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The nerf bat goes to...


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Lately I've been really getting into PvP and I've been hanging around alot of PvP'ers as well. I've also been checking the PvP forums before I log into to see if anything interesting is going on there


What have I discovered?


PvP'ers are generallly the whinest and biggest group of cry babies I've ever seen. Whenever a class 1v1 ones them there always overpowered or something stupid like that. Do you know how many times I've heard in vent or in game chat "F that class its so OP, can't wait for them to nerf that guy". Why is it that the PvP community always cries out for nerfs for other classes in any situation where they are beat by on?


Bioware please be the first MMO that ignores the PvP community's cries for nerfs to other classes because nerfs have unintended consquences. For example nerfs destroy a class in PvE or at least makes it very difficult for them to do their job. Also it isn't fun to log in and play a class that is gimped because lets be honest, I've never seen a fair nerf


To the PvP'ers out there, stop crying "Nerf!" and start doing research and learn a class weakness. Tired of Pyrotech Powertechs killing you? Cordinate with a sniper on a ramp to focus fire him while you have a Merc kite him around in the open area in Huttball. Problem Solved


Seriously I'm tired of everyone whining about OP classes or FOTM classes - play what class you like and use strategy to kill other players, not asking for a nerf

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Lately I've been really getting into PvP and I've been hanging around alot of PvP'ers as well. I've also been checking the PvP forums before I log into to see if anything interesting is going on there


What have I discovered?


PvP'ers are generallly the whinest and biggest group of cry babies I've ever seen. Whenever a class 1v1 ones them there always overpowered or something stupid like that. Do you know how many times I've heard in vent or in game chat "F that class its so OP, can't wait for them to nerf that guy". Why is it that the PvP community always cries out for nerfs for other classes in any situation where they are beat by on?


Bioware please be the first MMO that ignores the PvP community's cries for nerfs to other classes because nerfs have unintended consquences. For example nerfs destroy a class in PvE or at least makes it very difficult for them to do their job. Also it isn't fun to log in and play a class that is gimped because lets be honest, I've never seen a fair nerf


To the PvP'ers out there, stop crying "Nerf!" and start doing research and learn a class weakness. Tired of Pyrotech Powertechs killing you? Cordinate with a sniper on a ramp to focus fire him while you have a Merc kite him around in the open area in Huttball. Problem Solved


Seriously I'm tired of everyone whining about OP classes or FOTM classes - play what class you like and use strategy to kill other players, not asking for a nerf


^^ Mostly agree. OP'd classes are usually only OP'd based on the skill level of the player. However, there are a few classes/spec that have far fewer vulnerabilities when compared to every other class/spec (almost to a point where player skill becomes less of a factor as they experience their class/spec more). I don't believe any class has "god-mode" like many people do QQ about, but there are some that can excel far more efficiently in multiple dimensions than many people feel they should. I won't bother mentioning which class(es)/spec(s) I feel need some form of attention (in hopes to prevent this from becoming a QQ thread), but I can honestly say the the only one(s) I feel need some attention, I also happen to play.

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Lol it just annoys me because now whenever someone plays well in a match there "OP" instead of being a good player


I've even heard people say operative dps needs one more nerf - which makes no sense

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Correction, pve'rs are the ones crying on the pvp forums about class balance.. when they post in pve forums they call for buffs, when they come to the pvp forums they cry for nerfs. Real pvp'ers don't cry about class imbalance, they know the bads and pve'rs who try to pvp will do it for them, they simply adapt in the mean time.
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Lately I've been really getting into PvP and I've been hanging around alot of PvP'ers as well. I've also been checking the PvP forums before I log into to see if anything interesting is going on there


What have I discovered?


PvP'ers are generallly the whinest and biggest group of cry babies I've ever seen. Whenever a class 1v1 ones them there always overpowered or something stupid like that. Do you know how many times I've heard in vent or in game chat "F that class its so OP, can't wait for them to nerf that guy". Why is it that the PvP community always cries out for nerfs for other classes in any situation where they are beat by on?


