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Fatman The last Stand Server...Already?


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If u guys have the time to spare to "reroll" all over again on another server (do the same quests, the same storyline, get gear, money, crew skills, etc, all over agains) , be my guest.


Since i have a life to take care of and cant stay logged 24/7 playing like a psycho, i rather just unsub and move on.


It was good while it lasted.

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Well it took me half the time to level my second toon. If you consider that fatman will get u leveled in about 1/3 of the time it would on other servers its not much time at all to get a 50 with decent gear maybe 1 month if you play 2 hrs a day.
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BW why are you doing this to your PAYING CUSTOMERS?


Because they are experienced in developing single player PC games. I would expect that their "rodeo head honcho Monday morning meetings" go something along the lines of this:


Well you see we think that MMOs should work like blah blah blah blah blah there will be pizza for the guys who stay late to moderate the forums blah blah blah. We fully believe in our vision and are unwavering in that fact, we know that you also blah blah blah blah more pizza blah.


[insert EA rep]: This game had an initial investment of over $200 million dollars. Post launch we have done little more then to increase our monthly expenses and decrease our average monthly paying subscribers. We have also seen a dramatic increase in both cancellations and abandoned accounts, indicating a sharp decrease in both monthly and annual revenue. We, EA, are in the process of re-evaluating the position of this title.


[bioware guy]: Hey everyone we're going to change the world! Don't worry, you'll all have a job when we use our experience from this [train-wreck] venture to launch our new product Mass Effect Online! I can guarantee that this new title will be 100% different and we will have suddenly become a company renowned for it's MMO development prowess.

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Its just the fact that it says "pvP" is why pvpers roll on them. No self respecting pvper would roll on a pve server

Pffft fatman. Reroll on Jedi Covenant, we need less idiots on the rep side.


Going fatman over JC because JC is PvE.


When Mikedee responds to a thread, he never goes in casually; he comes with a premade geared to the max & Maurader ravages you to the face. In other words, he only knows one way to respond to anyone who doesn't agree with him. Don't take my word for it; look at his posts. So I wouldn't take anything he says personally; it's just the way he is.


Sorry I go HAM. It looks like a bunch of people agree with me too. Like usual.


Yea man, I moved to diablo 3, i have 90 days left, but kinrath is becoming a ghost town... Its so unfortunate

You will be missed. Everyone on KS will be. :D





If u guys have the time to spare to "reroll" all over again on another server (do the same quests, the same storyline, get gear, money, crew skills, etc, all over agains) , be my guest.


Since i have a life to take care of and cant stay logged 24/7 playing like a psycho, i rather just unsub and move on.


It was good while it lasted.

This is what it is. Was fun. Was a lot of fun...Can't lie fighting uncounted amounts of imps at ilum. Talking smack to Numbers and Ilucia every warzone. Bah trying to kite kookies, krimson, lrdprimus across VS. Got to the point where I had to start pvping on the forums because there is no pvp for my pubs. Where have all the good times gone :(

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Only in your opinion.


There is no opinion there, i log in various time periods and check. The only opinion here is yours. Fatman is far from the last viable server LOL.


Immediate need for transfer/ cross FLG/ Merges for various dying and dead server but you are exaggerating on a totally different level.

Edited by Stovokor
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There is no opinion there, i log in various time periods and check. The only opinion here is yours. Fatman is far from the last viable server LOL.


Immediate need for transfer/ cross FLG/ Merges for various dying and dead server but you are exaggerating on a totally different level.

Give it another week or two bro. I guess you can't read...tons of people are backing me on this. Get over your self. You are on a island by yourself. Only thing that will fix this is merges/transfers asap. Don't even think cross server q's would. Because almost every server is completely dead.

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Give it another week or two bro. I guess you can't read...tons of people are backing me on this. Get over your self. You are on a island by yourself. Only thing that will fix this is merges/transfers asap. Don't even think cross server q's would. Because almost every server is completely dead.


This is your tile : Fatman The last Stand Server...Already?

Your opening line : Game has been out for 6 months. Is it really time to go down to 1 server? I saw a post saying that Fatman is the server that most players are taking their last stand on...BW?!?


