dead server life is teh lame :( We are on the same side for this battle man. It just kills me to see KS in the shape it is in. Hell I was trying to get the 17 peeps that were on the fleet to go take out a World Boss just because we could not get a WZ to pop yesterday. I know I don't have to tell you how bad things are there.


I know bro. I don't care I have broad shoulders. I struggle to get 8 people to q for wz's...No way we are making it. Just trying to warn them before we quit. I know people want to flame us for qq. It is cool. Funny thing is people didn't realize we are taking to forums to pvp lately :cool:

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I really don't care, I have one Character on Freedom of Nadd, and its pop is either between standard to heavy, depending on the time of the day, so, its fine so far. My other main 50 is on Chuundar, its dead, but I will not ask for a transfer, as I do not believe its the correct way to go about any of this.


We need merging of all light servers, if you transfer people from a light server to heavy or standard servers, those light servers will be completely a waist of money to keep running, because no one will even be on them. Also if you can only move one character from one server to another, and is part of a legacy already, then that screws up your legacy.


So nope, I wont re roll, merge servers please.


I agree. I personally don't have a huge problem with population (I'm on the Corsair, it's Light but there are enough people there for my purposes) but I definitely think the lower population servers should just be merged into a few. There are hundreds of players separated by their servers, and if they were just thrown together everyone would have plenty to do and no one would have to transfer, lose their legacies and so on. I know that people are rerolling onto the Heavy servers, but what we need is all the stragglers together to make more heavy servers

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The game has lost 25% of its subscriptions in the last three months. The fact that bioware didn't see this coming is astounding. As more and more people un-subscribe it will just snowball out of control. I have two 50's and I enjoy playing this game, however on a good night there is about 40 players on the fleet and queing for pvp and finding people to raid can be difficult. I don't want to stop playing, but I probably will until they fix this monumental blunder that they've made. I looked at my server pop trend on torstatus.net and its been declining rapidly for a month now. This seems to be the case for alot of standard-low pop servers. Fatboy seems to stay relatively constant, but I don't want to reroll. I hope they fire whoever made the call to have so many servers at launch and not offer transfers to help with population problems. It's probably cost their company millions of dollars by now.


The only reason Fatman looks constant is the massive amount of people that re-roll onto it. You see it here on the forums constantly, everyone re-rolls to Fatman. Imagine if that wasn't happening? Fatman has the same attrition rates as the other servers. The game has systemic underlying failures, even if you merged down to 6 servers you'd still have massive attrition. Since there wouldn't even be re-rollers it would be even worse.


Bioware needs to fix the issues with this game. If they want to stick their fingers in their ear and ignore the players complaints, they won't have a player base left.

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Last stand server? Not really, the main problem is that there's over 100 freaken servers. If there were 50, it would make a huge difference. 25 and most of them would probably be full. I know I quit playing because there's no one to play with. As soon as there is, I'm back, and playing the hell out of TOR.


'early summer' i think we are there already.

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The only reason Fatman looks constant is the massive amount of people that re-roll onto it. You see it here on the forums constantly, everyone re-rolls to Fatman. Imagine if that wasn't happening? Fatman has the same attrition rates as the other servers. The game has systemic underlying failures, even if you merged down to 6 servers you'd still have massive attrition. Since there wouldn't even be re-rollers it would be even worse.


Bioware needs to fix the issues with this game. If they want to stick their fingers in their ear and ignore the players complaints, they won't have a player base left.


This is worth rereading.^ Money shot!

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Last stand server? Not really, the main problem is that there's over 100 freaken servers. If there were 50, it would make a huge difference. 25 and most of them would probably be full. I know I quit playing because there's no one to play with. As soon as there is, I'm back, and playing the hell out of TOR.


'early summer' i think we are there already.


I really really hope there are a lot of people like you that will come back when that is done.... my only worry is that people will give up and move on because of the wait for it to happen. However, I fear that this is already the case.

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I was thinking of rerolling there as well. I would prefer a much less drastic solution than giving up all of the effort I have already put into my existing toons, but there is next to nothing else to do. No players = no pvp = no pve. I like this game and don't want to unsub, but there isn't much point in playing a MMO with no people.


this. but its too hard for bioware to realize that

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