Bioware please be the first MMO that ignores the PvP community's cries for nerfs to other classes because nerfs have unintended consquences. For example nerfs destroy a class in PvE or at least makes it very difficult for them to do their job. Also it isn't fun to log in and play a class that is gimped because lets be honest, I've never seen a fair nerf


To the PvP'ers out there, stop crying "Nerf!" and start doing research and learn a class weakness. Tired of Pyrotech Powertechs killing you? Cordinate with a sniper on a ramp to focus fire him while you have a Merc kite him around in the open area in Huttball. Problem Solved


Seriously I'm tired of everyone whining about OP classes or FOTM classes - play what class you like and use strategy to kill other players, not asking for a nerf


I agree people need to learn to play there roles

Some Class's are not a dps class so if your not a dps class dont cry that you cant do dps.

Some Class's are not a CC class so if your not a CC class dont cry that you cant CC

Some Class's are not a Tank class so if your not a Tank class dont cry that you cant tank

Some Class's ohh to heck with it I hope you all get my point ...


People need to learn that each and every class has a specific role. If you dont play that role properly you wont do well. DONT expect a healer to own a player 1v1 .. thats simply not there role.

To often I see people crying because they cant do something another class can, most often indirectly but boils down to this..

Otherwise Bioware you might as well delete all class's and just make 1 class that everyone can play. so everyone is exactly the same .. but sadly even this wont stop the QQ'ers, then they will cry nerf people with better systems then me its no fair QQ, QQ, QQ

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Bioware please be the first MMO that ignores the PvP community's cries for nerfs to other classes because nerfs have unintended consquences. For example nerfs destroy a class in PvE or at least makes it very difficult for them to do their job. Also it isn't fun to log in and play a class that is gimped because lets be honest, I've never seen a fair nerf


Too late kiddo. Please go read patch note 1.2.


Sorc had too much burst (lol) and marauders were completely underpowered pre-1.2 right?


Only few nerfs that were justified imo. e.g 9928 Hidden Strike, 6.8k backstab, 6.2k eviscerate. not including acid blade dots. (before some bad operative jumps in and call lies

of pre-nerf OPerative).
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Lately I've been really getting into PvP and I've been hanging around alot of PvP'ers as well. I've also been checking the PvP forums before I log into to see if anything interesting is going on there


What have I discovered?


PvP'ers are generallly the whinest and biggest group of cry babies I've ever seen. Whenever a class 1v1 ones them there always overpowered or something stupid like that. Do you know how many times I've heard in vent or in game chat "F that class its so OP, can't wait for them to nerf that guy". Why is it that the PvP community always cries out for nerfs for other classes in any situation where they are beat by on?


Bioware please be the first MMO that ignores the PvP community's cries for nerfs to other classes because nerfs have unintended consquences. For example nerfs destroy a class in PvE or at least makes it very difficult for them to do their job. Also it isn't fun to log in and play a class that is gimped because lets be honest, I've never seen a fair nerf


To the PvP'ers out there, stop crying "Nerf!" and start doing research and learn a class weakness. Tired of Pyrotech Powertechs killing you? Cordinate with a sniper on a ramp to focus fire him while you have a Merc kite him around in the open area in Huttball. Problem Solved


Seriously I'm tired of everyone whining about OP classes or FOTM classes - play what class you like and use strategy to kill other players, not asking for a nerf


I agree with this. I get tired of people in my guild complaining about such and such class being OP. Depending on the class I play I can complain about any class giving me a hard time and ironically my least favorite match up on my sniper is a juggernaut... which on my assassin, powertech or sorcerer is my least problematic class. It's all on perspective, which is another reason I like to play all the classes to see all the sides to the arguement.

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I agree people need to learn to play there roles

Some Class's are not a dps class so if your not a dps class dont cry that you cant do dps.

Some Class's are not a CC class so if your not a CC class dont cry that you cant CC

Some Class's are not a Tank class so if your not a Tank class dont cry that you cant tank

Some Class's ohh to heck with it I hope you all get my point ...