Don't backtrack now and change your tune to future events.


You get over yourself, you saw a post & the decided to make another post to raise the drama level LOL?? Even people posting on this thread are saying otherwise regarding other servers with viable populations. I am on the same boat asking Bioware to react now to population issues. I just have issue with the exaggeration ..ie If almost every server is completely dead 1 mil people must be on Fatman


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Don't backtrack now and change your tune to future events.


You get over yourself, you saw a post & the decided to make another post to raise the drama level LOL?? Even people posting on this thread are saying otherwise regarding other servers with viable populations. I am on the same boat asking Bioware to react now to population issues. I just have issue with the exaggeration ..ie If almost every server is completely dead 1 mil people must be on Fatman


You are truly a fool. L2Read. There were 3 options on this thread. 1 PVP option for US. 1 PVE option for US. Some EU server too. In case you didn't realize BW is lying about their numbers. They are lucky to have 400k in US subs now. I guess you vote how your church tells you to also? I guess you are the 99% of bad.


Was that you I just ran over? Sorry let me back up and help you...

Edited by mikedee
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Just like how Bloodfin was the Unofficial East Coast PvP server, The Fatman is the Unofficial PvP server. Bria can diaf. BTW, how's Veela doing, lol Bria.


Born and died on Bloodfin :) I picked the server I'm on because IRL friends were playing there. Now no one plays there lol I wish I would've stuck with my gut feeling and continued my toon I orignally started on Fatman. Oh well, now I'm going to make money playing D3.

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You are truly a fool. L2Read. There were 3 options on this thread. 1 PVP option for US. 1 PVE option for US. Some EU server too. In case you didn't realize BW is lying about their numbers. They are lucky to have 400k in US subs now. I guess you vote how your church tells you to also? I guess you are the 99% of bad.


Was that you I just ran over? Sorry let me back up and help you...


I read fine, your point of references kept changing. In addition to being an oracle I see you are branching out into conspiracy theories on Bioware. GJ. Below is something a bit more balanced from someone who is taking the effort to get data rather then wild conjecture.



Fleet is not any good indicator of population. If anything, it's a poor estimate of population because the levelling process doesn't have too many quests on the fleet. You'd be better off in Coruscant or Dromund Kaas.


The *best* way is for the fine folks at http://www.torstatus.net to do the work for you OR to census both sides of your server by level band using /who.


For what it's worth, here are today's top 20 US servers.



The Fatman (PvP US East) Population ≈ 2102.5

Jedi Covenant (PvE US East) Population ≈ 1180

The Harbinger (PvE US West) Population ≈ 940

The Swiftsure (PvP US West) Population ≈ 870

Drooga's Pleasure Barge (PvE US West) Population ≈ 840

Canderous Ordo (PvE US East) Population ≈ 800

Ajunta Pall (RP PvP US West) Population ≈ 690

The Ebon Hawk (RP PvE US East) Population ≈ 680

Lord Adraas (RP PvE US East) Population ≈ 680

Jung Ma (RP PvP US East) Population ≈ 670

Mind Trick (PvE US East) Population ≈ 560

The Shadowlands (PvE US East) Population ≈ 550

Zakkeg Beast (PvE US West) Population ≈ 550

Shadow Hand (PvE US East) Population ≈ 540

Darth Sion (PvE US West) Population ≈ 500

Krayt Dragon (PvE US East) Population ≈ 500

Sanctum of the Exalted (RP PvE US East) Population ≈ 500

Lord Ieldis (RP PvE US West) Population ≈ 500

Begeren Colony (RP PvE US West) Population ≈ 500

Vrook Lamar (RP PvE US West) Population ≈ 500


As a point of order, the numbers I posted are for the 24 hr average population over the last two weeks of characters that are actually logged in. So if you believe only 10% of the population is active at once, multiply those numbers by 10 - in which case Fatman might have 20,000 players. I have no real data about how much of the total population on a server is logged in at once either in terms of characters or subscriptions.



