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The Force Café: A Community Hangout


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I am sad to announce that I will be leaving probably when my subscription is up next month. :<

Not because of the game or bugs, but because I can't afford to pay for the game right now.

So much sadface. :(


No matter what, I hope that everything works out for you, and all for the best.



I'll take a Quad of Espresso Beans with some of the Funky Force Sauce :)

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I am sad to announce that I will be leaving probably when my subscription is up next month. :<

Not because of the game or bugs, but because I can't afford to pay for the game right now.

So much sadface. :(


We'll be here when you come back,,,,with a nice tall drink to welcome you back...:)

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Hello, everyone. You might remember me from before this thread was created or from the earlier pages of The Force Café! I've been really busy with other games like Halo and Pokémon, but I'm gonna start going on SWTOR again because I can't ignore the awesomeness of the game nor this thread! :D
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*Wipes down the bar/lunch counter, then writes the weekly specials on the chalkboard*


Barbecued Bantha steaks. "Steaks the size of speeders, barbecued to perfection."


Hot Turkey Sammich. "Your choice of Light or Darth meat. Comes with mashed potatoes and gravy."


Schwarzwälderkirschtorte "Decadent enough to make a Jedi blush."


Corellian Chamomile.


As always, the chefs, baristas, and bartenders take requests!


And a special Force Cafe "Bravo" to Ryan and Dorkman!!

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I don't even know the state of things right now lol.


Not much has changed from my point of view so far. But you would get answers across the board.

I do have to say that I have a tad less time lately to play myself, so I tend to do solo planet stuff mostly, sometimes grouping for heroics there.

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I finally got my in-laws out of my house so now i will hopefully have a little more time to play. 10 days is way ti long for a "visit" and frankly i need a stiff drink figuratively and literally! Anyway i have only been doing my PvP dailies and then only sporadically but i hope to catch up on my class quest soon.


On a different note. Glad your still hanging around Brosephine.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I was getting tired of seeing my own name on my subscription page, crap im gonna be there again now. Hopefully not as long this time. Can someone at least bring my a drink to pass the time?

*Passed you some Jawa Juice* :cool:


There you go! Hopefully we also see some more activity in this thread because of 1.3. :)

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*Sets a mug of some foamy blue something in front of Cynoman...the glass mug beginning to warp and melt*

Good Luck. I saw a Wookie manage to drink that once. Once.


*smirks and writes the specials on the chalkboard*


Fizz-wizz "Not THAT kind of wizz...cheese wizz"


Tuskan TareTare


Bothawui Bagels with Cream Cheese Blend.


Garden salad with Moisture-ranch dressing.


Jawan Jerked beef. ".......no...not that kind of...oh for Force's sake..."

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Oooowww my head, all those green smilies did me in!


Bartender, how bout a little "hair of the dog" for this hangover? No?


Ok then, order me up the special of the day, and water-- lots and lots of water--in a clean glass this time!

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Two Jawa Juice and a Bantha Steak, coming up. One Blue Plate special and lots of water.


*quickly whips up the orders for the customers, then writes the specials on the chalkboard*


Kashyyyk Key Lime pie.


Chiss Cheesecake.


Nerf-burger. "Alderranian Swiss cheese with sautee'd mushrooms"


Taris Tequila. *One Tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor*


!!Huttball special!! 50 hyperspace hotwings, onion rings, chili-cheese Dagobah dogs, and 3 pitchers of Dantoine Draft. This weekend only!! Games in High Def-Hologram!!

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