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I love SWTOR PvP! i love everything about it, each time i get a pop it's making me so happy.


when i think about how ranked warzones could be with cross server and how the rating system could be, honestly its

making me shake, imagine how awesome this game will be when they fix


1. server populations

2 ranked warzones

3. world PvP

4. maybe a guild battle system???


This game have so much potential it makes me sad when i see all QQ threads about ppl leaving as i am myself on a low population server.


I got 1 conqueror and 3 bm, and sometimes play on my lowbies for low lvl PvP when 50 PvP is dead.


Isn't there anyone else that LOVE this games PvP??!

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I love it :)


A) Starwars


B) fast and furious combat


C) distinctive art style that I love


D) interesting WZ (huttball)


E) I'm looking forward to the evolution and introduction of ORVR!


F) All those haters out there just can't keep me down.

Edited by Odahviin
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I love the game, and especially pvp, fits nice with family playing 1-2 hours /night. Getting little better gear, but will never reach maximum gear. I am also playing BH arsenal spec, wich prob is the worst in the game, but i like its playstyle and try to be as god as possibly considering the time i can spend. And in the next patch hopefully get a boost. And the storyline leveling up is just hilarious. So as a recreation it is great.

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I love it :)


A) Starwars


B) fast and furious combat


C) distinctive art style that I love


D) interesting WZ (huttball)


E) I'm looking forward to the evolution and introduction of ORVR!


F) All those haters out there just can't keep me down.


Oh yeah baby, just like SWG, does not matter how much the F up the game, i'll play the star wars crap till they shut the servers down.

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Jup, enjoying it very much here as well. Never was much of a PvP'er in other MMO's but this one's got me hooked. :)


It's called the grindfest. The most basic mmo mechanic, just put some insane grind in, and there will be morons who will grind it.

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Thank you OP, I'm very happy to see a non-QQ thread for a change. Just looking at the first page of the threads I'm seeing people crying that every class is horrible and unfair, and every class is over powered.

It makes me /facepalm.

As for PVP I still love it and play it a lot. I'm also looking for to changes to it in the future and believe we have a long way to go still.

As a reminder however, don't get discouraged by the QQ's, we'll always have them in this and every other MMO. Quite frankly we need them at times to keep the devs on their toes.

Edited by AvariceDaemon
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after playing lots of MMOs and WoW for years


i can say this pvp is the best


no GoD mode healers

Awesome efects and animations

Exploitable Landescape not just some flat land.

no 1 man army clas/spec that can solo 2-3 players at once. ( yeah talking about mages rogues in WoW right now )

No ultimate Twinks.


it needs some work

it needs some fixing

but They are WORKING on it.

i damn Love it ( playing a Sith Sorc )

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It's called the grindfest. The most basic mmo mechanic, just put some insane grind in, and there will be morons who will grind it.


Just curious... who the **** are you to put down what others might WANT to do?

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I love it too. The only reason I play SWTOR is PVP aspect. I love how the 10-49 bracket is designed too. I wish we could have higher caps on the WZ commendations, but the current WZ system is still better than pre 1.2
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I enjoy the PvP. Are there parts that are frustrating? Yes. But you know what? It was aggravating to run outside of a city in UO only to get ganked by a PK or a monster and have half of your gear stolen. It was frustrating running solo through the frontiers in DAoC only to jumped by a full team of no-talent uber OP stealthers. It was maddening playing BGs for 7 years straight only to continuously lose because Blizz didn't know how to balance and because I was handicapped more than anyone else just because I chose to play a Hunter.


But once you get past the frustrain, all that remains is fun. And that's what PvP should be all about. Its the "poor me" sad sacks and the e-bullies that screw up the games with all their nonsensacle complaining about how they can't lord over less "skilled" (as if there is really skill in pushing buttons at appropriate times) in arena settings or because they pay $15 a month that they shouldn't have to put in the time and effort against other people like they'd have to for gear obtained in operations. Compete and enjoy the fun.

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I love SWTOR PvP! i love everything about it, each time i get a pop it's making me so happy.


when i think about how ranked warzones could be with cross server and how the rating system could be, honestly its

making me shake, imagine how awesome this game will be when they fix


1. server populations

2 ranked warzones

3. world PvP

4. maybe a guild battle system???


This game have so much potential it makes me sad when i see all QQ threads about ppl leaving as i am myself on a low population server.


I got 1 conqueror and 3 bm, and sometimes play on my lowbies for low lvl PvP when 50 PvP is dead.


Isn't there anyone else that LOVE this games PvP??!


I love it too. I rarely do anything other than PvP at this point, even with rerolls. Granted, I play on Jung Ma were it rarely takes more than 5 minutes for the queue to pop and the factions are fairly balanced.

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The combat system for PvP in SWTOR is excellent (except for Resolve). So there is a good foundation to build something from.


However, everything else in PvP is lacking:


-Factions are imbalanced (and should really just be eliminated at this point).

-There is pretty much no OPvP at all, and that type of gameplay certainly is not encouraged by BW.

-WZs are played out. We need like 3-4 more of them with different team formats, 12v12, 16v16 to make them interesting again.

-No Cross-Server Queues. Without those Ranked WZs are a waste of time and many people on low pop servers can't even PvP.

-Horrible gear progression system based on a broken Expertise stat.


If PvP combat itself wasn't so fun, I would have left a long time ago. I hold out hope for something better in SWTOR PvP, but each Patch things get worse. So the foundation for good PvP is there, but everything that follows is pretty much garbage.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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