Edited by Stovokor
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Game has been out for 6 months. Is it really time to go down to 1 server? I saw a post saying that Fatman is the server that most players are taking their last stand on...BW?!? How did you guys ruin this great game that quickly? I am going to roll a toon here also. I am tired of no q's before 5pm. I am completely disgusted...might just unsub and blame it on maras! Just for the fun of it...Ravage crits you and destroys your server. Server is dead.

Like BW should even ask why people unsub when they don't deliver. Just shows how the population were waiting for anything to come out to give us a reason to get away from this game.


Wait until early summer when all the new MMO's come out, not to mention the WoW expansion in the Fall. There won't be a server left alive.

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....1 mil people must be on Fatman



1 million people are not playing this game. The server population tool you came out with has nothing but fictional numbers.


1.3 Million people where playing this game as of the end of March, this includes all of the asia-pacific servers they launched at the beginning of March. Since the end of March I have seen 3 servers go from 200+ in the fleet during prime time to 4 or less That's not 40, or 400...four (4).


I made a jump to Helm of Gaurash a month ago and since then the population has gone from @210 in the fleet during prime time to @30 as of lastnight.


Just looking at the experience above, and taking those numbers as a sampling. Servers that exist now with a "high" population are a complete and total anomaly.


Regardless of attitude on the forums, people are running and screaming away from the game, at speed. Sure people will stay, people still play WAR. It doesn't mean that it's a great game and everyone else is wrong. It just shows that some people have not taste.


...you know, like eating at Waffle House, Chilis, or a 99. Some people will eat anything.




Oh, and lastly...



I haven't paid for this game since March. My sub, that I paid for, ran out on March 23rd. As of right now, I STILL have another 20 days left on the sub. Why? Because they keep giving me free time.


When the next sub numbers are released, will I be considered an active sub? If so, it's a freaking lie to the public and to the shareholders.

Edited by Ossos
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I read fine, your point of references kept changing. In addition to being an oracle I see you are branching out into conspiracy theories on Bioware. GJ. Below is something a bit more balanced from someone who is taking the effort to get data rather then wild conjecture.

That is debate able. Since you think you are right and don't read posts around you here you go.

So here is what I notice: There are a bunch of well populated servers in the standard range, who could easily be heavy to very heavy population wise if people would re-roll on them. Servers like Jung Ma, The Ebon Hawk, pretty much any of the ones in the top ten when you arrange by population.


Instead of a good distribution of people re-rolling on these servers, now everyone and his brother appears to be re-rolling on The Fatman, so that it is Full with a queue, because no one apparently wants to take second chances by getting burned by ending up on a dead server again.


So, please, at least consider one of the other top ten servers, rather than having 130 people on Fatman's Tython.


More servers can be saved and brought up to that level!

But we will not get burned a second time. Most of us don't want to reroll once. Reroll twice LAWLZ!


We do not know the full details about how the server transfers go, but in terms of East Coast US servers, would it be a stretch to predict that the two most sought after servers would be Jedi Covenant and The Fatman?


After playing on a PvE Server [The Shadowlands], I have found out that a PvP server would best suit myy playstyle and interest, but if I am not able to transfer from a PvE to a PvP server, then I will do what I can to transfer to Jedi Covenant which is a PvE East Coast server. I am also assuming that the majority of PvPers would want to goto Fatman to be on a more vibrant server.


Jedi Covenant and Fatman are nearly always in the Heavy/Very Heavy stages in terms of server status and there are times where Fatman even gets into the Full stage.




I saw the press reports on the 400k subscriber drop and the ‘spin’ on it being as expected, casual gamers etc. that concerns me as it seems like ‘stick your head in the sand time.’Bioware, you are not listening! So I thought I would put my perspective as I am soon (sadly) to be joining the 400k that have left.



Oh really that is a ton off a week ago.

So yeah, not saying that EVERYONE will want to transfer to these two servers, but is it a stretch to believe that the majority of players are going to want to transfer to Jedi Covenant/Fatman?

Funny people stating what I am. BW didn't have 1.4 million when they said they did. They probally had around 800k. Every day we are losing tons of people. So to think we have 400k is hard for me even.

