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Valis: pretty invincible


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Oh look an abandoned mining facility with an elite, killed plenty of them bef-----WHOOOOOAOMGLOLWFTBBQ!


So.....someone wanna please explain to me how I'm supposed to beat a boss that can interrupt me pretty constantly, push me practically a mile away & eat up a crazy hunk of my HP with lightning while I'm running back to him?


Let's not forget how he stuns/paralyses me with what looks like Force Choke.


At least it's relatively believable, seeing who his father is...........soooooo?

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I am glad I never read this before this specific mission; I did it yesterday with a level 25 Jedi Knight and was able to take him down on the first run (though Kira did get taken down, but lasted a good while). I used everything I had and had a some strength stim left over from earlier. I am guessing the key is the interrupts that I spammed during the fight. :o
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Furthermore, WTH uses med packs? How do you even go about equipping that crap? You have to use one or your slots or something? Seems stupid.


Status....5 seconds? PLEASE. Try 10, THAT would actually make a useful difference as 5 seconds is barely enough for 2 attacks. I've gotten him down to 30%-40% HP roughly so far.....so yea.


KICKING DOESN'T INTERRUPT **** HE DOES. I've already tried that multiple times....as often as I can when I expect him to lightning or something....doesn't stop it.



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Speaking outta sheer frustration before, I can now very happily say that yes, Force Stasis helped. While I do still wish it would last longer, that COMBINED with Heroic Moment & my inherited Force Storm+messing with some of Kira's abilities+Command Stim did it after bout 5 tries.


Still not easy. Future players be warned, but yea.


On to the next one....

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KICKING DOESN'T INTERRUPT **** HE DOES. I've already tried that multiple times....as often as I can when I expect him to lightning or something....doesn't stop it.





Uh.... 'expect him'? You mean you are kicking before there is a cast bar? It only works on a cast. When you see the cast bar come up, you kick. It stop the cast, and locks him out of that ability for a few seconds. It won't prevent him from casting it unless you interrupt it. Also, use stasis as a second interrupt, to stop his big damage casts. The fight is actually a lot easier than you think.


He was a pretty challenging boss, the first time through, until I learnt to interrupt.

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Furthermore, WTH uses med packs? How do you even go about equipping that crap? You have to use one or your slots or something? Seems stupid..


I'm confused....you don't even know how to use a med pack??? Is this the first...uhm...video game you've ever played?


Edit: wait, I see you've got higher level characters in your sig. How do you NOT know how to use a med pack?

Edited by Cerion
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I'm confused....you don't even know how to use a med pack??? Is this the first...uhm...video game you've ever played?


Edit: wait, I see you've got higher level characters in your sig. How do you NOT know how to use a med pack?


Cuz I had an awesome Sorc who could very awesomely self heal with Dark Infusion & Innervate. I had no use for those silly packs, chuckled at players who had to use em, never paid em any mind.

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Cuz I had an awesome Sorc who could very awesomely self heal with Dark Infusion & Innervate. I had no use for those silly packs, chuckled at players who had to use em, never paid em any mind.


Welcome to every non-healing class of every game to have classes. That's a pretty silly mindset considering how important they are.

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I'm confused....you don't even know how to use a med pack??? Is this the first...uhm...video game you've ever played?


Edit: wait, I see you've got higher level characters in your sig. How do you NOT know how to use a med pack?


Well, no wonder you've had so much trouble with Valis. You're used to playing easy-mode class. Welcome to the rest of the game.

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why is it people think someone who is simplistic at best is OMG IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!!! when everyone gets past them with ease when they do anything more then drooling on their keyboard.



EVERYTHING in this game is beyond simple, just interrupt his long cast and he does 0 damage to you. Its just getting to the point its not longer funny its just sad how bad players have becomes since wow make skill a non factor in MMOs.

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Cuz I had an awesome Sorc who could very awesomely self heal with Dark Infusion & Innervate. I had no use for those silly packs, chuckled at players who had to use em, never paid em any mind.


So, how's that working out for ya?

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i did it on my guardian without dying during my first attempt, but i just got lucky. i happened to have to end the convo early sop i had to walk up close to huim to reintiate it, and then i had to run away from him to force charge in, and during that time he got kira to less than a quarter hp(at the time i figured that him nearly immediately killing kira was just a fight mechanic), and then i proceeded to wipe the floor(that i couldnt see it was so dark) with his ***, interrupting his light strikes, and i forgot i even had force stasis.
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I've battled Valis 3 times now. I understand everyone's comments on this one...but it's really a lot easier than it looks. Except if you were watching that YouTube clip linked to before....in which case it would be just as easy as it looks....


The first time i did it I was a Sentinel barely at L25. It took me 2 nights of solid gameplay and furious googling to get it done, and i barely scraped through with Kira in a coma. It took a lot of skin-o-my-teeth interrupting and medpacking (previously i hadn't realised interrupting was an option....)


Second time, i did it reasonably comfortably at L24 as a Guardian, using the same technique i had as a Sentinel.

I just beat him a third time as another Guardian, this time at L22. I had 80% health remaining at the end of the fight, Kira hadn't lost any health at all.


Summary....Valis is no harder than any other elite. He simply does more damage. He is a great lesson for anyone not overly familiar with TOR.

Edited by i_am_sancho
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