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Can SWTOR be Saved ?


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I'll respond with this thread (which was quickly closed), but yeah - other games (including the ones that trolls crowed would kill this one) have problems too, and I'm sure the "serious gamers" will be blasting those games' shortcomings and foretelling their untimely demise as well shortly (if they're not already). Edited by GreySix
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Lasted a lot longer than this game will...


If you're talking about maintaining a subscription population level similar to SWG, absolutely not. Just because 50k people post NGE loved that game, didn't mean it was relevant on any level.

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Oh look another doomsday thread. I'm sorry but still over a million players constitutes as a game that is about to die to you?


When only 30k of them ever log in concurrently,spread out over 150 servers, yes.

Edited by islander
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When only 30k of them ever log in concurrently,spread out over 150 servers


A word about numbers... I estimate that there's about 86k people logged in to 216 servers as a 24h average over the last two weeks. That includes averaging in dead slack times with peak times.


# of Servers

PvP= 81

PvE = 111

RP PvP = 6

RP PvE = 18


Estimated Average 24h Population By Server Type Over The Last 2 Weeks

PvP ≈ 25,743

PvE ≈ 46,883

RP PvP ≈ 3,460

RP PvE ≈ 9,910


The long story of how I've estimated these numbers is here:



and the data it came from is publicly available here.




I can see the numbers dropping over the last few weeks - but that's not news to me, or BW, or anyone.



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Whether the game can be saved or not is all up to how fast they get server transfers up, most mmos have a point of no return, when they drop past that they never really recover and end up in limbo, where good games poorly managed linger on life support where even if they are totaly fixed they never fully recover, i would hate to see another game go the way of Vanguard.
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I'm not sure "Saved" is the word, because I'm not sure it was ever in danger.


From what I see it has a strong player base that is more than profitable for BioWare, according to their early demarcation of 500,000 subs per month to be profitable. That most likely also didn't mean 500,000 subs to "break even", it meant 500,000 subs to be profitable enough to keep running the service and delivering content on schedule.


Yes, players have left, but I have a hard time believing that many of these players wouldn't have left anyway. Some people don't want to play an MMO for years... they want to consume a game for its content and then move on to some other game and its content.


And of course with the SWTOR practice of allowing your old toons to stay intact until you return, I'm sure a number of them left to go play other games with the intention of coming right back to the game the moment Chapters 4-6 are released, or the new space project, or what have you.


What's most important is to realize we're still in the first 6 months of this game, and no one... no one... has the capacity at this point to say either way what will happen. Don't confuse all of those bloggers and reporters on whatever game blog you read to be truth... they are mostly opinion as to what will succeed and what will fail.


Most of the people who post that "this game will fail" or "this game has failed" don't even seem to understand the game much, or have any patience or any concept of how complicated software development is, and how it isn't the same predictable process as car mechanics and repair.


Maybe a year into the game's history we can start seeing a little more clearly. Maybe 3 years into the game's history we can make predictions about how long it will last or its overall trend.


Trying to make those in the first 6 months is just futile and a worthless effort... unless you just like to see yourself type...

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I would say no I use to hope they would add things to fix the game now I hope it dies and someone else can make a real star wars mmo. I could list tons of reason this game missed the mark but here is my main. MY JEDI CAN'T CRAFT A SABER BUT MY DROID CAN ROFL !!!!!!!!!
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If you're talking about maintaining a subscription population level similar to SWG, absolutely not. Just because 50k people post NGE loved that game, didn't mean it was relevant on any level.


Cant rate a game qualtiy on subscription numbers, IMO.


Justin Beiber sells out concerts but that does not make him an artist.


Its all just marketing, advertising and selling to the main stream market. Look at how many players left WoW for this game but WoW before this was their only game, what do they have to compare it to?


I am not saying this game is bad or WoW is bad, I am just saying that subs dont necasssirly reflect the gameplay itself.

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Cant rate a game qualtiy on subscription numbers, IMO.

Yes you can. If people think it's good, they'll play it, so lots of people playing it must mean there's something enjoyable about it. Logic!



Justin Beiber sells out concerts but that does not make him an artist.

Yes it does. If lots of people like him, they buy his records, thus he is a successful artist. Logic!



Its all just marketing, advertising and selling to the main stream market. Look at how many players left WoW for this game but WoW before this was their only game, what do they have to compare it to?

