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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Which is your favourite companion for Marauder?


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I will be curious to see if your opinion changes on one of those two Companions as you get closer to level 50 (as far as the class story goes).


If we are talking which do I prefer to use (which is different than which is my 'favorite companion'), I'd say Quinn, since his heals make pretty much everything outside of the +4 Black Hole daily quest trivial.

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I really want to use Jaesa for the romance and affection gain, but I've found it to be very hard to play without Quinn.


Quinn's a moron though, spends too much time DPS'ing and not healing. Vette, on the other hand, does damn near the same DPS as I do. I just burst harder.

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Quinn's a moron though, spends too much time DPS'ing and not healing. Vette, on the other hand, does damn near the same DPS as I do. I just burst harder.


Learn to use your companion? Just turn off the DPS abilities and all Quinn would do is healing. :confused:

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I've used Jaessa the most after I got her. Second would be Quinn as I wouldn't have to worry about affection loss from sithy dialogue choices. Broonmark is pretty good for tanking. I might use Quinn more often if could manage to spec him out a little better, or get enough command stims. Currently I find my self having trouble with elites and higher.
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Leveled with Vette till 50. Never used another companion. Mobs go down extremely quick and unlike Jaesa she has no downtime while switching targets, stays out of trouble AND seems to hit harder. Oh and she's always good for a laugh. I married her :D
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Leveled with Vette till 50. Never used another companion. Mobs go down extremely quick and unlike Jaesa she has no downtime while switching targets, stays out of trouble AND seems to hit harder. Oh and she's always good for a laugh. I married her :D


Any tips on this? I want to level as a Marauder with Vette as well, but I find that without Quinn I feel like I'm being beaten into the dirt and have to heal quite often. Would you suggest a specific profession or is it just a case of patiently medding after every fight?

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Any tips on this? I want to level as a Marauder with Vette as well, but I find that without Quinn I feel like I'm being beaten into the dirt and have to heal quite often. Would you suggest a specific profession or is it just a case of patiently medding after every fight?


I had a Watchman Sentinel already, so I knew pretty much everything about this class (learned it the hard way). With my sentinel I had serious problems until I got my healer as well. I was actually about to give up (like many sentinels back then), but I kept playing wih Kira as my companion until I finally knew what to do.

My tip: Specc Annihilation and use ALL of your abilities. You have SO many awesome stuff to your disposal. Always use your Smash, use Pommel Strike whenever it's up, kite heavy guys around with your slow and DoTs, always use berserk, when it's up. Use Force Choke against elites (lil tip for PvP: Use Force Choke if you have all you DoTs on them. Then use Berserk and Choke. With good gear they'll loose about 5-6k)! Use Retaliation! And specc the talent that makes it reduce the CD of Cloak of Pain. Always use Cloak of Pain, whenever you're against big groups or more than one Elite. If you get really big problems, use Intimidating Roar (disable Vettes AOEs first).

From Belsavis on, you'll have to heal now and then, but you'll get used to it. Against a group of normal mobs you should never ever get below 70% health. It really requires practice, but the longer you play, the more you get used to the class. Also, keep your gear up to date and gear Vette. You should NEVER die. So incredibly much stuff to survive. 4 (even 5, if you have a Light V toon) defensive cooldowns, should let you get out of trouble every single time. Use your relics if you need more burst. Buy stims, if you're not biochem, should be peanuts at higher lvls. If Vette is low after a fight, dont heal, just use your mount for a sec and she'll be full health (with all CDs back up). I don't know what else to say. Just practice, and you'll get used to it. It's actually WAY faster than leveling with a healer. My Concealment Operative just recently got 50, without using Lokin a single time.


Sry for my bad English and the wall of text :D

Edited by DynamiCtagez
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Learn to use your companion? Just turn off the DPS abilities and all Quinn would do is healing. :confused:



No, the AI on some of these guys is just plain fooked. I don't have major gripes with Quinn but I have literally turned off all offensive skills, stuck in medwatch, and even unequipped weapons on some healer comps at 50 only to watch them chase mobs around trying to slap them while I am at 50% and they have all c/d's available.


It's crazy frustrating. I don't want you to be a swashbuckling combat medic. I want you to be a bookish, effective one who doesn't like getting shot at or shooting at others. Just put bacta on me.


I haven't used a healer comp on any of my 50's in about 2 months as a result, so hey, it might be better now.

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Personality wise: probably Vette. Story and Romance wise: Jaessa Willsaam. Usefulness and leveling wise: Quinn. Coolness Factor: Broonmark. Pierce is okay, probably the one I'd romance if I was female. But if we ever get him back or in game, I'd probably use HK51 more just for the sake of having my own assassin droid. :d_cool:
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