I feel sorry for people you like you. Stovokor you are why people think everyone in US is a sheep. Get in line and get told what to think.


Here is some facts.

1. The most discussed thing on the forums atm isn't class balance or how gear looks. It is about dead servers and people not being able to play.

2. It's not our fault the game is failing. It is BW's. Sorry if they thought they can give us what they want to. That we shouldn't keep them to the standard that even free games are.

3. People rerolling are not going to anywhere but Fatman or JC. Like I have previously said. I am a pvper so only Fatman is a option.

4. The numbers of subs is going down daily. The charts you show. That they lied about to their boards to inflate how well they are doing. Is what we call UGOTROLLEDNOOB. If you believe them.


Wait until early summer when all the new MMO's come out, not to mention the WoW expansion in the Fall. There won't be a server left alive.


By the time 1.3 comes out and they have no more fake subs to lie about. You will see a number that blows you away. US i will guess 200-400k total.

1 million people are not playing this game. The server population tool you came out with has nothing but fictional numbers.


1.3 Million people where playing this game as of the end of March, this includes all of the asia-pacific servers they launched at the beginning of March. Since the end of March I have seen 3 servers go from 200+ in the fleet during prime time to 4 or less That's not 40, or 400...four (4).


I made a jump to Helm of Gaurash a month ago and since then the population has gone from @210 in the fleet during prime time to @30 as of lastnight.


Just looking at the experience above, and taking those numbers as a sampling. Servers that exist now with a "high" population are a complete and total anomaly.


Regardless of attitude on the forums, people are running and screaming away from the game, at speed. Sure people will stay, people still play WAR. It doesn't mean that it's a great game and everyone else is wrong. It just shows that some people have not taste.


...you know, like eating at Waffle House, Chilis, or a 99. Some people will eat anything.




Oh, and lastly...



I haven't paid for this game since March. My sub, that I paid for, ran out on March 23rd. As of right now, I STILL have another 20 days left on the sub. Why? Because they keep giving me free time.


When the next sub numbers are released, will I be considered an active sub? If so, it's a freaking lie to the public and to the shareholders.


This guy like hundreds of thousands that have quit. Will prove you wrong bro.

Edited by mikedee
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1 million people are not playing this game. The server population tool you came out with has nothing but fictional numbers.


1.3 Million people where playing this game as of the end of March, this includes all of the asia-pacific servers they launched at the beginning of March. Since the end of March I have seen 3 servers go from 200+ in the fleet during prime time to 4 or less That's not 40, or 400...four (4).



Oh, and lastly...



I haven't paid for this game since March. My sub, that I paid for, ran out on March 23rd. As of right now, I STILL have another 20 days left on the sub. Why? Because they keep giving me free time.


When the next sub numbers are released, will I be considered an active sub? If so, it's a freaking lie to the public and to the shareholders.


Actually it was 1.3 million subs at the end March, not how many people were playing. It's fair to note as you did below that this included a lot of accounts that were given free time.


I loved the game at release so much so that I paid for a six month sub to it. I haven't done anything in the game for over 2 weeks and canceled my sub before 1.2 even went live. I'd bet money though that since I still have game time left BW is counting my account as an active account.

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Actually it was 1.3 million subs at the end March, not how many people were playing. It's fair to note as you did below that this included a lot of accounts that were given free time.


I loved the game at release so much so that I paid for a six month sub to it. I haven't done anything in the game for over 2 weeks and canceled my sub before 1.2 even went live. I'd bet money though that since I still have game time left BW is counting my account as an active account.


Of course they are. You like the rest that canceled are happy customers too if you ask them.

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Your server is a PvE server.... Most good PvPers won't consider playing on a PvE server. Sorry bro just the way it is. I was interested can't lie.


Why do you think a lot of us are on PvE servers. For the very reason you stated (good PvPers don't go around telling people they are good, btw, just the ones who think they are good do this).


I can only imagine what the playerbase on The Fatman (especially Imperial side) is like. Cesspool of 4chan internet memes and "your mom" references.

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