Obviously they have WoW to compare it to. The biggest selling MMO in history. So they compare it to the only game they know in the same genre which happens to be hugely successful. Logic!


I am not saying this game is bad or WoW is bad, I am just saying that subs dont necasssirly reflect the gameplay itself.

The above was already answered. With logic! :eek:

Edited by chaosdefined
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SWTOR only needs "saving" if it drops below 500,000 paying subscriptions. That's the number EA or BioWare threw out there as the "profitability" line.


Of course I'd hope that EA/BW wants to see bigger numbers than that and, if they do, I imagine they'll do what they believe are the right things to make that happen.

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Great post OP. Pretty much sums up my feelings. I hope the game can be saved but I really doubt it. IMO the dev team is out of touch with what people want in a game. Likely a result of spending so long working on the game but it feels like 1.2 was an addition of what the community yelled the loudest for (guild bank, combat logs) and even then it still wasn't enough to keep/make the game fun at endgame.
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Nothing is wrong with this game this early in its life, it launched far more smooth than WoW did, and even smoother than D3 just did yesterday for those who were following it


server transfers will come and fix the imbalance of servers issue, the other issues will be worked out as fixes are found for them


Incorrect two times.


They over reacted on launch and went too far with rolling out too many servers. They should have just raised caps and left it at that for the North American servers. They've diluted the playerbase too much. They need to merge servers.


Server transfers are all well and good but it is the wrong approach to fixing the population issues. Diluting thriving communities is the wrong approach, and giving free transfers to low population servers will only make them more dead. Take two or more Light/Low population servers and combine their entire populations until you have a servers with a solid population that is consistantly Standard or Heavy.

Edited by Evangelist
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SWTOR only needs "saving" if it drops below 500,000 paying subscriptions. That's the number EA or BioWare threw out there as the "profitability" line.


Of course I'd hope that EA/BW wants to see bigger numbers than that and, if they do, I imagine they'll do what they believe are the right things to make that happen.


Its not too late. Definitely wait 2 month, give another free month to see if people are still interested.

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Incorrect two times.


They over reacted on launch and went too far with rolling out too many servers. They should have just raised caps and left it at that for the North American servers. They've diluted the playerbase too much. They need to merge servers.


Server transfers are all well and good but it is the wrong approach to fixing the population issues. Diluting thriving communities is the wrong approach, and giving free transfers to low population servers will only make them more dead. Take two or more Light/Low population servers and combine their entire populations until you have a servers with a solid population that is consistantly Standard or Heavy.


Ya because raising the caps and causing server overload which would most likely lead to a crash and make the game unplayable is a better solution than opening up servers and letting everyone play. And people keep throwing the word logic around in this thread....

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Your only logic is spouting off that X-Server LFG is the utopian way of life and everything should abide by it or it will fail


Logic is knowing that a same server lfg tool will not work because it has not worked in any games before that were far more suited to a same server lfg tool than this game is.

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Maybe Bioware has a goal and they are the developers, not you, not me. Just because "you" want something doesn't mean "you" should always get it.


Thing is if "I" and "we" all unsub before that goal is achieved then it's all for nothing. I'm not one of those people yelling "give me rated WZ or I will unsub!". The game is new and will have problems. The priority on fixing those problems or even identifying them is what will make or break the game.

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If you want to keep playing, re-roll


If you don't want to re-roll, come back in the summer.


Go burn yourself out on D3 for awhile, SWTOR will be here when you get back.


This is my current strategy. My sub runs out in 33 days, so if they can't get us close to ready to transfer by then....nah, they will :)

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Maybe Bioware has a goal and they are the developers, not you, not me. Just because "you" want something doesn't mean "you" should always get it.


If their games sub numbers are dropping like a rock and their goal was to make a game that would compete with and beat wow then how can you say that they are not out of touch with what mmo players want in a game.

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Maybe Bioware has a goal and they are the developers, not you, not me. Just because "you" want something doesn't mean "you" should always get it.


They have every right to spend their time and money on whatever they want, but if a growing player base is their goal (which you would hope it is), then they may not want to be so cavalier as you are suggesting. Listening to customers and providing them with a product that they want, is a great way to make money. Just a thought... make sense? Or have you not every been in business, had a job, sold anything to anyone? I am sure you have so this shouldn't be a foreign concept. They aren't the government. They really do want lots of customers to pay for their product long term. Listening to them is wise and usually will pay nice dividends, literally.

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