Hmm actually according to BW, all ACs across the board can be spec as DPS, and they claimed the dps when properly specced will be within 5% of each other across all DPS capable AC (yea thats all 16 of them).


I didnt do an extensive research on the dps difference all ACs... but from my experience DPS Juggernaut vs Marauder... is the jug really only 5% dps behind the marauder? I sincerely do not think so.

Edited by warultima
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Hmm actually according to BW, all ACs across the board can be spec as DPS, and they claimed the dps when properly specced will be within 5% of each other across all DPS capable AC (yea thats all 16 of them).


I didnt do an extensive research on the dps difference all ACs... but from my experience DPS Juggernaut vs Marauder... is the jug really only 5% dps behind the marauder? I sincerely do not think so.


On my Server the top 2 players are Juggernauts and they generally do a full 2 times the damage of the top Marauders for what its worth, which suggest that its much more about skills than builds.

Edited by Zataos
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On my Server the top 2 players are Juggernauts and they generally do a full 2 times the damage of the top Marauders for what its worth, which suggest that its much more about skills than builds.


I have no idea what you are smoking there but I'd love to see parses from something that pulls 200% of the marauder DPS. BTW that would be at least 3000 dps.

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Just because some calls for a nerf are unwarranted does not mean all nerfs/buffs are. They have been and will continue to be needed at times to make all classes viable and playable in PvP.


If you always ignore ALL calls for balance by labeling them all QQs then you will end up with most people playing the one class that they have found to be superior to the others.


This makes for boring PvP with groups made up of just one or two classes.


I agree these need to be applied in an intelligent, well thought out way so you don't overly gimp a class that makes it not viable in PvP or PvE*. Some have claimed this happened to the Operative.


*One way to nerf/buff for PvP so it does not effect PvE is to bolster all PvPers with the same basic stats upon entering a WZ and just get rid of the PvP gear grind all together. This would also make the balance process much easier too, because gear stats would not have to be considered. Part of the calls for nerfs comes from a new player facing a well geared opponent before they have a chance to get that gear.


The whole attraction to PvP to me is matching my skill with another live persons skill. Gear progression skews this and just makes for "God Mode" players feeding their ego by dominating the noobs with less gear. If you are really a hardcore "Pro" player you should not be afraid of facing an opponent on a equal footing.


Just equalizing the gear stats for everyone would go a LONG way to reducing calls for class nerfs!


Gear progression and "God Mode" is for PvE not PvP. IMHO.

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almost any truly PVP focussed players are already long gone from the game.. the crying on PVP forum is from people that are doing PVP because it is easier to access than trying to find groups for endgame PVE (unless of course u are on one of the many many completely dead servers, in which case u are just doing dailys if for some odd reason u are still playing)
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I agree people need to learn to play there roles

Some Class's are not a dps class so if your not a dps class dont cry that you cant do dps.

Some Class's are not a CC class so if your not a CC class dont cry that you cant CC

Some Class's are not a Tank class so if your not a Tank class dont cry that you cant tank

Some Class's ohh to heck with it I hope you all get my point ...


People need to learn that each and every class has a specific role. If you dont play that role properly you wont do well. DONT expect a healer to own a player 1v1 .. thats simply not there role.

To often I see people crying because they cant do something another class can, most often indirectly but boils down to this..

Otherwise Bioware you might as well delete all class's and just make 1 class that everyone can play. so everyone is exactly the same .. but sadly even this wont stop the QQ'ers, then they will cry nerf people with better systems then me its no fair QQ, QQ, QQ


This post makes the most sense in the whole history of posting! The whole point in having different classes is, different roles. Different strenghts and weaknesses. Yes, YOUR class is weak at somethings. Guess what, other peoples classes are weak at some things to. And guess what again, your class MIGHT be strong at something another class is weak at!!!


I play a Sorc, do i expect to beat a guardian at a lightsaber fight? Noooooooo!! Do I expect said guardian to beat me without the use of his/her lightsaber.....noooooooo!


It's not even a case of L2P, it's a case of learn to think


Edited by chimex
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